Hear my prayer, O God; listen to the words of my mouth. ~ Psalm 54:2 Church Family Jim Nolen has recently been diagnosed with prostrate cancer. His bone scan showed NO cancer in the bones! After further testing he will see the doctor again on Feb. 4th to discuss treatment options. Johnece Marchbanks had knee replacement on Tuesday. She will have outpatient therapy at the Physicians Centre. Eula Mae Huffman is home recovering, following surgery last week. Lucy Blocker has another appointment with her lung doctor on Feb. 2nd. Jordan Hines had tubes put in his ears on Thursday, Jan. 29th. Allan Landin’s heart doctor has cleared him to have surgery on his neck. He is waiting on the surgeon for a date for the surgery. Health Problems: Whitey & Patsy Birdwell, Wanda Frenzel, Pat Lindsay, Al Morgan, James St Clair and Thurman & Elizabeth Williamson Cancer Patients Margaret Morgan Veon Scott Dick Bassham (Clay’ s Dad) Kevin Rogers (friend of Mollie Peters) Glen Jones (Mollie Peters niece’s husband) Alberta Salazar (Magali’s grandmother) Lulan Sanford (Allen’s sister) Doug Cronberg (former member) is in the MED room #281. Friends and Extended Family Tracy Peters will have knee replacement on Feb. 12th Mr. Lee (Charlotte Machan’s Dad) Andrea Adams (Allen & Betty’s daughter) Donna Bussey (Carrie Hines’ sister) Les Bower & Family (Johnece Marchbanks’ cousins) Birthdays Feb. 4—Linda Ligon Feb. 6—Linda Harvey Jac Morse February Duties Call to Worship— Pete Marchbanks Announcements— Craig Ward Greeters— Jim Nolen, Geana Bassham Reading before the Lord’s Supper— Bryan Williamson AM Song Leader— Charley Gilmore PM Song Leader— Bill Terry Wed. Song Leader— John Barron Prepare Communion– John & Doris Barron Coordinate Food— Mollie Peters Kitchen Laundry— Young Men’s Training Class & Tabitha Class Sundays @ 6:00 p.m. Rachel Atchison will be teaching the Tabitha Class (all ages). Tabitha Class will meet in the fellowship hall beginning Sunday, Feb. 1st. Ladies’ Bible Class Tuesdays ~ 10:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Thursdays ~ 6:30 a.m. Denny’s in College Station Bible Classes ................................. 52 AM Worship .................................. 85 PM Worship .................................. 39 Wednesday ................................... 39 Contribution ..................... $3,103.00 Cavitt Church of Christ 3200 Cavitt Ave. Bryan, TX 77801 979-822-4844 cavitt.org Schedule of Services Sunday ....... 9:00 AM Bible Classes .................. 10:00 AM Worship .................... 6:00 PM Worship Wednesday 7:00 PM Bible Classes February 1, 2015 Song Leader Charley Gilmore Opening Prayer Conrad Mahan Scripture Reading (Isaiah 53:2-12) Bryan Williamson Lord’s Supper Contribution Lesson: “Jesus Only Savior” (Acts 4:12) Rocky Whitely Announcements Craig Ward Closing Prayer Michael Myers Welcome Visitors! We are happy that you chose to be with us. It is our prayer that you were encouraged as you joined us in praising God and studying His word. Since it is difficult to get to know someone very well during their first visit, we hope to see you again so that we can get to know you better. Ministers: Rufus Martinez Rocky Whitely Elders: Lester Gilmore Tim Hines Pete Marchbanks Deacons: Larry Adams Clay Bassham Randy Field Ashley Hull Serious Bible Study (2) I think of those Jews from the town of Berea. They welcomed Paul’s preaching of the good news and “examined the scriptures every day to see whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11). Paul exhorted the Ephesian Christians to“understand what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians 5:17). He also encouraged the young preacher, Timothy, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by Him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). In serious Bible study, we learn the difference between ancient and modern definitions of christ, baptism, church, presbyters, bishops, shepherds and saints. We learn who, in the New Testament, the Sadducees, the Pharisees and the scribes were. We learn who, in the Old Testament, the Rechabites, the Hittites and the Amorites were. We learn why various places, for example, Samaria, Zion and Tekoa, are important. In serious Bible study, we learn the value of various translations and the use of tools, namely Bible dictionaries and original language lexicons, to help us appreciate those translations. We learn of the value of context of a passage, whether the immediate context of the text to help us understand its meaning, or the overall context of the Scripture to discover, using a concordance or cross references, other passages that teach similar things. In serious Bible study, we learn the value of those books that provide background information, for example, of Bible lands and Bible cultures. We learn the value of commentaries, both good and bad. Ask me about what books that I would recommend for further Bible study. You may reach me by writing, Rocky Whitely, 3200 Cavitt Ave., Bryan, TX 77801, or by calling me at 979 822-4844, or by emailing me [email protected]. I know. Some might think that Festus’ words apply to me, too. He said, “You are out of your mind!... Too much learning is driving you insane!” (Acts 26:24) My goal, however, is to “stand mature and [be] fully assured in everything that God wills” (Colossians 4:12). So then, bring “the books, and above all the parchments” (2 Timothy 4:13), I have more studying to do. Rocky Chosen to Serve February 1, 2015 Sunday Morning Lord’s Supper: Marcus Hernandez, Gary Hines, Jonathan Hines, Tim Hines, Ashley Hull, Jim Lancaster, Joe Ligon, Rufus Martinez Opening Prayer: Conrad Mahan Closing Prayer: Michael Myers Sunday Evening Lord’s Supper: John Barron Closing Prayer: Jim Nolen Wednesday Song Leader: John Barron Elders Corner I recently read a quote by Tim Ferriss, author of "The 4-Hour Workweek": "You're the average of the five people you associate with the most." Makes me think of 1 Cor. 15:33, "Do not be deceived: 'Bad company corrupts good morals.'” If we want to be friendly to others, have a positive outlook on life and be happy then should we associate with people with similar characteristics? Pete Ladies Mark your calendars! Soup, Salad and Sewing night Thursday nights, starting Feb.5th 6:30 - 9:00 P.M. @ Sally Whitely’s Home (If you don't sew, bring whatever craft/ hobby you would like to work on. See Sally if you are interested.) Save the Date! Sweetheart Banquet Sunday, Feb. 15th @ Noon Fellowship Hall (Sign-up sheet in the foyer.) Potluck Luncheon Sunday, February 1st (Make plans to bring enough food for your family and a little extra for our visitors.) 29th Annual Not-So-New Newlywed Game Friday, February 13th Fellowship Hall ~ 7:00 P.M. (Traditional Taco Salad! Sign-up sheets in the foyer.) 2nd Tuesday Luncheon Everyone is invited to our next luncheon on Tuesday, February 10th , 11:30 a.m. at “Patranella’s” in downtown Bryan.
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