Directorate-General Human Resources and Security DG Assistant A. GEMBERGWIESIKE Director-General HR.PA Principal adviser HR Professionalisation(2) F. GARCIA FERREIRO I. SOUKA HR.DDG Deputy Director-General, in charge of Directorates C and D(1) Vacant HR.A Organisation and Executive Staff CCA Permanent Rapporteur H. POST HR.B HR Core Processes 1: Career C. LEVASSEUR HR.C HR Core Processes 2: Social Policy and Health M.-U. MORICCA HR.A.ADV Legal Adviser M. BERGER HR.B.ADV Adviser Laissez-passer of the European Union(4) N. CRESTE HR.C.ADV Medical Adviser M. ADAM-GERARD HR.A.1 Workforce Planning, Organisational Structures and Metrics F. BUSSACCHINI HR.B.1 Ethics, Rights and Obligations* T. JAKOB HR.A.2 Executive Staff and CCA Secretariat M. LEVEQUE HR.A.3 HR Information Systems and Reporting P. ISENBORGHS (acting) HR.02 Luxembourg Site Coordination(3) A. KOZLIK HR.D Legal Affairs, Communication and Stakeholder Relations M.-U. MORICCA (acting) HR.R Shared Resource Services and HR Modernisation M. WILL HR.DS Security G. VERVAET (ad interim) HR.IDOC Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission K. WILLIAMS HR.C.1 Social Welfare J. SINCLAIR HR.D.1 European Civil Service Law and Social Dialogue C. ROQUES HR.R.1 Local Services(2) S. BOGER HR.DS.1 Protection and Crisis Management* R. SONNENSCHEIN HR.IDOC.1 Administrative Enquiries R. SLOOTJES HR.B.2 Recruitment and End of Service* R. CARLINI HR.C.2 European Schools M. SAUDE HR.D.2 Appeals and Case Monitoring L. NICOLAIE HR.R.2 Shared Services: College, EPSO, IAS V. GRIEGER HR.DS.2 Security Intelligence and External Liaison M. DE WOLF HR.B.3 Learning and Development* S. COLLINS HR.C.3 Medical Service Brussels G. FRACCHIA HR.D.3 Communication(2) N. JARDINE HR.R.3 Finance and Internal Control H. COUSIN HR.DS.3 Security Inspection and Advice A. NAVIKAS HR.B.4 Career and Performance Management G. DUFORT HR.C.4 Medical Service Luxembourg D. DEPIESSE HR.D.4 Relations with Public Administrations, Agencies and Admnistrative offices E. M. ARMANI HR.R.4 HR Modernisation K. BINON HR.DS.4 Technical Security and Guards T. VINOIS HR.B.5 Equal Opportunities and Working Conditions S. TOSTMANN HR.C.5 Medical Service Ispra D. DEPIESSE (acting) Footnotes: (1) In charge of relations with the European Ombudsman. (2) HR.R.1 and HR.D.3 also have a functional reporting relation with HR Professionalisation Principal Adviser HR.PA. (3) Head of Unit of HR.02 also heads the Financial Irregularities Panel (secretariat provided by HR.R.3). (4) The HR.B Adviser is responsible for the Task Force “Laissez-passer of the European Union”. * Units with staff in both Brussels and Luxembourg HR.01 Planning and Policy Steering B. SAINT AUBIN The following members of management staff are seconded in the interest of the service: A. Vannini, N. Bearfield and C. Linder. In addition, A. Scriban and D. Dotto are attached to the TFGR. HR.DS.5 Informatics Security* G. VERVAET HR.DS.6 Health and Safety Policy* M. BECQUET 01/02/2015
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