Parish Education Committee Position PARISH GROUPS Assumption Parish Education Committee is looking for an individual to fill a vacant position on their board for the remainder of the 2013/2014 school year (and possibly beyond). The person filling this position would have special responsibility for marketing. The candidate should be a keen, enthusiastic person who works well with others in a board situation. Those eligible to hold office as a member of the parish education committee are practicing Catholics, approved by the Pastor, who are eligible to vote in that parish and have reached the age of twenty-one (21), with the following exceptions: Teachers and principal of the school. Past employees of the school until three full calendar years have passed since the termination of employment. Employees of the parish and/or school. Spouses, children, parents, brothers and sisters of persons covered as above. All other teachers/principals employed by C.I.S.V.A. If you are interested in this position, please contact Fr. Edwin Neufeld at [email protected] or call the parish and ask to speak with him. ALTAR SERVERS COORDINATOR Cathy Infanti 485-4142 ASSUMPTION - GIFT SHOP HOURS Sundays 10am—11am Sharon Stedman 485-5072 CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE President Gail Formosa 485-2439 Funeral Catering Midge Strueby 485-5009 Bookrack Margaret Colman 485-3036 Meetings held the first Thursday of the month in the Conference Room, P. Centre after 7pm Rosary/Mass in Assumption Church. CHOIR DIRECTORS 9am Mass Donna Beauchesne 485-7579 11am Mass Antoinette Knight 485-4353 7pm Mass Fran Schweitzer 485-4990 CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Joan Munson Wednesdays 9:30am 483-3118 DIVINE MERCY CENACLE Jeanne Sadler 485-4751 FAITH & LIGHT Lu Wuthrich 483-4587 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Grand Knight Rolland Desilets 485-4442 Website: Meetings are held 2nd Monday of the month Conference Room, Parish Centre at 7:10pm K. OF C. 4TH DEGREE Faithful Navigator Omer Ouellette 485-1230 MARANATHA PRAYER GROUP Meets on Wednesday at 7:30pm in the Conference Room, Parish Centre. All welcome. Don & Charlene Bourcier 485-9595 PARISH LIBRARY Check bulletin notice for details. Linda Belanger 483-9547 PREP COORDINATOR Rachelle Warman 485-5656 PRO LIFE SOCIETY 483-1891 email: [email protected] PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN COORDINATOR Nadine Desilets YOUTH COORDINATORS Sr. Youth Noeleen Owton 414-7228 God Squad VACANT Book Study for Women Anyone interested in a small group to study Pope John Paul’s “Letter to Women”, please call Pat Clark at 483-9982. We will do this study during Lent and depending on YOUR schedule, we can form groups. LOST & FOUND BOX We have a LOST & FOUND box for missed place items. It is located on the shelf in the vestibule. To date— three men's baseball caps, two knitted men's toques, pair of ladies leather gloves, one ladies earring, reading glasses and a child's St Joseph's missal. Thank you for all your help. Report on Parish Centre Building Fund Collection January Collections Payments ($5000+INT) $ 4, 272.73 $ 5,447.12 Loan Balance at the end of January 2014—$160,000 SECOND COLLECTIONS FOR FEBRUARY 2014 TODAY—February 2nd—BC Catholic February 16th—Parish Centre Building Fund Sacrificial Offerings January 26th 2014—3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Envelope Donations $ 3,773.50 Loose $ 199.60 Envelopes Used 222 Average Donation $ 17.00 ***May God Bless you for your Generosity*** ire & rs’ Cla Siste address: Rose Domus Mariae Convent, 94 Xatt is - Sajjieda M' Xlookk Z T N 1304 Malta, Europe Church of the Assumption 7109 Glacier Street Powell River, British Columbia V8A 1R8 Telephone: 604-485-5300 Fax: 604-485-5460 Pager: 604-414-9225 Email: [email protected] Parish Website: Pastor: Fr. Edwin Neufeld Assistant: Fr. Dass Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] TODAY’S READINGS Sunday, February 2nd, 2014 The Presentation of the Lord Page 185 Mal 3: 1-4 / Heb 2: 10-11, 13b-18 / Luke 2: 22-40 HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS SUNDAY MASSES St. Gerard’s Church—Wildwood Saturday 4:30 pm Assumption Church Sunday 9 am & 11 am, 7 pm