ST. PATRICK Roman Catholic Church 6455 Brook Park Drive ! Colorado Springs, CO 80918 W^dKZ!!!!!!! ZĞǀ͘>ĂƌƌLJ^ŽůĂŶ ϱϵϴͲϯϱϵϱĞdžƚ͘ϭϬϮ ! WZK,/>s/Z ZĞǀ͘ƌŝĂŶDŽŚĂŶ ϱϵϴͲϯϱϵϱĞdžƚϭϭϵ ! KE^ Dick Brown Jim Bachta Rick Annora Ma Kasper ! ZK^Zz Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 DŽŶĚĂLJʹ&ƌŝĚĂLJ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϲ͗ϯϬD ! ^ZDEdK&EK/Ed/E' K&d,^/< ϭ!"Tuesday aer 7:00 AM Mass ! h,Z/^d/KZd/KE dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϴ͗ϬϬDͶϳ͗ϬϬWD ZKE/>/d/KE ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJƐ͕ϯ͗ϯϬʹϰ͗ϯϬWD ;ŽƌďLJĂƉƉŽŝŶƚŵĞŶƚͿ ! ZK^Zz&KZZ>/'/Kh^ &ZKD dƵĞƐĚĂLJƐ͕ϯ͗ϬϬWD /s/EDZzsKd/KE^ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJƐ͕ϯ͗ϬϬWD ! 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Schooley by: The Caracillo Family Wednesday, February 4 7:00 am for: In Thanksgiving (Special Intention) by: The Mascarenhas Family Thursday February 5 7:00 am for:+ Bill Laughlin by: Pat Shaw Friday, February 6 7:00 am for:+Jack Osmon by: Helen Osmon Saturday, February 7 5:00 pm for:+Rita Mazza by: Ann Buetti for: Missa pro populo (Mass for the People of God) Sunday, February 8 7:45 am for:+Patricia Millan by: The Henderson Family 9:30 am for:+ Trey Furlow by: Mike & Barb Carcillo 11:30 am for:+ Kay LeBreton by: Maureen Keeman 5:00 pm for:+ Mark Cave by: Lois Cave Center for Formation and Mission 6455 Brook Park Drive - Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00PM Center Hours 6:30 AM to 9:00 PM Telephone (719) 598-3595 Fax (719) 599-5741 Email [email protected] Web Site Staff email address = 1st initial & [email protected] Pastor Fr. Larry Solan 102 Parochial Vicar Fr. Brian Mohan 119 Deacons Dick Brown 103 Rick Antinora 118 Jim Bachta 107 Matt Kasper 144 Business Administrator Scarlett Tubridy 116 Assistant Business Administrator Janet Gagnon 110 Director of Children’s Formation Suzanne Olipane 139 Assistant to Children’s Formation Irene Knudsen 140 Director of Adult Faith Formation Eric Siverts 106 Steve Schindler 101 Director of Youth/YA Ministries Asst. Dir. of Youth/YA Ministries Jackie Lon 105 Project Coordinator Mary Ann Lamecker 108 RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Sr. Marlou Ricke 109 Director of Liturgy/Music Jolita Frank 115 Asst. to Director of Liturgy/Music Andrew Moulds 146 Admin. Asst./Facilities Scheduler Marie Baughman 104 Receptionist Carla Neal 100 Stephen Ministry Peg Shannon 113 St. Vincent de Paul Outreach 117 Mission Statement We are a Roman Catholic community united by faith in God, nourished by Jesus through both the Word & the Eucharist, & empowered by the Holy Spirit. We strive to meet the spiritual & physical needs of our growing parish family & community through prayer, faith formation, evangelization, stewardship, fellowship, & social justice. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: “Of all For Mass intentions, please call the Parish office. devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments, the one dearest to God & the one most helpful to us.”- Pray for Our Sisters and Brothers Saint. Alphonsus Liguori Gil Johnson, Michelle Blackner, Sue Walker, Vincent Lujan, Aaron Williams, Harry Peabody, Betty Barker, Anthony Sullivan, Robert Thompson, Larry Berube, Leigh Yorgason, Rosemary La Croix, Yvonne Ross, Toby Espinosa & Family, Joe Hawkes, The Kelley Family, Michael Ragsdale, Alex Karzon, Rosie LeBlanc, Bill Barbier, Dick Todd, Mark Zarkovacki, Tom & Sylvia Pinello, Sima Selman, Bob Burns, Mary Jane Siracusa, Geoffrey Phelps, Ron Litteral, Bob Sivers, Larry Lynch, Charlene Pardo, Alan Lahman. God’s will be done. Come spend one hour with Our Lord. Adoration is held Thursdays from 8 am to 7 pm. Eucharistic Adoration Understood simply, Eucharistic Adoration is adoring or honoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. In a deeper sense, it involves “the contemplation of the Mystery of Christ truly present before us”. By worshipping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be! Like a magnet, the Lord draws us to Himself & gently transforms us. In its fullest essence…Eucharistic Adoration is “God & Man reaching out for each other, at the same time”. Names may also be placed in our intention jar in the back of the Sanctuary. Submit bulletin blurbs & bulletin inserts to Marie Baughman at [email protected] or to the Parish Office. Deadline for the bulletin is Monday at 10 am. Bulletin inserts need to be submitted 1week in advance of the weekend to be inserted in the bulletin for approval. Thank you! 2 Calendar of Events Friday, February 6 8:00 am Praying Prodigals Home—Fitzpatrick Hall 9:00 am Bulletin Inserts—Pastors Room 10:00 am Library Ministry—Library 4:00 pm Food Pantry—Blessed Teresa of Calcutta 5:00 pm Cub Scouts Den 4—Neumann 6:30 pm Girl Scouts—Baker/Cabrini Spanish Prayer Group—McGivney Hall, Tekakwitha & Serra Saturday, February 7 9:00 am Spanish Women’s Breakfast—McGivney Hall 3:00 pm Baptism Preparation Class—Fitzpatrick Hall 4:30 pm Library Ministry—Library 6:00 pm Fair Trade Coffee & Chocolate Available—Fitzpatrick Hall 6:00 pm Sale Weekend—Fitzpatrick Hall 6:30 pm Spanish Mass—Sanctuary 7:30 pm Spanish Valentine’s Day Dance—Bonzel Hall Sunday, February 8 Coffee & Doughnuts after all morning Masses—Bonzel Hall 8:45 am Fair Trade Coffee & Chocolate available & Sale Weekend—Fitzpatrick Hall 8:45am—12:45pm Library Ministry—Library 9:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word—Fitzpatrick Hall RCIA Dismissal—Bishops Rooms 12:45 pm Nursery available during Faith Formation—Nursery 1:00 pm Faith Formation K-5th Grades 3:15 pm Faith Formation K-5th Grades 4:30 pm Library Ministry—Library 6:00 pm Fair Trade Coffee & Chocolate available & Sale Weekend—Fitzpatrick Hall 6:15 pm Life Teen—Bishops & Deacons Rooms Saturday, January 31 1:00pm Peter & Paul Movie—Fitzpatrick Hall 4:30 pm Library Ministry—Library Sunday, February 1 7:45 am RCIA Dismissal—Bishops Rooms Pancake Breakfast after all morning Masses—Bonzel Hall 8:45am—12:45pm Library Ministry—Library 9:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word—Fitzpatrick Hall 4:30 pm Library Ministry—Library Monday, February 2 8:45 am Nursery for Mothers of Faith—Nursery 9:00 am Mothers of Faith—Baker/Cabrini 9:30 am Pillars—Fitzpatrick Hall 6:00 pm Love to Learn—Bonzel Hall 6:30 pm American Heritage Girls Awards Ceremony—Sanctuary Great Adventure Bible Timeline—Seton Jewish Roots of the Eucharist—Fitzpatrick