January Crosswinds (newsletter)

S T. B A R N A B A S L U T H E R A N C H U R C H
Volume 31, Issue 1
January, 2015
Annual Meeting Convenes January 25,
Resumes February 1
Inside this issue:
Women’s Day Retreat
Small Group Ministries
January Gift of Love:
ELCA Malaria Campaign
Jazz & Organ Concerts
Youth Ministry News
The Marks of
Daily prayer
Weekly worship
Bible reading
Service in and
beyond the
• Spiritual friendships
• Giving time, talents,
and resources
The St. Barnabas Annual Meeting will take
place in two parts this year due to complications
caused by Pastor Wayne’s vacation and the
congregation’s By-laws.
Early last summer Pastor Wayne committed to
going on an alumni companion tour with the
Gustavus Adolphus Choir to England, Wales,
and Paris January 16-31. (see page 3) He did so
assuming that Pastor Jacqui would be present for
the Annual Meeting on January 25. That plan
got complicated when Pastor Jacqui accepted a
call to Alleluia! in St. Michael, but one would
think that the Annual Meeting could simply be
delayed until February 1.
Unfortunately, the St. Barnabas By-laws
specify that the Annual Meeting be held in the
month of January. The Church Council looked
at the possibility of moving the meeting earlier
in the month, but felt there would not be enough
time to print and distribute the Annual Report in
time for a meeting on January 11.
Rather than change the by-law for this unusual
circumstance, the Council has decided to meet
the stipulation of the By-law with a little bit of
parliamentary procedure.
At the conclusion of the 9:00 worship service
on January 25, President Andy Cossette will call
the Annual Meeting to order and then
immediately ask for a motion to recess until
Sunday, Feb. 1 at noon. A motion to recess is
not a debatable motion and requires just a simple
Assuming this motion passes, the Annual
Meeting of the congregation will resume at
12:00 on Sunday, February 1 in the Ministry
Center. The meeting will be a celebration of the
ministries in which St. Barnabas took part in
The agenda will include the usual items that
need the congregation’s attention at an annual
meeting — electing members of the Church
Council and approving the 2015 budget.
There will be updates on the sale of the
parsonage, the call process, and the Endowment
Fund. There will also be a report from the board
of Jordan Crossing and the dream of building a
residential hospice on the Jordan property.
Staff and financial reports are included in the
Annual Report. The Annual Report will be
available online on the St. Barnabas website.
Print copies of the Annual Report will be
available and may be picked up in the narthex
beginning January 18.
Lunch Begins at 11:00
A simple lunch will be available in the
Ministry Center beginning at 11:00. (This gives
those who attend the 9:00 service the opportunity
to come back for lunch and fellowship prior to
the meeting.) If you would like to help prepare
and/or serve the lunch, please contact Pastor
Community/Family Service Event Jan. 24 at
Feed My Starving Children
On Saturday, January 24 from 11:15-1:30 p.m.,
there will be an Inter-generational Service Event
at Feed My Starving Children in Coon Rapids
(401 93rd Av. NW).
Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit
Christian organization committed to feeding
God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The
approach is simple: children and adults handpack meals specifically formulated for
malnourished children. The meals are shipped to
nearly 70 countries around the world.
This is service event is open to anyone in the
congregation. Participants should meet at the
Feed My Starving Children site in Coon Rapids.
If you want to participate but need a ride,
indicate that when you sign up.
We have reserved 60 spots, but we need people
to sign up in advance so we know if we need to
release any of those spots for other groups to
use. Children under 12 must be accompanied by
their parents. The minimum age to volunteer at
FMSC is 5 years old.
Sign up at the Welcome Center or send an
email to Rose Umland
([email protected]). Please bring
a $5+ donation (optional) to help offset shipping
Volume 31, Issue 1
Page 2
Small Group Ministries
Pastor’s Class
Pastor Wayne leads a study each
Tuesday morning from 9:15-10:30.
