United ChurchWomen Sunday Sunday, January 19, 2014

United ChurchWomen Sunday
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Mountainview United Church Mission Statement
“Welcome to Mountainview United Church – a spiritual family
embracing diversity and offering Christian worship, fun, fellowship
and opportunities to serve our community and beyond.”
WELCOME! Visitors expected!
Please ask about nursery care and Sunday School. Washrooms are
located in the hallway between the Sanctuary, our area of worship,
and the gymnasium. Hearing enhancements are available from our
ushers. Hand sanitizers are located in convenient locations around
the church. Following worship, we hope that you will join us in the
gymnasium for coffee and conversation.
Hymn Books Used: VU = Voices United; MV = More Voices
Bible: NRSV= New Revised Standard Version
Responses in bold = spoken in unison
*asterisks : Please rise in body or in spirit
Welcome and the Life and Work of the Congregation
*Call to Worship
Arise! The Light has come!
We have each struggled through the world of darkness.
But our prayers have been answered for God has sent us the Light!
We praise God for the gift of Christ the Light!
We raise our voices together proclaiming the wonders of God!
Glory be to God!
“Put Peace into Each Other’s Hands”
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading: John 1: 29 - 42
“Songs of Thankfulness and Praise”
VU 101
(Children, please gather with Rev. Dwain at the front during last
Time for the Young and Young at Heart
Gathering Music
Prayer of Approach (In Unison)
O God, you sent Jesus to spread the good news of your saving love
to the ends of the earth. Give us receptive hearts to the light which
Christ sheds upon our lives so that we may follow his path and in
turn lead others to the one who taught us to pray,
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil for the
kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever.
MV 173
United Church Women (U.C.W.) of Mountainview: Executive2014
Shirley Nicholson
Past President
Marion Muirhead
Recording Secretary
Margaret Jarvis
Assistant Secretary
Janet Morgan
Corresponding Secretary
Marg Seebach
Cards & Flowers
Jean Bowman
Peggy Kelly
Norma McQuillan
Unit II Leader
Shirley Nicholson
Unit III Leader
Elizabeth Young
Purpose of the U.C.W.
To unite women of the congregation for the total mission of the
church and to provide a medium through which we may express our
loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study,
fellowship and service.
Words of Gratitude
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 1: 1 - 9
Ministry of Music:
“You Raise Me Up”
“Following and Leading”
B. Graham and R. Lovland
VU 400
The UCW Thanks our friends of UCW:
Betty Adams, Leona Knash, Lynn Butler, Barb Legg, Gwen
McNeil, Ruth Overholt, Gail Price, Carol Dawson, Judy
Gittings, Jill Goebel, Nancy Hayden, Sue Morrison, Evelyn
Tipson, Carol Zinck
Doris Chown, Kathy Combe, Gwen Graham,
Norma McQuillan, Dorothy Mitchell, Norma Poole,
Ruth Symons, Ina Wiley, Heather Winterburn
Unit 2
Margaret Blewett, Cathy Bullen, Jean Bowman,
Margaret Ehlert, Ruth Fickes, Doreen Greaves, Peggy Kelly,
Helen Kinnear, Lois Klassen, Margaret Lawrence,
Darla MacLean, Janet Morgan, Shirley Nicholson,
Eleanor Stewart, Nancy Swayze
Prayers of the People
Invitation to Offering
Unit 3
Offering Hymn:
VU 540
Grant us, God, the grace of giving with a spirit large and free,
that ourselves and all our living we may offer faithfully.
Prayer of Dedication
Invitation to Prayer:
Lord, listen to your children praying,
Lord, send your Spirit in this place;
Lord, listen to your children praying,
send us love, send us power, send us grace!
After the service, please join us for cake, coffee and
“Deep in Our Hearts”
MV 154
Dorothy Armbrust, Muriel Bennett, Birdell Brittain,
Rose Anne Elliott, Judith Fetter, Sheila Gilllis,
Margaret Jarvis, Wendy Moes, Marion Muirhead,
Brenda Radue, Marg Seebach, Ann Smith,
Audrey Smith Lois Starfield, Norah Sypes, Dawn VanDun,
Elizabeth Young
Commissioning and Benediction
The flowers placed in the Sanctuary this morning, by
the UCW, are in honour of our absent friends.
