ST. PATRICK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO APRIL 2014 From the Pulpit Dear Fellow Pilgrims of the Way: How do we risk meeting Christ? April Celebrations Birthdays and Anniversaries BIRTHDAYS 1 2 4 9 11 12 13 21 23 28 Kathy Wadenphuhl Joe Ceawford Alan Hotchkiss Jim Dorian Dave Swindells Patty Bankhead Buddy Schuchardt Connie O’Donnell Rena Gallant Jerry Smith Olin Garrison Carmen Valdez ANNIVERSARIES 12 Jim and Joanne Ferko 27 Fran and Bill Smith 28 John and Cherlyn Gwin 31 Janelle & Rich Pendleton - Congratulations May the Lord Bless and Keep You through the coming year! I think it begins when we say, “I will follow Jesus. I will be a disciple.” Even a cursory review of the gospels shows us just how risky meeting Christ can be. Jesus places demands on his followers’ lives, demands that include our attitudes towards other people and ourselves. It is human nature to ignore our own faults and concentrate on the shortcomings of others. Are we willing to grow in our discipleship; in our knowledge of Christ; and in our spirituality? I suspect that the decision to follow Jesus should occur daily. I think risking meeting Christ includes a commitment to worship and prayer. For many of us, setting aside even twenty minutes in our busy days for prayer and reading can be quite difficult. Yet it is often in the silence of prayer, in the beauty of worship, or in the careful and thoughtful reading of scripture that we are open to encountering Christ. Perhaps the word I am looking for is commitment. I believe that God is very serious about loving each and every one of us and asks to be equally committed to love. I think the other key concept is “relationship.” Risking meeting Christ means that all our relationships are important and should be colored by love. Easter Celebration For Christians throughout the ages, Easter is the crown of the church year. It is the celebration of the resurrection of the Christ and the new life that is present in each and every one of us. Our Easter Day services at St. Patrick’s are always glorious. But the feast of the Resurrection can mean so much more to us if we walk the way of the cross from Palm Sunday through the Great Vigil of Easter. The Holy Week services were based on the experiences of ancient Christian pilgrims that visited Jerusalem and spent the week before Easter attending services in the places where Jesus walked and suffered. Palm Sunday can be an emotional service with the abrupt change from waving palms and processing into Jerusalem with Jesus to the gospel reading of his trial and crucifixion. Maundy Thursday service focuses on different aspects of the Last Supper, including the foot washing and the Institution of the Holy Eucharist. Each year we ask members of the church to bring wine and homemade bread to be placed on the altar and used for communion. After the service, there will be an Agape Meal in the parish hall. We will also construct an altar of repose and garden: “Can you not wait with me for one hour?” Parish members will have the opportunity to spend an hour in prayer before the altar. Good Friday is an austere service, with a focus on the crucifixion. A large cross is present in the church and the passion story is read from St. John’s gospel. It is always a moving service for me. There are two Easter services. The Great Vigil of Easter is always the first service of Easter. With the lighting of the Paschal Candle, chants, vigil readings, and Holy Eucharist, it is truly the queen of feasts. The service is extremely ancient, being first described in a document that dates back to 180 CE. Our primary Easter service always includes beautiful music and the flowering of the cross by our children and grandchildren. Your fellow Pilgrim, Fr. Doug 225 SOUTH PAGOSA BLVD., PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO 81147 970-731-5801 WWW.STPATRICKSPAGOSA.ORG PAGE 1 ST. PATRICK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO APRIL 2014 Maundy Thursday agape meal ON A WING AND A PRAYER As I said last month, “Ah, Lent”; I continue on the theme. It is truly an ‘awesome thing to fall into the hands of the Living God’. There is this wonderful tapestry we, as people of faith, are drawn to behold and call “The Kingdom of God”. It is a phenomenal, unified whole that we are woven into. By the wisdom teaching, revelation and translation of Holy Spirit, the Advocate promised by the Christ, our eyes can be opened to live in a daily place of awe and humbleness. From that perspective, we can begin to see that each of us is a precious, unique and individual thread in a Universal tapestry, woven into a configuration beyond our wildest imaginations. We each may be a different color or different texture. Our thread’s ‘molecular structure’ (culture, language, heritage, DNA, etc.) may externally appear to be as different as cotton or wool is to nylon or lace. Whatever our physical make-up, through the Wisdom and guidance of the Incarnate Word, both human and divine, we are shown that we are both individually unique and intricately inseparable/inter-woven in the amazingly beautiful tapestry of human existence and God’s Creation. By Grace, Holy Spirit lifts the veil from our eyes and reveals to us our