Currently studying Brian McLaren’s
book, Why Did Jesus, Moses, the
Buddha, & Mohammed Cross the Road?
The Word for Women
A study group that meets on Thursday
mornings at 9:30. Currently studying An
Altar in the World by Barbara Brown
Taylor. Childcare provided. Beth Parks,
Theology on Tap
Pastor Wayne invites those who enjoy
pondering questions of faith and
theology to continue meeting on
Tuesday evenings from 7-8 p.m. at
Jake’s on 55 & Fernbrook. Contact
Pastor Wayne to get on the email list
[email protected].
Wine, Women & the Word
Eileen Mehl leads an informal
conversation on a faith topic at the
Green Mill (Hwy. 55 & 494) on Tuesday
evenings from 7-8 p.m. Contact Eileen
to get on the email list to receive the
topic for the week:
[email protected].
Wednesday Evening Adult Class
Meets in the Fireside Room from 6-7
p.m. during Lighthouse. Will be picking
a new topic on Jan. 7. Beth Parks, 763476-7959.
Understanding Classical Music
Meets Monday evenings at 7:00. On
break until March. Paul Nicholson,
Learn, Create, Enjoy
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month
from 6:30—8:00 p.m. in the Fireside
Room. Each person chooses their own
type of project and receives as much
help as is needed. Ione Botts, 763473-3238.
Art & Spirit
This group digs a little deeper into the
how and why of art… why we do it,
how we do it and the beauty that occurs
when art and God mingle. Participants
will make, look at and enjoy art
together once a month. Contact Holly
Bayer, [email protected] to get
on the email list.
Yarn & Coffee
People who love to knit or crochet
usually meet the 4th Thursdays at 9:30
a.m., working on prayer shawls,
baptismal shawls, or personal projects.
Next gathering is Jan. 22. Mary Pestel
First Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
Make quilts for local children’s nurseries.
Next gathering is January 2. All skill
levels are welcome. Audrey Johnson
LWR Quilters
Second and Third Friday of each month
at 9:30 a.m. making tie quilts for
Lutheran World Relief. All skill levels
are welcome. Rose Ann Parks, 763476-7959.
Women’s Day Retreat Set for February 28
Women of the St. Barnabas community are
invited to participate in a Day Retreat at St.
Barnabas on Saturday, February 28.
The theme of the day is “Following the Curve
Towards Health and Wellness.” The keynote
speaker will be Ruth Bachman, inspirational
speaker and author of Growing Through The
Narrow Spots. Here’s a little background about
Ruth —
A cancer survivor, mountain climber,
author, and inspiring presenter, Ruth
Bachman contributes her time, her resources
and her talents on behalf of cancer research,
education and advocacy, bringing a timeless
message to diverse audiences, about the one
constant in life -- change. She is an authority
on managing change with integrity, faith,
courage and grace.
In February of 2003, Ruth was a left-handed
woman, wife and mother in apparent good
health. She ate reasonably well, was
physically active, had annual checkups,
practiced meditation and yoga, attended
church regularly, and volunteered in the
community. Today, Ruth is all of those things
plus the grandmother of 4; except now, after
diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue
sarcoma, she is a right-handed amputee with a
renewed purpose for life - a mission to share a
message equipping individuals with the
perspective and resources necessary to
navigate the inevitable changes that occur in
life. No one and no thing is permanent - except
the presence of God.
Ruth’s book Growing Through the Narrow
Spots is more than a book about cancer. It is a
roadmap of sorts, encouraging the reader to
look closely and patiently at all of life’s
challenges - narrow spots - to discover the
resources, both internal and external, that are
present to help navigate the passage.
All participants will receive a copy of Ruth’s
book as part of their registration fee.
The retreat begins at 9:00 a.m. and concludes
with the Saturday worship service at 5:00 p.m.
