KRISHNA BHAGYA JALA NIGAMA LIMITED ( A Govt. of Karnataka under taking) Office of the Executive Engineer, KBJNL. JBC Division No.2, BheemarayanagudiTq. Shahapura, Dist.Yadgir. . No.KBJNL/JBC/Divn-2/PB-2/TND/2014-15/667 Date: 31..07.2014 SHORT TERM TENDER NOTIFICATION (ONLY THROUGH ELECTRONIC TENDER SYSTEM) 1) On behalf of Managing Director, KBJNL, Bangalore, the Executive Engineer KBJNL JBC Division No.2, Bheemarayanagudi Tq. Shahapur, invited short term percentage tender in Single cover system from eligible Class II and above Electrical contractor registered Contractors having license certificate issued from electrical inspectorate or class –II electrical registration certificate and lenience certificate issued by KPWD for the works noted below noted as per Karnataka Transparency in Public Procurement Act 2000. The tenders are required to submit including details of EMD and the particulars, under instructions to the tenderer vide clause 1.10. and financial details of tender as per clause 2.00 (The blank tenders can be obtained through website and can be submitted through electronic tender box). SHOWING THE DETAILS LOF THE WORKS UPT TO TENDER UNDER E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL. Name of Work 1 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of Sy.No.52, 68 & 435 of Naganoor Village of Shorapur Taluka (Solar System). Estimated cost put to tender ( Lakhs.) EMD in ( Lakhs.) Transactio n Fee (in Rs.) as fixed by E-portal Stipulate d period for completi on of work (includin g mansoon Class of Contractor for eligible 18.30 45750 As per eportal norms 4 Months Class II & above Electrical contractor registered in Government of Karnataka 2 3 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of Sy.No.23 of Yalagod, 47/2 of Konnur of Jewargi Taluka (Solar System). 12.20 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of Sy.No.118 & 217/4 of Shivapur Tanda of Jewargi Taluka (Solar 12.20 -do - 30500 As per eportal norms 4 Months -do - 30500 As per eportal norms 4 Months As per eportal norms 4 Months As per eportal norms 4 Months As per eportal norms 4 Months As per eportal norms 4 Months As per eportal norms 4 Months System). 4 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of Sy.No.73 of Hangarga K & Sy.No.94 of Hangarga B of Jewargi Taluka 12.20 -do - 30500 (Solar System). 5 6 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of Sy.No.394 of Naganoor Village of Shorapur Taluka (Solar System). 12.20 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of Sy.No.14 of Konnur Village, 42 of Kachur Village and Sy.No.55 of Mangalore Village of Jewargi Taluka 18.30 -do - 30500 -do - 45750 (Solar System). 7 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of Sy.No.101, 136 & 94 of Hangarga B Village of Jewargi Taluka (Solar 18.30 -do - 45750 System). 8 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of 18.00Sy.No.39 & 64 of Balabatti Villag18.00e & 14 of Dummadri Village of J18.00ewargi Taluka (Solar System). 18.30 -do - 45750 9 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of Sy.No.67, 62 & 68 of Shivapur Tanda Village of Jewargi Taluka (Solar 18.30 -do - 45750 As per eportal norms 4 Months System). 10 11 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of Sy.No.26, 21 22 & 28/2/1, 28/1A & 28 of Shivapur Tanda Village of Jewargi Taluka (Solar System). 18.30 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of Sy.No.53, 46 & 54 of Shivapur Tanda Village of Jewargi Taluka 18.30 -do - 45750 As per eportal norms 4 Months -do - 45750 As per eportal norms 4 Months As per eportal norms 4 Months As per eportal norms 4 Months (Solar System). 12 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of Sy.No.113, 28 & 130 of Hangarga K Village of Jewargi Taluka (Solar 18.30 -do - 45750 System). 13 Providing electrification to bore well under SCP scheme to provide irrigation facility to SC farmers of Sy.No.31, 126, 216 & 217 of Balabatti Village of Jewargi Taluka 24.40 48800 (Solar System). Class -I & above Electrical contractor registered in Governmen t of Karnataka- INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERS: Clause – 1.10: Form – I The tender shoud be submitted in single cover Shall contain the followings documents. i). A copy of the eligible Class-I & II Electrical Contractor & above for certificate with validity up to 31.03.2015. ii). The requisite EMD in electronic cash. EMD will be accepted only in term of electronic cash (and not through DD or Bank Guarantee). iii) Latest copy of the Income Tax returns for the year 2013-14. Mentioning the PAN & TAN. IV) Latest copy of Sales Tax Clearance Certificate upto 31.03.2014.. v). Employees Provident Fund Registration certificate. The intending contractor should compulsorily be registered with the EPF authorities. 2.00 :FORM-II shall contain the financial bid i.e. schedule-B. 2. 10 The financial bid of only those bidders who fulfill the pre-qualification criteria and other conditions as mentioned at clause 1.1 will be opened. 3. Issue and submission of tender documents, will be as under: 1.1 The aspiring bidders who have not previously obtained the user ID and password for participating in etendering may now obtain the same by requesting the e-governance office, M.S. Building, Bangalore during office hours. 