PHI nanoTOF Operation Notes Beside of zero.ins, standby.ins, and standby.LMIG.ins, always use "filter load" and select required function in the instrument file. NEVER LOAD OTHER INSTRUMENT FILE DIRECTLY BECAUSE THEY ACTUALLY TURN OTHER PARTS OFF. Use Acquisition session → Data Manager page → Browse tab to navigate to your own folder in Z drive. Never save files in C drive. All the files can be removed without prior notice so that make your own copy. GENERAL OPERATION • In normal condition, FIELD OK should lid on SC20 field canceling system and the total field < 0.1 mG. If the field was tripped in any axis, put it to standby then back on from the remote or press reset on the controller. • In normal condition, vibration isolator should enable with yellow light lid. No red light should flash. A. Sample loading 1. Choose sample platen: back mount, front mount, hot/cold and heating. (Only standard back mount stage is available for public use and it should be kept under vacuum. The size of specimen is limited to be smaller than 2" in diameter.) 2. With the built-on spacer on the top surface, the sample surface should not extrude and touch anything when put the platen up-side-down. When the sample is load correctly, the sample will have the correct Z-height at stage Z position of 3 mm (2 mm from extractor lens). 3. Inspect the sample platen from its side and ensure samples are lower than the spacer and are flat with respect to the opening of covering metal plate. Put the platen into intro chamber (faraday cup should be at opposite side of the main chamber and never be touched) and secure 4 screws with 2.5 mm hex driver using uniform force. Do not tighten the screw. 4. Take the sample photo in Photo session before closing the intro chamber. 5. Ensure the intro cover is at correct position and does not move freely, then Pump Intro by right click on the blue icon at System session. *When Pump Intro finished, the V4 will open automatically and its icon turns to green. 6. At System session, drag the blue icon of stage to main chamber to complete the sample loading. The HV Enable should become green in the System session. 7. To see the Analysis Area image, turn up "Illumination power" from Hardware session → Analyzer page → Spectrometer tab if necessary. The value is usually 1-2. If the image does not show correctly, enter 0.5 to the magnification factor. B. General operation 1. Load standby.ins or standby.LMIG.ins according to the Primary Ion Gun. LMIG is not open for public use. 2. In Acquisition session → Data Manager page → Lab Book tab → Data Files, navigate to your own data folder at Z drive. 2014/8/24 1 3. Startup ion guns and wait for stable emission. i. PHI LMIG (not open for public use) • Select Normal mode in Hardware session → PHI LMIG page → Source tab, verify Beam Energy to be 30000 V, then use the automatic Start Emitter function to startup. The Emission Current should be stabilized at ~1.5 µA. • Filter load gun setting at Instrument menubar → Instrument File → Filter Load → select required setting file in LMIG folder → check Include all supplies and uncheck Heater and Extractor on LMIG page. • Verify and set the Quad Blanker Timing (Ctrl-Q) according following table to select desired particle and set buncher accordingly. The Quad Voltage is 30 V and Quad Duration is 0.15 µs. Particle Quad Quad Buncher Buncher Buncher Start Time Delay Start Time Voltage Delay Bi+ (46%) 3.3100 100 4.7750 830 140 ++ Bi3 (13%) 2.9100 100 4.7700 760 140 + Bi2 (16%) 2.6100 100 4.7000 740 140 Bi3+ (16%) 2.1100 100 4.6500 700 140 • Open V7 for operation and monitor the Supressor frequently. The ideal Supressor is between –1500~–1000 V. Adjust Heater in 0.02 A step to stabilize Supressor if necessary. • For short idle, set Emission Target to lock at 0.5 µA. • When finished, use Shutdown Emitter then turn it Off. • Do not start/shutdown the LMIG frequently. The firmware should allow LMIG to keep running during software restart. • For hot restart, slowly ramp up Heater, Extractor, Supressor in sequence to its original value. • During operation, if the Emission Current is too high or Supressor reaches 0 V, lower Heater by 0.02 A. If the Emission Current is too low or Supressor reaches –2000 V, increase Heater by 0.02 A. It may be necessary to fine-tune the Heater during long acquisition to keep the Supressor stable at around –1500 ~ –1000 V. • If the Emission Current disappears, unlock the Emission Target and set Supressor to –2000 V. If the Emission Current does not recover after 10 min, slowly increase the Extractor up to –9000 V in a step of 100 V/min. When Emission Current appears, decrease the Extractor while maintaining the Emission Current <3 µA until back to its original value then lock Emission Target. If the Emission Current cannot be recovered, use Start Emitter function to restart if necessary. ii. C60 (open for public use) • Check and verify V4 and C60 manual isolation valve is open. • From off, select Idle mode in Hardware session → C60 page → Source tab and wait for temperature to stabilize at set value (~200 °C). During this heat up process, V4 must remain open and Intro presurre at the level of 10-3 Pa. Do not preform sample exchange during this process. • From Idle, select Standby mode and wait for temperature to stabilize at set value (~410 °C). 2014/8/24 2 During this heat up process, V4 must remain open and Intro pressure at the level of 10-3 Pa. Do not preform sample exchange during this process. • Verify and set the C60 Blanker Timing (Ctrl-B) for C60+. Pulser 1 Start Time: 1.0000 µs Pulser 1 Duration: 0.1000 µs Pulser 2 Start Time: 3.6000 µs Pulser 2 Duration: 0.0750 µs Pulser 2 Delay: 110 (250 ps) Buncher Start Time: 2.2875 µs Buncher Voltage: 260.000 V Buncher Delay: 100 (250 ps) • For using C60 as sputter gun, filter load gun setting at Instrument menubar → Instrument File → Filter Load → select required setting file in C60 folder → check include all supplies on C60 page. Confirm the aperture used after load the instrument file. • Make sure the Intro pressure is below 3.3×10-3 Pa then put the gun to Ready mode and wait for stable Current Monitor 1 at a few 10s nA for operation and Heater at ~20%. Verify the Emission to be 10 mA and Filament <2.2 A. If the temperature cannot be stable at ~410 °C, set Idle mode and allow the source to cool down to 350 °C then startup again. • For sample exchange during operation, set