own beauty, the beauty of others and our place in the Kingdom of God. Through his life and teaching, Jesus revealed that we are loved by Abba, our Father, and that he loves all of his children - our brothers and sisters. From that Truth, he then asks us to love them as ourselves: as he loves us. In Lent, He gives us the opportunity to spend 40 days in the desert of human/divine existence with him in order that we may better contemplate and absorb all that his ministry can reveal for us. As we do, He more deeply abides in us, and we in him, in order that we may better share in His and God’s Glory of the Easter Resurrection. We are just over three weeks into the 2014 Lenten season as I write this,. What I have written is all that I have been reminded of through everything that has gone on here at St. Patrick’s. From our wonderful St. Patrick’s Day celebrations to the myriad of spiritual practice choices, seminars and lectures that have been offered, all have been more glue in my faith of the understanding of the perfect duality of purpose that we were created to be “in the image of God.” I am so grateful to be a member of this Parish. Thank You. Have a Blessed and Happy Easter! Kathy Woodward - Newsletter Editor On Maundy Thursday, the Daughters of the King will once again provide an Agape Meal. Agape means love feast and is used for many Christian events, but is most often used as part of the Maundy Thursday Service. This feast, dating back to apostolic times is a simple, meatless meal of bread, cheese, olives, dried fruit, nuts and wine. It recalls the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. At St. Patrick’s, we have this meal following the stripping of the altar as we process in silence along an illuminated path into the Parish Hall. The room is completely dark except for the light from at least 75 candles on the center tables. On the front table will be the simple foods of the Last Supper over which Fr. Doug will bless and say special prayers. Participants continue the silence while standing and eating as one of the Daughter’s reads the Gospel of John Chapter 17. When each person is finished, they in silence to reflect upon the meaning of the meal and the Last Supper’s implications for each of them The Daughter’s would like to invite you and any guests, be they family or friends, to join in this devout and beautiful service at 6pm April 17th.. Sandy Artzberger Generous thanks Acknowledgment and thanks go out to Funky Trunk’s new owner, Donna Brooks. Donna has made a wonderful pledge to St. Patrick’s and the community. At the end of each of her consignment cycles (approximately every 3 months) she has agreed to donate all left over clothing items to St. Patrick’s for our annual clothing give away. Thankfully, we have plenty of storage space for her generous pledge. Her generosity is truly a gift for all concerned. Stop into her store in the City Market Center, browse around for something new and please remember to say thank you on behalf of St. Patrick’s, for her generosity. Sunday Morning Adult Classes Fr. Doug is holding his Sunday morning class for adults on Sunday’s at 9am in the library. His class is watching TED talks and enjoying stimulating and reflective conversation in relation to the videos. Come a bit early before services to participate and enjoy this series. 225 SOUTH PAGOSA BLVD., PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO 81147 970-731-5801 WWW.STPATRICKSPAGOSA.ORG PAGE 2 ST. PATRICK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO from the senior warden Wes, Jim and I had a great meeting with the Church Insurance VP on his way home from Wichita to Arizona. He got to cross Wolf Creek Pass for the first time in the middle of the snow event! I pass on to you that we are well and properly insured by an intermediate body that covers the nation Episcopal Church with negotiated insurance packages. How many of you enjoyed the series “The Vicar of Dibley” - a British comedy series? Seems that Rev. Annie Ryder showed some of these short episodes to some women of the church and rumor has it the laughter was a bit raucous. There are SOME similarities to us and the Anglican element makes it that much funnier. Anyhow, last evening Katherine and I saw Year/1Episode 3, I believe, which covered the planning for their summer fund -raising festival. With the planned first meeting of the 2014 Shamrock Episode (sorry, Festival, the timing of seeing this was truly a gift from God. Not only was it exceptionally appropriate while terribly funny, it even has some good ideas for us! If you can stream to your TV from Netflix and other sources, take a watch! You will enjoy it. I will report on the first meeting in the next Missive. The March vestry meeting focused on the theme of “what do you think Jesus’s mission was” in terms of his ministry on earth. This ties into our ongoing discussion of the Bishop’s challenges to all parishes to become more missional in our ministries. This Vestry discussion will go on for the next months as we look to add a bit of “adaptivity” and “Emergence” to our current strengths of prayer, formation ad engagement. The next Vestry meeting will focus on hearing Pastor Don Ford talk about poverty in our County