Hall Spanish Bible Study—Duchesne Tuesday, February 3 7:30 am Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, immediately following 7am Mass—Sanctuary Tuesday Morning Breakfast Group—Bonzel Hall 9:00 am Timeline Exodus—McGivney Hall & Toussaint 9:30 am SYMBOLON—Fitzpatrick Hall 11:30 am English as a Second Language—Classrooms & Nursery 3:00 pm Rosary for Religious Freedom—Sanctuary 6:30 pm RCIA—Fitzpatrick, Bishops Rooms, Library & Nursery 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal—St. Cecilia/Martyrs Boy Scouts—Bonzel & McGivney Halls & Toussaint Wednesday, February 4 9:30 am Kids & Company—Nursery Share the Word—Fitzpatrick Hall Great Adventure Matthew—Seton 10:00 am Stephen Ministry Peer Supervision—Bishops Rooms 3:00 pm Divine Mercy Devotions—Sanctuary 4:00 pm Celtic Cherubs—St. Cecilia Tithing Committee Meeting—Pastors Room 4:30 pm Emerald Singers—St. Cecilia 5:15 pm Trinity Singers—St. Cecilia 5:45 pm Nursery for First Things First—Sanctuary 6:00 pm First Things First—Sanctuary/Bonzel Hall 6:30 pm Confirmation 1A—Bishops Rooms Confirmation—Deacons Rooms EDGE—Fitzpatrick Hall Knights of Columbus—McGivney Hall Stephen Ministry Peer Supervision—Seton Spanish Choir Rehearsal—Duchesne Emergency Action Team Meeting—Pastor’s Room Thursday, February 5 6:00 am TMIY—Bonzel Hall 8:00 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—Sanctuary 9:00 am Senior Social Ministry—Bonzel Hall 9:30 am Great Adventure Acts—Seton Jesus and the End Times—Fitzpatrick Hall 11:30 am English as a Second Language—Classrooms & Nursery 5:30 pm St. Vincent de Paul—Neumann 6:30 pm Centering Prayer—Tekakwitha Catholic Education Presentation—Bishops Rooms Priest, Prophet, King—Seton Spanish Intercession—Sanctuary Financial Peace—Fitzpatrick Hall The calendar is subject to change, please verify your program. Celebrated Sacraments Baptism Pennelope Abel 1/25/15 Sacramental Information Baptism: A Baptism Preparation Class is required for all parents & godparents. Call the Parish at 598-3595 X104 for information about baptisms or to register for a class. Next class is Saturday, February 7th at 3pm. Call to register. Weddings, Annulments, Convalidations—The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony: Congratulations! You have made the decision to be married in the Catholic Church, please contact Deacon Matt at x144 or Deacon Dick at 598-3595 x103. They will explain & guide you through the process. We look forward to working with you. Funerals: For any assistance at the time of a death of a loved one or friend & to make arrangements for a Funeral Mass or Vigil, please contact the parish office. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: Please contact the Parish office at the onset of serious illness to request a priest. Anointing immediately after Mass, 1st Tuesday of the month. Sick & Homebound: Call the Parish Office to request home visits or hospital visits &/or for the Eucharist to be brought to the homebound. Because of privacy acts, we need you to let us know when you need assistance, a priest or just a friend. 3 K-5th Grade Formation Youth Formation (6-12th Grades) SUNDAY GOSPEL REFLECTION: Today’s Gospel focus is facing the faces of evil. “I know who you are.” In the Gospel of Mark only the forces of evil recognize Jesus as the Holy One of God. Today’s Gospel reading sets up the conflict between unclean spirits, the realm of Satan, & the reign of God, manifested in Jesus. As the Gospel continues, Jesus will be beset by the religious authorities who question his credentials & the minions of Satan with whom he will do battle. The New Testament affirms the reality of demonic forces. The overriding message is that Jesus has power over these evil forces. You can find schedules and information about all of our programs on the parish website ( under FAITH FORMATION > YOUTH MINISTRY > the program you are interested in. Spring schedules are now posted. EDGE – MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY EDGE and One-Eight Confirmation on Wednesday, ! We’re looking forward to seeing everyone! We invite all of you who attend our Catholic schools to join our program too! Building the parish community is an important part of faith formation! ON THE WAY HOME FROM MASS: In our culture, there is fascination with the devil or demons. It is unhealthy & can open us up to demon repression or possession. Jesus has come to show us that these powers of evil are not glamorous & fascinating, but rather tawdry & tedious. They merit our caution, not our interest. IMPORTANT! - If your teen will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation next year (2016), they must take part in a faith formation program, such as EDGE, this year. This is according to the bishop’s guidelines for receiving a Sacrament. Feb 4th – EDGE and One-Eight Confirmation Feb 11th - EDGE and One-Eight Confirmation Feb 18th - EDGE and One-Eight Confirmation Feb 21st/22nd – Diocesan Middle School Rally Feb 25th - EDGE and One-Eight Confirmation LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, expel from us all that is evil, all that is impure, all that is opposed to God. May your presence guard and protect us all our days. Amen. THIS WEEKS SAINTS: February 1: St. John of the Grating February 2: Our Lady of Good Success February 3: St. Blaise February 4: St. Joan of Valois February 5: St. Agatha February 6: St. Francis Nagasaki February 7: Bl. Pius IX The spring schedule is now posted on the parish website! LIFE TEEN – HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY We invite all St Mary’s High School teens to join our program too! Building the parish community is an important part of faith formation! Please see our parish website for the full spring schedule. Our next meeting is: Feb 1st – No Life Night - Super Bowl Sunday Feb 8th – Life Teen - Grace Infusion Feb 15th – No Life Night - President’s Day Weekend Feb 22nd – No Life Night due to Diocesan Middle School Rally UP-COMING FAITH FORMATION CLASSES: WEDNESDAY: “First Things First” February 4 at 6:00pm (NOTE: “First Things First” will only be on Wednesday this month) SUNDAY: February 8 at 1:00 & 3:15pm SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION: (Required Attendance): PARENT CLASSES: Wednesday, February 11 at 5:00pm (Room #122 ~ Make-up) Wednesday, February 18 at 5:00pm (Room #122) Sunday, February 22 at 1:00 & 3:15pm (Room #122) FIRST EUCHARIST