Standby mode and wait Intro pressure to be below 3.3×10-3 Pa before put it back to Ready mode. • For short idle, set Standby mode. • When finished, set Idle mode. Do not select off directly. iii. GCIB (not open for public use) • Check and verify that pump station is running (TMP1: 1000 Hz, TMP2 and TMP3: 1500 Hz) and Ar line is filled at 0.8-0.9 MPa. If Ar line is 0, purge the line before open the tank. • Open the manual isolation valve. • Load required setting then select Ready mode in Hardware session → GCIB page. Gas Leaking Valve (GC0) will open automatically. • Use the touchpad (GasControl) to press On to inject Ar. The injection pressure should be 650 kPa for optimized Ar2500 and the vacuum reading on GCIB controller should be ~2 Pa. • Check and verify the manual isolation valve is open. • When finished, close the manual isolation valve, close the Ar tank, turn off gas injection from touchpad, then select off mode. iv. Gas Gun (open for public use) • Check and verify V4 is open. • Select Standby mode in Hardware session → Gas Gun page and verify V10 is open. • Filter load gun setting at Instrument menubar → Instrument File → Filter Load → select required setting file in Gas Gun folder → check include all supplies on Gas Gun page. • Gun Pressure should be 10~30 mPa. • When finished, select off mode and verify V10 is closed. 4. When required guns are stabilized, open V8 to allow ions to enter spectrometer. 5. Open the System menubar → Software Joystick window (Ctrl+J) for moving sample position to be exactly 2 mm working distance from analyzer lens. The current stage position can be found at bottom-left of instrument control screen. Ø Always use the side-view camera on the touchpad (AMCap) during stage movement and make sure it does not touch the extractor. 2014/8/24 3 Ø During the movement, look at the shadow of analyzer in Analysis Area image and make sure the sample does not hit the extractor. Ø THE BOTTOM-RIGHT SHADOW CAN NEVER TOUCH THE ANALYZER SHOWN AT TOP-LEFT OF THE ANALYSIS AREA IMAGE. THE SAMPLE CAN NEVER TOUCH THE EXTRACTOR IN THE SIDE-VIEW CAMERA. Ø For correctly prepared back-mount sample platen without protrusion and is flat with respect to the cover piece and the side-view camera indicate the sample is correctly at Z = 0 mm position after sample transfer, adjust sample Z height to 3 mm at Sample session. Ø For other platen (not open for public use), Z height needs to be carefully raised to make the Analysis Area image to coincide with a recognizable feature in camera photo for rough height setting then carefully tune the 2 mm working distance using Total Ion, SED or Detector image. 6. Select desired Positive (+) or Negative (–) ion polarity in Instrument menubar. 7. Open System menubar → Tuning (Ctrl+T) window and check Sample Bias to be ~3000 V. 8. Acquisition session → Acquisition page → choose Acquisition Type (Spectral / Phased Profile / Mosaic Map) → select Primary Ion Gun (LMIG / C60) → Start to start collecting spectrum. Although there is no real function, select Primary Particle to make record. i. Turn off Detector Scanning Control in the Tuning window (Ctrl+T). Set Raster Size to 0 can provide more focused spot for easier tuning. ii. Tune the Sample Bias to focus the spot (events of ions hitting detector) in Detector image and maximize the count rate. If the image does not show correctly, enter 1.0 to the magnification factor. iii. Use Software Joystick (Ctrl+J) to fine-tune the stage Z height and make the spot inside the white box of Detector image. *For correct Z-height and sample bias, maximum Raster Size with DEM Control off will have centered circular FOV in Total Ion Image and FOV of SED Image will just touch the right edge. iv. Turn "Detector Scanning Control" back on. 9. For imaging, set required magnification using Raster Size. Make sure the DEM Raster Size matches and DEM Control is on. 10. For insulating sample, Electron Neutralization (requires to filter load ENeut.ins) and +ion Neutralization (requires to filter load I-Neut.ins for Gas Gun. Not compatible with Extractor Pulser, gas gun sputtering, and –SIMS) can be turned on. It may be necessary to increase Sample Bias on insulators. 11. For better mass resolution, Contrast Diaphragm (CD) can be inserted by turn it on. 12. To filter out metastable molecular ions, Energy Slit can be set from the Properties of Advanced Controls. 13. Use Calibrate function and choose at least two known peaks to calibrate m/z scale then start a new acquisition for the calibration to be effective. The m/z calibration depends on the primary particle. Respective file in Calibration folder is a good start when switching to a different particle. 14. If raw file is desired for further offline analysis, check Save Raw Data on Disk in Acquisition page after the m/z scale is calibrated then reacquires the data. 15. Save data (spectrum, profile, image, etc.) in your own folder in Z drive. 2014/8/24 4 C. Sample remove and system shut down 1. Drag blue icon of stage to sample intro chamber. 2. Backfill Intro and take out the sample. 3. Put the sample platen back and Pump Intro. 4. Shutdown guns (LMIG emitter shutdown then off; C60 at idle; GCIB, Gas Gun, and E-Gun Neutralizer off). 5. Contrast Diaphragm (CD) out, Energy Slit at 240 eV, close isolation valves of spectrometer (V8) and gun valves (V7, V10, and GCIB touchpad). The vacuum page should only have V3, V4, V5, and two Turbo in green. 6. Load zero.ins from Instrument menubar. 7. Turn off the power extension socket to turn off monitors. D. Sputter and depth profile 1. Verify the Hardware menubar → Raster Spec to be 4 Fold Interlaced for Sputter, Scatter for Analysis, and Fly Back for Tuning. 2. Automation menubar → Sputter Tool → set up the sputter gun, sputter time and raster size. Normally, Sample State is set to Ground or CComp. For single beam (LMIG or C60) operation without the need of charge neutralization, Sample State can be set to HV and skip to step 6 as the beam position will not change under the same Sample Bias (HV). 3. Click Start Sputter to create a small sputter crater on a sacrificial area. *Set Sample Bias = 0 and use DC mode of sputter beam with Raster Size = 0 can also prepare the sputter crater. 