File - 大みかキリストの教会 Omika Church of Christ

コロサイ 第4章に登場する、パウロの同働者たちのスナップショット。
用いられ、パウロに信頼された奉仕者。(参照:使徒 20:4; エペソ 6:21; II テモテ 4:12; テトス 3:12。)
オネシモ(v.9) <役職放棄した逃亡奴隷>
アリスタルコ(v.10) <筋金入りの、パウロの戦友>
事は明白である。(参照:使徒 19:29;使徒 20:4;使徒 27:2;ピレモン 1:24)
バルナバ(v.10) <優しき巨人>
ユダヤ人。名前の由来は、『慰めの子』。聖霊によって異邦人伝道の先駆者としてパウロと一緒に選ばれ(使徒 13:2)、共
拒絶されたマルコをかばい、キプロス島へ退いた後(使徒 15:39)は、聖書の物語から忽然と姿を消す。(参照:使徒
13-15 章;1コリ 9:6;ガラテヤ 2:1,9,13)
マルコ(v.10) <恵みの内に立ち直った失敗者>
12:12,25, 13:13,15:37,39;II テモテ 4:11;ピレモン 1:24;1ペテロ 5:13)
ユスト (v.11) <孤独の中にある励まし>
パウロの異邦人伝道は、ユダヤ人の視点からは少数派の活動であったようである。パウロにとって、同族のユダヤ人である バル
げ出した後に再び戻ったマルコとは逆で、デマスは良く仕えていたのに、後に逃げ出してしまった。(参照:II テモテ 4:10;
ピレモン 1:24)
エパフラス(V.12, 1:7) <諸教会の柱>
ピレモン 1:23)
ルカ(v.14) <愛する医者>
かつ、福音伝道への熱意を持ったパウロの戦友である。(参照:使徒行伝(多数);II テモテ 4:11;ピレモン 1:24)
アルキポ (v.15) <フルタイム伝道者>
コロサイ出身の男性。パウロは、おそらくアルキポの事をエパフラスから聞いたのであろう。1:4 にある通り、エパウロがパフラスから
The Co-workers of Paul mentioned in Colossians 4
A Snapshot
Tychicus(v.7-8)<A Reliable Messenger>
A man from Asia (modern day Turkey). He sided with Paul when the uproar broke out in
Ephesus, so he knew Paul’s suffering first-hand. Paul habitually sends out Tychicus to carry
his messages to other locales; e.g., Ephesus, Crete, and Colossae. At one time, Paul sent
Tychicus to Crete so that Titus (the leader of the church) can, in turn, visit him. Tychicus
was a trustworthy and reliable co-worker to whom Paul can entrust his message and
leadership. (see: Acts 20:4; Eph. 6:21; 2nd Tim. 4:12; Titus 3:12)
Onesimus(v.9) <A runaway slave>
He is probably from Colossae, where he is a slave of Philemon. He caused some kind of
financial damage to his master and ran away from Philemon in fear of punishment, where he
encountered Paul in the process. Paul taught him the Christian way, and sent Onesimus
back to his master. This return trip may be what Paul is referring here by saying that
Onesimus is visiting Colossae with Tychicus. (See: Philemon 1:10)
Aristarchus(v.10) <Battle-hardened Fighter for the Gospel>
He is a Macedonian, from Thessalonica. He endured extreme hardship alongside Paul
accompanying his journeys. In Ephesus, he was arrested by the mob in uproar opposing
Paul and the gospel; Aristarchus experienced the shipwreck with Paul on their way to Rome
as well; and in our passage, he is imprisoned with Paul. Aristarchus is a warrior of faith who
never departed Paul’s side, and undoubtedly, Paul was encouraged by his presence. (See:
Acts 19:29, 20:4, 27:2, Philemon 1:24).
