Gonzales Gun Show Table a Hit with Extras from Our Friends On the weekend of January 24 and 25 LOCAL President Steve Raacke manned a table at the Gonzales Gun Show at Lamar Dixon Expo Center. Like past gun shows we saw many people stop by our display to learn about LOCAL and discover that Open Carry is a legal option in this State. The usual confusion and misinformation was present as several people, when told about LOCAL and the right to Open Carry without a license, would reply "I already have mine" referring to having a CHP as if we were offering conceal training classes. On the other hand we had many people who stopped by to say that either they were already members or had found our website or social media sites and liked what we were doing. It is rewarding to hear someone say, "I saw your posts about the gun show this weekend on Facebook and stopped by to say hi". Steve stepped up his table display from last year by bringing his 17 inch screen computer which ran slideshow loop of LOCAL photos and videos. Also on the table was a 11inch tablet which he used to display the LOCAL website and demonstrate to visitors some of the features found there. Guests were able to see where issues of our Newsletter can be found along with how to find the statutes and media articles we have placed on our webpage. These were well received and helped show visitors how much we have accomplished over the years. Two other items helped drive a bit of traffic to our table or inform the public a bit more and we want to recognize the organizations that helped make it LOCAL Updates: February 2015 Meetings In the Northwest area meetings are by request. Contact us if you would like to meet in the Shreveport/Bossier area. The Florida Parishes area February meeting will be held at the IHOP in Slidell. The IHOP is next to Academy Sports and Outdoors just north of I-12. The meeting is on the third Saturday, the 21st at 6:30pm. In This Issue Louisiana Shooting Association Annual Meeting and Elections are Saturday, February 28, 2015 at 9:30am at Cabela’s, 2200 W. Cabela’s Parkway, Gonzales, LA in the upstairs meeting rooms. (Exit 177, Hwy 30, off of I-10) The LOCAL Baton Rouge area MeetUp will be held after the LSA meeting in the Cabela’s restaurant (approx. 1:30pm). Pg. 1: Gonzales Gun Show Table a Hit *For the most up to date list of meetings dates and times please see our website at http://laopencarry.org possible. Pg. 1: LOCAL Updates NOTE: When I hear from our area representatives I will post their Pg. 2: Gun shows meeting dates, times and locations to our website. Pg. 2: “Guns Save Lives” Stickers a Hit Pg. 2: ACLDN Booklet Popular at Gun Show Pg. 3: Louisiana Shooting Association annual meeting Pg. 3: Officer Elections Pg. 4: Home Defense Foundation Donation LEGAL Disclaimer: Nothing in this Newsletter should be considered legal advice. Always research laws for yourself and consult a practicing attorney regarding any questions you have regarding legal matters. Louisiana Open Carry Awareness League (LOCAL) does not offer legal advice and is not responsible for the actions of persons who act on any of the information presented here. Pg. 4: Please Join LOCAL Pg. 5: Membership Application Form © 2011 - 2015 Louisiana Open Carry Awareness League. All rights reserved. Nothing here should be considered, nor is it intended to be considered as legal advice. Page 1 of 5 Gun shows: Bossier City Gun Show: Feb. 7 & 8 Civic Center – 200-225 T, 620 Benton Rd. Bossier, LA 71111 - SAT. 9-5, SUN. 10-4 Lafayette Gun Show: Feb. 21 & 22 - Lafayette Event Center, 4607 Johnston St., Next to Crystal Cottage and across from Courtesy GMC - SAT. 9-5, SUN. 10-4 Mandeville Gun Show: Feb. 21st & 22nd - Castine Center - SAT. 9am – 5pm, SUN. 10am – 5pm “Guns Save Lives” Stickers a Hit In early January the monthly newsletter had been posted on several different websites and discussion forums. It is seen by hundreds of people each month. One of these people is Dale who goes by the screen name Grapeshot on the OCDO forums. Dale is a member of the very active gun rights group, Virginia Citizens Defense League, or VCDL. http://www.vcdl.org/ After the January newsletter was out, LOCAL President Steve Raacke sent private messages to certain moderators and regular posters on the various forums where the announcement was made and asked for feedback about our newsletter and our efforts to educate the public. One of those messages went to Dale who responded with some positive advice and an offer. In Virginia the VCDL has made popular the slogan Guns Save Lives. They have 3 inch round orange stickers with this slogan printed on them and they hand the stickers out at every gun show and event. The gun ban groups and the media constantly portray guns as evil and the VCDL is trying to turn the narrative around and say that many times Guns Save Lives (GSL). Dale told Steve that he would gladly send LOCAL a roll of their stickers to hand out at the gun show. This offer was accepted and just a few days before the Gonzales gun show Steve received a box in the mail. Inside was a roll of 1000 of the orange stickers. By noon the building was full of people walking around with orange stickers telling the world Guns Save Lives. Sunday was a repeat with many people stopping by the LOCAL table to ask for a sticker and then learning about our Mission to inform the public about open carry. We started the weekend with 1000 stickers. By the time the doors closed Sunday evening the roll contained much less than half that. At least 600 stickers were given out in about 2 days. This was possible thanks to a friend of LOCAL who doesn't even live in Louisiana but has seen our posts on various forums and reads our newsletters. He saw that we are not a bunch of extreme OCers posting YouTube videos of public marches or police confrontations. Instead we are able to get our information out in a way that does not cause controversy or give the gun ban groups anything to use against us. Thanks to Dale, AKA: “GrapeShot” and the VCDL for the support