THE SINGARENI COLLIERIES COMPANY LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT COMPANY) UNIT RATE TENDER NOTICE The contractors who were registered as per S.C.C.L.’s revised registration are eligible to participate in the lottery system for the following works as per their class of registration. Sl. No. 1) Tender Notice number Approximate Cost Rs. Ps. Earnest Money Deposit (in Rupees) CW/SRP/ 03 /14-15 dt.09-06-14 Supply of Contract labour for maintenance works at SC.Polytechnic college for one year period in Srirampur area,Adilabad (DT)AP 3,12,000/- 6,300/- Period of completion 12 months from the date of Mark out 1) Contractors who are registered under unit rate system for Srirampur area are only eligible to apply. Contractors who have not given option and not got registered under Area specific, may approach O/O GM(civil) in person with their original registration certificate and ID card and get registered to specific area of their option before making application for participation. 2) The registered contractors intending to participate, shall submit application in the prescribed format on or before 26-06-2014 by 12.00 noon at the office of Deputy General Manager(Civil), Srirampur along with EMD in the form of FDR duly endorsed in favour of “ SCCL” payable at Srirampur from Nationalized bank. 3) E.M.D. a. Earnest Money Deposit can be paid in the form of Crossed Demand Draft (DD)/FDR/BG in favour of The Singareni Collieries Company Limited. In case Bank Guarantees, the instruments are to be drawn on any of the scheduled Banks notified by RBI. b. If the EMD is paid in the form of Crossed Demand draft, it should be drawn on any Nationalised Bank/Scheduled Bank and payable at Mancherial or Srirampur only. D.D.s payable on outstation banks will not be accepted. c. The BG submitted (as per the format enclosed at the end of the tender document) should be valid for a minimum period of FOUR MONTHS from the date of opening of the tender as indicated at relevant Screens. On the request of SCCL, the tenderers may have to extend the validity of BGs beyond four months till the tenders are finalized / contract awarded. The validity of BGs shall be extended by the successful tenderer for the duration of the contract, till earnest money is refunded. d. Request for adjustment of pending bills towards Earnest Money will not be entertained. 2 4) The contractor should produce new registration identity card and copy of experience certificate of works carried out submit copies of same along with the application. 5) The Lottery will be conducted on 27-06-2014 at 4.00 p.m. in the office of General Manager, Srirampur area among the eligible contractors. 6) The class-IV contractors will be eligible to participate in unit rate system for works up to Rs.5 lakhs only, as per the civil contract manual and for works more than Rs.5 lakhs class-IV contractors will not be allowed. In respect of all works costing more than Rs 5.00 lakhs , the successful tenderer shall submit the copy of his VAT registration certificate after award of work. A copy of such registration shall be annexed to the agreement . 7) The schedule of approximate quantities/estimates are available at the office of Deputy General Manager(Civil), Srirampur area for perusal. 8) The contractor / bidder should have an independent P.F. code number allotted by Asst. / Regional P.F. commissioner. 9) ‘The payment of minimum wages to workmen will have to be made through Banks. After releasing the first month’s bill, the contractor has to remit the wages into the respective bank accounts of all the labour engaged by him on the work. For releasing payments of work done for the subsequent months, the contractor has to produce proof of having remitted the previous months wages into the respective Bank accounts of labour engaged by him.’ 10) Medical facilities will be provided in SCCL hospitals to the contract labour on payment of prescribed fee and the expenditure incurred on such treatment will be reimbursed to the contractor in the bills based on the documents submitted by the contractor. 11) The liability for payment of compensation (as per Workmen compensation Act) to the contract labour for personal injury caused by accident arising out of and in the course of employment will rest on SCCL .However, the contractor has to produce necessary documentary evidence of having engaged the injured workmen on work and the cause of accident is not due to his negligence etc. 3 12) The contractor/tenderer should invariably quote his CST/GST/registration number under the Sales tax Act. Otherwise Company, has right to reject the application /tender immediately. 13) The Successful tenderer shall submit self attested copy of PAN card after award of the work.ii) The successful tenderer shall submit self attested Copy of service Tax Registration certificate, if the aggregate value of taxable services provided during financial year exceeds Rs 10.00 lakhs. Other wise, he is required to submit a self declaration if he opts exemption in case he does not cross the above threshold limit. 14) The Successful contractor shall start work with in two weeks positively ,failing which they will not be considered for lottery for further works till the works earlier allotted are started and substantial progress is shown on the works. General Manager, Srirampur. Dated: 09-06-2014. Chief G.M/G.M:BPA Hq:GLT/MM/RGI/RGII/RGIII/BHPL/KGM area(RDP)/YLD/MNG G.M.(Civil):KGM Addl.G.M.(Civil):RG&BPA regions Hq:SRP/YLD Project Officer(Civil works):STPP/Jaipur Hq:SRP DY.G.M.(Civil):RGI/RG III/KGM(Corp)/MNG/KGM area/BPA Hq:GLT S.E.(Civil):RGII/BHPL. DYGM (F &A)/SRP With a request to display the tender notice on notice boards for wide publicity.
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