Details are still being worked out, but the day
will include a continental breakfast, opening
devotions/prayer time, a creative activity,
healthy lunch, fun exercise options for everyone,
opportunities for relaxation, and two service
projects. (The service projects need donations of
new or gently used pillowcases, and new or
gently used flannel. Donations can be dropped
off at Rose Umland’s office.)
Cost for the retreat is $25. Sign up at the
Welcome Center.
This retreat is financially supported by a Parish
Nurse Grant from the Fairview Foundation.
First Saturday Date Night Shifts a Week to Jan. 10
“First Saturday Date Night” is for couples who
want a fun way to kick-start a monthly date with
their partner!
In order to provide a little space from New
Year’s activities, the January gathering will be
shifted a week to January 10. This will also
enable it to mesh well with the Jazz@St.
Barney’s concert at 7:00 that evening.
Participants gather in the Fireside Room from
6-6:45 p.m. (This follows the Saturday evening
worship service, so you can attend the 5 p.m.
service or just show up at 6 p.m.)
There will be appetizers to munch on while
Cindy Lindberg from the Family Resource
Center offers a quick look at enjoyable ways to
re-affirm your connection with your partner/best
friend/spouse. Each month has a different theme.
Then you will be sent out to enjoy the rest of the
evening (with just a little bit of “homework” to
get you started).
Cost is $10 per couple to cover the cost of
appetizers. Please register in advance at the
Welcome Center or send an email to Cindy
([email protected]) so she knows how
many appetizers to prepare.
“Sticky Family” Event Jan. 11
Book Discussion Group
“Sticky Families” is a
small group at St.
Barnabas for families
with young children.
On Sunday, January
11, the group will meet
at church at 11:30 (after
the 10:30 service) for
pizza and sledding.
Sign up at the Welcome
For more info about
Sticky Families, contact
Sarah Sponholz, 763551-4737 or [email protected].
The Book Discussion group gets together at 7
p.m. on the third Thursday evening of each
month to discuss a novel. New participants
(both women and men) are always welcome.
Simply contact the host to let her know you are
coming and to get directions.
Books and hosts for the upcoming months:
Jan. Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline,
host: Beth Grosen
Feb. The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk
Kidd, host: Laurie Robarge
Mar. Daughters of Mars by Thomas Keneally
Apr. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
May Crashed: A Junior Bender Novel by
Timothy Hallinan
Volume 31, Issue 1
Page 3
Alexandra George & Jim Parks Lead
Worship January 18 & 25
Pastor Wayne will be on vacation January 1631. In his absence, Pastor Alexandra George and
Pastor Jim Parks will lead worship.
“Alex” serves as chaplain at Unity Hospital in
Fridley. She has been part of the St. Barnabas
community for three years and sings alto in the
Senior Choir. Alex will preach the weekend of
January 17-18.
Jim Parks has served congregations in
Mankato, Luverne, Chokio, Delano, and
Columbia Heights and also served as a chaplain
with Good Samaritan Homes. Jim has been part
of the St. Barnabas community for 15 years. Jim
will preach the weekend of January 24-25.
Pastor Wayne and Jackie will be traveling with
the Gustavus Choir to England, Wales, and
Paris. Jackie serves as Associate Vice-President
for Advancement at Gustavus and is leading an
alumni companion tour with the choir. This will
be a thrill for Pastor Wayne as he sang in the
Gustavus Choir back in the Middle Ages (19731977).
Here’s the itinerary for the tour:
January 17-20
January 21
January 22-23
January 24
January 25
January 26
January 27-30
Stonehenge & Bath
Cardiff, Wales
Mold, Wales
Among the choir’s concert venues are St.
Paul’s Cathedral in London, Christ Church
College in Oxford, and Notre Dame Cathedral in
Pastor Wayne will be posting about his
experiences on the St. Barnabas Facebook page,
so if you are interested in following along, go to
the St. Barnabas website and click on the
Facebook symbol.
“Mom & Me!”