4. With larger Raster Size, collect a Total Ion Image to image the crater. Steer the sputter beam to make the sputter crater at the center of Total Ion Image. Make sure that the analysis area is smaller (25-50%) and within the sputter area. *Sample with defined structure (e.g. Faraday cup) can also be used to ensure the overlap of ion beams with SED Image in DC mode. 5. In Phased Profile tab, change Acquisition Type to Phased Profile and set up the parameter for Sputter Phase. The Sample Bias should be selected according to how the sputter beam is aligned with respect to analysis beam. *If different current is required in single-beam operation by Load Sputter Ins. File, change the Acquisition session → Acquisition page → Properties → Phased Profile Settle Time → Sputter Phase to 30 s to allow switch of aperture. *Note that the primary ion gun is selected in the Acquisition tab. 6. If necessary, additional Charge Comp Phase can be used to remove residual charges during sputtering. E. Imaging 1. For small-area and high-resolution image, small aperture and unbunched mode is desired. 2. Verify Hardware menubar → Raster Spec to be Scatter for Analysis. Set desired Raster Size for required magnification. Check if DEM Raster Size (Hardware session → Analyzer page → DEM tab) matches and make sure DEM Control is on. Mind the minimum beam size of LMIG and C60 is ~100 nm and ~2 µm, respectively. The Image Size (number of pixels, typically 512, set in Acquisition session → Acquisition page → Properties), Raster Size, and beam size should match so that the analysis points are continuous and slightly overlapped. 2014/8/24 5 3. For LMIG and C60, tune Lens 1 and Lens 2, respectively, to fine focus the Total Ion Image. If necessary, set Acquisition Limit Type to Limited – Refresh. *If sample height is correct, images would be focused. *For bunched LMIG, DC SED Image and Total Ion Image has different focus. 4. To image large area (not compatible with depth profile), set Acquisition Type to Mosaic. The mapping area can be defined with photo image or numerically set the Map Size and Stage Position. 5. In Acquisition Limit Type (Acquisition page), Analysis Phase Limit (Phased Profile page), or Acquisition Time Limit (Mosaic page), choose Frame to ensure the obtained image consists with complete frames. 2014/8/24 6 C60 TUNNING (for advanced user only) The whole timing sequence is source dependent so that correct analyzer setting is required. Use Standby.ins as the start point. A. Source startup 1. Check and verify V4 and C60 manual isolation valve is open. 2. In Hardware session → C60 page → Source tab, from off, select Idle mode and wait for temperature to stabilize at set value (~200 °C). During this heat up process, V4 must remain open and Intro pressure at the level of 10-3 Pa. Do not preform sample exchange during this process. 3. From Idle, select Standby mode and wait for temperature to stabilize at set value (~410 °C). During this heat up process, V4 must remain open and Intro pressure at the level of 10-3 Pa. Do not preform sample exchange during this process. 4. Filter load gun setting at Instrument menubar → Instrument File → Filter Load → select required setting file in C60 folder→ check Include all supplies on C60 page. Confirm the aperture used after load the instrument file. 5. Make sure the Intro pressure is below 3.3×10-3 Pa then put the gun to Ready mode and wait for stable Current Monitor 1 (Hardware session → C60 page → Column tab) at a few 10s nA for operation and Heater at ~20%. Verify the Emission to be 10 mA and Filament <2.2 A. If the temperature cannot be stable at ~410 °C, set Idle mode and allow the source to cool down to 350 °C then startup again. Note: Normally, <2.2A Filament current could yield 10 mA Emission hence Filament Limit at 2.5A should be enough for most operation. Increase Grid voltage to 80-85 V can help to bring the Emission higher while the yield of C60+ will be slightly lower. Over time, C60 could deposit on the filament during pervious cooling and require higher Filament Limit to clean the filament. If 85 V Grid cannot regain 10 mA Emission, change the Filament Limit from 2.5 to 2.6-2.8 A to maintain the Emission. If the software is set to load other instrument file during sputtering or charge compensation phase, custom instrument file may be required when Filament Limit is altered. 6. For sample exchange during operation, set Standby mode and wait Intro pressure to be below 3.3×10-3 Pa before put it back to Ready mode. 7. For short idle, set Standby mode. 8. When finished, set Idle mode. Do not select off directly. • Reference beam current Aperture Number 1 2 3 4 5 Micrometer Position (mm) 2.050 5.950 10.050 14.050 18.000 Aperture Size (µm) 1000 300 100 30 10 Beam Current (nA) 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 ND B. DC mode for imaging 1. Filter load the desired instrument file to set the default parameter. Extractor should be –1200 V, Repeller should be –24 and Bend should be –150 V. 2. Adjust sample Z height to be 2 mm from extractor. 3. Use Faraday cup or suspended grid for current measurement. 4. Select aperture (1 or 2 for sputtering, 3 or 4 for analysis). 2014/8/24 7 Note: for standard operation, aperture 1 is used for sputtering and 3 is used to analysis. The aperture will switch only when full-load respective setting file hence should be verified. 5. Verify the Hardware menubar → Raster Spec to be Fly Back for Tuning. 6. Maximize the SED Image intensity or Sample Current with Wien Filter (~–46 For C60+, ~–64.5 For C60++), Bend, Steering 1Y/2X/2Y, Extractor, Repeller, and aperture position. 7. Focus with Lens 2. Tune Stig Amplitude and Stig Angle for best image resolution. Note: If grid of known spacing is used, Rotation, Tilt and Raster Scale Factor in the Properties of Advanced Controls can be checked. Trapezoidal Correction can be tuned for square rastering on the sample. C. Pulse mode for acquisition For using C60 as primary ion for analysis (pulse mode), load standby.ins to setup the timing. In general, bunched 20 kV C60+ is used for acquisition. 1. Optimize the DC operation. 2. Set Pulser 1 and Pulser 2 to 200 V 3. In C60 Pulser Timing (Ctrl-B), set Pulser 1/2 Start Time to 1.0 µs, Pulser 1 Duration µs between 0.10~0.15. Longer duration will give higher counts but less mass resolution. The duration set here is a DAC value. The actual Pulse Width in measured by the number of channels (default is128 ps) of the FWHM of H peak in unbunched mode. The actual pulse width (ns) can also be estimated by 1000×DAC – 70. For standard setting of 0.1, the actual time is about 30 ns. 4. Set Pulser 2 Start Time to 1.0. Set Pulser 2 Duration to 5, Buncher Voltage to 0 to effectively disable the function of Pulser 2 and Buncher. 