1966 Refresher National Park Article - The Coca

MAY-JUNE, 1966
Our National Parks, Page 11
Vol . 13
COYER : Zeroing in on target ,
Brenda Lyle demonstrates th e
sales power packed in the ne w
graphic design for one-way pack aging for Coca-Cola. This de sign with its repetitive diamond shaped pattern is the latest am munition which Coca-Cola bottlers are using to stir up excitement in the marketplace. Al l
one-way containers for Coke wea r
the new look"-including cans ,
can wrappers and can shippers a s
well as one-way bottle labels ,
one-way wrappers, one-way shippers and paper cups. The new
design for
one-wa y
packaging is expected to corra l
much dealer and consumer interest wtih resulting display, action and sales.
MAY-JUNE, 1966
No . 3
Baltimore Branch Plant Offer s
Educational Opportunity
Chicago Branch Continues Program
It's More Than One' Time Again
Our National Parks
1 1
Profile of A Brand Manager
A Natural Resource Vital to Our Business
Five Regional Laboratories Established
Mrs . Martin Aids Youngsters
New Switchboard Provides More Efficient Service
The Coca-Cola Club Visits A Hospital
For Your Information
Retirements and Service Awards
Edito r
Assistant Edito r
Editorial Assistan t
Directio n
Published bi-monthly for the employees of The Coca-Cola Compan y
on behalf of the Public Relations Department of The Coca-Col a
Company by The Hickory Publishing Company, P .O . Drawer 1734 ,
Atlanta, Georgia 30301.
Copyright 1966 by The Coca-Cola Company . "Coca-Cola" and "Coke "
are the registered trade-marks which identify only the product of Th e
Coca-Cola Company . "Sprite," "Fanta," "TAB," "Chime" and "Fresco "
are also registered trade-marks of The Coca-Cola Company .
BUFFALO ROAM in Platt National Park, one of the smallest of our national parks, in the foothills of the Arbuckle Mountains of southern Oklahoma .
,Yp40'~ B pd
and its beautiful natural endowments-from sun-kissed desert land s
to towering mist-cloaked peaks-by visiting this country's far-flun g
federal recreation areas .
Every citizen is part owner of our vast public lands, coverin g
about 465 million acres . These include national forests, parks, se a
THIS IS ONE of a succession of beautiful panoramas in Shenandoah National Park .
(Photo Courtesy National Park Service )
(Continued from page 11 )
shores, reservoirs, historic battlefields and monuments .
The National Park Service, U . S. Department of
the Interior, administers 206 of these federal recreation areas. Of the public lands in the Nationa l
Park System, the 199 areas reporting on visitatio n
for last year had a whopping total of 121,312,00 0
visitors !
Names of 36 of our national parks and monument s
appear on bottoms of bottles of Sprite to promot e
even further use and enjoyment of these federal recreation areas . Parks promoted on Sprite bottles rang e
from the Shenandoah National Park in the heart of
the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia to Ho t
Springs National Park in a valley surrounded by th e
Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas .
Of course, Coca-Cola, Sprite and our other products provide welcome refreshment for visitors t o
our national parks as well as all types of recreatio n
sites over the country .
This year the federal government is conductin g
"Operation Golden Eagle" to encourage American s
to invest in Uncle Sam's Federal Recreation Are a
Entrance Permits-known as "Golden Passports "
because they provide entry privileges to some 7,00 0
federal recreation areas .
A $7 gold-colored permit will admit a family o r
a group in a private car to these areas, not just once,
but as many times as desired during the period fro m
April 1, 1966 through March 31, I967 .
Money from the sales of the "Golden Passport "
goes into the Land and Water Conservation Fund .
Appropriations from this Fund go to the states an d
their cities and counties for acquisition, plannin g
and development of outdoor recreation areas fo r
certain federal recreation purposes . In announcin g
the 1966 recreation fees, Secretary of the Interio r
Stewart Udall said those who buy the new $7 "Gold en Passport" are helping to endow the nation' s
"future outdoor recreation estate."
