Motley Free Methodist Church, 33 Wellwood Street E, Motley, MN. 56466 Pastor Jim Johnson: [email protected] 218.352.6888 Feb. 2015 A Word from Pastor Jim: Psalm 7:17 I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness, and will sing praise to the Lord Most-High. INSIDE THIS ISSUE We have so much to give God praise for today. Oh, I know Words from Pastor Jim 1 that there are plenty of trials and troubles here and around Upcoming Events 2 Small Group Information 2 the globe. BUT, because the Lord God is righteous and Children’s Programming Information 3 Nursery Schedule 3 because He is good, and because He redeems and transforms, Youth News 4 heals and justifies we can and should praise Him, every day. Women’s Ministry Information 4 Board of Administration Meeting Minutes 5 He is worthy of our praise. Calendar of Events 6 Thank you each and every one for making our “contractor 2 appreciation Sunday” a very good day. I think that one of you said it best when you said “well that answers the one service question, doesn’t it”. Our sanctuary was full and the parking lots were full, but we had a great day after all. I hope that you will continue to pray for all of our contractors, their families and their walk with Jesus, or to begin that walk with Jesus. Most of you know already, that we have a new BOA (board of administration) for 2015. May I introduce them to you and ask you to pray for them as they/we seek God for our city, community and congregation. Lead delegate (and voting member of the BOA and representative to the NCC)-Linda Beebe Second delegate (and 2nd representative to the NCC)-Kathy Broberg Secretary and finance chair–Judy Eggert Treasurer—Sandy Korach Evangelism (and chairman of the BOA)-Chris Neal Missions–Craig Weigel Building and grounds—Doug Buscho Small groups—Patric Doyle Please remember to lift them and all of the rest of the ministry leaders up in prayer as we “love God and people and make disciples”. On February 15th, we will welcome MN Adult and Teen challenge to MFMC again. We will have 2 services that day to accommodate all from our community that want to come and listen. We will be feeding all of the nearly 50 men that day, so please plan accordingly for our pot-luck lunch together. We will have another very good day that day too. On March 8th we will have our official dedication service. What does that mean? We will have only 1 service again that day at 10:30 am. We will then have our pot-luck dinner together, and at 1:00 pm we will have our Dedication service with invited guests from the city, the conference and other churches. I hope that you will plan to be with us on that very important day too. We have already unofficially dedicated this building and this ministry to the Lord and His glory. But that day will be more of an official dedication with a dedication service. Please continue to pray. Pray for our leaders, pray for our children, pray for the lost, pray for our safety against the “wiles of the devil”. Pray for an out-pouring of God’s Spirit this year so that together, we may bring God glory in this community and even around the world. Thanks for being part of our family. Serving the Lord Jesus Christ, and serving you. Pastor Jim Upcoming Events: *Feb. 7-Men’s Group 8 am *Feb. 14-CMA Meeting at the church *Feb. 14-Women’s Meeting at 10 am *Feb. 15-MN Teen Challenge here & Pot-luck Dinner *Feb. 16-BOA Meeting at 6:30 pm *Feb. 21-Men’s Group 8 am *Mar. 8-Dedication Sunday-one service at 10:30 pm Small Group Information: As a part of a growing body, the best way to have a more intimate fellowship and Bible study is to be involved in a small group. Here at the Motley Free Methodist Church we currently have eight small group opportunities… Sunday morning at 10:30 in the old sanctuary studying Cults, see Chris Neal or Dan Rose Sunday Evening Service-6:00 pm Tuesday morning Women’s Bible study-Ann Voskamp study, One Thousand Gifts: A dare to live fully right where you are.1:00 pm at the church, see Brandi Neal for questions! Tuesday evening Bible Study starting at 6:30 pm studying the book of Matthew Coming February 15th! Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am in the church basement studying the book of I John Wednesday afternoon intercessory prayer team at Jessica Judd’s House at 12:00 pm Thursday evenings at 6 pm at the church: Why We Believe with Richard Broberg Thursday evenings at the Neal’s home at 6:30The Truth Project Saturday morning men’s group-8 am every other Saturday with Doug Buscho Saturday evening prayer group at the church at 6 pm with Pastor Les Crider Please pray about which group you can be a part of or if you have an idea for/or would be willing to lead a different small group please see Richard Broberg or Pastor Jim! Building Update: *The building fund is at $563,000.00~Praise God for His faithfulness! Contractor Appreciation Sunday! Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. ~Psalm 127 Children’s Programming News: In the children’s programming news… *Children’s Programming Meeting Discussion: *SCRIPTURE & PRAYER-SERVE GOD WITH SPIRITUAL GIFTS-ROMANS 12:3-18**THANK YOU FOR USING YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS TO SERVE GOD IN THIS BODY. *Children’s Church-Do you still feel called to teach? Curriculum needs, crafts, snacks, bigger supply items to work toward in 2015, time off, any child concerns, etc… *Pre/k- (Jason needs play-dough, and March curriculum) *Early Elementary-(Kathy will look into different crafts as she has mostly boys, 1 less book to order next time) *Middle Elementary-(Geri needs 3 more discovery packs and Bible Discoveries, as well as an extra manual for Barb., Geri will retire in May. I need to find a replacement, Barb Hirschey has agreed to take this position on, who is currently helping with that class, Geri would like me to order 14 books for March curriculum) *Upper Elementary-Still likes Hands on Bible Curriculum, likes being in the big area! Will store Bibles, etc… in one of the closets. Angie and John will sub for one month this summer, but we will have to find a substitute for the other two summer Months that Danny & Sue take off. *Back ground checks-(Linda Beebe) 49 out of 83 received. *VBS 2015 –after 2015 theme discussion, decided to go with Groups, Mt. Everest (Easy VBS) June 15-19, 2015 4:30-7:30 pm; this group would like to me make available the option of ordering t-shirts again for leaders and children! *AWANA Update 2014-2015-How’s all persons sign-in going-switching buildings? Both going well! Commanders will do a big push in Summer/Fall for more kids! *Fall Festival-Comments on last year’s-went very well, because of having enough adult help!!! 2015 Fall Festival October 31-5:307:30; the group threw out some ideas for older kid games, bubble gum blowing contest, pies, etc…Also Angie asked about putting AWANA card info in each child’s bag to invite to AWANA! *Christmas Program: December 14th comments-everyone enjoyed, suggestions: more time to practice music or fewer verses, adults liked when children had lines memorized, hopefully the screen on back wall in new sanctuary can help with this in the future!! Possibly looking at borrowing risers for kids to sit on in the future?! Jess will try to have Christmas Programs available at the July meeting to get a quicker start in the fall! *Nursery Updates-looking for someone to take more of a position in the nursery for consistency…(there are two possibly interested Jess and Renee will talk to these individuals and go from there!) *Youth Group Up-date: Wednesday evenings 5:30-7:30 going very well attendance has doubled in the past 6 months!-Monthly events coming: BAY Rally coming Jan. 28th as well as ATF Mar. 13 & 14, BAY April 22, Spring Sale in May, Cook-out in June, etc…, hoping to pick up more kids in May-with the AWANA graduates, Val and Angie think we should gain 6-12 easily!! Angie also asked about doing a “Bump Up” night in April for the 6th graders to try youth group, Tim & Jess are all for that, we will pick a date shortly. *Additional Items/new ideas/etc…-(got new kidney bean table for 1st/2nd graders, closet for nursery & now pre-k room!) Additional idea of children’s offerings going to a lady who makes dolls, we will talk more to Kate Miller regarding this option! *Next Meeting-July 2015… *Richard Closed in Prayer Nursery Schedule: cx February 2015-First/Second Service: March 2015-First/Second Service: April 2015-First/Second Service: Feb. 1-Logan & Jennifer M/Renee H & Sandy K Mar. 1-Renee H & Tom S/Ken & Hope J April 5-Emily & Patric D/Lori & Tayah S Feb. 8-Ian & Sue N/Brandi N & Margaret F Mar. 8-Dale & Carla/Sam & Dayton B April 12-Linda J & Brenda R/Renee & Callie S Feb. 15-Steve & Maggie D/John & Angie N Mar. 15-Linda J & Brenda R/Jenelle C. April 19-Dave & Nancy S/Diane B & Chris V Feb. 22-Carol & Craig W/Marisela & Ashley V Mar. 22-Linda S & Kurt W/Sandy K & Chris V April 26-Lonna & Nick D/Sarah & Robin H Mar. 29-Tammy & Dale R/Brenda & Katey YOUTH NEWS: *In youth news for January, the youth transitioned to meeting for the first half of our time into the new sanctuary. This has worked very well as Jess can use a microphone and we laid some ground rules for lesson time! We begin at 5:30 each week with a