5. If Bunch mode is desired (optimal operation), set Buncher Voltage to 200-400 V to maximize the additional "peak" on the broad peak in the spectrum. Tune Buncher Start Time to move the additional "peak" to the left-edge (onset) of the broad peak. 6. Increase Pulser 2 Start Time while preserving the left-edge of peak. 7. Decrease Pulser 2 Duration while preserving the right-edge of peak, focused spot in Detector image, and peak shape. • Reference Timing in C60 Blanker Timing (Ctrl-B) for C60+. Pulser 1 Start Time: 1.0000 µs Pulser 1 Duration: 0.1000 µs Pulser 2 Start Time: 3.6000 µs Pulser 2 Duration: 0.0750 µs Pulser 2 Delay: 110 (250 ps) Buncher Start Time: 2.2875 µs Buncher Voltage: 260.000 V Buncher Delay: 100 (250 ps) 2014/8/24 8 GAS GUN OPERATION 1. Adjust sample Z height to be 2 mm from analyzer lens. 2. Check the pressure reading of gas bottle. If the main gauge reads 0, purge the line then fill the gas line. Close the gas bottle when done. 3. If O2+ is required (for advance user only), manually purge/fill the gas line by i. Close V5, V10, V7 and V8. ii. Close the gray Ar valve. iii. Open the green pump valve. iv. After 5 min, close the green pump valve then open the pink O2 valve to fill with O2. Ø NEVER OPEN MORE THAN ONE VALVE AT A TIME AND DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN THE VALVE. Ø DO NOT CHANGE REGULATOR SETTING. Always refill the gas line with Ar when finished. Check the main pressure gauge of both gas bottles. If it is close to 0, open then close the respect bottle to refill the pipe. 4. Make sure the V4 is open. 5. In Hardware session → Gas Gun tab, put the gun to standby mode and verify V10 is opened. 6. Filter load gun setting at Instrument menubar → Instrument File → Filter Load → select required setting file in Gas Gun folder → check Include all supplies on Gas Gun page. 7. Gun Pressure should be 10~30 mPa. O2+ will require longer time to stabilize. Slow increase of Gun Pressures indicated the feed of O2+. 8. When finished, select off mode and verify V10 is closed. 9. For parameter tuning, Faraday cup or suspended grid is required. (for advanced user only) i. Based on existing alignment, different Beam Energy with or without Float can be set. ii. Record the value then set Sample Bias to 0. iii. Maximize the Sample or Sample FC current in DC mode using Condenser Lens and 5 Degreed Bend. iv. Use SED Image to focus the ion beam with Objective Lens. Verify Hardware menubar → Raster Spec to be Fly Back for Tuning. v. Tune 5 Degreed Bend with Objective Lens wobbler. vi. To set desire beam current, tune Condenser Lens or lower Emission. Check the focus after current is set. vii. Verify the Raster Scale Factor X and Y with structure of known size. viii. Tune the Beam Position to make sure the center of Gas Gun (grounded, DC mode SED Image) is the same as Primary Ion Gun (~3000 V Sample Bias, pulse mode Total Ion Image). 2014/8/24 9 E-GUN NEUTRALIZER OPERATION 1. Adjust sample Z height to be 2 mm from analyzer lens. 2. Filter load neutralizer setting at Instrument menubar → Instrument File → Filter Load → select E-neut.ins → check Include all supplies on E-Gun Neut page. 3. Make sure the Extractor is set to 75 V in Hardware → E-Gun Neutralizer page. 4. Tune the Filament Current for 100 µA Emission shown in the Properties window. Note that the gun needs to be in DC mode to read Emission current. 5. Usually, constant Bias at 10 V is used. In some case, higher Bias may be required to overcome the electrical field and maintain the count rate. 6. When necessary, tune X and Y Offset to maximum Sample FC current. In Pulse mode, half of maximum Sample FC current is expected with fine-tuned X and Y Offset. ENERGY SLIT TUNING 1. In Hardware session → Analyzer page → Spectrometer tab, or Acquisition session → Acquisition page → Properties, select required Energy Slit (240 eV (out), 50 eV, 20 eV). 2. Use Slit Fine Tuning to obtain maximum intensity using the median of two values where signal disappears. 3. If necessary, different size of pass-band can be set by using off-centered slit position store in User 1 and User 2. 2014/8/24 10 LMIG TUNNING (not open for public use) The whole timing sequence is source dependent so that correct analyzer setting is required. Use Standby.LMIG.ins in LMIG folder as the start point. A. Emitter startup 1. Select Normal mode, set Beam Energy to 30000 V then use Start Emitter function to startup. The Emission Current should be ~1.5 µA. Open V7 for operation. If the startup sequence got stock at lowering Extractor to set value while maintaining 1.5 µA Emission Current, increase Heater by 0.05 A to help the progress. As the startup sequence will put the original Heater value once finished, it will be necessary to set the new Heater value immediately after the sequence is finished to maintain the Emission Current. 2. Filter load gun setting at Instrument menubar → Instrument File → Filter Load → select required setting file in LMIG folder → check Include all supplies and uncheck Heater and Extractor on LMIG page. 3. Open V7 for operation and monitor the Supressor frequently. The ideal Supressor is between –1500~–1000 V. Adjust Heater in 0.02 A step to stabilize Supressor if necessary. 4. For short idle, set Emission Target to lock at 0.5 µA. 5. When finished, use Shutdown Emitter then turn it Off. • Do not start/shutdown the LMIG frequently. The firmware should allow LMIG to keep running during software restart. • During operation, if the Emission Current is too high or Supressor reaches 0 V, lower Heater by 0.02 A. If the Emission Current is too low or Supressor reaches –2000 V, increase Heater by 0.02 A. It may be necessary to fine-tune the Heater during long acquisition to keep the Supressor stable at around – 1500 ~ –1000 V. • During operation, if the Emission Current disappears, attempt following steps in order. Wait for a few minutes before attempt to use next step. i. Unlock the Emission Target and set Supressor to –2000 V. ii. Slowly increase Extractor. If the current cannot be obtained when Extractor reaches –10000 V, set the Extractor to its original value. iii. Increase Heater by 0.05 A and repeat step ii. This step can be attempted multiple times before the Heater reaches 3.2 A. iv. When the current appears, decrease the Extractor and Heater at the same time while maintain <3 µA Emission Current until they are back to their original value. If necessary, Heater can be left at slightly higher (0.05-0.1 A) setting. Do not leave the Extractor at a different value as the whole alignment will be different. v. When the Emission Current stabilized, lock the Emission Target to desired current. • For manual shutdown, set Heater to 2.0 V then slowly ramp down Supressor, Extractor, Heater in sequence. • For manually hot restart, slowly ramp up Heater, Extractor, Supressor in sequence to its original value. 