THE SERVICE OF WORSHIP FOR THE LORD’S DAY 2nd Sunday after Epiphany• January 18, 2015 8:15 and 11:00AM Gathering Around the Word Welcome and Announcements Prelude Tim Stewart and Cassie Todd Come with Us, O Blessed Jesus [J. Pachelbel] Barb Benjamin * Call to Worship Leader: Sisters and brothers, we have been given the gift of a new day! People: We come together to celebrate life and give thanks to God! Leader: In these days, it is hard to know whether to despair or delight. People: So we come together in gratitude and joy, even in the midst of chaos around us, for we belong to God. Leader: God is with us. His steadfast love endures forever. People: Thanks be to God! Together, let us worship the Lord. * Hymn of Praise Great is Thy Faithfulness [all] No. 39 (purple) * Prayer of Praise and the Lord’s Prayer * Confession of Sin Gracious God, we are grateful that you bless us with much; in fact, all that we need. We confess that too often we hold on to all that we have and still want more. Forgive us for the times we waste your gifts, fail to love our neighbors, and forget your love. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Forgive our sins, and help us to live in your light and walk in your ways, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Savior. * Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Kyrie Eleison (Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.) * Assurance of Pardon and Sharing the Peace * The Family of God No. 419 (red) Proclaiming the Word The Children Gather The Old Testament Lesson The New Testament Lesson Ministry of Music Joshua 24.1-3a, 14-25 2 Corinthians 8.7 To God be the Glory Sermon Title Praise Chorale The Necessity of Giving Tim Stewart Responding to the Word * Affirmation of Faith Ordination and Installation of Officers [11.00AM] Last year our church leadership did something that we probably should have done many years ago. Since all of our people are here in Florida during the months of January, February, and March, it made perfect sense to move our stewardship emphasis and campaign to a time within those months. That we did … and it worked well for us. We will keep with the same plan this year. Our theme for this year’s emphasis is “Responding to God’s Generosity.” You will not be able to miss a couple of prominently displayed banners outside our sanctuary heralding our 2015 theme. Our calendar of events will look like this. On Sundays January 18, 25, February 1, and 8 we will have a series of stewardship sermons. On those respective weeks we will explore: (1) The Necessity of Giving, (2) The Manner of Giving, (3) The Measure of Giving, and (4) The Blessings of Giving. On those weeks we will deviate from the lectionary texts and in your regular Friday e•weekly you will be provided with texts we will use on the following Sunday. Keeping things in a fairly chronological order, on Sunday, January 25, we will have a meeting of the congregation for the purpose of presenting the 2015 Challenge Budget. The meeting will follow the 11.00AM service and will convene right around noon. During the week between February 1 and 8 each of us will receive a packet from our Stewardship Committee. It will contain material with which we will be familiar: narrative budget, letter, step chart, and estimate of giving card. Stewardship Commitment Sunday 2015 will be Sunday, February 8. As a response to the Word and at our offering time we will leave our seats and come forward to the chancel area where two large plexiglas boxes will be positioned. Into the box on “our side” of line up the middle aisle we will deposit our card. The following Sunday, February 15, 2015 we will hold the Annual Meeting of the Congregation. By then we should have a preliminary report regarding the response to our campaign. “Responding to God’s Generosity” … our 2015 theme. I believe there is nothing that better captures the entire reason for being a steward than this statement. Think about it. All we have is from the hand of God … everything … especially our salvation in Christ. How will we respond? ❧ Moment for Mission Kathy Tardy The Call for God’s Tithes and Our Offerings Offertory Hymn All to Your Glory … [J.Pachelbel] * Response We Give Thee But Thine Own * Prayer of Dedication Prayers of the People * Hymn of Response 2nd Sunday