little “social time” and then a time of announcements and prayer before starting our weekly lesson. At 6:40 pm we switch with the AWANA kids as we head to the basement to play games and have snack! The youth really enjoy this interaction time with one another and it is fun for all involved! For our monthly event, we attended the January BAY Rally (Brainerd Area Youth for Christ) and had a time of fellowship, pizza and heard from a good speaker! We also ordered tickets for our March ATF (acquire the fire) event held in Eden Prairie, MN this year. This event is a 27 hour overnight event where the youth hear from dynamic speakers, bands and see fun skits to encourage them to Christ and/or a closer walk with Him! If you have any questions please see Tim or Jess Judd! Thanks for your continued prayer and support for our teens! What’s Brewin’ in the Women’s Ministry Kitchen? We have had a full start of the year with two potlucks, annual meeting and ladies craft night. It is always so much fun to see our people involved in the church and its activities! Brewing on the front burners…… Teen Challenge Sunday is February 15th. There will be a potluck after the 2nd service. We are also putting together a care package to send back with the men on this day. There are sheets on the back table with items that are needed if you would like to donate to the care package. There will be a box in the foyer labeled Teen Challenge if you would like to drop things off into it. The WM’s group is also purchasing a case of bibles to send with them. Simmering on the back burners….. We will be shipping off our dollies and dresses that were put together at our last craft night. They will be hand delivered to precious children overseas and I am so excited to be a part of that. There will be Easter Breakfast coming in April and Ladies Tea will be coming up in May. We are always open to new ideas. Maybe you feel led to speak or share with the ladies at a meeting or at the Ladies Tea. I would love to hear from you and pray with you. We are always in need of fresh ideas, thoughts and cares you may have. Our next meeting will be February 14th at 10am. I would love to see you there! ~Kathy Broberg 218.397.2033 or [email protected] Wow! January seems to have just started and we are already finished- some updates for all of you regarding AWANA: First we are very excited and very much enjoying the new game area upstairs- what a blessing it has been to teach the children to play AWANA games that other churches are playing with our new game square and circle! If you have never seen AWANA games I encourage you to come visit us on a Wednesday night and see all the fun the kids and adults are having. Second, for the month of February I am going to be challenging our clubbers to get into their Bibles and find some verses on Love- it will be fun to see our bulletin area fill up with hearts with verses they have found each week, please be sure to take a look each Sunday! Third, I have started to pray about our 6th graders that will be graduating out of AWANA - please be in prayer if God would lead you to be a sponsor to one of them when the time comes in prayer and helping with purchasing a Bible and devotion book, more to come later on this! Please continue to keep the children, their families and all of our volunteers in your prayers! We thank you for all of your support! Upcoming Nights: February 4: Polka Dots and Strips; February 11: Regular Night; February 18: Flashlight Night; February 25: Regular Night Board of Administration Meeting Minutes: Date: January 19, 2015 Time: 6:30 pm People Present: Pastor Jim Johnson, Richard Broberg, Craig Weigel, Linda Beebe, Kathy Broberg, Judy Eggert, Chris Neal, Doug Buscho, Patric Doyle Opening prayer: Philippians 3:12. “Pressing on after Christ”. God has more for us in mind than just getting people saved from hell. Pressing on means “Run swiftly in order to reach a goal.” Press on as individuals, family and church to holiness and perfection in our love and faithfulness for the Lord. Seek the face of the Lord. *Secretary’s Report: Craig motioned to accept secretary’s report as read, Chris seconded, no discussion, all agreed, motion carries *Treasurer’s Report- In the absence of the treasurer, Pastor Jim talked about January’s expenses thus far but no report was available until the end of January. Elect Secretary- Pastor asked for Board to appoint a new secretary. Judy offered to continue to be secretary for 2015. Patric motioned to accept, Linda seconded, no discussion, all agreed, motion carries. Chairman of Board- Chris Neal was nominated to remain the