2014/8/24 11 • Note: the Heater and Extractor should be controlled by the firmware and keep running if software crash/restart. After the software is started, load Standby.LMIS.ins to resume work. Reference beam current for Emission Current = 1.5 µA, measure with Sample FC, Primary Column or Keithley meter (note the manual switch box next to the Keithley meter) with Quad Blanker Amplitude = 0 (normally 30 V) Aperture size (µm) 800 400 200 100 50 30 Beam Current (nA) 14 3.4 0.8 0.2 0.05 0.02 B. DC mode for column alignment (required when extractor voltage is changed) 1. Adjust sample Z height to be 2 mm from analyzer lens. Sacrificial area with suitable feature (e.g. 1000 mesh grid) should be used. 2. Filter load the desired instrument file to set the default parameter. 3. Select desired LMIG aperture (usually 50 or 200 µm). 4. In Hardware session → PHI LMIG page → Source tab, choose DC mode for SED image. Verify Hardware menubar → Raster Spec to be Fly Back for Tuning. 5. Adjust SED gain (~1500 V) and Raster Size (max: 640 µm) in the Tuning window (Ctrl+T) to get the SED image. 6. Adjust Lens 1 (condenser, part of Column tab) and Lens 2 (objective, part of Raster tab) to roughly focus image. Adjust Stigmator 1 and 2 (Raster tab) if necessary. 7. Enable Lens 1 (Column tab) wobbler (right-click) to center the aperture position with Fine Tunning X and Y. *With Lens 1 wobbler, the fluctuation in image brightness indicates that the beam is way off-axis. In this case, tune Beam Steering to the median of the numbers where SED images disappear then center the aperture. 8. In Raster tab, use Lens 2 wobbler to adjust the Lens 2 Steering. 9. Use Blanker wobbler (Column tab) to focus Lens 2 (Raster tab) so that the objective lens is focused at blanker for motionless blanking. 10. Tune Lens 1 (Column tab) to fine focus (iterate above steps for optimal alignment). 11. In Raster tab, tune Stigmator 1 and 2 Steering using respective Stigmator wobbler. 12. Fine tune Stigmator 1 and 2 to get best image. *If grid of known spacing is used, Rotation, Tilt and Raster Scale Factor in the Properties of Advanced Controls can be checked. Trapezoidal Correction can be tuned for square rastering on the sample. 13. Return to Normal mode. C. Pulse mode for spectrum and high-resolution imaging For using LMIG as primary ion for analysis (pulse mode), load standby.LMIG.ins to setup the timing. For bunched (better mass resolution) or unbunched (better spatial resolution) operation, filter load respective setting file. 1. Adjust sample Z height using pulse mode and select LMIG aperture (usually 50 or 200 µm). 2. Set Quad Blanker Amplitude = 0 and Buncher = 0 in the PHI LMIG Column control or in Quad Blanker Timing window (Ctrl+Q). 3. Acquire spectrum and look at H region, multiple peaks would occur due to the time difference of Bi+, Bi3++, Bi2+ and Bi3+. 2014/8/24 12 4. Set the Quad timing using following reference value Particle Start Time (µs) Duration (µs) Voltage (V) Delay (250ps) Bi+ (46%) 3.3100 0.1500 30 100 ++ Bi3 (13%) 2.9100 0.1500 30 100 + Bi2 (16%) 2.6100 0.1500 30 100 Bi3+ (16%) 2.1100 0.1500 30 100 5. Optimize the Quad timing to obtain single H peak. By lowering the Quad Start Time, the window will move to the right of spectrum; by increasing the Quad duration, the width of the window will extend to the left. Note that after the timing is tuned for different particle, the Calibrate needs to be used to get correct m/z scale. 6. Dose calculation (set in Properties in Acquisition page) i. The Pulse Width set in Column tab of PHI LMIG page is a DAC value. The actual Pulse Width is measured by the number of channels (default is 128 ps/ch) of the FWHM of H peak in unbunched mode. The actual Pulse Width (ns) can also be estimated by 9.25×DAC–3.07 (subject to change with Quad timing). For standard setting of 1.5, the actual time is about 10.8 ns. ii. The total DC Current can be measured in Sample FC or Primary Column. The actual DC Current is only a portion (ratio of selected particle) of the total current. *The current can also be read from Keithley meter at Normal mode with Quad Blanker Amplitude = 0 (mind the manual switch between Keithley and computer, and set the Quad Blanker Amplitude back to 30 when finished). D. Bunch mode for high resolution spectrum 1. Set the Buncher timing in Quad Blanker Timing window (Ctrl+Q) using following reference value Particle Start Time (µs) Voltage (V) Delay (250ps) + Bi 4.7750 830 140 Bi3++ 4.7700 760 140 + Bi2 4.7000 740 140 Bi3+ 4.6500 700 140 2. Optimize these values for best mass resolution. 3. If image is needed, Lens 2 needs to be lowered by 100~300 V to regain focused ion image. 4. The buncher would preserve all ions in the pulse hence the dose is the same as its unbunched counterpart. *Tip exchange and initial startup (for service personnel only) 1. Restart the software to vacuum control mode. 2. Confirm V7 is closed then Backfill Intro to perform tip exchange. 3. Pump Intro and wait for a good vacuum then start LMIG source IGP. 4. Perform LMIG baking. Unplug baking zones 1, 3, and 4. Unplug C60 baking power. 5. Ramp the Beam Energy to 30000 V using System menubar → Outgas Conditioning and select LMIG Outgas. 6. Initially heat the tip to 3.1 A with Automation menubar → Reheat LMIG Emitter. 2014/8/24 13 7. Set the Heater current according to the shipment data. 8. Set Suppressor voltage to –1500 V. 9. Slowly increase the Extractor voltage until Emission Current is obtained. 10. If Extractor reaches –10000 V but no Emission Current, increase Heater by 0.1 A and repeat last step. 11. Tune the Extractor for stable 3 µA then 1.5 µA Emission Current. 12. Lock the Emission Target to 1.5 µA and verify its stability for 1 h. 13. Set Normal Heater Current and Normal Extractor in the Properties page. 14. Shutdown the emitter and use automatic Startup Emitter to make sure a stable Emission Current can be obtained. 