RETREAT: Saturday, February 14 at 12:45pm (Sanctuary) FIRST EUCHARIST MASS: Saturday, April 25 at 1:00pm Catholic Heart Work Camp pre-registrations deadline is quickly approaching. We will be going to Billings, MT. For our fun day we will spend a day and a half in Yellowstone National Park. There are a limited number of slots available and we have lots of interest! GREEN ST PATRICK T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE We have them in stock. To get yours, please see Steve or Jackie or stop by the parish office. WE ARE NOW ON FACEBOOK: Please like our Facebook Page: St. Patrick Faith Formation K-5 I will be posting information about up-coming classes and events as well as weather closures. It is another way to stay connected and informed. St Patrick Youth, Colorado Springs stpatsyouthcos St Patrick Young Adult Ministry If you have any questions about K-5th Grade Faith Formation, please contact Suzanne Olipane at [email protected] or 598-3595 ext 137. Our Website Find Us on Twitter and Instagram Follow us on Twitter: @StPatsYouthCOS Follow us on Instagram: stpatsyouthcos Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children’s Liturgy of the Word: (CLOW) Meets during the 9:30 Mass. All children ages 4 thru 1st grade are invited to participate (no registration required). Listen for the dismissal announcement after the Gloria. Questions? -Please contact Molly at [email protected]. THANK YOU TO OUR PARISHIONERS FOR ALL YOU DO TO SUPPORT OUR TEENS! From my point of view, God is the light that illuminates the darkness, even if it does not dissolve it, and a spark of divine light is within each of us.—Pope Francis 4 Young Adults (21-30 yrs.) Did You Know... Our next meeting will be on: Date: Monday, February 2nd Time: 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Place: 5535 Sonnet Heights, 80918 God Bless!! ~Jackie FOR INFORMATION ON ANY YOUTH OR YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY PROGRAM, PLEASE CONTACT STEVE SCHINDLER AT [email protected] OR BY PHONE AT (719) 598-3595 x101 OR JACKIE LON AT [email protected] OR BY PHONE AT 719-598-3595 X 105. …we have a new Parochial Vicar? Father Brian Q. Mohan is now part of the staff at St. Patrick. I attended Catholic grade school in Atlanta & Marist School run by the Marist priests & brothers. I graduated from Florida State University with a bachelor’s degree in Communications & Advertising. I worked in sales & marketing for 12 years before entering the seminary with the Society of Mary. I studied in Washington D.C. at the Washington Theological Union earning a Master of Divinity degree. I joined the Diocese of Colorado Springs in 2004 & spent one year here at St Patrick in 2004 as an internship year. I served as a transitional deacon at St. Peter parish & was ordained a priest in 2005. My first assignment as Parochial Vicar was at Ave Maria parish in Parker. I served as pastor of Our Lady of the Visitation 2007-2011 & served as pastor of Pax Christi in Littleton from 2011-2014. In January I made a decision to leave Pax Christi & take a role as a Parochial Vicar. I am very pleased to be assigned to this wonderful parish of St Patrick. I am impressed with the level of lay participation & leadership & look forward to serving as an integral part of this community of faith. Personally, my gifts as a priest center around one to one ministry, Ignatian spiritual direction & pastoral counseling & 12 step spirituality. I also offer grief counseling as well. I enjoy continuous studying of the saints & I am an avid photographer, enjoy working out at the gym, biking, hiking & skiing. I welcome visitors to my office & look forward to working with you all in furthering the Kingdom as disciples of Christ. I love quotes from the saints so here are two for you: “Love & do what you will. If you keep silent, keep silent by love; if you speak, speak by love; if you correct, correct by love, if you pardon, pardon by love; let love be rooted in you and from that root nothing but good can grow.” St. Augustine In Christ, Fr. Brian Q Mohan RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Sharing our Christian faith is important. Others worked in the harvest so we may reap the benefits of the sacraments and spiritual guidance of the Catholic Church. Likewise, we willingly try to bring this precious gift to the next generation, our faith community, and to others. One of the ways we reach out to others (non-Catholics) is through RCIA. The RCIA process is basically a guide to conversion of heart led by the Holy Spirit. A team of volunteers helps lead the catechumen through the process; explaining the Church from its Jewish roots through the life of Jesus, to the modern Church, and the Seven Sacraments. We welcome YOUR involvement in RCIA this year. Assistance is needed to: -Sponsor individuals -Facilitate discussions during our Mass dismissals & Tuesday night sessions -Share information on your ministry & invite inquirers to join -Assist in hosting the receptions that follow the Rite of Full Communion (March 22) &/or Easter Vigil (April 4) However you choose to be involved- it will be a very rewarding experience! Email Joe Pagano ([email protected]) or call 719-393-5307 to volunteer. Questions about the process of RCIA? Contact Sister Marlou: 719-510-5692, or [email protected]. Hispanic Ministry Hispanic Ministry: is an energetic & devoted group of Adult Faith Formation Spanish speaking men & women meeting at St. Patrick. We meet regularly for Scripture studies, Faith Formation & a Charismatic Prayer Meeting. The Charismatic Prayer Group seeks to foster a personal experience of Pentecost for each person by offering opportunities for individuals to encounter Jesus as Savior & Lord & offer opportunities to experience Baptism in the Holy Spirit. We come together to praise, worship & honor God & to build up the Body of Christ as brothers & sisters. Once a month the Spanish men & women gather to share a meal & their faith. Masses in Spanish are offered periodically. Contact Melida at 444-8129 for more information. Come join us! Small Church Communities (SCC) are groups of parishioners who gather to reflect on their lives in light of the Gospel and to share their Christian faith through prayer, friendship & service. If you or someone you know is interested in joining or starting a SCC, call Eric at 598-3595. SYMBOLON is a dynamic, state-of-the-art video resource for the