bulletin - Simsbury United Methodist Church

The flowers on the altar are given to the Glory of God by Catharine and
Carl Coppersmith in memory of loved ones.
Annabelle and Hayes Iler and Jack Norman
Jay Fearrington, Jonathan Hamilton, Hal Johnson, John Postle, Omer
Yalincak, and youth
Come as You Are
Side: Rosie Klotz and youth
Tower: Bob Klotz and youth
Is Necessar
Keeping What
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Rest Behind
Simsbury United Methodist Church
01/25/2015 Worship attendance:
8:00 – 11; 9:00 – 46; 10:30 – 99; Total = 156
Leaving the
R Church
t School
Sc Attendance: 44
“David &
Our Pastors – Woody Eddins and Peter Preiser
Organist & Adult Music – Yves Venne
Children/Youth/Contemporary Music – Dorothy Cowles
A Stephen Ministry Church
“The greatest discoveries a
person can hope to make
are those within their own
Albert Einstein
10:30 a.m.
Feb 1, 2015
02.01.15 – 4th Sunday after Epiphany, Youth Led Worship,
“Souper” Bowl Sunday
Worship Service – 10:30 a.m.
Prelude | “Cantad al Señor” by K. McChesney | Wesley Ringers
Offertory Music | “Nocturne” by Chopin | Gabriel Garcia ~ Piano
◊Presentation of Gifts/Doxology #94
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here
below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus
Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia!
◊Call to Worship
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation of distress or
persecution of famine or nakedness or peril or sword?
Unison: No! In all things we are more than conquerors through the one who
loves us. We are sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor
principalities, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,
nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able
to separate us from the love God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Thanks be to God!
People: Amen.
◊Prayer of Dedication | Jillian Cowles
◊Opening Hymn | Eternal Father, Strong to Save #2191 (Faith We Sing Hymnal)
(There follows prayers of praise for God's acts of creation, concluding...we join with the
song of unending praise, saying:) Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might,
heaven and earth are full of your Glory. Hosanna in the highest, blessed is the
one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.”
◊Opening Prayer | (unison) | lead by Aly Vazquez | based on Psalm 139
O God, you know me better than I know myself, you know my fears and you
know my possibilities. You are with me no matter how far I run or how long I
wander. You are with me during my darkest hours and on my brightest days.
If I could fly to the ends of the earth you would fly alongside me. If I fall into
the deepest pit you would be there to comfort me. If I reach for the highest
goal you are there to celebrate with me. In all life, good and bad, sorrow and
joy, faith and doubt, courage and fear, you walk with me, O God, my
companion. Blessed are you and I am blessed to be in your presence. Amen.
A Time for Children | Stephen Davis
First Lesson | Mark 4: 35-41 | Molly Cowles
Early Anthem | “Goliath” by Joseph M. Martin | SUMC Children’s Choir
Youth Introduction | Junius Hughes, Youth Director
Personal David & Goliath Message | Annabelle Iler
Holy Communion
The Great Thanksgiving | Hymnal Page 15
Leader: The Lord be with you,
People: And also with you.
Leader: Lift up your hearts,
People: We lift them up to the Lord.
Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God,
People: It is right to give God thanks and praise.
Prayer of Consecration
Sharing of the Meal
Music During Communion | “Morning Has Broken” a traditional English melody
arr. for handbells | Chancel Ringers
Prayer After Receiving | lead by Jonah Garcia
Eternal God, we give you thanks for this Holy Mystery in which you have
given yourself to us. Grant that we may go now into the world, in the strength
of your Spirit, to give ourselves for others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
◊Closing Hymn | Standing on the Promises #374
Personal David & Goliath Victory Message | Hayes Iler
◊Benediction Response | Go In Peace
Go in peace and the peace of God be with you this day; Go in peace and the
peace of God be with you alway. Celebrate and share the joy, celebrate
new life. Go in peace and the peace of God be with you alway.
Pastoral Prayer
◊Postlude | Improvisation on organ by Y. Venne
The Lord’s Prayer | Blue hymnal #895
◊ please stand as you are able
David & Goliath Skit | cast