15. When the tip gets old, higher Extractor and Heater may be required. Changing Extractor affects the whole alignment so that try to keep Extractor constant. 2014/8/24 14 GCIB OPERATION (not open for public use) 1. Adjust sample Z height to be 2 mm from analyzer lens. 2. Check the GCIB pump station, TMP1 should be at 1000 Hz and TMP2/TMP3 at 1500 Hz. 3. Check the Ar line pressure from the regulator on the large Ar tank. If it already dropped to 0, purge the Ar line by opening the manual green by-pass valve and Gas Leak Valve (GC0) until the vacuum reading on GCIB control is below E–2. 4. Turn on the main valve on the large Ar tank and confirm the line pressure is at 8~9 kg/cm2 (0.8~0.9 MPa). 5. Open the manual isolation valve. 6. Load desired GCIB Settings In Hardware session → GCIB tab. 7. Put the gun to Ready mode. Gas Leak Valve (GC0) should open automatically. 8. On the touchpad, press On to inject the Ar. For standard Ar2500+ (optimized), the injection pressure should be 650 kPa and the vacuum reading on GCIB control should be ~2 Pa. Note that the touchpad should always show certain pressure. If not, restart the software to regain the communication. 9. When finished, close the manual isolation valve, close the Ar tank, turn off gas injection from touchpad, then select off mode. 10. For parameter tuning, Faraday cup or suspended grid is required. (for advanced user only) i. Based on existing alignment, different Beam voltage can be set. ii. Set Sample Bias to 0. iii. The cluster size is controlled by the pressure and 650 kPa yields optimized Ar2500. The cluster size can be estimated by 4.254E–6×P4 – 0.00936×P3 + 7.64×P2 – 2728×P + 358840 where P is between 500–700 kPa. iv. Maximize the Sample or Sample FC current in DC mode using Extrator, Focus, Bend, and Wien Deflection. v. To set desire beam current, tune Focus or lower Emission. vi. Use SED Image to focus the ion beam with Objective. Verify Hardware menubar → Raster Spec to be Fly Back for Tuning. vii. Verify the Rotation, Raster Scale Factor and Tilt with structures of known size. Trapezoidal Correction can be tuned for square rastering on the sample. viii. Tune the Beam Pos to make sure the center of GCIB (grounded, DC mode SED Image) is the same as Primary Ion Gun (~3000 V Sample Bias, pulse mode Total Ion Image). 2014/8/24 15 CRYOGENIC OPERATION • • • • • • • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (not open for general use) The temperature range is ±150 °C. The maximum sample size is 20 mm in diameter, 2 mm in thickness. Do not use adhesive to secure the specimen. DO NOT TIGHTEN SCREWS, JUST SNUG THEM. MAKE SURE THE TEMPERATURE CONTROL IS INACTIVE WHEN PLACING/REMOVING HEATER. Frequently verify that LN2/N2 flow is not blocked and is removed by the plastic pipe on the wall. The elastic tube should not be directly plugged into the plastic pipe in order to avoid vibration – they should be separated by around 1 cm and close to each other. If there is no suction from the plastic pipe, check for the green light on the breaker box (and switch below it) between N2 generator and air compressor. Check the O2 monitor near the ceiling to be ~21% at all times. If it drops, leave the door open and use fan to draw outside air into the lab. The green pressurization loop on the LN2 tank should be kept closed. The default temperature reading time is every 10 s and acquisition will be paused during temperature reading (but not reading during sputtering). If necessary, change the setting in System session → Heating/Cooling page → Properties → Heating/Cooling page → Sampling Periodicity. Ø Note that the PID value should be tuned to ensure correct temperature control especially if precise temperature is desired (the default P=1.50, I=0.15, D=3.00, PID Interval=60 is only optimized with 10 s reading interval). Ø In the Diagnostics of this page (require service privilege), the Control Mode could be set to controller to free up CPU time as well. Mount the glove box and hook the N2 line. Purge the box with continuous flow of N2 by open the green valve on the isolation platform. The humanity should drop to <5% and the dew point (td, switchable by pressing the ▲ of the sensor) <–20 °C. Press-and-hold the power bottom for 2 sec from off state will make the sensor to enter the setting mode for turning ON/OFF of auto-off function. Ø Close the by-pass valve for the intro volume of glove box and lock the isolation door with the two clamps can achieve low humanity in the main volume faster. Ø For introducing anything into the main volume of glove box, make sure the isolation door is locked with the two clamps. Open the by-pass valve then open the front door of the intro volume then put the required parts into the intro volume. After the humanity dropped to <10%, open the isolation door and transfer parts into the main volume. Move the stage to the Standard Intro position. Make sure the Platen Type is set to Standard Platen before Backfill Intro and removing the platen. Loose the 4 screws on the standard sample platen with 2.5 mm hex driver then remove its receiver (6 screws) with 3 mm hex driver. If plastic heater is not installed or was removed due to the use of high-temperature platen, i. Remove the protective supporting plate at right-hand side with by loose (not remove) 4 screws (with washers) using 1.5 mm hex driver. 2014/8/24 16 ii. Place the plastic heater on the stage. The connector is at right-hand side. Snug (not tighten) the 2 screws with 1.5 mm hex driver to secure the plastic heater. Be careful of washer. iii. Put the protective plate back. Snug (not tighten) the 4 screws with 1.5 mm hex driver. Be careful about the 4 ceramic spacers and washers. 6. Check the resistance of heater at right-hand side to be ~100 Ω between the connector pin. The bottom pin is ~1 Ω to ground. 7. Place the cryo receiver. The connector for thermo-couple is at left-hand side. At room temperature, the resistance should be ~100 Ω between the connector pin and open to everything else. 8. Secure the 6 screws with 3 mm hex driver. Make sure the screws go through the respective hole of the plastic heating. 9. Pump Intro and wait for a good vacuum and allow V4 to open automatically (<6.7E–4 Pa). 