A group for St. Barnabas moms with
young children. The group meets at
10:00 a.m. on the 2nd & 4th Mondays
of the month. Sarah Sponholz, 763551-4737 or [email protected].
Sticky Families
A group for parents who have young
children. The next event is pizza and
sledding on Sunday, Jan. 11 at 11:30.
Sarah Sponholz, 763-551-4737 or
[email protected].
Solo Sisters
A fellowship group for women of all
ages who enjoy the opportunity to “go
and do.” Connie Cook, 763-5577064.
First Saturday Date Night
Cindy Lindberg from the Family
Resource Center leads a discussion on a
topic, then couples are sent out to enjoy
the rest of the evening. Next gathering
is January 10 in the Fireside Room from
6-6:45 p.m. Cost is $10 per couple to
cover the cost of appetizers. 612-5643620
Book Discussion Group
January “Gift of Love” for
ELCA Malaria Campaign
Why a campaign against malaria?
How we work
The Lutheran Church as a long history of
supporting clinics and programs in Africa to
provide health care. The ELCA is now focusing
on malaria with a new intensity.
ELCA members have contributed $13
million to support the ELCA Malaria
Campaign in their effort to raise $15 million
by the end of 2015. Through the campaign,
ELCA members have joined with companion
Lutheran churches and partners in 13 African
countries to prevent and treat malaria, educate
communities about the disease and more.
Rolled out by the 2011 ELCA Churchwide
Assembly, the campaign provides mosquito nets,
insecticides, medication, health care, education
and more. Although malaria is preventable and
treatable, each year more than 200 million
people in sub-Saharan Africa become infected
with the disease and more than 600,000 people
die, many of these children under the age of 5.
Lutheran churches in Africa aren’t just places
of worship. They are the center of community
life. That’s what makes our work—the work of
the church, through churches—perfectly
positioned to make a difference.
The ELCA Malaria Campaign funds programs
of our companion churches that:
• provide life-saving health care—including
medicine to treat malaria
• train health care providers and church
volunteers to diagnose and treat malaria
• teach people how to protect themselves
from the mosquitoes that spread malaria,
recognize symptoms and seek treatment
• distribute insecticide-treated mosquito nets
and provide training on their use
• provide preventative medication to protect
pregnant women and their babies
• encourage governments to provide adequate
heath care and malaria prevention activities
• support water treatment projects to control
the environments where mosquitoes breed
In the past three years, St. Barnabas members
have contributed over $4,300 to the ELCA
Malaria Campaign. The January “Gift of Love”
will again go to this life-saving ministry. Thank
you for your gifts!
How and why do mosquito nets work?
The female Anopheles mosquito, which spreads malaria by transmitting the Plasmodium parasite
to humans, is nocturnal. She only bites at night. Therefore, an insecticide-treated bed net can be
an extremely effective tool in the prevention of malaria. A mosquito net is hung up over the
middle of a bed so that it completely covers one or more sleeping persons. Mosquito nets not only
create a barrier to mosquitoes, but the insecticide kills mosquitoes on contact as well, creating
limited protection even for family members sleeping outside the net.
Meets the third Thursday of the month at
7 p.m. to discuss a novel. Meets Jan. 15:
Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline,
Host: Beth Grosen,
[email protected]
Senior Stretch
A chair yoga program offered by
SilverSneakers, Monday mornings from
9:15-10:00. Certified instructor: Denise
Schaaf, 612-804-7087.
Thursdays, 7-8 p.m. in the Ministry
Center. Beginner mat class (bring mat is
you have one). $7/time. Denise
Schaaf, 612-804-7087.
Walking Group
Meets at 8:00 a.m. Saturday mornings
at various locations for about an hour.
People of all ages are welcome. Site
changes, so contact Connie Cook,
[email protected], to get on the
email list.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Every Thursday, 7:00 p.m. in the
Fireside Room. For more information,
contact Ross Patton, 612-203-2008 or
David Eakins, 763-221-2952.