1.2 The contractors can request for e-tendering documents from 11.08.2014 (11.00 A.M.) in the web site http:www, eproc.Karnataka, seam link e-tender document on payment (non refundable) of Rs as mentioned in the table (Transaction fee as fixed by e-portal) towards transaction fee. While applying the contractor can pay the transaction fee in the e-procurement portal using payment modes-I credit cards/National electronic fund transfer (NEFT)/over the counter (OTC) on or before 19.08.2014 up to (4.00 PM) during office hours. 1.3 The contractor can have access to e-tender document form 11.08.2014 to 19.08.2014 from 11.00 am. 1.4 Submission of completed e-tendering documents will be up to 19.08.2014 up to 5-00 PM 1.5 Technical bid and Financial bid will be opened electronically in the office of the Chief Engineer KBJNL.Canal Zone No.1 Bheemarayanagudi on 23.08.2014 at 11-30 AM respectively. 1.6 The contractor can pay the earnest money deposit (EMD) in e-procurement portal using any mode of payment such as credit card/National electronic fund transfer (NEFT) over the counter (OTC). The entire EMD amount for a particular tender is to be paid in a single transaction e-cash only. 1.7 The necessary certificates / documents in support of fulfilling clause 1.1 as stipulated shall be scanned and attached to e – tender document. Prior to awarding of work the lowest-1 bidder should produce the original certificate/documents in support of the uploaded documents at the time of entering in to an agreement. If the L-1 bidder does not produce the original document for entering into an agreement then his bid can be treated as non-responsive bid as per Clause 26(4) of the KTPP Rules. The names of the bidder who does not produce the original documents can be removed from select list of KBJNL enrolment and barred from participation in any of the tenders to be invited by KBJNL apart from forfeiting the EMD paid through e-cash. Scanned signature of the bidder / authorized representatives of the bidder shall be attached while uploading the bid document. The L-1 bidder can be determined amongst the other responsive bidders.. 1.8 Further information about e tendering can be had from http:/ 1.9 If any bidder fails to satisfy the conditions such bids shall be rejected. 4. NOTES: (1) The intending bidders are advised to visit the site of work before submitting their tenders. (2) The contractor/authorized signatory should attach his/her scanned signature to the schedule-B before uploading the documents. (3) If any of the dates mentioned above happened to be a general holiday, the next working day holds good. (4) Conditional tenders are liable to be rejected. The officer competent to accept the tender shall have the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. (5) corrigendum will be published in the web site/news papers for all modifications / corrections, if any. (6) The intending bidders should note that, if any of lands either in part or whole required for the work is notyet acquired by the Nigam, it shall be the responsibility of the bidder to procure possession of such land by consent by the land owner before commencement of work at no extra cost to KBJNL and no claim whatsoever relating to non-availability of land would be entertained. The contractor should note that, the land required for the work shall be at his personal responsibility till the completion of work. (7) 1% of labor cess as per provision of building and the construction works welfare act 1996 will recover from each running bill of the contractor. (8) The representative of the contractor who will attend for opening of tender should bring the authorization letter form the concerned contractor. (9) Further information may be had from the office of the undersigned during office hours. (10) If the rates quoted by the Contractor for any items of the work is / are below 90% of the estimated rates of the department then the contractor shall furnish on additional performance security in the form of Bank Guarantee for an amount equivalent to the difference between. The cost as per quoted rate and 90% of the estimates rates. In case contractor quoting rates above 125% will be with held during the progress of work. The additional performance security in the form of Bank Guarantee. (11) The validity period of EMD shall be for a minimum period of 180 days from the date of opening of Tenders. Sd/(M.N. Shirkol) Executive Engineer, KBJNL JB C Division No.2, Bheemarayanagudi, Tq: Shahapur, Dist;Yadagir. 1. Copy Submitted to the Managing Director, KBJNL, Bangalore/Almatti for kind information. 2. Copy submitted to the Chief Engineer, KBJNL Canal Zone No.1, Bheemarayanagudi for kind information. 3. Copy submitted to the Superintending Engineer, KBJNL JBC Circle, Bheemarayanagudi for kind information. 4. Copy submitted to Chief Account Officer, KBJNL Canals Bheemarayanagudi for kind information. 5. Copy to Dist. Tender Bulletin Officer, Gulbarga/ Yadgir District for publishing the tender notification in the District Tender Bulletin. 6. Copy to all the Asst. Executive Engineers of this division for information. 7. Copy to Executive Engineer’s table. 8. Copy to Notice Board./file./A.O. Executive Engineer, KBJNL JB C Division No.2, Bheemarayanagudi, Work 1
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