10. Connect the LN2 tank (green outlet) and allow the LN2 to feed into the system. Make sure the plastic venting line on the wall works correctly. Ø 0.05 MPa of LN2 and open the liquid valve (green) by ¼-½ turns would be more than enough. Ø Ice formation on more than half of the LN2 evaporator indicates too much LN2 is feed to the system. 11. In System session → Heating/Cooling page, select Hot/Cold Platen in Platen Type. This can only be set when platen is at Standard Intro position. 12. Pre-cool the receiver to –50~–80 °C by Active Temperature Control. 13. Prepare and mount sample on the holder and secure the 4 screws with 1.5 mm hex driver. The holder can be pre-cooled and keep in LN2. The cap/sample/holder should have good thermal contact for consistent temperature. 14. When ready, Backfill Intro and secure the holder with 4 screws with 2.5 mm hex driver and Pump Intro as soon as possible. Minimize the exposure to atmosphere to minimize icing because the sample temperature is lower than dew point. Ø To prevent ice-burn, the software does not permit to Backfill Intro if the temperature is outside of –10 to 50 °C. For pre-cooled stage that prevents water sublimation during pump down, temporarily set the Cold Limit to be lower than the required temperature in Properties page. Set the limit back to –10 °C as soon as the Pump Intro started. 15. Set desired temperature for required operation. To prevent sublimation of water, <–100 °C maybe required. Regulate the LN2 flow from the tank to achieve required temperature with minimal LN2 consumption and vibration. 16. When the temperature and vacuum is stabilized, transfer the sample to analysis position. 17. During the operation, check the LN2 level and N2 venting line frequently. Do not allow the flow of LN2 to stop. 18. Check the O2 monitor near the ceiling to be above 20% at all times. If it drops, leave the door open and use fan to draw outside air into the lab. 19. When finished, recover the sample (4 screws with 2.5 mm hex driver) and Pump Intro as soon as possible to avoid icing. Do not allow continuous exposure to air when the stage is cold. 20. Set Temperature to 25 °C and connect the LN2 line to the gas outlet (black) on the LN2 tank. 21. Use the N2 gas to purge the LN2 line (open the valve by ¼-½ turns would be enough) and wait for the stage to return to room temperature. 2014/8/24 17 22. Make sure the Platen Type is set to Standard Platen before removing the cryo reciever. 23. Backfill Intro to recover the cryo receiver (6 screws with 3 mm hex driver) and heating tape if non-standard platen will be used. Inspect the stage to be condensation free. 24. Put the standard sample receiver (6 screws with 3 mm hex driver) and its holder (4 screws with 2.5 mm hex driver) back on the system then Pump Intro. Mind the orientation of the receiver – the straight edge to the right needs to be parallel to the support. 25. Close the N2 gas purging valves when finished. 2014/8/24 18 HIGH TEMPERATURE OPERATION (not open for general use) The holder is meant for 200-500 °C. The maximum sample size is 20 mm × 20 mm, 2 mm in thickness. Do not use adhesive to secure the specimen. DO NOT TIGHTEN SCREWS. MAKE SURE THE TEMPERATURE CONTROL IS INACTIVE WHEN PLACING/REMOVING THE PLATEN. • The default temperature reading time is every 10 s and acquisition will be paused during temperature reading (but not reading during sputtering). If necessary, change the setting in System session → Heating/Cooling page → Properties → Heating Only tab → Sampling Periodicity. Ø Note that the PID value should be tuned to ensure correct temperature control especially if precise temperature is desired (the default P=0.05, I=0.20, D=1.00, PID Interval=60 is only optimized with 10 s reading interval). Ø In the Diagnostics of this page (require service privilege), the Control Mode could be set to controller to free up CPU time as well. 1. Make sure the Platen Type is set to Standard Platen before Backfill Intro and removing the platen. 2. Loose the 4 screws on the standard sample platen with 2.5 mm hex driver then remove its receiver (6 screws) with 3 mm hex driver. 3. If plastic heater is installed, i. Remove the protective supporting plate at right-hand side with by loose (not remove) 4 screws (with washer) using 1.5 mm hex driver. ii. Undo the 2 screws that secure the plastic heater using 1.5 mm hex driver and snug (not tighten) the connector with 1.5 mm hex driver. Be careful of washer. iii. Put the protective plate back. Snug (not tighten) the 4 screws with 1.5 mm hex driver. Be careful about the 4 ceramic spacers and washers. 4. From the bottom of the Hot Platen, check the resistance of heater to be ~1 Ω and thermo-couple to be ~100 Ω (at room temperature). 5. Mount the Hot Platen in the same manner of Standard Platen. 6. Pump Intro and wait for a good vacuum and allow V4 to open automatically (<6.7E–4 Pa). 7. In System session → Heating/Cooling page, select Hot Platen in Platen Type. This can only be set when platen is at Standard Intro position. 8. Active Temperature Control and slowly increase the Temperature to desire value. Watch the change in vacuum (<5E–3 Pa) during the initial heating. 9. When the temperature and vacuum is stabilized, transfer the sample to analysis position. 10. When finished, move the stage to Standard Intro position and set Temperature to 25 °C. 11. Wait for the stage to return to room temperature then Select Standard Platen in Platen Type. 12. Backfill Intro to recover the platen and put the standard one back under vacuum. • • • • • 2014/8/24 19 POST ACCELERATION (not open for public use) 1. To enhance count rate, especially for low intensity molecular ions at high m/z, post acceleration can be increased. As it enhances the intensity of all ions, low m/z peaks need to be blanked to avoid saturation/damage to the detector. 2. Acquire spectrum at normal condition (5 kV post acceleration) 3. Blank high-intensity peaks at low m/z region Correct timing sequence and blanking region of 1 amu may be required for the blanker to function properly. 4. In Hardware session → Analyzer page → Detector tab, increase PostAccel Energy. 