Relay Berry Jakovlevs Cat Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Hamilton Cumbria Lowe Overseas Lowe Overseas Iwsa Overseas Driscoll Overseas Denison Overseas Wolfarth UK Macleod UK Hill UK Walton UK Talkenberg UK Greener UK Wright UK Shattock UK Beattie UK Greener UK Hawthorne UK Zielinski UK Adcock UK Mcqueen UK Gilmartin UK Mylrea UK Brown UK Weir UK Bailey UK Mylrea UK Liddle UK Waldron UK Reed UK Goldberg UK Blackman UK Copland UK Sutton UK Mylrea UK Dickinson UK Sharp UK Cwiklinski UK Barraclough UK Nelson UK Mylrea UK Wayman UK Shuttleworth UK Cook UK Fryer UK Bland UK Tait UK Davies UK Barker UK Hardy UK Mylrea UK Parrish UK Collingwood UK Hill UK Lord UK Glazier UK Watson UK Walton UK Neilson UK Adcock UK Beveridge UK Upshall-‐Davis UK Cwiklinski UK Siddall UK Siddall UK Sullivan UK Swift UK Zielinski UK Team ELH LDNP Solo Sports Brands Castle Head FSC Guernsey Polar Bears Jersey Polar Bears Taeam Finland The 225s Sandycove Island City of Liverpool Open Water Swimming Club Vital Events TEAM ICELAND TOSers Team Serpentine TOSers Elite Auspicious Fishes TTC Chill Team TOSers Dark horses TOSers AAA CurlyTops Crazies Bridge Bathers Nottingham/Derby OW Swimmers Team 1 WILD HIGHLANDERS -‐ TWO Team Nautilus EGLST Wundermaedchen TOSers B Flying Without Wings! West Lancs Tri EGLST Baerli Chillin' with ma biatches Liverpool open water swimmers Stiff Little Fingers 3 Mermaids & a Spaniard Some like it hot Vital Events 2 Lido Lovelies EGLST Dirndl Pennine Channel relay Red Hot Chilli ASSers Quackers Brockwell Icicles Custard Cream Team Cooper's Koi Carp EGLST Spaetzle Bettina's Old Ones Copeland ASC The Rockhoppers Yorkshire Outdoor Swimmers The Red Hot Chilli Asses Frozen Spuds Epilepsy Research UK 3 Chicks and a Chap Red Hot Chilli ASSers C team EGLST Schnucki #chesterfrosties 'Toe in the water ' Up Four Aire Lordy's Barmy Army Linda's Lovelies Frosty Flollopers Mouths of the Tyne Mario and the Mermaids Nottingham/Derby OW Swimmers Team 2 Wild Highlanders North East Skinny Dippers The Mad Duckers I'm Sparthacus (I) I'm Sparthacus (II) Tang Soo Ahhchooo Penguins Beaumont Bathers Time Cat Position OA Position 01:32.7 1 10 01:42.5 2 18 01:53.3 3 33 01:58.3 4 37 01:25.3 1 4 01:33.9 2 13 01:41.6 3 16 02:07.2 4 44 DNS 01:09.0 01:17.3 01:20.7 01:29.5 01:30.3 01:30.7 01:30.8 01:31.9 01:33.1 01:33.8 01:34.4 01:41.3 01:41.7 01:43.9 01:44.2 01:44.7 01:47.3 01:47.8 01:48.5 01:49.0 01:50.0 01:50.1 01:51.0 01:51.7 01:52.0 01:52.3 01:52.6 01:53.6 01:53.8 01:57.7 01:58.7 02:01.0 02:03.4 02:04.0 02:04.6 02:05.7 02:08.4 02:08.9 02:09.5 02:09.8 02:11.6 02:12.4 02:12.5 02:13.8 02:14.2 02:18.1 02:21.3 02:25.6 02:30.7 02:33.9 02:35.8 02:44.2 02:45.0 02:46.1 02:52.7 03:03.4 03:57.3 03:59.6 DNS DNS DNS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
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