and encouragement shown to LOCAL! We hope to return the favor in the future. Editor’s Note: LOCAL has ordered another roll of these stickers but with the LOCAL URL at the bottom for use at gun show and other gatherings ACLDN Booklet Popular at Gun Show Table LOCAL has always encouraged its members to have a plan to deal with legal issues that may arise due to carrying a firearm for self-defense. This can be as simple as speaking with and retaining an attorney who can handle your case if you are arrested to having a membership in one of the many "prepaid legal plans" that are available. LOCAL President Steve Raacke is a member of the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network plan which has a booklet titled What Every Gun Owner Needs to Know About Self Defense Law. This booklet covers the responsibilities that all gun owners share such as securing your firearm so that criminals or children don't get their hands on them. Chapters include The High Cost of Self Defense and When is Deadly Force Justified as well as The Affirmative Defense of Self Defense, The Initial Aggressor Rule and Defending Others. It even has a chapter on The Castle Doctrine and the Duty to Retreat. LOCAL doesn't give legal advice and this booklet certainly isn't legal advice either. What it does is give a layperson a place to start to understand the legal pitfalls of having a firearm and possibly having to use it against another person. Steve contacted ACLDN and requested a box of their booklets which are provided free to members, gun stores, firearms instructors and others. The week before the gun show Steve received a box containing 280 booklets. The booklets were put on the LOCAL table so that people coming to our table could pick them up, thumb through them and take them if they wanted. On the Friday before the show vendors were at the expo center setting up tables and displays for the coming weekend. After setting up the LOCAL table, Steve took the GSL stickers around to the other tables and handed each vendor a sticker to wear when the doors opened the next day. Not only did the vendors want to wear the GSL stickers but they wanted extras to decorate their displays. They put them on the front of rifle racks, on display cases and even on their banners over their tables. When the doors opened on Saturday visitors saw the stickers and asked where to find them and was directed to the LOCAL table. As people came by the table they were offered a GSL sticker. "Stick this to your shirt and stick it to the people who want to take your guns." Steve would say as he offered the stickers, "Tell Bloomberg where to stick his gun control plans." (continued in right column) The booklets proved popular and were a good way to promote our efforts of getting gun owners to think about the realities of carrying a gun in daily life. The fact is, if you ever have to pull your gun to defend yourself there is a good chance that a second battle is waiting for you at the police station or a court room. If you don't have a plan to deal with this second battle you could lose your job, your home, your family and your freedom. (continued on next page) © 2011 - 2015 Louisiana Open Carry Awareness League. All rights reserved. Nothing here should be considered, nor is it intended to be considered as legal advice. Page 2 of 5 (continued from page 2) The booklets from ACLDN were usually part of a packet given to people who stopped by our table to discuss carrying a firearm. Steve would take a booklet and place, like a bookmark, a copy of the LOCAL trifold pamphlet, a LOCAL business card and a GSL sticker inside. This combination of items was so successful that LOCAL officers are discussing how to make this part of a "new or renewing member’s packet" which would be mailed to everyone who pays dues to LOCAL. This would be part of our efforts to step up our benefits to our members over just sending an email with their membership cards attached. If you would like to see a digital copy of this booklet, go to http://www.armedcitizensnetwork.org/images/stories/Hayes_SDLaw.pdf Thanks to our friends over at the Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network for the booklets. http://www.armedcitizensnetwork.org/ Images from the Gonzales Gun Show Louisiana Shooting Association annual meeting Feb 28 at Cabela’s. On Saturday, February 28, 2015 the Louisiana Shooting Association (LSA) will host its annual members meeting and elections in the upstairs meeting rooms at the Cabela’s, 2200 W. Cabela’s Parkway, Gonzales, LA. The store opens at 9am and the meeting rooms will open to LSA members and guests at 9:30am. The meeting should wrap up by 1:30pm at the latest. If you are not familiar with LSA you can go to their website to learn more but basically they are the NRA and Civilian Marksmanship Program affiliate organization for Louisiana. They sponsor competition shooting sports, hunter education and more. They have been responsible for pushing lots of pro-gun bills through our state capital to the Governor’s desk. They have also stopped some pretty bad gun bills from becoming law. While LOCAL is not officially affiliated with LSA we recognize that LSA is the led pro-gun organization in our State and have agreed to support them on several efforts when we are able. The LOCAL bylaws state that should LOCAL fold as an organization our assets would be distributed to the LSA. LOCAL President Steve Raacke will be attending the LSA meeting as a LSA member but also representing LOCAL. After the LSA meeting is over Steve plans to meet with any LOCAL members upstairs in the restaurant. So feel free to come out, learn about LSA and what they do and join Steve for lunch after the meeting. http://www.louisianashooting.com/ Officer Elections Officer elections were to be held in January but it seems that there were no nominations so the offices remain the same with a few exceptions; In the Florida parishes area there was a change in positions when Wolf suffered a stroke on May 5th and turned the reins over to his