chairman. Criag made motion to accept Chris as BOA Chair, Linda seconded, no discussion, all agreed, motion carries. Pastor Jim then explained the roles of the two delegates. Linda Beebe is our voting delegate on the BOA. Linda represents the BOA and Linda and Kathy represent the congregation at the conference. Old BusinessBack-ground checks- 52 completed checks have been received out of 80. Patric had various questions regarding the form and the ease of filling it out. It has been decided at an earlier meeting that any new people coming in will be required to fill out the paperwork. Building committee updates/questions/needs-Discussed how to distribute the large contribution of $100,000. It was agreed to pay the general contractor $60,000 and the remaining $40,000 to the Foundation to pay principle down on money borrowed. Pastor stated there remains $38,000 in the building fund for extra and additional projects yet to be completed. Doug made motion to pay $40,000 to the Foundation, Judy seconded, no further discussion, all agreed, motion carries. Goals for 2015-List of 2014 goals were handed out. Some of these goals were not accomplished. BOA is to look over them and pray about them. Next meeting we will address these goals. New Members-17 new members. More asking to become members. We have just over 100 members, although we have between 240-250 coming to church. We would like to see more members but having this scenario is a trend of the current times. New BusinessMorey House-Some discussion on the future of the Morey house. BOA members for 2015 (delegates) Handout of descriptions of the roles of the Board was handed out. Janitorial services-Discussed getting volunteers verses contract out the project. It may take 1-3 persons to do the jobs required. How many hours are we talking about? BOA needs to keep thinking this through and the BOA will make a decision on what we are going to do. Pastor states that 10-12 hours is sufficient to clean the entire church. Keep researching. February meeting we need to make a decision. Try to find volunteers to save funds. Recognition Dinner for the contractors-25 Invited. Pastor does not have any idea how many will attend of these. Kathy informed BOA that two food service tables will be set up. One upstairs. One downstairs. Future Work-Old building going to be sided. Lights outside. Snow stops need to be installed. New door in old sanctuary where the chairs will be stored. Parking area repaired and repainted. Rails outside. Earlier meeting it had been discussed to only side two sides of old building. Christ motioned to side all 4 sides, Craig seconded no further discussion, all agreed, motion carries. Teen Challenge-February 15th. Discussion on two services and whether to invite all members of Teen Challenge or just half of them. Because of their size it was decided two services and half of the members. Dedication Sunday – March 8th. One service that day at 10:30, then lunch and then back to the Dedication service at 1:00. Dan Simon Benefit-There has been a request to use our old sanctuary for a silent auction and benefit for Dan Simon who lost his house to a fire. BOA Agreed to let them use it but they are to clean up after. Richard will contact the coordinator of the benefit. Other – Suggestion to look at getting a tall ladder for new facility. Patric, Doug and Richard are looking into this. Next meeting-February 16, 2015 Closing Prayer-Chris. February 2015 Sunday 1 *Communion Monday 2 *6 pm-Service 8 Tuesday 3 *1 pm-Bible Study *6:30 pm Bible Study 9 10 *1 pm-Bible Study Wednesday 4 *9:30-Bible Study *12 pm-AA Meeting *12 pm Prayer Time at Jess’ *5:30-Youth Group *6 pm-AWANA 11 *9:30-Bible Study *12 pm-AA Meeting Thursday 5 Friday 6 *12 pm-AA Meeting *6pm-Bible study 12 Saturday 7 *8 am Men’s Group *6 pm-Prayer Time 13 *12 pm-AA Meeting 14 *CMA Mtg. Here *10 am-Women’s Ministry *12 pm Prayer Time at Jess’ 6 pm-Evening Service *4 pm-Worship Practice *6:30 pm Bible Study 15 *Pot-Luck Dinner & MN Teen Challenge 16 17 *1 pm-Bible Study 6 pm-Evening Service *6:30-BOA Meeting *6:30-Bible Study 22 23 24 *1 pm-Bible Study *6 pm-Evening Service *5:30-Youth Group *6 pm-AWANA *6pm-Bible study 18 *9:30-Bible Study *12 pm-AA Meeting 19 *5:30-Youth Group *6 pm-AWANA *6pm-Bible study 25 *9:30-Bible Study *12 pm-AA Meeting 26 *4 pm-Worship Practice *6:30 pm Bible Study 20 21 *8am-Men’s Group *12 pm-AA Meeting *12 pm Prayer Time at Jess’ *12 pm Prayer at Jess’ *5:30 pm–Youth Group *6 pm-AWANA *6 pm –Prayer Time *6 pm- Prayer Time 27 28 *12 pm-AA Meeting *6pm-Bible study *6 pm-Prayer Time
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