February 1, 2015 We are excited that you chose to worship at Tower Community Fellowship! If you are visiting, we invite you to fill out the last page in this Worship Folder and share with us a small amount of information about yourself, then tear out that page, and place it in the offering plate. Nursery and Children’s Church are available during the Morning Worship Service. For more information about who we are visit us at www.tcfchurch.org 1800 S. Tower Rd. Aurora, CO 80013 303-337-9100 Become a fan of Tower Community Fellowship on Facebook. Ministry Staff Russ Martin - Senior Pastor Troy Teeter - Youth Pastor Kristi Stewart - Children’s Pastor Jennifer Payne - Music Coordinator Roxanne Wilhite - Office Administration [email protected] Cell: 720-475-0155 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Board Members Kevin Burchett - Sunday School Supt. Brenda Kidd - NMI President Dennis Casey Jaime Gutierrez Don Stewart Dave Coffey Rich Keller Betsy Watson Jeremy Faust Tad May Tim Wilhite CHURCH FINANCES AT A GLANCE Actual Budget 1/5/14 to 1/25/15 Income Expenses Building Fund BF Pledged Faith Promise (Pledged) $440,524.00 $412,372.00 $241,580.00 $ 71,460.00 $100,319.00 5/1/14 to 1/31/15 $437,905.00 $437,905.00 Building Pledges 53 Order of Service Children 1st - 6th grade are invited to attend Children’s Church in Room 200 (up the stairs and to the left). Call to Worship To God Be the Glory Welcome and Announcements Songs of praise This Is Amazing Grace 10,000 Reasons At the Cross Family prayer and open altar I Surrender All Scripture reading I Peter 2:4-12 We worship in giving God’s tithe and our offerings Special Music Message from God’s Word “God’s Final Word on Salvation” Revelation 19 Cindy Robinson Jeff Bland Pastor Russ Martin Our Lord’s Supper Forever Benediction We invite you to use a free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. YouVersion is a simple, ad-free Bible that brings God's Word into your daily life. We also have our weekly service listed in the LIVE section of the app. For the hearing impaired, we have listening devices available at the sound booth. Our mission of love is to know Christ and make him known by serving our neighbors and all the world … through relevant teaching, authentic worship and caring fellowship by the power of the Holy Spirit. This Week at TCF Sunday 9:30 am Morning Worship Service 11:00 am Sunday School for all ages 6:00 pm Adult Bible study led by Pastor Russ; Sanctuary Children’s Bible Study led by Cindy Stewart; Room 207 Children’s Bible Quizzing led by the Hohstadt’s; Room 206 Student Ministries “Upper Room” led by Pastor Troy; Student Building Women’s Bible Study led by Susan Schmidt; Room 102 Becoming Myself by Staci Eldridge 10:30 am 7:00 pm Tuesday “Young at Heart” Fellowship & Bible Study; TCF foyer Wednesday Student Ministries “Time Out”; Student Building Men’s Bible Study, I John; Room 213 Women’s Bible Study, Me, Myself & Lies; Room 211 WM - Women’s Ministry • SM - Student Ministry • Children’s Ministry * Contact the church office for address and/or phone information Shared Prayer Requests Crystal Arecco Debbie Arecco Eric & Natalie Bandor Belize Mission Trip Mary Brigance Mel Briscoe Karen Brown Karen Brown (Marlyn Tingle’s sister-in-law) Donna Cardin Frank Davis Elizabeth De Grange Tony Fielder Diane Guy Hal/Joanne Reinwald Greg Sanders Caleb Stewart Tony Spencer Military Families Greg Van Dell Walt Kreie (Roxanne Wilhite’s dad) Heather (Ikerd) Quatermass Amaya (Dave/Bea Acheson’s great-granddaughter) Military Prayer Focus January Focus: L Cpl Austin Euglow 2358 S. Zeno Street Aurora, CO 80013 Austin is the grandson of Carl and Sandy Euglow. He is in the Marine Corp Reserves. He works at a commercial drivers license college when not serving with the Marine Corps. He is praying and looking for a full-time job. Adult Sunday School Classes A Charitable Discourse - led by Dennis Casey and Tim Wilhite; Room 211 Manna For Today - Word Action; led by Rich Keller; Sanctuary IN Group - Word Action; led by Lela Krol; Room 213 Life Builders - led by Jeremy Faust; Room 200 Sermon Notes Dr. Russ Martin February 1, 2015 “God’s Final Word on Salvation” Revelation 19 Introduction • The judgment visions flow right into the joy of salvation • Salvation and the background of catastrophe - The wickedness of the world and the fall of “Babylon” The key images in the Salvation visions: • The marriage supper of the Lamb • The great struggle with evil • The enormity of God’s grace • The eventual fate of all who follow Satan • Armageddon, millennium, rapture and tribulation … - What does it all mean to us? • The contrast of the “meal” and the “war” in Revelation • Salvation is the key that unlocks the mystery - Psalm 23 meets Revelation 19 All-Church Announcements Greg and Liz Van Dell wish to thank our church family for all your prayers, cards, phone calls, and meals during Greg’s surgery, hospitalization, and recovery. We don’t know what we’d do without you. It has been tremendously uplifting knowing how