Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Programme: changes and corrections Talks: Tuesday 27.09.2016, 11:15: in the printed programme the entire row of this time slot was lost. Sorry for the inconvenience In D3: Structure, geodynamics and evolution of the Alps and the Mediterranean (SoWi Aula) Proposal for a new subdivision of the Nappe Systems of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Eastern Alps, Austria) Mandl, Gerhard W.; Brandner, Rainer; Gruber, Alfred: In E4 - Young sedimentologists (HS1) Variability of intermediate and deep water mass circulation during the last 20 ka: An approach on mid-slope canyon sediments Warratz, Grit; Henrich, Rüdiger; Voigt, Ines; Schwenk, Tillmann; Krastel, Sebastian In B2 - Terrestrial ecosystems: palaeoecology and evolution of land-based biotas (HS3) A new terrestrial archive for the Eocene greenhouse of Central Europe: Palynological evidence from lacustrine sediments at “Grube Prinz von Hessen” (Hesse, GER) Moshayedi, Maryam; Lenz, Olaf K.; Wilde, Volker; Hinderer, Matthias New talks: Tuesday 27.09.2016, 17:15 HS3 In B3: Biotic and chemostratigraphic events in Earth history Stratigraphic signals around the Santonian-Campanian boundary carbon isotope event Wagreich, Michael; Wolfgring Erik; Spötl Christoph Canceled talks: Tuesday 27.09.2016, 17:15 HS3 In B4: Marine benthic ecosystems under low oxygen conditions Jurassic ocean deoxygenation: the shifting palaeoecological dynamics of seafloor communities Caswell, Bryony Amber; Frid, Christopher L.J. In A2: Shallow landslides and rockfalls (HS2) Felssturz an der A9 Pyhrnautobahn, Wald/Schoberpass: Ereignisanalyse, Sicherheitsmanagement und Gefahrenanalyse Koch, Gerhard; Schober, Andreas Wednesday 28.09.2016, 09:15 HS1 In N: Open Session (UR3) BasinVis 1.0, an open-source software package to visualize sedimentary basin infill and subsidence evolution Lee, Eun Young; Novotny, Johannes; Wagreich, Michael In H: Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Impact of mass movements on hydrogeological systems: An example from Carinthia, Austria Thalheim, Felix; Winkler, Gerfried Change of the presenting author: Posters: The assignment of the Topics to the two poster sessions was not reported correctly everywhere in the printed programme overview. This is the final assignment: Poster Social Monday: Sessions C4, C5, D4, D5, D6, E1, E2, E4, F-Bodensee, G, N Poster Social Tuesday: Sessions A1, A2, A3, A5, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3, H, I, K, L New Posters: Poster 22) in B3: Biotic and chemostratigraphic events in Earth history Stratigraphic signals around the Santonian-Campanian boundary carbon isotope event Wagreich, Michael*; Wolfgring, Erik; Spötl, Christoph Poster 145) in D4: Tectonics, climate and erosion New data about the uplift of the Eifel-Mountains Salamon, Martin*; Klein, Winfried; Krickel, Bernd; Riecken, Jens Poster 146) in D5: Orogenic sedimentary basins Meszar, Maria Elisabeth*; Gier, Susanne; Palzer-Khomenko, Markus; Knierzinger, Wolfgang; Kallanxhi, Madalina-Elena; Wagreich, Michael Clay mineralogy of Miocene mudstones of the Molasse Zone, Lower Austria Student poster Change of the presenting author: Poster 92) in F3: Stability of natural and artificial slopes / Stabilität von nat. u. künstl. Böschungen u. Hängen The impact of reservoir impounding on the stability evolution of deep-seated rock slides: a discrete element modelling approach Lechner, Heidrun; Preh, Alexander; Strauss, Alfred; Zangerl, Christian* Student poster Cancelled Posters: Poster 22) in B4: Marine benthic ecosystems under low oxygen conditions Recovery of seafloor communities from Toarcian oceanic anoxia: the case of the bivalve Dacryomya Caswell, Bryony Amber *; Dawn, Stephanie J. Poster 34) in C4: Ophiolites in space and time Ophiolitische Komplex der Mirdita Tektonischezone (Albanien) Onuzi, Kujtim* Poster 41) in D1: From rift to drift The ultramafic body of Nauders – part of the deeper mantle of the Tasna Ocean-Continent-transition Rufus J. Bertle*; Friedrich Koller Poster 117) in I: Geo-environmental monitoring using remote- and closerange-sensing techniques Flash flood risk assessment for upper Teesta River Basin using the hydrological modeling system (HEC-HMS) software Chakrabarty, Abhisek*; Mandal, Subhra Prakash Poster Nr. 139) in N: Open Session Geological mapping 1:50:000 (GG and UTM) in Albania and correlation with the neighbouring areas Onuzi, Kujtim* Poster 140) in N: Open Session Proglacial lake formation and sedimentation in high alpine terrain – new insights from the Obersulzbachkees proglacial lake, Hohe Tauern, Austria Otto, Jan-Christoph*; Keuschnig, Markus
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