Recreation areas where the "passport" can be used
for entry are administered by the Forest Service ,
National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service ,
Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, Burea u
of Land Management and the Tennessee Valle y
Authority .
These agencies do not charge fees for the recreation use of all the lands they manage . However, fee s
are charged at "recreation fee areas" designated under the Land and Water Conservation Act of 1965 .
These fees are charged only at areas which have recreation facilities or services provided at federa l
expense .
If a person chooses not to buy a "Golden Pass port" to all federal recreation areas valid for hi s
(Text continued on page 14)
ROUTE TRUCK from the Harrisonburg Coca-Col a
Bottling Company, Harrisonburg, Va ., service s
Visitor Center on the famed Skyline Drive whic h
bisects Shenandoah National Park .
ROBERT MATHIAS of Bottler Sales, The
Coca-Cola Company, Oklahoma City, talks wit h
Richard Rayner, left, acting superintendent o f
Platt National Park, in Southern Oklahoma, an d
William Burnside, park ranger .
Names of the following 36 national parks are
authorized to appear on Sprite bottles :
VAN H. LYELL, right, president of the Coca-Col a
Bottling Company of Hot Springs, checks nam e
of rational park on bottom of Sprite bottl e
as Bernard Campbell, superintendent of Hot
Springs National Park, looks on .
Acadia National Par k
Big Bend National Par k
Everglades National Par k
Gettysburg National Military Par k
Grand Canyon National Park
Mammoth Cave National Park
Olympic National Par k
Rocky Mountain National Par k
Saratoga National Historical Par k
Sequoia National Par k
Shenandoah National Par k
Zion National Par k
Hot Springs National Par k
White Sands National Park
Isle Royale National Par k
Great Smoky Mountains National Par k
Ft. Sumter National Monumen t
Shiloh National Military Par k
Lincoln Memoria l
Joshua Tree National Monument
Yellowstone National Park
Glacier National Par k
Crater Lake National Par k
Wind Cave National Park
Mt . McKinley National Par k
Cumberland Gap National Historical Par k
Hawaii National Park
Petrified Forest National Monumen t
George Washington Carver National Monumen t
Death Valley National Monumen t
Mound City Group National Monumen t
Scotts Bluff National Monument
Platt National Par k
Grand Teton National Park
Statue of Liberty National Monument
Chickamauga National Military Park
(Continued from page 12 )
entire family for one year, he can buy various type s
of temporary permits .
A "Golden Passport" may be obtained by mailin g
$7 to Operation Golden Eagle, P .O . Box 7763 ,
Washington, D .C ., 20044 . In general, it also is avail able at areas where it may he used for entrance, a t
many offices of the American Automobile Association and in offices of agencies administering federa l
recreation lands .
Federal recreation areas administered by the National Park Service cover more than 26,000,00 0
acres . Largest of these is the Katmai National Monument in Alaska (with 2,697,590 acres) which boast s
15 active volcanoes and the world's largest bear
the big brown hear . The smallest is the "Hous e
Where Lincoln Died," located on a fraction of a n
acre in Washington, D .C .
One of our largest and most popular nationa l
parks is Yellowstone which covers 2,213,206 acre s
in northwest Wyoming and is noted for its gushing
geysers, its roaming hears, and its scenic vistas .
Certainly, one of the most beautiful is the Shenandoah Nationa l
Park which encompasses over 30 0
square miles of scenic mountai n
country and claims 60 peaks tha t
rise 3,000 to 4,000 feet . The 105 mile Skyline Drive winds along th e
Blue Ridge highland and roughl y
bisects Shenandoah National Park .
Seventy-five parking "overlooks" o n
the drive provide a succession of breathtaking panoramic views of the lush beauty of the wooded slope s
and the Shenandoah River Valley . From Hogback
Overlook on a clear day, you can count 11 bends i n
the river .