much you love us through Christ. We invite you to use a free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. YouVersion is a simple, ad-free Bible that brings God's Word into your daily life. We also have our weekly service listed in the LIVE section of the app. Silent Auction for NYC. Student Ministries has 4 tickets and signed 8 x 10 photo of Kenneth Faried that we will be auctioning off in the church foyer today during Fellowship time. Credit Cards are welcomed. * Contact the church office for this information Children’s Ministry Bible study - for children up through 6th grade meets on Sunday nights from 6:00 - 7:00 pm and Wednesday nights from 7:00 - 8:00 pm in Room 207. Children’s Quizzing 6:00 pm in Room 206. Summer Camps at Golden Bell Camp and Conference Center. Go to www.goldenbellccc.org for more information and pricing. To view the announcements digitally - please scan the QR code with a QR reader from your cell phone or tablet’s app store. Women’s Ministry Women of Faith. Sign-up for your ticket starting today. Tickets are $80 each with a $30 non-refundable deposit. See Karen Brown or Faith Burns at the Women’s Ministries table in the foyer before service or during fellowship time from now until the end of December. Women of Faith Date Change. Due to a scheduling conflict with the Pepsi Center, Women of Faith has opted to change the dates for the 2015 event. It will now be held on Friday, August 7 and Saturday, August, 8. Two Bible Study’s Wednesday Nights You are invited to join the Wednesday night ladies study as we take a look at Me, Myself & Lies by Jennifer Rothschild. This six-week DVD Bible study will encourage you to clean out the junk in your thought closet and replace them with positive truths from God’s word. This study is each Wednesday in Room 211. If you have any questions, you may contact Janet May at 817-201-6004 or email her at [email protected]. Thursday Mornings This women's Bible study is studying Jonah with Priscilla Shirer. Come discover what you see as an interruption may truly be God's divine invitation to a life so much bigger than you can imagine. This study is Thursdays, 9:15 a.m. at the home of Tami Burchett. Student Ministries Need info on the go? For the latest information or visit us online @ www.tcfstudents.org. Join together for Student Ministries Upper Room on Sundays at 6 pm. We invite all students (grades 7-12) to take a TIMEOUT for fun and worship each Wednesday at 7 pm. Join our online community on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @TCFStudents! Get photos, news and encouragement online! Super Bowl Party February 1 at 4:00 pm. Bring a snack and 2-liter to share. NNU Explore February 19-21. Cost of an round trip airline ticket ($300 ticket on Southwest Airlines). Must register by February 11 with Pastor Troy. Contact Pastor Troy for additional information. Students please pick up your registration forms for Main Event at the student information center in the church foyer. Main Event is March 20-22 on the campus of UNC in Greeley. Cost is $100 (this includes the registration fee, lodging and two meals). Please return your completed forms to Pastor Troy by March 4. Upcoming Events 1 14-22 February SM - Super Bowl Party Belize Mission Trip March 7 14 20-22 WM - Helping Hands Children’s District Quiz SM - Main Event May 1-3 9 WM - Women’s Retreat WM Event June 8-20 12-15 29 CO District Convention SM - CO District NYI Camp; Golden Bell Trailblazers Camp; Golden Bell July 5-13 6-10 SM - NYC Pathfinders/Explorers Camp; Golden Bell SM - Student Ministries WM - Women’s Ministries Share a Little Information about You Welcome to Tower Community Fellowship. This page is to for you to tell us a little about you or to share a prayer requests or RSVP to a church sponsored event. Please take a moment to fill out the appropriate information, detach this page and place it in the offering plate or give it to an usher. Thank you. Date: _____________ Name: _______________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ Zip: ________________ Home Phone: ________________ Cell Phone: _________________ Email:_______________________________________ Name of family members living with you: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ This is my/our ___1st, ___ 2nd, ___ 3rd time here ___Single ___Married - I have ______ children living at home. I am a guest of: ____________________________________________ ___Family Member ___Friend I/we found out about TCF from: ___Website ___Sign ___Yellow Pages ___Other:________________________________ I would like information on: ___ How to commit my life to Christ ___ Bible Studies or TLC groups ___ How to grow in my relationship with Christ ___ Student Ministries ___ How to join this Church family ___ Children’s Ministry Program Comments, Requests & Prayer Requests ____ confidential ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Interests and hobbies ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
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