Reader: Shirley Nicholson
Announcements: Judith Fetter
Duty Person: Nancy Hayden
Mountainview United Church is open Monday to Friday 9:00 to noon
150 Glendale Avenue
St. Catharines ON L2T 2K1
(905) 682-0944
email: [email protected]
website: www.mountvw.com
Minister: Rev. Dwain Ketcheson email: [email protected]
Music Minister: Maria Shantz
Office Administrator: Judith Fraser
Please start giving some thought to your annual report. The
deadline for reports is January 26, 2014. The annual
meeting will be held on March 2, 2014. Thank you, Judith
Today is: UCW Sunday & we welcome Niagara Online Worship
Mountainview Trustees’ will meet immediately following the
worship service.
Monday, January 20: Mainstream is in Tuesday to Friday this week.
4:00 p.m.
Prayer Circle
Tuesday, January 21:
8 to 4:30
Mainstream Staff Training
1:00 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
“Badminton Beauties”
Wednesday, January 22:
8 to 4:30
Mainstream Staff Training
9:15 a.m.
Healthier, Safer, Stronger Older Adult Exercise
10:15 a.m.
Healthier, Safer, Stronger Older Adult Exercise
1:00 p.m.
Healthier, Safer, Stronger Older Adult Exercise
Thursday, January 23:
8 to 4:30
Mainstream Staff Training
12:45 p.m.
“Just for Fun” Bridge
5:30 p.m.
Study Group:
The Practice of Getting Lost
The Practice of Encountering Others
6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. Beavers
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Cubs and Scouts
7:30 p.m.
Friday, January 24:
8 to 4:30
Mainstream Staff Training
10:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
Healthier, Safer, Stronger Older Adult Exercise
3:15 p.m.
Saturday, January 25: Movie Night – “District 9” please see
description below
Sunday, January 26:
Conversation Café #3: Featuring Mountainview’s Board
If there is a severe weather event for a Sunday Service please follow
these guidelines:
1. If it is not safe to leave your home because of the weather
conditions, DON’T. There will not be a service that day. This would
happen if there is an ongoing storm or there are heavy amounts of
snow and they have not been removed from your neighbourhood.
2. If there is a chance that there will be a service because of more
moderate conditions please phone the following people after 8:00
John Sallmen, Board Chair 905-685-8149
Paul and Gail Price, Property 905-227-2356
The office will be open on Friday mornings.
If you would like to sponsor a bulletin to honour an event
or someone; or an ‘in memory of’’ please contact Judith in
the office. The cost to sponsor one Sunday bulletin is $15 to
OUT OF THE COLD: a message from your Outreach Team
Mountainview will be participating in “Out of the Cold” three
Wednesdays this winter.
Wednesday January 29, February 19 and March 19, 2014
Location: St. George’s Anglican Church, Church Street
The Outreach Committee has two requests:
1. We need 8-10 volunteers to serve dinner January 29 to the needy
in our community.
Time: 5.00 p.m. to approximately 7.00 p.m.
2. We are looking for a couple to remain on site for support and
supervision for the evening.
Time: approximately 8.00 to midnight
Please see Nancy Hayden, who will be in the gym after the service, to
answer questions and welcome volunteers.
Mountain Viewpoint submission date deadline is February 18, 2014
with distribution on Sunday, March 2.
Swiss Chalet Sunday Brunch Neighbourly Fundraiser: Our lunch
fellowship continues on Sunday, January 26. Tickets will be available
a couple of Sundays in advance of each of this date; please talk to
Wayne Dawson or Ann Howey. The tickets indicate the location
(Glendale Avenue Swiss Chalet), the amount of the donation to
Mountainview (Swiss Chalet donates 15% of the price of your meal),
and the valid date (any time of the day stamped on the front of the
card). The restaurant usually requires one ticket for each bill (it helps
with the book-keeping). These brunches in the past have offered
good fellowship, as well as a way of making a little money for
Mountainview. Please join us.