after Epiphany• January 18, 2015 9:40AM Gathering Around the Word Pre-service Song Praise You Welcome and Announcements * Gathering Song Tim Stewart and Cassie Todd The Word of God * Call to Worship Leader: Sisters and brothers, we have been given the gift of a new day! People: We come together to celebrate life and give thanks to God! Leader: In these days, it is hard to know whether to despair or delight. People: So we come together in gratitude and joy, even in the midst of chaos around us, for we belong to God. Leader: God is with us. His steadfast love endures forever. People: Thanks be to God! Together, let us worship the Lord. * Songs of Praise Freedom Holy, Holy, Holy * Prayer of Praise and the Lord’s Prayer * Confession of Sin Gracious God, we are grateful that you bless us with much; in fact, all that we need. We confess that too often we hold on to all that we have and still want more. Forgive us for the times we waste your gifts, fail to love our neighbors, and forget your love. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Forgive our sins, and help us to live in your light and walk in your ways, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Savior. * Assurance of Pardon and Sharing the Peace * Hallelujah / John 3.16 Proclaiming the Word The Children Gather The Old Testament Lesson The New Testament Lesson Sermon Title Joshua 24.1-3a, 14-25 2 Corinthians 8.7 The Necessity of Giving Tim Stewart Responding to the Word The Call for God’s Tithes and Our Offerings Offertory Give To the Lord * Response Modern Doxology * Prayer of Dedication Bearing and Following the Word into the World * Sermon Song No. 674 (red) * Charge/Benediction My Tribute * Charge/Benediction * Sending Song Who is on the Lord’s Side [v. 1, 3] All to Your Glory … [J.Pachelbel] THE SERVICE OF WORSHIP FOR THE LORD’S DAY Prayers of the People Barb Benjamin No. 708 (purple) Bearing and Following the Word into the World * Postlude THAT TIME AGAIN ... I Saw the Light ROSE ON COMMUNION TABLE The rose on the Communion table this morning is place there in Thanksgiving for the birth of Jacob Matthias Goddard on January 12, 2015. Jacob is the great grandson of the proud Emma May Goddard. Barb Benjamin * congregation standing Next Communion service will be February 1, 2015 CHANCEL FLOWERS The Chancel Flowers today are dedicated to the Glory of God by Margaret Weller in loving memory of husband Donald and by Jack and Gigi Klein in celebration of their 45th wedding anniversary. Next Communion service will be February 1, 2015 Congregational Meetings - Session has called two congregational meetings. The first will be at noon on January 25, 2015 for the purpose of presenting to the congregation the 2015 Challenge Budget. The second meeting of the congregation will at noon on February 15, 2015 for the purposes of presenting the congregation with the 2014 Annual report and approving the 2015 terms of call for Pastor Tim and Pastor Cassie. Everyone is encouraged to attend these meetings. Sunday, January 18 at 3 PM. “President and Mrs. Lincoln” A live performance in the sanctuary. Dessert and coffee/tea will be served in Fellowship Hall after the show. Tickets will be available today before and after church services at the carousel for a donation of $15. Bring a camera for your photo with the Lincolns! This is a major fundraiser for Presbyterian Women—all proceeds support our Presbyterian Women mission programs. Local missions that we support are the Homeless Education Project, CARE, Voices for Kids (Guardian ad Litem), Immokalee Friendship House/Mision Peniel, Thornwell Home for Children in crisis and Duvall Home for developmentally delayed adults. 8:15 SERVICE 8:15 SERVICE MERRILL AND JUDY BALES CHUCK WILL BOB AND KATHY MAYES BONNEY AND JIM HOWARD 9:40 SERVICE WELCOMERS NICK AND JUDY FORTNEY 9:40 SERVICE USHERS ARLENE CHAMPLE, JEAN SCHIMISIN 11:00 SERVICE WELCOMERS CHUCK AND BARBARA MCFARLAND 11:00 SERVICE USHERS JERRY CORNELL ROGER GARRISON, BARBEL CADIEN, CHUCK AND BARB MCFARLAND DEACON DELIVERING FLOWERS TERESA TODINO AND DONNA BRAST 8:15 CAROUSEL VOLUNTEERS JIM AND MERRLYN BRAND 9:40 AND 11:00 CAROUSEL VOLUNTEER DICK AND SIN STEVENS SUNDAY Pastor’s class for PW Small Groups February Bible Study – Wednesday, January 21, at 10:00AM in Pastor Cassie’s office. Read Chapter 11 (Huldah) in “A Faith of Her Own: Women of the Old Testament.” Anyone is welcome to attend. Emergency Response Team (Red Badges) Please wear your badges to all services and please notify the head usher that you are present. Also, tell the head usher where you are approximately sitting. Thank you! Immokalee - Urgently needs MEN’S CLOTHING ONLY. Long pants, gently worn tennis shoes, jackets, sweaters, towels, sheets and blankets. Thank you for your continued support of Mission Peniel. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY We are looking for volunteers to join the BSPC parking crew. Our small group directs traffic during church concerts and the annual Trunk o’ Treats event. It only takes a couple hours and you still have plenty of time to drop into the events. For more information, please contact Brian Hinman at [email protected]. Jesus Loves You Ministry - This ministry is in need of on call volunteers to drive homeless people to their medical appointments. If you are available to help with these trips, please contact Leslie Martin at 941.661.8117. Thank you for your support of this ministry. Have you lost a spouse, child, close friend, parent, close relative? Even if it was years ago, you might find there are still some struggles you face without having this person in your life. GriefShare is a great place to begin or continue this journey that you are on. Our support group meets on Wednesdays from 10AM to Noon and runs through March 1. Please pick up a registration form on the carousel and turn it into the office. The MY PLACE youth group’s Annual Treasures and Treats sale is Saturday, February 28. We’ll begin collecting all your pre-loved items on Sunday, February 8. Your baked goods are needed on February 27. Details to follow in the February Smoke Signals Works Dinner - Wednesday, January 21, sign up at the carousel today. Lasagna, texas toast, salad, apple dumplings with ice cream. SERVICE NOTES THURSDAY FRIDAY WELCOMERS LEAD USHER USHERS CALENDAR OF EVENTS TRADITIONAL WORSHIP [SANCTUARY] CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP [SANCTUARY] FAITHWORKS - FEASTING ON THE WORD [ROOM 4] FAITHWORKS - IF NOT NOW … WHEN? [ROOM 3/5] FAITHWORKS - HOLY MOLY [ROOM 2] TRADITIONAL WORSHIP [SANCTUARY] FAITHWORKS - 40 DAYS IN THE WORD [ROOM 3/5] MY PLACE YOUTH GROUP [YOUTH ROOM] PRESIDENT AND MRS. LINCOLN SHOW MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY MAC USERS GROUP [3/5] WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY [FELLOWSHIP HALL] SESSION [BOARDROOM] SUNCOAST STATESMEN [CHOIR ROOM] MEN’S BIBLE STUDY [OFF CAMPUS] FITNESS N’ FUN [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 2015 CONCERT SERIES BOX OFFICE GRIEFSHARE [ROOM 4] CARD EMBROIDERY [ROOM 7] PW PASTOR’S CLASS [PASTOR CASSIE’S STUDY] STEPHEN MINISTRY TRAINING [ROOM 3/5] THE WORKS DINNER [FELLOWSHIP HALL] FAITHWORKS [FELLOWSHIP HALL] PRAISE TEAM REHEARSAL [SANCTUARY] ADULT DAY CARE [RESOURCE CENTER] AA [FELLOWSHIP HALL] PRAISE BELLS REHEARSAL [SANCTUARY] CHOIR REHEARSAL [CHOIR ROOM] FITNESS N’ FUN [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 8:15AM 9:40AM 9:40AM 9:40AM 9:40AM 11:00AM 11:00AM 11:00AM - 2:00PM 3.00PM FACILITY CLOSED 6.30PM 10:00AM 6:30PM 7:00PM 8:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM - 12:00PM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 4:00 - 6:00PM 5:00PM 6:00PM 6:00PM 9:30AM 12:00PM 3:30PM 7:00PM 9:00AM LAST WEEKEND’S ATTENDANCE 8:15 – 317 9:40 232 11:00 – 180 FaithWorks - 59 Newsletter available online Get Smoke Signals at (printer friendly version available) BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2015 Offering Envelopes - The 2015 offering envelopes have been moved to the Administrative wing hall. If you cannot find your envelopes or have never had any and would like some please contact Robin at [email protected] or call the office. We have monthly and weekly envelopes available. Thank you! Tim Stewart: Pastor Cassie Todd : Associate Pastor Joy Toll-Chandler: Director of Worship Arts Eric Jordan: Director, Praise Team Ruthann Allen: Accompanist 11330 Burnt Store Road Punta Gorda, FL 33955.1402 phone: 941.639.0001 fax: 941.639.1069 [email protected] ... reaching up, making disciples, changing lives
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