evangelization and catechesis of adults. Sessions are shown on Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30am – no registration is needed. Mark your Calendar! Our Annual Lenten Mission starts with the Masses on the weekend of March 7/8. Father Leo Patalinghug, host & founder of Grace Before Meals, will preside at the Masses. Beginning on that Sunday evening, Fr. Leo will provide 3 evening sessions that educate & inspire people of all ages. Topics will include: Finding God through the Saints, Finding God through his Mother, & Finding God at the Lord’s Table. Watch for more information. Hispanic Ministry Programs/Events Mon. Feb 3: 6:30 pm Spanish Bible Study—Duchesne Tues. Feb 3: 6:30 pm RCIA in Spanish—Fitzpatrick Hall Thurs. Feb 5: 7 pm Spanish Intercession—Duchesne Fri. Feb 6: 6:30 pm Spanish Prayer Group—McGivney Hall Sat. Feb 7: 8am Spanish Women’s Breakfast—McGivney Hall 5 Stewardship of Time and Talent ~ Volunteers Needed !! Video Ministers Needed: Complete one-on-one video training provided as long as you need it. Most ministers just sit down at our state-of-the-art equipment & step through slides from a playlist created for you. We provide a cue sheet as your guide. You learn so much more about the Mass! We have ministers of every age so don't let that stop you. Please contact Nancy Korpi, servant leader, at 599-8911 or [email protected]. Sacristans: minimize distractions from Mass by proper placement of all items required for the Liturgy. They also verify that the required positions for EMHC & Lectors are filled. The Sacristan should arrive 20 minutes prior to the start of Mass, assist during Communion & return everything to its proper place after Mass (10 minutes). The Sacristan is also a trained & mandated Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC). If you are interested in serving in this ministry, contact Christine at 2827705 or email: [email protected]. Adult Choir: Interested persons may serve as a Choir Member, a Cantor, or an Instrumentalist. Music ministers rehearse at a 90-minute rehearsal during the week. For singers, proper vocal production, breathing techniques, vowel formation, diction, & part-singing are all addressed while preparing to prayerfully support the musical prayer at all Parish liturgies. Instrumentalists are instructed to be part of an ensemble that supports the singing of the Assembly & Music Ministers at the Masses. On the weekend, the musicians arrive to warm up & rehearse before the scheduled Mass at which they serve. Contact Jolita at 598-3595x115. Youth & Children’s choirs: Celtic Cherubs, Emerald Singers & Trinity Singers. Call the parish office for more information. Altar Server Ministry: provides boys & girls with the opportunity to learn more about their faith & to begin to build a foundation of evangelization & stewardship by serving at Mass & other liturgical functions. Some of the goals include: enhancing the servers’ understanding of liturgy & services to the faith community, giving each server opportunities to serve at various liturgical functions, encouraging them to consider a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, instilling in them a life-long desire & commitment of service to the Church Children who are in the 2nd grade & up & who have received First Holy Communion are eligible. Parents who would like their children to serve at the altar may contact Katie at 359-3800. Hospitality Ministers & Greeters: welcome people to the Church & help with the flow of the Mass. Greeters meet you at the door with a smile & offer help to any newcomers; Hospitality Ministers welcome you into the Sanctuary & help you find a seat on a crowded day. They help to make the Mass flow smoothly—assisting with collections, presentation of the Gifts, Communion, & special celebrations—always keeping an eye out for young children. You are offered a parish bulletin as you depart—with a smile & a thank you. Continually welcoming new people is a great way to meet everyone joining in this celebration. If you would like to volunteer, contact Andrew 598-3595 x146 Emergency Action Team (EAT): We are radio’d up & ready to be the focal point for all events that happen before, during or after Mass: medical issues, security concerns, & safety. We keep the nursery in radio contact & we are vigilant about things that are out of the ordinary. The most often asked question is “Do we need this?” & our answer is “We hope not, but we’d rather have it in place if we do.” For more info, contact Andy Berry at 487-8970 or email at [email protected]. Sound Ministry: enables the assembly to fully participate in the Mass by hearing the Word of God, both spoken & sung. They assist in setting up & operating the sound equipment, primarily during Masses. There are other instances during weddings, funerals, education sessions & other special occasions that may require or request sound support. Ministers must be of Confirmation age & able to work closely with the music groups to achieve an optimal balance & volume with the various microphones used. No previous experience is necessary; we will train you on everything you need to know. If you would like to learn more, contact Jim at [email protected] or call 598-9299. Lectors/Commentators: Lectors to proclaim God’s Holy Word at Mass so that those in our assembly will focus on the readings & not let anything distract them from hearing the Words of Scripture being proclaimed. We don’t just read, we “proclaim” the Word of God to the faithful assembled. In the Liturgy of the Word the Holy Spirit “recalls” to the assembly all that Christ has done for us. The Commentator starts the Mass by welcoming the congregation, leading prayers & giving an introduction to the Liturgy. For more information, contact Lisa at 313-9004 or email: [email protected]. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: (EMHC): share the Precious Body & Precious Blood of Christ during Eucharist (Communion) at Mass & Communion Services. The ministers also share the Precious Body of Christ to the homebound & in hospitals. Volunteers must be at least 16 years of age, a practicing Catholic, have received the Sacrament of Confirmation & if married, had their marriage blessed in the Church. It is one of the most fulfilling ministries you can do. If you would like to be trained as an EMHC, please contact Andy at 638-5805 or email [email protected] Altar Linens Ministry: Each week two dedicated volunteers wash, iron, fold & return to church the many linens used during our Eucharistic celebrations. Linen ministers are scheduled 2-3 times in a 6 month period. It is a small commitment with no meetings to attend. Detailed training is provided. A new schedule begins in January & you are invited to join this group of dedicated people in serving our parish. For more info or to join please call the ministry servant leader at 282-0729. Ministry of the Week Vocations/Missions/Rosaries: The Mission is to raise the awareness of all parishioners to the urgent need for religious vocations. They support & encourage those now in the religious life as well as promote & encourage the call to religious vocations. Volunteers provide information to the community & foster discernment of all vocations through existing programs. They foster family prayer & encourage discernment of vocations in the family (including marriage & single life). Parishioners can sign up ahead of time & receive the “Traveling Chalice” at Mass, retain it for one week & pray for vocations. Volunteers also assist the missions in spreading the gospel by assembling rosaries that are sent to missionaries for distribution. Youth are encouraged to participate. The servant leaders are Joan & Vern Gawlik; they 6 can be reached at 528-8861 or email: [email protected]. Understanding Truth ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡǤǯ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ Ƥ Dz dz Ǣ ǡ Ǥ Ƥ ǡ ǣ ǫ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǯ ǡ Ǥ DzǤǤǤ Ǥdz ͝͠͞ ǡ ƤǤ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ 7 Community, Mission and Social Outreach Stewardship of Treasure O Accounting & Finance Office Scarlett Tubridy, Business Admin. Janet Gagnon, Asst. Business Admin. If you have borrowed a Pyx to take communion to the sick or homebound, please return it to the parish office if you are no longer using it. We are running short. Thank you! [email protected] [email protected] Number of Registered Parish Families ........................................ 2235 Number of Registered Parish Members ...................................... 6689 Attendance ........................................................................................ 2123 Contribution Ordinary Offertory Children Loose Total Offertory for Jan 17/18 Operation Renovation St. Vincent de Paul Society: Thanks to all St. Pat’s parishioners for your generous contributions to the St. Patrick’s Emergency Fund. A portion of the fund is used by our parish’s St. Vincent de Paul conference to provide modest financial support to needy families that we visit. This small monetary assistance, which your contributions permit, is multiplied many times over by the fellowship, prayer & loving concern that each visit imparts. To learn more about the services that our local St. Vincent de Paul Society provides contact us via the parish office at 598-3595 x117. January 24/25, 2015 Number Total Amount 336 $ 17,272.84 2 $ .50 0 $ 1,681.15 338 $ 18,954.49 $ 18,971.15 $ 357.50 Tithe: St. Patrick Emergency Fund. This fund allows our St. Patrick community to assist those in need. Stephen Ministry: I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends. We all need a concerned, caring friend at difficult times in our lives. A Stephen Minister can listen and care for you or for someone you know who is going through a tough time. To request a Stephen Minister, call Peg Shannon at 4603829. Stephen Ministry is confidential and free of charge. Upcoming Tithes TLC Pharmacy—February 7/8 Aid to the Church in Central & Eastern Europe—February 14/15 Black & Indian Missions—February 21/22 St. Patrick Emergency Fund—February 28/March 1 Salvation Army of El Paso County—March 7/8 My Estate Manager is shown on the St. Patrick website ( under the parish links. This is a free resource with numerous areas of helpful information to assist with planning for the future. The site is sponsored by Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care. The Catholic Legacy Society honors those who have named their parish, a Catholic school, Catholic Charities, or other ministries of the Diocese of Colorado Springs as a beneficiary in their will or trust, retirement account, charitable gift annuity or charitable trust, life insurance policy, or through the establishment of an endowment fund. Visit for more info or call Peggy at 866-6518. Food Pantry: All of us involved with the Food Pantry thank you for your continued generosity allowing us to assist the less fortunate. May you continue to have a Blessed New Year. We are in constant need of canned fruits, vegetables, meats, tuna, soups of all kinds, stews as well as peanut butter, jelly/ jams, cereal, spaghetti noodles, and sauce, pasta sides, rice-aroni, boxed potatoes, complete boxed meals, condiments, salad dressings, & tea. Our needs also include toothpaste, shampoo, bar soap, diapers & paper grocery bags. Thank you & God bless! HELP! OUR KIDS NEED YOU!! Love to Learn tutoring ministry is reaching out to so many children in our parish & community that we need more tutors. It is a once a week commitment on Monday evenings & you will have a forever friend! We help with academic needs & support is available to all our tutors. As always we are here to help any child kindergarten—high school with their studies in any subject area. Call Linette 232-8812. Online Giving is available for both weekly offertory and Operation Renovation. Visit our website at Volunteer help needed to count offertory Monday mornings after Daily Mass. Requirements are dependability and 10-key experience. Please contact Scarlett at 598-3595. LIBRARY NEWS: Start your New Year with some good spiritual reading. We have lots of new materials ready for check-out. Call the parish any Friday when I’m there & I can give you a list of what is checked out to you & your family. Volunteers Kathryn at [email protected] or 282-1228. Readings for the Week of Feb. 1, 2015 Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse . . . a peer-support group. Are you or someone or do you know a woman who struggles with anger, depression, dissociation, being controlling, panic attacks, or acting like a child when triggered by certain situations & also happened to have suffered some form of sexual abuse as a child? Would you like to change this situation? Call the Parish office for more information about this caring & important support group. Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 Monday: Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34 Next Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/ Mk 1:29-39 ©Liturgical Publications Inc 8 WE WELCOME FATHER BRIAN MOHAN AS OUR NEW PAROCHAL VICAR TODAY! Community, Mission and Social Outreach Emergency Action Team (EAT) Tip - Shelter in Place Vocations IN TALKING WITH YOUR CHILDREN, have you neglected to raise the call to Church ministry? The process of answering God’s call begins in childhood. Throughout adolescence & adulthood, the attitudes assumed in childhood begin to influence the course of one’s life. A vocation or a talent will not grow to fruition unless it is nurtured in childhood &adolescence by a parent. Often children talk about what they want to be “when they grow up”: doctors, lawyers, athletes, nurses, movie stars, teachers, carpenters. They may talk about these roles, but do they ever talk about being a priest, sister or brother? You are the hand of God—encourage your children to consider Church ministry. Do you feel you may be called to priesthood, sisterhood or brotherhood? For more info about vocations, contact Bishop Sheridan at the Diocese of Colorado Springs, CO at 636-2345. Community, Mission and Social Outreach WINTER CANCELLATION POLICY As winter weather is here, we want to remind you of the St. Patrick Cancellation Policy. If D-11 closes for the day, our Faith Formation classes (K-12) & children’s choir practice will be cancelled for the day. All other programs/events may still meet if they wish. Servant Leaders/Facilitators: will choose to meet or cancel, please notify the parish office (598-3595) no later than 4:30pm if you are cancelling. You may want to contact your participants as well. We will post notices on the website. That Man Is You! (TMIY) We meet at 6am in the Bonzel Hall. TMIY Is a weekly men’s program, with breakfast, that seeks to educate, encourage & strengthen men to be real men, not as the world defines it, but as God does. This year’s theme is “The Revelation of the Father” which explores the mystery that touches God. Indeed, men “relive & reveal on earth the very fatherhood of God.“ Come & join us for an opportunity to grow in your faith & experience fellowship with other men seeking to better understand God’s call in their life. For more info tmiy or contact Sonny Cordova, 331-9806 or Eric Siverts, 5983595. The Respect Life Crafters knit & crochet baby blankets for expectant mothers that come into Catholic Charities. We are always accepting yarn of any weight & color, all material, batting & thread. The Crafters also make blankets that are taken to the Sick of our parish. We particularly appreciate ½ yard or longer pieces of fleece & flannel. Please drop off any yarn or fabric donations to the church office. Questions? Call Carol at 481-8338. Fair Trade Coffee & Chocolate is available in the parish office during regular business hours. Visit our website Normally, this is for tornadoes but may also be used for any dangerous situation outside. Everyone needs to remain INSIDE the building & calmly exit the main sanctuary & gather downstairs. Everyone will gather in tornado safe rooms & await instructions. Parents, the nursery is a safe location for your children & we will ensure you are reunited with them as soon as possible. Please be helpful & Christianly. Help others downstairs & remain calm at all times FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIFE In a couple short weeks, it will be Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten Season. It also marks the start of the next “40 Days for Life” campaign. From Ash Wednesday until Palm Sunday, pro-life prayer warriors will cover the abortion facility on Centennial Blvd.: with prayer. Prayers for the babies, the parents, & even for the abortion providers. Prayer works. There have been many babies saved, abortion workers who have quit, & clinics that have closed. Please consider joining in this important ministry, whether you can pray on the street, at church, or at home. More info at . Also keep a watch on what our state legislature is doing. It isn’t published in the daily news, but there are many bills that affect the culture of life—or death! Here are a few important bills in the current session: House Bill 15-1041 for the Protection of Human Life Beginning at Conception prohibits performing of abortions. House Bill 15-1112 Creating the “Born-Alive Infant Protection Act”. This bill requires a physician performing an abortion to take all medically appropriate & reasonable steps to preserve the life of a born-alive infant. House Bill 15-1128 to adopt the “Women’s Health Protection Act.” To protect mothers from the dangers & complications of abortion, it requires all abortion clinics to be licensed and inspected by the Department of Public Health & Environment. There will be others. Your representatives need to hear from you about the values you do or don’t support. Otherwise, the pro -death lobby will be the only ones heard. The Colorado General Assembly web page is at h t t p : / / w w w . l e g . s t a t e . c o . u s Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn, pray for us! Ron Krom, Grand Knight St. Patrick Council 9993 Deepen your prayer life this Lent through Contemplative Prayer: Silence—internal & external—can deepen your awareness of God’s presence. But sometimes it is difficult to cultivate peaceful silent prayer. The Centering Prayer group at St. Patrick meets on second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 6:30pm, in Room 121 (Tekakwitha). This group practices Christian contemplation using the Centering Prayer method developed by Trappist monks. Lenten dates are February 12 & 26; March 12 & 26. Please join us! Contact Steve at 282-1924 or [email protected] if you have questions. Called & Gifted Spiritual Gifts Discernment Program: Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.) Find joy and purpose in using your spiritual gifts for others! Learn more about discern9 ing these gifts. Contact Ann 531-6725 [email protected] Family Life St. Patrick Girl Scout Troop: has openings for all girls ages 5-18. We meet Fridays 6:30-8pm in classroom 133. If you are interested in joining girl scouts or have any question, please join us for our meetings or call Deana at 522-1798. The American Heritage Girls (AHG) Come & visit