UCW Shaw Day
April 30, 2014
Luncheon at Mountainview at 12:00 p.m.
Performance starts at 2:00 p.m.
Tickets are $68 – the seats are fantastic!!
Please contact Ina Wiley for tickets: 905-688-4487
THURSDAYS from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
JAN. 16 – FEB. 20, 2014
An Altar in the World , By Barbara Brown Taylor
This stunningly beautiful book describes Barbara’s own spiritual
journey in which she finds that the stuff of our everyday lives is a
holy ground where we can encounter God at every turn.
She reveals concrete ways to discover the sacred in the small things
we do and see.
Jan. 23
The Practice of Wearing Skin
The Practice of Walking on the Earth
Feb. 6
The Practice of Living with Purpose
The Practice of Saying No
Feb. 13
The Practice of Carrying Water
The Practice of Feeling Pain
Feb. 20
The Practice of Being Present to God
The Practice of Pronouncing Blessings
To order a book (approx. $14) see Rosalene Sallmen or
e-mail Carol Bott [email protected]
Healthier, Safer, Stronger Older Adult Exercise Sessions
 strengthen balance
 improve strength & prevent muscle loss
 feel better
WEDNESDAYS @ 9:15 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. and 1:00p.m.,
and FRIDAY @ 1:00 p.m.
Hosted by: Niagara Region Community Programs
at Mountainview United Church
Movie Night: January 25
District 9: (2009) In 1982, a massive star ship bearing a bedraggled
alien population, nicknamed “The Prawns”, appeared over
Johannesburg, South Africa. Twenty-eight years later, the initial
welcome by the human population has faded. The refugee camp
where the aliens were located has deteriorated into a militarized
ghetto called District 9, where they are confined and exploited in
squalor. In 2010, the munitions corporation, Multi-National United, is
contracted to forcibly evict the population with operative Wikus van
der Merwe in charge. In this operation, Wikus is exposed to a strange
alien chemical and must rely on the help of his only two new ‘Prawn’
friends. Written by Kenneth Chisholm. This is a Sci-Fi Thiller; Rated
‘R’ for bloody violence and pervasive language; Runtime: 112
Duty Elders Wanted! We could really use your help – we are looking
for people to help with the role of Duty Elder. If you are interested
and you are looking for more information please contact Elizabeth
Young at 905-685-5708.
Mainstream will be renting space again this year for its annual staff
training on the following dates: January 21 to January 24 and
February 4 to February 7 from 8:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Correspondence: Mountainview received a thank you note from
Community Care for the 205 pounds of food for the Christmas
Program. Please see the entire letter on the bulletin board in the
January 19
Brenda Radue & Marg Seebach
Eleanor Stewart & Darla MacLean
January 26
BettyAnn & Rick Chandler
Madeleine Hoxie & Don Hunter
January 19
Peggy Kelly, Cathy Bullen, Norma Crowder
January 26
Barry Douglas, Marion Muirhead, Heather Winterburn
January 19
Elizabeth Young, Cathy Bullen, Ina Wiley, Sharon Sharpe, Peggy Kelly
January 26
Gladys Reed, Norah Sypes, Wally and Leona Knash,
Dawn vanDun, Barbara Legg, Wendy Moes
January 26
Kathy McNeil
Prayer Cycle 2013 – 2014
Harmony, Brantford – Erie Presbytery
“We make a vital contribution to the wider Brantford Community. Our doors are
always open to the community. Our building is used by various community groups
for band practice, yoga, breakfast club, school graduations and other events.”
Their mission: “to be a joyful, faith-directed congregation with a passionate
commitment to God, expressing caring and openness, with active participation,
both inside and outside the church.”
If you would like the Prayer Circle to pray for someone, or would like a
member/members to visit someone to pray with them, either speak to the Minister
or write the name of the individual below, tear this section off and place in the box
provided on the Narthex table.
Please Pray for:
Arrange a Prayer Visit with:
Telephone Contact (if prayer visit request):______________________
Your Name (optional): ______________________________________
Mountainview’s Copyright License number: 11126894