5. If the count rate is too high (>5E4), lower the post acceleration and blank more unused m/z. ADVANCED INSTRUMENT SETTING l l l l (not open for public use) To avoid startup unnecessary component and make the configuration clean, separated instrument files is used to startup required function. The parameter for analysis could also be saved within the software. It is not possible to directly save the setting elsewhere. To backup, the actual setting file is located in "C:\Program Files\PHI\WinCadenceN\Setting\AcqSetup\Settings". It is possible to put required setting file in above directory then manually type its filename for loading. For repeating work, it is possible to setup personalized instrument files that start/switch all required functions with desired parameters. The personalized instrument files should be saved in your own directory to avoid confusion. Ø If customized instrument file was saved/used, full load empty[1-5].ins from "C:\Program Files\PHI\WinCadenceN\Setting\Instruments\empty set" (they are essentially Zero.ins) to overwrite the recent history in Instrument menubar to prevent mistake loading. This is particularly useful for setting up Phased Acquisition and put ion guns at different parameters in different phase. Ø Set Gas Gun for +ion Neutralization during acquisition and let the software to load different parameter for sputtering and charge neutralization phase. Ø Set LMIG / C60 for pulsed acquisition and switch to DC mode for sputtering with the same gun. In this single beam operation, the raster size in DC mode has to be larger than that in pulse mode to avoid edge effect. SWITCHING BETWEEN PRIMARY PARTICLES (not open for public use) Ø The reference starting point of pulse sequence is defined with the pulse in the primary ion guns. When different primary particle is used, the actual time it hits the sample differs. As a result, different sequence is required. If significant portion of spectrum is missing, different sequence is required. Ø The effect is more apparent when switching between C60 and LMIG as the flight time is very different. Ø Wrong setting in High Mass Blanker can distort the spectrum and prevent correct m/z calibration. Ø Wrong sequence will prevent Post ESA blanker to blank desired m/z range. Ø Hardware menubar → Sequence Editor → Blanker page → Blanker group 2014/8/24 20 Do not change other settings as they will mess-up the whole timing. 1. High Mass blanker i. Set Low Mass to 1.5 amu for acquisition. Tune Intercept offset in 10×104 step to remove H. Set Low Mass to 0.5 amu and make sure H is present. ii. Set High Mass to desired amu for acquisition. Tune Slope multiplier in 0.002 step. Increase or decrease the setting if the actual cut-off is before or after the desired value. 2. Post ESA blanker i. Blank 0.5-1.5 amu and tune Intercept offset in 5×104 step to blank H. ii. Blank ±0.5 amu of desired peak and tune Slope multiplier in 0.002 step to blank selected peak. Extractor Pulser = 0 V High Mass Post ESA Slope multiplier Intercept offset Slope multiplier Intercept offset Bi+ 0.1250 476×104 0.7964 438×104 ++ 4 Bi3 0.1250 476×10 0.8017 427×104 Bi2+ 0.1250 470×104 0.8032 418×104 + 4 Bi3 0.1250 470×10 0.8034 413×104 C60+ 0.1250 219×104 0.8000 181×104 Extractor Pulser = ±2000 V Post ESA (+ion) Post ESA (–ion) Slope multiplier Intercept offset Slope multiplier Intercept offset + Bi 0.797 437×104 0.797 437×104 Bi3++ 0.802 425×104 0.802 425×104 + 4 Bi2 0.806 417×10 0.806 417×104 Bi3+ 0.808 413×104 0.808 413×104 *These reference values can be different due to the change in Extractor Pulser, Mass Calibration and Z-height. DEM TUNING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (service personnel only, should never change) Load standby.LMIG.ins, standby.LMIG.PEon.ins for default values without and with the use of Extractor Pulser. Ø Extractor Pulser can help m/z resolution. Fixed –/+ 2000 V is used for positive/negative ions. Ø The use of Extractor Pulser affects Immersion Lens, Beam Position, DEM Steering, Detector Steering and Polarity Offset. Turn off High Mass Blanker and Post ESA Blanker to allow direct ion image. Set Raster Specs to Tuning: 4 Fold Interlanced and 2 MHz. In DC mode with maximum Raster Size, slowly increase DMCP Voltage to obtain the direct ion image. The DMCP Voltage should never go above 1200 V. Tune Immersion Lens (~6300 and ~7500 V with and without Extractor Pulser) to focus the image. Tune the DEM Steering to obtain homogeneous diamond-like image. Iterate 4 and 5 to optimize. Set High Mass Blanker = 160 V and Post ESA Blanker = 200 V. Set Raster Specs back to Tuning: Fly Back and 0.5 MHz. 2014/8/24 21 REFERENCE SPOT POSITION FOR Z HEIGHT (service personnel only) 1. Use the standard Al/Cu grid at 3 mm height. 2. Turn off Detector Scanning Control and DEM Control. *The Detector Steering and DEM Steering are always active. 3. Set the Raster Size to maximum 640 µm, Sample Bias to 3000 V. 4. Check default DEM Steering • Positive mode, Extractor Pulse = 0: X = 2.4, Y = –10.4, R = 2.0 • Negative mode, Extractor Pulse = 0: X = –3.2, Y = 9.6, R = 180.6 • Positive mode, Extractor Pulse = –2000: X = 12.8, Y = –4.8, R = 2.0 • Negative mode, Extractor Pulse = +2000: X = –13.6, Y = 2.4, R = 180.6 5. Check default LMIG Beam Position • Positive mode, Extractor Pulse = 0: X = 1.950, Y = 0.869 • Negative mode, Extractor Pulse = 0: X = –4.612, Y = 1.096 • Positive mode, Extractor Pulse = –2000: X = 4.138, Y = 1.269 • Negative mode, Extractor Pulse = +2000: X = –7.524, Y = 1.369 6. The LMIG SED Image in DC mode and Total Ion Image in pulse mode will show the FOV of immersion lens. The FOV of SED Image should just touch the right side of the image and the Total Ion Image should has circular FOV in the center. 7. Turn on DEM Control and tune DEM Deflector Sensitivity for uniform luminance in SED Image and Total Ion Image. 8. In Normal mode, tune the Sample Bias for highest count rate. 9. Turn on Detector Scanning Control. i. Set Detector Scan Size to 0. ii. Move the spot in Detector image to the box region with Detector Steering. iii. Set Detector Scan Size back to 4. The Flight Time Calibration is tight to Detector Scan Size so that always set it to 4. If Detector Steering is significantly changed, new Flight Time Calibration is required. 10. For analysis position, following items can be used to check/tune the Z height. • The Analysis Area image should be at best focus and should be at a close proximity of the photo image. • Ion/SED images should be at best focus. • The spot in Detector image should be in the box region. • With DEM Control off and maximum Raster Size, Total Ion Image has centered circular FOV and the FOV of SED Image just touch the right-edge. 2014/8/24 22
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