us during one of our regular meetings to find out what our wonderful Pathfinder (Kindergarten) program has to offer you. We meet on Monday evenings from 6:30–8pm (except holidays, etc.). Of course we welcome all girls age 5-18. For more info about AHG visit the website at Please contact Leigh Ann for more info about our troop: [email protected] or 684-3751. Kids & Co. Playgroup is a fun way for both parents & young children to socialize in a positive & supportive setting. We meet Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 at local parks, attractions or the church nursery. To join our email list, contact Kate at [email protected] or 659-3267. Our Facebook group is: St. Pat's Kids & Co. Cub Scouts Pack 268 is an energetic, boycentered Cub Scout pack meeting at St. Patrick. Boys in 1st- 5th grades interested in developing skills, leadership, & citizenship values in a faithcentered Pack are encouraged to join. Interested? Contact Paul at 393-3663. Come join us! Mark your calendar! St. Patrick Vacation Bible School (VBS) is scheduled for June 22-26, 2015. Registration & volunteer details coming this Spring! Questions? Contact: Doug & Jennifer Brummel, Directors: [email protected] Nursery Nursery is available downstairs off the Bonzel Hall. Do your little ones find it hard to sit still during Mass? We offer childcare in our Nursery for children 4 months to 4 years of age? We have toys & activities to keep your children entertained. We are located downstairs just off the Bonzel Hall. All our care providers have been trained & background checked to meet the Bishops requirements for keeping children safe. Our Gathering Space is equipped with speakers so the Mass can be heard even if you have to step out of the Sanctuary. Seniors The Young at Heart Luncheon: We meet the third Thursday of each month at a different restaurant to enjoy food, conversation and laughter. All Seniors are Welcome. Around the Diocese Wednesday, Feb. 11, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, is World Day of the Sick. Bishop Sheridan will offer Mass at 12:10 pm at St. Mary Cathedral. Those who are seriously ill or in danger of death from old age are invited to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick at that Mass. The front pews in the cathedral will be reserved for the sick and those who accompany them. The Grief Support Ministry: Please join us for an opportunity to share your story, your pain & your journey to peace. The program will incorporate small group format with sharing, topic & prayer. We meet from 1–3pm on Feb 3, 10, 17, 14th. All meetings are on Tuesdays. Meetings are at Holy Apostles & are sponsored by Stephen Ministry of St. Pats & Holy Apostles. Call Mary Ann at 244-1598 or Pat at 439-7683 for information & registration. In today’s second reading St Paul talks about the fact that married couples have to deal with the anxieties of the world. Sometimes those stresses can really have a negative impact on our marriages. Get away from all those worldly anxieties & take time to just focus on God & each other by making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend at Glen Eyrie in Co Spgs, Mar 6-8, Jun 5-7, or Oct 9-11. See for more info. Marriage Help – Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi) has helped tens of thousands of couples at all stages of disillusionment or misery in their marriage. This program can help you too. For confidential info about or to register for the April program beginning on April 1719, 2015 call (303) 317-5111 or email: [email protected] or visit the web site at Laity Engaging Laity (LEL) is a Diocesan effort focused on Catholic spiritual growth through prayer, learning & community in monthly mini-retreats. The 2015 LEL theme is spiritual growth in the power of the Holy Spirit. The next mini-retreat is “The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus & the Acts of the Apostles” on Sat, Feb 14, 9am-noon, at Corpus Christi Parish Hall (2318 N. Cascade, CO Spgs). Join us for an experience of the Holy Spirit. Contact Rhonda Bush at the diocese (636-2345) if you have any questions. The Diocese of Colorado Springs is sponsoring a pilgrimage to the 2015 World Meeting of Families Sept. 22-27 in Philadelphia! The diocese has secured 40 rooms at the Radisson Blu Hotel in center city Philadelphia-within walking distance of the convention center where most of the WMOF activities will take place. This room reservation also covers the papal weekend, which will feature a public Mass celebrated by Pope Francis. Fr. Mark Zacker will accompany the group & Bishop Sheridan will also join when his schedule allows. Your registration also includes registration to the WMOF conference, daily Mass & devotions, hotel taxes & roundtrip transportation. Airfare to & from Denver International Airport has been secured for those who want it. For complete pricing, itinerary details & a registration form, see the brochure link at or contact Rudy & Carmen Lopez for more info at 719-638-4521 or [email protected]. Registration deadline is Mar. 1, so act fast! Know Someone Who Might Be Pregnant? FREE pregnancy tests & education, Know your options. (Confidential & Compassionate support) Colorado us for a morning of fun & games on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays Springs Pregnancy Center 591-2724 of the month. We meet in the Bonzel Hall at 9am for social time, munchies & games—like Mexican Train Dominoes & Bunko. Please bring a "small amount" of a finger food to Project Rachel is a program sponsored by the Catholic Church, share (fruit, pastry, etc.). Beverages will be provided. providing free professional, confidential counseling, reconciliaIn case of inclement weather, we’ll cancel if District-11 tion, & spiritual direction with love & compassion for those who delays or cancels school. 