Living with Cancer
A newly forming group for folks who
have cancer and/or their family
members and friends. Dave & Pat
Tigner, 612-719-5125
Interfaith Outreach Food Shelf
Help staff the IOCP food shelf the first
Wednesday of each month from 5:308:30 p.m. Come as your schedule
allows. Sharon Sawyer,
[email protected]
Crosswinds Work Group
Assemble the Crosswinds newsletter,
usually the last Wednesday of the
month at 1:00. Julie Hoyme, 763-5531239.
Volume 31, Issue 1
Page 4
SBCA January Concerts
Saturday, Jan. 10, 7:00 p.m.
Connie Evenson, vocalist
Lessons offered for youth & adults in
Piano, Organ, Voice, Guitar,
Winds, Strings & Percussion
Music Together® classes for
8 months-age 5
Jeff Whitmill, director
Connie is one of the best jazz voices in the Twin
Cities. This will be here fourth appearance at St.
Barney’s and she always draws a crowd.
Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for students.
Saturday, Jan. 31, 7:00 p.m.
Butch Thompson (piano),
Tony Balluff (clarinet),
Steve Pikal (bass)
Yes, Prairie Home Companion fans — it’s that
Butch Thompson — together with great clarinet
and bass players. Don’t miss this!
Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for students.
Lunchtime Organ Recital Series
Thursday, January 8, 12:30 p.m.
Sarah Garner
Sarah is organist at Cross View Lutheran Church in Edina.
The St. Barnabas Center for the Arts Organ Recital Series offers lunchtime
concerts on the second Thursday of each month, from 12:30-1:00.
News & Notes
• Lindsay & Josh King announce the arrival of
son #2 — Sawyer Joshua was born December
30 and will soon be home with big brother
Spencer. Congratulations!
• After four daughters, Rose & Mike Umland
are finally getting a son. Sarah received a
ring from Alex Spilde at Christmas time. (For
all you Luther College alumni out there, this is
another Norse relationship.) An October 3
wedding is being planned. Congratulations!
• December was not a good month for bones at
St. Barnabas. Linda Nachtsheim fell at home
and broke her upper left arm and shoulder.
Kim Stepan suffered a broken ankle in a
minor car accident. Both are facing several
weeks of recuperation. Please remember them
in your prayers.
• We will have two funerals at St. Barnabas the
weekend of Jan. 10-11. We extend our
sympathy to Ken & Barbara Root on the
death of their son, Steven, on Nov. 29.
Steve’s funeral will be held on Saturday,
January 10 at 11:00 a.m. We extend our
sympathy to Judy Mikolich on the death of
her father, Wilbert Leyh. Wilbert’s funeral
will be held on Sunday, January 11at 2:00
• Our former vicar, now Pastor Aaron Fuller,
showed up for worship on Dec. 28. Aaron is
keeping plenty busy, serving two
congregations in Virginia Beach, VA plus
serving as a chaplain in the Naval Reserve
plus coaching high school wrestling. Aaron &
Kelly were back to visit family in Minnesota.
• Among the many St. Barnabas “kids” home
for Christmas was Aaron Demro. Aaron is a
graduate of West Point and is now a U.S.
Army Ranger, one of the most elite units in
the U.S. military. Aaron is currently stationed
at Fort Benning, Georgia. Thanks for your
service, Aaron, and great to have you home!
• Quiet, unassuming Ken Hoyme has
established himself as one of the country’s top
engineers in the area of cyber-security of the
many “smart devices” that are entering our
homes — thermostats, security systems, and
medical devices. Ken was quoted in two
articles about the vulnerabilities of these
devices to hacking in the Dec. 29 edition of
the Star Tribune.
• We extend our sympathy to Dennis & Karen
Erickson on the death of Dennis’ brother,
Gene. Gene’s funeral will be held in Willmar
on January 3.