and the ongoing Circles Program that CUMC is engaged in. Feel free to join us for that discussion. Tom Cruse, Senior Warden APRIL 2014 Food Pantry The Food Pantry ministry is one of charity, fellowship and assistance. St. Patrick’s food pantry volunteers not only give out food to those I need, but provide a sense of friendship and personal fellowship, and has recently added the addition of a Parish Hall bulletin board where people are able to post their available services and need for work and employment. This ministry is a wonderfully rewarding program always in need of volunteers and participation. If interested let Joe Allen know. If you are in need of services for your home ot business, please check out the Help Wanted board and help St. Patrick’s continue to help others through this wonderful ministry. Regular monthly meetings Due to the overwhelming interest in Alzheimer’s Association Regional Director Elaine’s Stumpo’s first meeting at St. Patrick’s, on March 31 she held two separate meetings. At 11:00am she conducted a support group meeting for patients, family members and direct care givers, offering insight, support and information in regard to current and ongoing need. At noon, she led an open forum of questions and answers. The discussion was lively, heartfelt and very informative. St. Patrick’s is honored and excited to be able to provide Pagosa Springs with these programs to offer support and compassion for all in need of Elaine’s assistance. It was wonderful to see the Library full of people who are helping and being helped. Elaine will continue to hold her monthly meetings the last Monday of each month. 225 SOUTH PAGOSA BLVD., PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO 81147 970-731-5801 WWW.STPATRICKSPAGOSA.ORG PAGE 3 ST. PATRICK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO APRIL 2014 ‘and he shall call them by name’ This month’s interview is with Jim & Becky Dorian One thing’s for certain, Jim and Becky Dorian have moved around and done a lot! Jim is a native Coloradan from Alamosa and Becky is from Kansas. More than half of their lives were spent in Kansas and Missouri. They began coming to Pagosa in 1989, thinking they would buy a time share, but instead bought a house to use when in Pagosa. In 1999, Jim retired, found he didn’t like it, so he and Becky started a floating dock business on Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. That business, along with a hot tub business that Becky ran and a sauna business they started here, has kept them busy, occupied and well traveled. Becky calls herself a cradle Episcopalian. Jim was raised Roman Catholic although his Grandmother and aunts were Episcopalian. Jim confessed that he wasn’t a good Catholic because he would continually lie to his family about going to confession! At 18 he said “no more of this” and decided to leave the church. He said his Grandmother would have none of it, “took me by the ear and led me into the Episcopal church”. He became involved, and by the end of that summer was a confirmed Episcopalian. Members of St. Patrick’s since its time downtown, they said that although still transient, they became heavily involved in the building of St. Patrick’s current location. Their pride of helping to build the church with ‘no debt’ is still obvious. Both have taken turns on Vestry’s at previous churches as well as St. Patrick’s with both having played the role of Sr. Warden. Their lives are fully entwined with Christ, the church and helping others. They are quite involved with St. Luke’s Church in Navajo land helping to build new floors and windows and helping to create a separate Veteran’s area in the local cemetery. Becky said, “It’s Jim’s pet project. There are very few men in the community and there is so much that needs to be done”. Jim added, “We, like they, have had tragedies in our lives, ups and downs, so we enjoy helping, working with others and are happy to pass along the caring that we have received.” JIM AND BECKY DORIAN Members of the Body of Christ CHOIR NOTES As many of you know, I have been in Dallas off and on for the past couple of months helping to take care of my father, who has been in the ICU for heart failure, and my mother who needed assistance in his absence. It has been a very difficult and trying time for me and my family, but the prayers that have been offered on our behalf have been a tremendous gift. I am happy to report that at this writing Dad is in rehab in Dallas and relearning how to get around. Both he and Mom are anxious to get home and resume their lives together. I am hugely grateful to Linda Parker for her willingness to jump in and keep the music flowing at St. Patrick’s during my absence. Her choir directing and piano skills have been a great blessing to us all. The choir and I will have plenty of catching up to do to get ready for Holy Week and Easter, but I am confident we will be able to provide plenty of beautiful music to accompany these services. It is not too late to join us! We are blessed to be a part of an amazing Christian community at St. Patrick’s. I look forward to continuing the journey of Lent with you and celebrating the Queen of Feasts on Easter Day! In Christ, Sally Neel, Organist/Director