co-Representative until he could return. Fortunately by June 16 he was back on the road to being his old self and was riding his bike again soon after! Although he never actually said it, we assume he regained his office as Area Representative. In the Organization’s offices, VP Speedy Mercer and Secretary/Treasurer Philip Heustis swapped hats! Philip is now VP and Speedy has taken the title of Secretary/Treasurer. Speedy will still remain the webmaster of our web and media sites and keep doing all the other behind the scene jobs that he has been doing but will also take on the financial aspects of our organization giving Philip a breather. We are hoping that we will pick up more active members in the following year who will want to step up and represent LOCAL either in some way. We are very glad that you trust us to run LOCAL as we have thus far but remember, burnout is an issue and we will need to step down at some point. Hopefully someone will be there to keep LOCAL moving ahead. If not, LOCAL will close its doors and pass along whatever is left to the Louisiana Shooting Association as specified in our bylaws. LOCAL Merchandise available at these locations! Shop Zazzle: http:/www.zazzle.com/laopencarry Shop Cafepress: http://www.cafepress.com/laopencarry © 2011 - 2015 Louisiana Open Carry Awareness League. All rights reserved. Nothing here should be considered, nor is it intended to be considered as legal advice. Page 3 of 5 Home Defense Foundation Donation The Home Defense Foundation out of New Orleans is self-described as: “A multi-racial group that supports honest citizens who have to defend themselves when criminals attack.” We got in contact with its founder. Mr Mike Weinberger, and discussed ways that we could possibly help each other as our end goals are very similar. The HDF (Home Defense Foundation) provides education and training to its members and the general public and will also give away pocket/purse Pepper Spray canisters to their members as you can see from their the links I copied from their site shown below: Free Firearm Class Free Pepper Spray Free Don't Be A Victim Class Free Street Awareness Class They are able to do this through the efforts of their dedicated and active members. The Louisiana Open Carry Awareness League (LOCAL) is a non-profit, grassroots, gun rights organization. LOCAL is a statewide organization with regional chapters. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in Open Carry and aiding in the LOCAL Mission of educating the public of the legal right to Open Carry. LOCAL Mission Statement "The mission of the Louisiana Open Carry Awareness League (LOCAL) is to support, defend and promote the fact that open carry of firearms is a legal choice in Louisiana. We seek to accomplish this goal by educating the public about the legality of open carry in Louisiana through the existence of our website, producing and distributing literature, organizing open carry campaigns and events, and by actively petitioning our representatives and legislators. Additionally, we seek to be a conduit for personal involvement by interested citizens to become active in their communities, as well as in statelevel politics." The HDF of NOLA generously donated $300 to LOCAL to be used as we see fit and we thank them very much for that donation! We are in contact with the people they get their Pepper Spray from and plan to get together an order of them to give out to our members in new membership packets that we are planning to stuff with “Guns Save Lives” stickers, LOCAL pamphlets, 1” LOCAL logo hat/lapel pin(s), a printed membership card and Office Depot discount card! http://www.hdfnola.org/ Please Join LOCAL Today Since 2009 LOCAL has been informing the public about the right to Open Carry in Louisiana as well as advocating for more gun rights. We have done this with the generous help of our members and supporters. Their donations allow us to keep our website up. The gun show tables and pamphlets we pass out are paid for from the dues our members send in as well as additional donations. We are a small group but we want to be able to do more. We need members who can help us. If you are reading this newsletter and have not yet joined LOCAL please take a minute to go to: http://www.laopencarry.org/ and click on the Join/Donate tab on the top line just under the State Flag. You can join online or print out a copy of the membership application and mail it in. Annual LOCAL memberships cost only $10. Are you an NRA member yet? If not we have a better deal. Click the Join Here button on the NRA box on our webpage and sign up for a 1 year NRA membership for only $25 and we will throw in a 1 year membership to LOCAL for free. Joining LOCAL won't put you on any unwanted mailing lists. You will only receive monthly newsletter announcements or other important email alerts from us as they become necessary. © 2011 - 2015 Louisiana Open Carry Awareness League. All rights reserved. Nothing here should be considered, nor is it intended to be considered as legal advice. Page 4 of 5 Louisiana Open Carry Awareness League P.O. Box 4092 LaPlace, LA 70069-4092 http://laopencarry.org Membership Application Form Mark one option below _____New Membership- $10 PER YEAR _____Renewal - $10 PER YEAR _____Update Information for Current Member NAME:__________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________ CITY:________________________________ STATE:_____ ZIP:___________ PHONE: ( ) - CELL: ( ) - EMAIL:__________________________________________________________ LOCAL FORUM MEMBER? YES____ NO____ YOUR SCREEN NAME:____________________________________________ Dues can be submitted in person at our monthly club meeting or mailed to the above address. Please make your checks or money orders payable to: LA Open Carry Awareness League © 2011 - 2015 Louisiana Open Carry Awareness League. All rights reserved. Nothing here should be considered, nor is it intended to be considered as legal advice. Page 5 of 5
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