Business Meeting Social Sciences, Economics and Law Ghent, June 27, 2014 Agenda Welcome by prof. Hans De Wulf (cluster contact Ghent University) 1. Reflections on the Global Studies conference – Ghent 26 & 27 June 2014 2. Future meetings / conferences / workshops Workshop of Economics: Globalization of trade flows, capital flows and production, Göttingen, 30-31 October 2014 Cluster meeting in Ghent in November 2014 (or workshop on Privacy and information) Cluster meeting / conference in Groningen in 2015 3. Possibilities for developing future collaborations Horizon 2020 Staff exchange /researcher mobility Participants list Ghent University Carlier, Julie Coucke, Gijs De Wulf, Hans Laureys, Godelieve Position Co-organizer of the Cluster Conference Global Studies, Coordinator of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies U4 Co-ordinator, International Relations Office U4 cluster contact, Professor of Financial Law, president of the committee for internationalisation of the Faculty of Law President of the U4 task force, Professor of Scandinavian Languages Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Lesage, Dries Parker, Christopher Reynaert, Herwig Van Bauwel, Sofie Zemni, Sami Uppsala University Hermansson, Jörgen Petterson, Oskar University of Groningen Boele van Hensbroek, Pieter de Wilde, Jaap Georg-August University Göttingen Jakobi, Tobias Lange, Marco Co-organizer of the Cluster Conference Global Studies, Professor of International Studies Co-organizer of the Cluster Conference Global Studies, Professor of Conflict and Development Studies Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences President of the Committee for Internationalisation of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Professor of Communication Studies Research Director of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences Position U4 Cluster contact, Professor in Political Sciences U4 Co-ordinator, ViceChancellor’s Office, Planning Division Position [email protected] Co-ordinator of Globalisation Studies Groningen Governor of Globalisation Studies Groningen, Professor of International Relations Position [email protected] Representative of Professor Andreas Busch, Cluster Chair, Professor in Political Sciences Georg August University Göttingen, International Office, U4 co-ordinator [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email [email protected] [email protected] Email [email protected] Email [email protected] 1. Reflections on the Global Studies conference – Ghent 26 & 27 June 2014 The cluster agrees that the excellent organization made the conference into a success. However, the pertinent question is whether the focus, format and target audience of the present Global Studies conference is up for continuation. Focused vs. general theme? Initially, a full cluster conference was planned to cover all subjects of the cluster in continuation of the bazaar conference (Göttingen, 12-14 October 2012). Yet, the present focus on global studies created a few advantages: It allowed for coherence in the panels [although there is room for more coherence, since not all partners were present in full capacity]. Because of the focus on global studies the conference could offer a caleidoscope of what is happening at the resp. partner institutions in the field. Nevertheless, there should be a call for an open panel in the next conference, so as to attract new PhD students/researchers of other domains in the cluster and/or to set up more diverse panels. Traditional conference or workshop? The present conference has taken the middle between a traditional conference (presentations of cutting edge research) and a seminar (panels for in depth discussion). The discussion panels offer a basis for convergence and making connections, which creates potential for future cooperation. The format has therefore found to be convenient for young study centres to broaden their network. The main concern of the cluster for future activities is to avoid competition with other initiatives for PhD students and other large 'real' conferences. Participants: mix or focus on PhD (e.g. Summer School) The conference has proven to be an excellent environment for PhD students to test their skills. The cluster agrees that there should be a more pro-active approach towards researchers at each of the partner universities. However, the question is whether there should be a focus on mainly attracting PhD students. This would imply to evolve more towards a seminar or workshop setting, or even poster workshop, so to maximize the potential output for PhD students. CONCLUSION The cluster agrees that the U4 conference needs to become a recurring event with a specific U4 brand and hence different from other conferences in the field. It should be adaptive to the partner universities and to the complementary research interests. In order to make it tailor-made to the U4 setting, a specific mode of organizing is preferable. The cluster agrees upon a two-stage organization with a first call to attract workshop organizers and themes, and a second call for papers. As for the theme of the conference the cluster agrees to aim for parallel sessions/panels around specific themes of the cluster (5 à 6 papers per theme). Hence, not one single overarching theme is considered, but focused themes throughout the different panels with for in-depth discussion. Groningen confirms to host the conference in 2015 (convenient period yet to be fixed); Uppsala hosts in 2016. 2. Future meetings / conferences / workshops A follow-up conference in continuation of the first Bazaar (12-14 October 2012) in November 2014 to tackle the remaining topics of the cluster seems not feasible because of the full calendar and the overlap with planned events. A call for papers for a limited workshop on Privacy in Ghent in autumn 2014/early winter 2015 will be launched. Legal approaches to privacy will certainly be a focus, but the call will be open to other social scientists, including political science. 3. Possibilities for developing future collaborations Horizon 2020 H2020 is ambitious option. Still, U4 offers advantages in pursuing research proposal because of the acquaintance with the exiting expertise at the partner institutions. In addition, the EU offices have started a pilot to interconnect and to match the resp. research interests in U4. Mobility The DAAD project has intensified individual mobility of researchers to and from Göttingen. Beyond these research exchanges there is also need for intensifying individual mobilities which are not eligible for DAAD (Gent-Groningen-Uppsala). Cf. also summer schools mobility within specific departments. Website A community platform as part of the new U4 website is being developed. This tool can meet the need of the cluster to better interconnect. The list of participants and their specific coordinates can be used as a pilot for the platform.
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