Welcoming With Bread
It is the tradition of St. Barnabas to bring a
gift of bread to people after they worship at
St. Barnabas for the first time. The “bread”
is often a loaf baked at home (from scratch
or with a bread machine), but it can be a
loaf from a bakery—or rolls or cookies.
To volunteer to be a part of this ministry
of hospitality, or for more information
(frequency, getting locations, etc.) contact
Julie Hoyme in the church office, 763-5531239 or [email protected].
Volume 31, Issue 1
Page 5
Youth & Family
Ministry News
ELCA Youth Gathering
Students at ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit
July 15-19 will have an important planning
meeting on Sunday, January 25 at noon at
Peace Lutheran Church (Hwy 101 & Medina
Road). St. Barnabas and Peace students will be
traveling to the Gathering together.
Registration is still open!
If summer plans have changed for you and
you’d like to attend the Gathering, you can still
register. Contact Sue Megrund for more info:
[email protected]
Family Resource Center
at St. Barnabas
7th/8th Grade Retreat
7th & 8th grade Navigator students will head to
Gustavus Adolphus College for an overnight
retreat February 6-7.
We depart on Friday at 6:00 p.m. (eat before
you leave). We will return on Saturday around
11:30 a.m. Bring sleeping bag, toiletries, snack
to share, warm outside clothing, Bible. Cost is
Parents can attend at no charge. Drivers are
needed. Contact Sue Megrund for more info at
[email protected].
Wednesday Night Lighthouse
5:15-5:50 Community Meal
6:00-7:15 Sailors (age 3-grade 2)
6:00-7:30 Mariners (gr. 3-5) &
Navigators (gr. 6-8)
6:00-7:00 Adult Study
7:00-8:30 Senior Choir
The Family Resource Center at
St. Barnabas is staffed by
independent practitioners who
utilize the facilities of St.
Barnabas to serve the
surrounding community.
FRC services are provided on a
sliding fee scale based upon
income and ability to pay. More
information is available at the
FRC website:
Cindy LaChance-Lindberg
Summer Dates
July 20-23
Vacation Bible School (age 3-grade 1)
9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Luther Park Day Camp (grades 2-6)
9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
[email protected]
Nancy Carpenter, MA
[email protected]
July 26-31
St. Barnabas Week at Luther Park
Prayer Team Ministry
Grief Coalition Meeting at St. Philip the Deacon
Weekly meetings of the West Suburban Grief Coalition is at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran
Church, 17205 County Rd 6, (763-475-7126) through February 26.
The program is the combined effort of fifteen West Suburban area churches and intended to help
adults grieving from the death of a loved one, whether that death was three weeks ago, three years
ago, or ten years ago. Each week a learning and growing experience is offered through professional
speakers, videos and break-out sessions. The break-out sessions are facilitated by volunteers trained
in support group facilitation.
Meetings are held each Thursday with a social time from 4 – 4:30 p.m., speaker from 4:30 – 5:00
p.m. and breakout sessions from 5–6 p.m.
January Baptismal
Peyton Bacso
Janice Cerny
Jason Pinske
2 Steven Larson
Nina Werstein
3 Tomira Powers
4 Stanley Wanner
5 Debbie Rasmussen
7 Cole Guttormsson
10 Shaun Holliday
Cole Newell
Charlene Paulson
Dean Simonson
11 Allissa Franklin
11 John Pierro
George Sponholz
12 Kathryn Dryer
13 Earl Hebeisen
14 Todd Megrund
16 Lauren Kerska
18 Dana Cossette
19 Kathryn Blake
Michael Moen
22 Aidan Jette
24 Kristen Smith
25 Cana Gaedke
27 Nora Davis
28 Jack Meinert
If you have a prayer
request, send an email to
Glenna Whitmill at
[email protected] or call
her at 952-239-1317.