10 have been wounded by abortion. If interested, call 866-6426. Senior Social Ministry: Guys & Gals over 50, come join St. Andrew Corsini (February 4) St. Andrew Corsini lived from 1302 to 1373. When his mother was pregnant with him, she dreamed that she had given birth to a wolf that sauntered to the gate of a Carmelite monastery, & entering the vestibule of the church, the wolf had changed into a lamb. Because of her dream, Andrew’s parents raised him to be a very pious & God-fearing boy. However, little by little he succumbed to worldly pleasures in spite of the frequent reproofs from his mother. After Andrew became aware that his parents had vowed him to the service of Our Lady, he mended his ways & at the age of seventeen he entered the Carmelite Order. He never was deterred from his decision to become a Carmelite, even though he was persistently tempted by the devil. He was a man of austere penance. Andrew fasted continuously, wore a hair shirt, & prayed the penitential psalms daily. As an act of humility, he often washed the feet of the poor. His special gift from God was the grace to effect the conversion of hardened sinners. In 1360, he was made the bishop of Fiesole in Tuscany. Patron: Civil disorder; riot Symbols: Holding a cross, with a wolf and lamb at his feet, and floating above a battlefield on a cloud or a white palfrey Did you know that our weekly bulletin is now available 24/7 on two websites? And on our church website. All ads now include a free web link and web listing page! New available spots also for web ads! We are seeking new sponsors. We need your help! Our advertisers keep our bulletin available. If you would like to sponsor a spot, or know someone who would, please contact Elizabeth 720-468-9423 for pricing and details. Thank you! Woodmen Valley Dry Cleaners 6974 N. Academy Blvd., Ste. 70 at Woodmen King Sooper Shopping Center James Pang, Owner 719-260-6626 Open M-F 7am-7pm Sat 8am-5pm THE AMBUUL FAMILY For all your insurance or out of pocket repair needs COLLISION REPAIR & PAINTING On the Corner of Garden of the Gods Rd. And North Nevada Customer Shuttle Available 260-0285 Members of The Catholic Community Robert D. Biggers, M.D. PIKES PEAK UROLOGY PAUL T. GEFREH ATTORNEY AT LAW Specializing In Adult & Pediatric Urology New Patients Welcome 2125 N. ACADEMY BLVD. 6071 E. Woodmen Rd., Ste. 300 531-7007 • Parishioner 596-9010 635-3563 121 W. Cucharras EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST SINCE 1917 Specialists in All Types of Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, and Sewer Repairs 6155 N. Academy Blvd • 719-594-4778 111 E. Garden of the Gods Rd. • 719-633-2072 • 24 Hour Service • Replacement or New Installation ~ Residential & Commercial Flintridge Dental Center Calvin D. Utke D.D.S. | Kirsten L. Ziuchkovski, D.D.S. Providing friendly family dental care for people of all ages 5770 Flintridge Drive #210 Located at Vickers & Flintridge 593-8701 Parishioners Contact Elizabeth Crowley to place an ad today! [email protected] or 1-800-950-9952 x2568 Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. FOR AD INFO CALL ELIZABETH CROWLEY AT 1-800-950-9952 • ST. PATRICK CHURCH, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO B 2C 05-0397 01-22-201510:30:05 Mount Saint Francis Columbarium BILL’S PLUMBING & DRAIN SERVICE A place of peace, beauty and prayer. 719-598-4775 Located on the grounds of Mt. St. Francis, the columbaria offers a beautiful, always accessible place of peace and prayer. The columbaria is well lit, handicap-accessible and secure. To reserve your niche, please contact Mt. St. Francis Columbarium at Full Range of Plumbing Services icess Email: [email protected] Colorado Springs’ Plumbing Specialis Spe Specialists lists ts (719) 955-3810 Life does not stand still - Capture that moment mom $25 OFF ANY SESSION OR $50 OFF PLATINUM OR DIAMOND PACKAGE Couples, Families, Children, High School Seniors, Maternity, Babies & Milestones 719-510-1582 • Jerry Tafolla, DDS. 8 Locations To Serve You Parishioner Mark D. George, D.D.S. Braces for all ages! Locally Owned & Family Operated Briargate Location: 7770 N. Union Blvd., Suite B (719) 594-9797 Parishioner GUERRA DENTAL, PC FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 3208 N Academy Blvd Ste 100 • 719-362-0002 5478 Tomah Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Phone - (719) 598-6680 Fax - (719) 598-4037 [email protected] $99 New Patient Whole House Carpet Clean for $110.00! Exam and X-Rays Local family owned & operated for over 15 years Call 719-310-0900 Orthodontics for Adults and Children (719) 528.7022 H Keyes Townsend Jr, DDS Parishioner 1685 Briargate Boulevard, Colorado Springs Commercial and Residential Heating • Ventilations • Air Conditioning Systems Sales • Installation • Service • Design Build Office: (719) 548-8880 • (719) 548-1853 A & S Cleaning Services 719.432.8619 All types of the highest quality cleaning services Free Estimates Insured - Licensed - Experienced One Time • Weekly 2x per Month • Monthly 719.492.2050 Contact Elizabeth Crowley to place an ad today! [email protected] or 1-800-950-9952 x2568 Move In/Outs Real Estate Sale & Management Available 719.246.0884 [email protected] Jody Heffner J Realtor 719.633.3400 20 years experience Office (719) 495-6838 Cell (719) 331-6240 “Superior Service & Performance with Honesty and Integrity” [email protected] PARISHIONER “Serving Colorado Since 1971” 10 Year Labor Guarantee FREE ESTIMATES 719-544-1950 2501 FREMONT ST., CANON CITY • 719-269-9911 Kathy Thurman Office: 719.593.1000 Mobile: 719.660.4366 Toll Free: 1.800.888.8208 Fax: 719.548.9357 REAL ESTATE [email protected] Golden Hill Neighbor for 38 years 5475 Tech Center Dr., Ste. 300, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Shields ALL SEASONS CARPET CLEANING AND RESTORATION Cliff Bruce–Manager (719) 268-2744 • (719) 331-6962 Pet Stain Removal • Repairs & Restretch Emergency Water Extraction Insured/Residential & Commercial FREE ESTIMATES 30% OFF WITH BULLETIN Trent Denman Auto Broker / St. Patrick’s Parishioner H.M. Brown & Associates 1220 Lake Plaza Dr, Colorado Springs Ph: 719-219-4710 • Fax: 719-219-4711 (719) 590-7608 Phone 6650 N. Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Your Friendly Neighbors One Stop Shop for all your car care needs! Great Service, Same Location, for over 20 Years! James A. Mundt, P.L.L.C. Estate Planning From a Catholic Perspective Serving Colorado Springs for over 30 years St. Patrick’s Council #9993 121 E. Vermijo Ave. • Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Office - 719.578.1152 • Fax - 719.632.3755 “We have a great time at whatever we do, And we believe you will too!” For more information, or to join please call: Parishioner of St. Patrick’s • Doug Anderson • 719-282-9025 FOR AD INFO CALL ELIZABETH CROWLEY AT 1-800-950-9952 • ST. PATRICK CHURCH, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO A 4C 05-0397 01-22-201510:30:05
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