SERVING TODAY: NURSERY WORKERS: am: Miranda & Derek Yelton, Meagan & Jon Poteat pm: Lacey Roach NURSERY : 2/8 Julie & Courtney Scherer, Jody Rollins USHERS: James Roberson, John Crotts, Sidney Crowe & Jon Poteat DEACON VISITATION: Harold Bracken & George McCormick GREETERS: Sunday School Greeters: M/M Jon Ward, Jill Miracle & Wanda Matheny Worship Greeters: M/M Kenny Morrison, M/M Michael deRham & Jeanette Matheny & Laura Diley TELLERS: Sherrill Matheny & George McCormick SAFETY: Russ Scherer & Kevin Jackson YOUTH CHOIR DINNER THEATER EMPHASIS FOR THIS WEEK *TIME OF WELCOME and CELEBRATION CONTINUING OUR PRAISE Adult Choir “The Voice of the Lord” March 8th 6 pm in the Family Life Center MEDITATION INVOCATION Tickets are available this week from any choir teen!...$10 Meal/door prizes/silent auction/worship service lead by youth choir All proceeds go to help fund the Youth Choir Tour 2015 TONIGHT 2/1 PM SERVICE Dr. Whitlow continues a series of Extraordinary Women of the Bible Rachel & Leah ADAVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH February 1, 2015 Chad Dillard (Children dismissed for Children’s Church) *GROWING IN CHRIST REACH 6:00 pm Wed. 2/4 OFFERTORY OFFERTORY PRAYER 6:30 pm 2/4 FOLLOWING CHRIST Next Study Times — Feb. 6th & 20th (every other Friday) Adult Bible Study “Culture Shock” by Chip Ingram 6:30—8:00 pm Meet in the Church Parlor “All the Way My Savior Leads Me” WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: Enrique Loera & Stephanie Orasing 142 Mary’s Lane Rutherfordton, NC 28139 (Call the office for phone number) Adult Choir LISTENING TO GOD’S WORD Dr. Jim Whitlow Paths are Made for Walking Mark 10:32 Dear Adaville Family, A need has come to the attention of the staff. A family in our church is going through a difficult time. Due to multiple circumstances, they are having financial difficulty. Adaville has always been wonderful at stepping up to love and help our own. Jesus said “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:35) In order to protect this family’s privacy, we ask that you trust the staff and benevolence committee with the details of the situation and simply pray about how much God would have you to give to help a family in need. Today, February 1st, we will be collecting a love offering at the end of the worship service. Please designate “Family in Need” on your envelope or in the memo line of your check. The need is great, so please give generously. With Sincere Thanks, Adaville Baptist Church Staff & Benevolence Committee SHARING OUR DECISIONS BENEDICTION LOVE OFFERING *Congregation Please Stand Worship Prayer Partner: Johnny Crotts FAITH COMMUNITY NURSE NEWS Office Hours: Sunday 9:00-9:45 a.m. & Wed. 7:30-8:15 p.m February is Recognized as American Heart Month The Bible reminds us “.. A heart at peace gives life to the body” {Proverbs 14: 30) How can you take care of your heart both physically and spiritually? Physically Exercise at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes or more Control your blood pressure and have it checked regularly If you are a smoker, quit smoking permanently Eat a balanced diet reduced in fat, cholesterol, and salt Spiritually Set aside time for Bible study Spend time in prayer Share the good news that it is our Lord who creates purity and wholeness in hearts In Psalm 51:10 – 12 we read “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.” May this be our prayer as we all strive to take better care of our hearts. Your Faith Community Nurse OPPORTUNITIES OF SERVICE AT ADAVILLE MUSIC NEWS SUNDAY ADULT CHOIR ….. … Rehearsals on Wednesdays @ 7:30 pm YOUTH CHOIR REHEARSAL TODAY……. …. At 4:00 – Dinner Theater music! YOUTH CHOIR DINNER THEATER MARCH 8,2015 Tickets are available this week from any choir teen!...$10 Meal/door prizes/silent auction/worship service lead by youth choir All proceeds go to help fund the Youth Choir Tour 2015 Mondays—same time, same place Vans pick up at your child’s school Great new music!! Do You Embroider? We need TONIGHT<>5:45PM Bible Skills, Drills, & Thrills Preschool & Kindergartners, 1st-3rd graders, 4th-6th graders *We are planning a Bible Drill for May 31. Details are coming together. Be sure to be at BSDT every Sunday to get ready!