The entire Shenandoah National Park is service d
by the Harrisonburg Coca-Cola Bottling Company ,
Harrisonburg, Va . I . J . Baugher, president and manager of the company, said the plant supplies Coca-Cola ,
Sprite, TAB and Fanta flavors to restaurants, lodge s
and camping areas in the park .
Our products, available in Shenandoah Nationa l
Park in bottles, cans and post-mix dispensers, ar e
sold through the concessionaire-the Virginia SkyLine Company of Luray, Va . This company, headed
by Fitzgerald Bemis, a Virginia state senator, operates all the lodging and restaurant facilities, servic e
stations and a gift shop in the park .
Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas, set asid e
as a federal reservation in 1832 and established a s
a park in 1921, attracts thousands of visitors each
year . Many come for the famous Hot Springs thermal baths . More than a million gallons of water ,
with an average temperature of 143 degrees F ., flow
from the park's 47 hot springs each day .
There are hydrotherapy facilities in 17 bath houses
operated under regulations approved by the Secretary of the Interior. Seven of these are in the park a t
the base of Hot Springs Mountain, constituting wha t
is known as "Bath House Row ." The Libbey
Memorial Physical Medicine Center and the Vocational Rehabilitation Center are nationally know n
institutions offering a complete physical therap y
program and specific treatment of physical problems .
The park also maintains a free museum, mountain-top observatory and the Gulpha Gorge recreation area and amphitheater . Many facilities for outdoor recreation-such as fishing, swimming and
water skiing-are available in the area.
The Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Hot Spring s
supplies Coca-Cola, Sprite, TAB, Fanta flavors an d
Fresco to outlets in the Hot Springs National Park .
"We are very well represented there," said Van H .
Lyell, president and manager of the company . "W e
have vending machines in 90 percent of the bat h
houses . Our products are sold in bottle and pre-mix .
One of our pre-mix vending machines is in th e
observation tower on the top of Hot Springs
Mountain . "
Platt National Park, nestled in the foothills of th e
Arbuckle Mountains in southern Oklahoma, is on e
of the smallest of our nationa l
parks . A little less than 1 .5 square
miles in size, the park nevertheles s
contains fresh-water springs, sulphur springs, bromide springs ,
sparkling streams, wooded valley s
and grass-covered hills . Buffal o
Springs and Antelope Springs i n
the park are so named becaus e
herds of these animals come from
the surrounding prairies to drink there .
More than eight miles of trails provide access t o
hikers to all points of interest within the park .
There are no restaurant or lodging facilities insid e
the park, but many tables and grills are provided fo r
those who wish to picnic there .
Robert Mathias of Bottler Sales, Oklahoma City ,
The Coca-Cola Company, said Coca-Cola, Sprite an d
TAB are available in Sulphur, Okla ., which is adjacent to Platt National Park . Outlets in Sulphur ar e
supplied by the Ardmore Coca-Cola Bottling Company . Mr. Mathias said picnickers take our product s
into the park in portable coolers .
A recent' issue of The Saturday Evening Post ha d
a special "Discover America" supplement, and on e
of the advertisements in the section was for Sprite .
Besides the 6,500,000 regular subscribers of the magazine exposed to our ad for Sprite, thousands o f
other people saw copies of the supplement whic h
were mailed by The Post to key motel and restauran t
chains that primarily cater to the traveling public .
Vice President Hubert H . Humphrey, chairma n
of the President's Task Force on Travel, wrote th e
opening message for the supplement .
"To all Americans I say, get up and go," Mr .
Humphrey emphasized . "This land is your land . Se e
it . Get to know its history . Get to know your fellow
citizens . . . I hope every American will choose 196 6
as the year to discover America . "
GRAND TETON National Park in Wyoming boasts spectacular peaks,
several sparkling lakes and fine camping and picnicking facilities .
(Photo Courtesy National Park Service)