Barnabas(v.10) <A Gentle Giant>
A Jew. His name means “son of encouragement.” The Holy Spirit designated Barnabas and
Paul to carry the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 13:2), and he also was given the blessing of
approval from the Jerusalem Apostles (Peter, James, and John) with Paul. Undoubtedly, he
was one of the giants in the mission to the Gentiles equal to, and even more prominent than,
Paul. However, Barnabas withdrew to Cyprus with Mark when the young cousin was
rejected by Paul because of his abandonment of mission in their first missionary journey
(Acts 15:39). After this, Barnabas completely disappears from the scene. (See: Acts Chaps.
13-15; 1st Cor. 9:6;Gal. 2:1,9,13)
Mark(v.10) <A man who failed, but then came back useful>
A Jew. Mark’s mother, Mary, was a prominent member of the congregation tied closely with
Peter from the time of the church’s inception. Peter calls him “my son.” Mark grew up in a
Christian environment, witnessing the works of Barnabas who spearheaded the gospel. He
accompanied Barnabas and Paul in their 1st missionary journey, but because of his
abandonment of the mission, it caused an irrevocable tension between the two giants. This
incident was probably well known among the churches, and this gives the background of
Paul commanding the Colossian church to welcome Mark if he visits them. Later in Paul’s
final days, the apostle makes a request to have Mark at his side because he is useful. (See:
Acts 12:12,25, 13:13,15:37,39;2nd Tim. 4:11;Philemon 1:24;1st Peter 5:13)
Justus (v.11) <Encouragement in solitude>
A Jew. He is listed as one of the very few Jews who helped Paul’s mission to the Gentiles. It
is apparent that Paul’s approach to the Gentiles did not sit well with the Christian mission of
the Jews, by the Jews, and for the Jews. The Jerusalem apostles (James, John, and Peter)
did approve Paul’s mission to the Gentiles, but their areas of influence was clearly set apart
between the two races; they were not hostile against each other, but not very friendly either.
This, however, shows that the gospel of Christ advanced despite such racial barriers and
disagreements. In any case, Paul’s Gentile mission was not easy, and even lonely, and the
presence of Barnabas, Mark, and Justus greatly encouraged the apostle.
Demas (v.12)<A man who was useful, but then, failed.>
He is from the region of Macedonia, and probably from Thessalonica. He is consistently
mentioned alongside Mark, Aristarchus, and Luke. However, Paul mentions in II Tim. that
Demas abandoned him loving the world, and withdrew from Paul’s mission. It doesn’t
necessarily mean that Demas has abandoned his faith in Christ altogether, but his behavior
is opposite to that of Mark, who abandoned Paul first, but then, returned to serve him in the
end. (See: II Tim. 4:10;Philemon 1:24)
Epaphras(v.12, 1:7) <Pillar of Area Churches>
He is from Colossae, but Epaphras also toiled greatly to establish the churches in the
surrounding cities of Laodicea and Hierapolis. His efforts and sacrifice for the church was
such that Paul bears witness to them in his letter. Epaphras was probably a trusted and
well-known area-wide minister who had the heart to be considerate not only for a single
congregation of his own, but for many house churches in the area. (See: Philemon 1:23)
Luke (v.14) <Beloved Physician>
The name “Luke” is only seen in few references, but the so-called “we” passages in Acts
indicates that he accompanied Paul extensively in his missionary journeys enduring much
hardship with the apostle. He is the author of the Gospel of Luke, and also Acts. (See :
Acts;II Tim. 4:11;Philemon 1:24)
Nympha (v.15)<Let’s go to her house!>
She is probably a woman who made her house available for Christians to gather in Laodicea.
Because Paul mentions her name referring to the congregation, she may have assumed
some kind of leadership role, or at the least, known by the apostle as the representative of
the group. In the first century Christianity, churches often met in individual houses instead of
in an established “church” building. Nympha’s congregation was one of such gatherings.
Archippus (v.15) <A full-time minister>
Probably from Colossae. Although there was no hierarchical structure developed among the
church at the time, Archippus probably assumed some kind of official role designated by his
congregation. Perhaps a modern equivalent is the full-time minister/staff at a church.