* WEDNESDAY<>6:30PM spark -- The Lord's Prayer (part 5 of 6) Preschool & Kindergartners, 1st-3rd graders, 4th-6th graders interact with us on social media: #AdavilleKids and "like" our new facebook page someone to embroider faces on the dolls. Contact Ann Hutchins or call the church office if you are willing to help. SAMANTHA DOLLS Meets on Mondays @ 10 am A ministry to children with life threatening illnesses FOUND: A ladies ring was found in the nursery last Sunday. If you have lost one please call the office. 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. MONDAY 5:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. TUESDAY 10:00 a.m. WEDNESDAY 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY 5:30 p.m. FRIDAY 5:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. SATURDAY 7:00 a.m. SUNDAY 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Faith Community Nurse Bible Study Morning Worship Youth Choir Children’s Bible Skills, Drills & Thrills Young Adults @ the Hensons Study of Extraordinary Women of the Bible Prayer Time Samantha Dolls Children’s Choir Prayer Time Reach Youth BSF Food Pantry Children Spark Adult Choir Rehearsal Prayer Time Prayer Time Adult Bible Study Prayer Time Faith Community Nurse Bible Study Morning Worship Youth Choir Young Adult/College & Career Children’s Bible Skills, Drills & Thrills Youth Study of Extraordinary Women of the Bible PRAYING FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY HEALTH CONCERNS: Floyd Arrowood, Hubert Bailey, Brit & Bill Bair, Mildred Crowe, Thelma Crowe, Steve Davis, Mary Jane Fannon, Becky Bailey Hoyle, Bruce Hoyle, Marina Hoyle, Heather Humphries, Selma Kilpatrick, Ann Lovelace, Sue Robbins, Barbara Rosenmarkle, Ray Ruppe, Leon & Lib Sinclair, Don Tate, Tammy Thomassen. Ruth Thompson, Urbane Turner, Christine Whitlow Pray for the Pastor Search Committee. Members are: Ann Hutchins, Wanda Davis, Loretta Walker, John Miracle, Chess Roach, Jackie Hoyle & Fran Douglas. Pray for the man who will be our next pastor. NURSING HOMES: Aileen Allen, Frances Waters, Bo Padgett, Mildred Crowe, Rupert Howard, Annie Mae Edney YOUTH: (7TH—12TH GRADES) TONIGHT<>NO YOUTH SERVICE Seniors Only Supper (5:45-6:15) World Changers Deposit Due; Chad will be available after Choir Rehearsal (5:45) to process payments. WEDNESDAY<>6:00-7:30PM BSF~God's Big Story:New! [2Cor5] FRI, FEB 6<>WinterJam; Greenville, SC Meet at Adaville asap after school; we hope to leave by 4. 9:45<>Sunday School NO 4:45 Bible Study today* 6PM<>Super Bowl party at the Hensons' OUR SINCERE SYMPATHY: to Amy Trubey and family in the death of her sister, Lynne Toney OUR SINCERE SYMPATHY: to Patti Sherrill & Julie Scherer and families in the death of their brother-in-law, Gene Gregg FRI-SUN,Feb 20-22<>SKI/SNOWBOARD RETREAT 3 worship services; 4 meals; 2 nights lodging; full day of Skiing/Snowboarding $185; Sign up (w $100 deposit) by Feb 1* *Chad will be available in the Youth Room at 5:45 to process deposits for Ski Retreat; contact Chad directly for other arrangements OUR RECORD January 25, 2015 interact with us: facebook & /AdavilleYouth twitter & instagram @AdavilleYouth Text Alerts (sign up at Sign up for Parent Update emails: [email protected] HOMEBOUND: Jimmie Padgett, Troy & Louise Branch, Jim Biggerstaff, Doc & Janet Kesterson, Thelma Crowe & Virnell Bailey, Harold Butler 9:45 BIBLE STUDY ATTENDANCE 10:45 WORSHIP ATTENDANCE SUNDAY SCHOOL VISITORS REQUIRED BY 1/25/2015 RECEIVED BY 1/25/2015 BUDGET NEEDS WEEKLY $ $ $ BUDGET RECEIPTS DESIGNATED FUNDS $ $ Building Program Financial Summary 183 As of latest month-end: 314 Total Pledges—Family 9 Campaign 32,039.84 Pledges Outstanding 24,687.01 8,009.96 Total Building Receipts Since Inception 5,231.00 Building Loan Balance 770.94 Building Loan Balance 11/30/2014 Church Family, Johnny & I want to thank you for all that was done for us during Johnny’s sister’s illness and death. We very much appreciate Dr. Whitlow’s visits and prayers. The dish garden was beautiful, and visits from members was very much cherished. We are so blessed to have such a loving church family. Johnny & Barbara Brigman $ 90,020.00 $ 6,307.35 $154,818.90 $128,958.59 $165,304.76 805 Oakland Road • Spindale, NC 28160 • 828-286-2361 • Email: [email protected] Dr. Jim Whitlow, Interim Pastor Mrs. Connie Cuthbertson, Minister of Music/Activities Rev. Chad Dillard, Minister of Youth & Children
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