Sacred Heart Church—Sliammon Sunday—11:30am WEEKDAY MASSES Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 am—Stat holidays @ 9am Friday 9:00 am Saturday 9:00 am First Fridays Assumption Church 9 am & 7 pm EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesday after 8:00 am Mass First Fridays Assumption Church after 9am Mass till 10pm RECTORY & OFFICE Office Hours: Monday - Friday from 9 am - 3 pm Closed from 12:30-1:00pm Statutory Holidays—OFFICE CLOSED PARISH CENTRE—Manager Alan Lacourciere 485-5126 For bookings, please call rectory ASSUMPTION SCHOOL (K - Gr. 9) 7091 Glacier Street, P.R., BC V8A 1R8 485-9894 485-7984 Website: Principal Mrs. Mimi Richardson PEC Chair Loretta Netter 485-7586 ASSUMPTION PRE-SCHOOL for registration or information Sherry Pagani 414-5470 SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 11:00 am—12 noon Sunday 6:30 pm—6:50 pm 15 mins before Weekday Masses ROSARY Before each Weekday Mass Rosary-St. Gerard’s Thursday 7 pm Living Rosary Betty Hoy 485-6850 Seniors’ Rosary Thursdays 2 pm, Assumption Church BAPTISMS By appointment, please call Rectory Office MARRIAGE Parishioners planning to be married must contact a priest at least four months in advance. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS Please come & register at the office which is the building above the school. Or call 485-5300. The Presentation of the Lord February 2nd, 2014 P Sunday, February 2nd, 2014—The Presentation of the Lord St. Gerard’s Church—Saturday (Anticipated) RAY for the suffering, sick & 4:30pm † Silvano Mastrodonato deceased in our parish. Assumption Church—Sunday If you know of anyone in the parish who 9:00am † Aldo Meret needs our prayers and wishes their name on the 11:00am For all the Parishioners list, please call the rectory. 7:00pm † Daniela Sternadel Remember in your prayers—The Sick: Sacred Heart Church—Sunday Bernice Anstett, Allan Behan, Isobel Behan, Marguerite 11:30am For Sisters Claire and Rose Bell, Kay Bennett, Bridget Bigold, Verna Bogoslowski, MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK OF Geraldine Braak, John Braak, Bruno Canil, Mary CasFebruary 3rd—9th, 2014 tellerin, Eva Cserey, Yolande Chamber, Maria Ciarniello, Monday, February 3rd—St. Blaise; St. Ansgar Pasqualina Cucovaz, Barry Cutler, Mary Dobie, Thomas (2 Samuel 15: 13-14, 30; 16: 5-13a / Mark 5: 1-20) Dobozy, Catherine Dunn, Peter Egberts, Anna Fiore, Na8:00am † Donald McIntyre talie Formosa, Raymond Formosa, Kyra Fougere, Gerald Tuesday, February 4th—Weekday Garneau, Gilles Garneau, Reine-Aimee Garneau, Rose (2 Samuel 18: 9-10, 14b, 24-26a, 30—19: 3 / Mk 5: 21-43) Gatt, Bob Goehring, Victor Grech, Davina Grundle, Joyce 8:00am † Ludwig Elsbett Gueret, Emma Hagel, Marie Hall, Mabel Harry, Shirley Wednesday, February 5th—St. Agatha Harry, Lillian Hill, Betty & Simon Hoy, Alex Hurrie, Dean (2 Samuel 24: 2, 9-17 / Mark 6: 1-6) Jantz, Michelle Jones, Margaret Kovacs, Sandra Lahey, Bar8:00am † Billy Tsekas naby Ling, Jennifer Lockstead, Bea Mastrodonato, KathThursday, February 6th—St. Paul Miki & Companions leen McCarthy, Elizabeth McDonnell, Patricia (1 Kings 2: 1-4, 10-12 / Mark 6: 7-13) McDonough, Brian Mendieta, Sylvia Miller, Sylvia Moreau, 8:00am † Jacqui Mullin Marcel Nadeau, David Neugebauer, Nora Neugebauer, 7:00pm For Mary Ann & Larry Johnston Anna Nowakowska, Lennox Oyer, Louis Pagani, Laura Friday, February 7th—Weekday Passek, Leah Paton, Shanti Payne, Rudy Pearson, Hermine (Sirach 47: 2-11 / Mark 6: 14-29) Pfister, Karla Piazza, Frank Rigby, Gertrude Rivest, Jane & 9:00am † Joe Agius Stella Rogers, Ida Rumley, Rhonda Schreurs, Guido Sciber10:30am-OD † Cecile Charpentier ras, Rollande Simard, Jane Stanyer, Paul Stroomer, Elide 7:00pm For Anna Massullo Sturam, Jane Tanti, Sandy Therrien, Lina Vallee, Lorne Saturday, February 8th—St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Villani, Rob Villani, Harry Wikman, Alicia Wilson. Josephine Bakhita; Blessed Virgin Mary The Deceased—Armand Pinel, Michael Pfister, Maurice (1 Kings 3: 4-13 / Mark 6: 30-34) Timothy 9:00am † Hugo Steiner Sunday, February 9th, 2014—5th Sunday of Ordinary Time 8 (Isa 58: 6-10 / 1 Cor 2: 1-5 / Matt 5: 13-16) Page 196 St. Gerard’s Church—Saturday (Anticipated) 4:30pm † Pat Ciarniello Assumption Church—Sunday 9:00am For all the Parishioners 11:00am † Joe Sturam 7:00pm † Michael Penny Jr. Sacred Heart Church—Sunday 11:30am For Fr. Hamilton FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION Friday, February 7th, 2014 we will have twelve hours Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. If you can commit to a specific hour please sign up in the vestibule of the church. Please join us for Benediction at 9:50pm to end adoration. Altar Servers February 3rd—8th Weekday Mornings Garrison & Austin Franklin February 9th, 2014 Sunday 9:00am David Infanti, Mark Hamilton, Etienne L. 11:00am Mark & Stephen Anderson, Dustin Fair 7:00pm Justin Auclair and Christian Pedersen Lectors February 8th, 2014 St. Gerard’s Church 4:30pm Stan Sierpina February 9th, 2014 Assumption Church 9:00am Fraser Field 11:00am Edith Hickey 7:00pm Mary Maguire Greeters February 9th, 2014 9am—Hawryluks Sunday 11am—Spensts 7pm—Bullocks ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEK of February 3rd, 2014 ASSUMPTION BINGO Monday, February 3rd, 2014 Wednesdays in Assumption Gym 7:00pm CWL Executive Meeting, Board Room, A. C. Doors open at 5:00pm. 7:00pm 9am Mass Choir Practice, Assumption Ch. Games start at 6:15pm. Tuesday, February 4th, 2014 Come with a friend and have fun. 1:30pm Cenacle Meeting & Prayer, Church Meet Rm. 2:00pm EARLY DISMISSAL 7:30pm RCIA Class, Lounge, Assumption Centre Maranatha Prayer Group Presents: 7:30pm 11am Mass Choir Practice, Assumption Ch A 133 minute film Wednesday, February 5th, 2014 “Restless Heart” Lunchtime Basketball game—Students vs Staff The confessions of Saint Augustine. 6:15pm Parish Bingo, Assumption Gym Wednesday, February 12th @ 7 pm 7:30pm Maranatha Prayer Group, Conference Room St. Joseph’s Hall, Assumption Centre Thursday, February 6th, 2014 Country Western Day All Welcome! 2:00pm Rosary, Assumption Church 3:00pm 7pm Mass Choir Practice, Assumption Church 3:45pm PREP Classes, Assumption School JOIN US FOR 7:00pm Men’s Ministry, 7122 Glacier Street 7:00pm Rosary @ St. Gerard’s Church, Wildwood PANCAKE BREAKFAST 7:30pm CWL Regular Meeting, Conference Room made by the Knights of Columbus Friday, February 7th, 2014 TODAY—February 2nd, 2014 10:00am 12 Hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, TIME—9:00am to 11:30am ONLY until 9:50pm. Followed by Benediction. in St. Joseph’s Hall, Parish Centre Basketball Free Throw, sponsored by K. of C. Adults $5 Families $15 Good Food - Good Fellowship - Join us!! Saturday, February 8th, 2014 11:00am Confessions , Assumption Church. Sunday, February 9th, 2014 CWL Executive Meeting—Monday, February 3rd @ THANK YOU 7pm in the Board Room, Assumption Centre. I would like to thank all of you who knitted or Regular Meeting—Thursday, February 6th, followcrochet the hats for Lebanon babies. Our parishing 7pm Mass, in Conference Room, Assumption Cenioners made 230. Thank you again. tre. Pierina Canil Sewing Bee on Tuesdays in Board Room from 10am Lucky 7 Booth Donations Extra! Extra ! If you find a good sale grab something for The Lucky Seven Booth and drop it off at the rectory! We accept all NEW items except religious and clothing. Kindly bring them to the rectory office, clearly marked “Lucky 7”. We thank you so much for your cooperation. VOCATION LIVE-IN On the weekend of February 14 - 16, there will be a Vocation Live-In for boys or young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC. For more information call 604.826.8715. to 12 noon. Welcome! We need someone to take over the Legislation position within the CWL. It is a great position, if you are interested, please call Gail @ 604-485-2439. CWL membership dues for 2014 are due—$30. Please drop in collection, mark CWL dues. Thank you! Provincial CWL offers 2 bursaries—Molly Boucher and Life Members Arts & Culture Award. Go to http:// for more info to apply. Deadline is March 31sth, 2014. Or call Donna @ 485-7579. Pilgrim Statue is visiting Maria Pagani. Welcome the Pilgrim Statue , along with Mary’s many blessings, into your home. Call Margherita @ 604-485-6503. Check out the updated CWL provincial and national websites at:
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