of Music SUNDAY NIGHT UNPLUGGED On Sunday, April 13, at 5 pm our own Keith Paulson will be offering his beautiful voice for our monthly music and meditation service, Sunday Night Unplugged. Keith has been singing in St. Patrick’s choir for several years and we have often enjoyed his lovely tenor solos during our services. This will be his first Sunday Night Unplugged offering and we are looking forward to hearing his music in this setting. CLASSICAL PIANO RECITAL APRIL 9 On Wednesday, April 9, at 7 pm, Saint Patrick’s will welcome guest artist, Tamy Christ, a classical pianist from Dallas, Texas. Ms. Christ will give a lecture program entitled “Passion, Pathos, and Possession.” Her program will include a palate of luscious music that demonstrates her subject, including: Bach/Busoni Chorale Prelude in G minor on “Nun komm der Heiden Heiland,” Chopin’s “Nocturne in E Sally Neel, Director of Music 225 SOUTH PAGOSA BLVD., PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO 81147 970-731-5801 WWW.STPATRICKSPAGOSA.ORG PAGE 4 ST. PATRICK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO Fly fishermen at work Tickets have gone on sale for the Men’s Ministry Charity Raffle. This year’s prizes, valued at $1,300, include an 8.5 ft, 5wt, 4 piece Sage-One fly rod with a case and a premium Abel Fly Reel with a case. The drawing will be held Monday, August 25 at 6pm at the Buck Stops Here Meat & Seafood Market. Tickets are available from church members and the following business: Let It Fly - 132 Pagosa St. - (970) 264-3189 The Buck Stops Here - 19 Navajo Tr. - (970) 731-6328 Goodman’s Dept. Store - 404 Main St. - (970) 264-5460 Only 300 tickets will be printed!!! Net Proceeds will benefit Pagosa Area Charities and Rivers of Recovery, benefitting combat veterans. APRIL 2014 st. Patrick’s ePiscoPal church VESTRY MEMBERS AND OFFICERS Rev. Doug Neel Katherine Cruse Joe Allen Tom Cruse Jim Dorian Wes Arrighetti Bob Shipman Sean O’Donnell Sandy Artzberger Frank Meiners Joanne Ferko Jonnae Benzel Kathy Woodward Rector Vestry Clerk Vestry Treasurer Sr. Warden/Outreach Jr. Warden Men’s Fellowship/Food Pantry Associate Members Member DOK/Member Member Member Member Member/Newsletter Editor ministry leaders Linda Guy Barbara Ward Lynn McCrudden Joan Scott Fran Smith Jan Wittwer ECW DOK Sunday School Mem.Garden/Prayer Quilts Altar Guild Worship Coordinator Calling all quilters Golf tournament fundraiser On May 17, 2014, in partnership with Marconi’s Restaurant, Veterans for Veterans will hold a scrambleformat play golf tournament and fundraiser. The morning will begin with a 9am check-in for cart assignments. The tournament will begin at 10am with a shot gun start. Mulligan and door prize tickets will be available for $5 each, and prizes will be awarded for closest to the pin on select par 3’s. Cash prizes will also be awarded for the top three teams. Cost per player is $65 and includes a pulled pork lunch after the round of golf is completed. The library should be abuzz on April 11th and 12th as our ‘ladies of the quilt’ will begin the assembly of St. Patrick’s Raffle Quilt for charity. Anyone who is interested in participating for fun, camaraderie, and purpose, the festivities will begin at 8am each morning in the library. We look forward to seeing you! The good Lord didn't create Anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close. Signups are available at the Pagosa Springs Golf Course (970) 731-4755 EVENT CONTACTS Chuck Jordan (970) 731-5399 Ken Rogers (970) 731-8339 deadline For the Next Shamrock issue is Saturday, April 26, 2014 225 SOUTH PAGOSA BLVD., PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO 81147 970-731-5801 WWW.STPATRICKSPAGOSA.ORG PAGE 5 ST. PATRICK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO 225 SOUTH PAGOSA BLVD., PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO 81147 970-731-5801 WWW.STPATRICKSPAGOSA.ORG APRIL 2014 PAGE 6 10am - Eucharist 10am - EASTER Eucharist 27 11:00am-1pm Alzheimer’s Meeting 28 21 20 7 14 6 Mon 13 10am - Palm Sunday 1pm ECW Services 10am - Eucharist Sun St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church 15 8 1 11:30am - Healing 12pm - Bible Study 29 11:30am - Healing 12pm - Bible Study 22 11:30am - Healing 12pm - Bible Study 11:30am - Healing 12pm - Bible Study 11:30am - Healing 12pm - Bible Study Tues Wed 30 23 16 9 2 2pm - Prayer Quilt 3:30pm - Choir 1 10am - Food Pantry 2pm - Prayer Quilt 3:30pm - Choir 24 10am - Food Pantry 2pm - Prayer Quilt 3:30pm - Choir 17 10am - Food Pantry 2pm - Prayer Quilt 3:30pm - Choir 6pm - Maundy Thursday/Agape 3 10 10am - Food Pantry 2pm - Prayer Quilt 3:30pm - Choir Thurs 5pm- Stations of The Cross 5pm- Stations of The Cross Fri 2 25 18 11 4 Sat 7pm - Easter Vigil 8:30am—Vestry Meeting 8:30am - Men’s Fellowship April 2014 3 26 19 12 5 ST. PATRICK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO 225 South Pagosa Boulevard Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 Phone: 970-731-5801 Fax: 970-731-5804 Email: [email protected] Website: Rector: The Reverend Douglas Neel Editor: Kathy Woodward 225 South Pagosa Boulevard Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 APRIL 2014
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