January Birthdays
1 Mark Valentine
2 Holly Bayer
3 Lacey Gale
Dean Simonson
Karl Smith
Dwight Tangren
4 Spencer King
6 Addison ThompsonKlimpke
7 Marilyn Hein
Oskar Hembre Conditt
Charles Johnson
Mark Snyder
8 Pedro Martinez
Jesse Rogers
9 Kevin Werstein
11 Cindy Setum
12 Joseph Demro
Richard Edlund
Jill Snyder
13 Carter Blankenship
14 Kasey Bacso
Ted Pestel
16 Jeff Carter
18 Ronald Nielsen
19 Jennifer Childs
Sarah Eilderts
Chad Strunk
20 Stephen Dennis
21 Dawn Hunter
21 James Redelsheimer
22 Lori Harless
Andrew Pole
Donald Renquist
23 Stephanie Olson
24 Janice Cerny
Wayne Peterson
25 Betsy Asher
26 Bernadette Mounger
28 Leah Wolkenhauer
29 Josh King
30 Bobbi Dering
James Sawyer
31 Imani Cruzen
U.S. Postage
Twin Cities, MN
Permit No. 2595
15600 Old Rockford Road
Plymouth, MN 55446
Phone: 763-553-1239
Fax: 763-553-7839
Website: www.stbarnabaslutheran.org
Ministry Team
Wayne Peterson, Pastor
David Helgen, Hospitality Pastor
Rose Umland, Lay Minister to Children & Family/Parish Nurse
Sue Megrund, Interim Youth & Family Minister
Gary Boehler, Lay Minister for Hospitality
Julie Hoyme, Parish Assistant
Dr. Mary Newton, Organist
Jeff Whitmill, SB Center for the Arts
St. Barnabas Lutheran
Church is a part of the Body
of Christ and a member
congregation of the
Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America.
The source of our life together
is the Word and Sacraments,
celebrated in our worship.
We name ourselves after
St. Barnabas, a New
Testament apostle. He was
called “Barnabas”, meaning
“son of encouragement”,
because he joyfully shared the
“good news” of our Savior,
Jesus Christ. He faithfully
supported the work of the
Church with his talents,
prayers, and offerings.
Sent by Jesus, we set our sails
to be filled by God’s Spirit,
inspiring us to
praise, grow and serve.
Barney’s Blarney
After her 90th birthday, Marie reluctantly
decided that shopping for Christmas gifts was
too difficult for her, so she wrote checks to send
to everyone instead. On each card she wrote,
“Buy your own present,” and she mailed the
cards in plenty of time for delivery before
Marie enjoyed the usual flurry of family
festivities. Only after Christmas did she get
around to clearing off her cluttered desk. Under
a stack of papers, she found the gift checks she
had forgotten to enclose with the cards!
BeFriender Ministry
St. Barnabas has five people
trained in BeFriender Ministry
— caring listeners who can
walk beside you and listen
during times of transition or
suffering. If you, or someone
you know could benefit from a
BeFriender who will listen
with compassion and
confidentiality, contact Parish
Nurse Rose Umland at
[email protected] or 763-5531239.
If you are interested in serving as a
BeFriender, Rose is the person to talk to about
that, too.
Worship Schedule
9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
Blood Drive Sat., February 7
The Memorial Blood Center is bringing its
Bloodmobile to St. Barnabas on Saturday,
February 7, from 8 a.m.–1 p.m. A pancake
breakfast is provided free of charge for all who
come to donate.
Sign-up for appointments at church beginning
January 11 or by calling Connie Cook,
IOCP Volunteers Needed Jan. 7
St. Barnabas continues to support the work of
Interfaith Outreach & Community Partners by
providing volunteers at the food shelf and retail
store on the first Wednesday of the month.
The next service night is December 3.
Volunteers meet at IOCP (County Road 6 and
Hwy 101) at 5:30 p.m. and work until 8:00 p.m.
Training is always given for first-time
volunteers. Sign up at the Welcome Center or
send an email to Julie Hoyme if you can help.