SIA Board Minutes, 27 March 2014

SIA Board paper
Minutes of the Board Meeting held on 27 March 2014
The Board
Elizabeth France, Chair (EF)
Robin Dahlberg, Vice Chair (RD)
Eddie Weiss, Non-Executive (EW)
Sir Desmond Rea, Non-Executive (DR)
Linda Sharpe, Non-Executive (LS)
Geoff Zeidler, Non-Executive (GF)
Sir Ian Johnston, Non-Executive (IJ)
Bill Butler, Chief Executive (WAB)
Dave Humphries, Director of Partnerships and Interventions (DH)
Dianne Tranmer, Director of Corporate Services (DT)
Steve McCormick, Director of Operations (SMc)
In attendance
Kim Marshall, Acting Deputy Director Finance (KM)
Cassie Howe, Head of Corporate Support (CH) – minutes
Tony Holyland, Development Manager (TH) - physical intervention agenda item
Bill Fox, CEO of Maybo (BF) – physical intervention agenda item only
Bill Matthews, Non-Executive (BM)
Welcome and apologies
1. Apologies were received from Bill Matthews.
2. The Board recorded its formal thanks to Robin Dahlberg and Linda
Sharpe for their contribution to the SIA Board.
3. The quorum requirements were met.
Declaration of interest
4. Geoff Zeidler recorded his position as BSIA Chair.
SIA Board paper
Approval of minutes and matters arising
5. The minutes of the January meeting were agreed and the proposed
redactions discussed.
6. Matters arising were noted.
7. The discount issue was discussed and the Chief Executive reported
that the issue was not yet resolved.
8. The Chief Executive and Director of Operations would now review
the data before the next meeting. If the issue could not be
identified then it was agreed that the internal auditors consider the
matter; a clear scope and terms of reference would need to be
provided for this work.
Matters for report
Chairman’s report
9. The Chair thanked staff for the recent Staff Briefing Day and
reported that it was a constructive and positive event.
10. It was noted that the March Strategic Consultation Group had been
cancelled as it was held in February instead; there was nothing new
to report.
11. The Chair provided an update on her meetings with John O’Brien.
Chief Executive’s Report
12. The Chief Executive presented the report and provided an update
on the supplier contract work.
13. The Authority congratulated those involved in achieving the
Customer Service Excellence Award again.
14. Recent successful prosecutions were noted.
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15. The Chief Executive reported positive progress in reducing the
volume of individual licence applications submitted on paper forms
to support our move to digital channels
16. The Board discussed the good feedback from the first of the
Spring 2014 ACS Forums and noted the assurance that will be
provided to the industry regarding ACS.
17. Sir Desmond Rea provided an update on the meeting to discuss
interoperability with the Private Security Authority and Department
of Justice Northern Ireland.
18. The Board discussed enforcement powers, i.e. directions and
conditions, and whether they have been used with the ACS group.
It was agreed that this would be looked at further at the earliest
Performance Report
19. The Acting Deputy Director Finance presented the report and asked
the Board to note the RAG status of the KPIs and the risk updates.
20. The Authority requested that the direction of travel for the RAG
statuses be included in the report going forward.
21. Data on the number of incorrect applications and the trend
information should also be provided in future.
Financial Report
22. The Acting Deputy Director Finance presented the financial
information on the month of February, the year to date and the Q3
23. The Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee provided a brief update
on the internal audit report and the laying of accounts.
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Matters for Noting
Minutes of the Audit Committee
24. The minutes of the Audit Committee held on 27 February 2014
were noted.
Minutes of the Remuneration Committee
25. The minutes of the Remuneration Committee held on 30 January
2014 were noted.
26. Linda Sharpe, as Chair of the Remuneration Committee, reported
that the new HR team had turned performance around and alerted
the Authority to the need to monitor the stability of the team.
Corporate and Business Plan
27. The Director of Corporate Services presented the report and asked
the Authority to note the steps that will be taken to improve the
planning cycle next year; this included a greater emphasis on
stakeholder engagement and on establishing a better planning
28. There was discussion of the proposals made and a range of
comments were offered by the Authority. Reference was made to
the importance of maintaining positive morale during a period of
change, recognising that that staff engagement and attitude to the
uncertainty would vary.
29. It was agreed that the Chief Executive and Chair’s foreword would
be circulated offline by the end of April.
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Matters for Discussion and/or Decision
Publication of January Board papers
30. The Authority agreed the proposed papers for publication.
31. The Acting Deputy Director Finance presented the report and
explained the assumptions that had been made regarding private
investigations and business licensing.
32. The need for a staff member resource with analytical skills had
been recognised and recruitment was taking place.
33. It was suggested that the inclusion of an estimated bracket and
range of expectations would be helpful.
34. The Authority agreed to raise any additional points on the report
with the Acting Deputy Director Finance by the end of the week. It
was agreed that the report should be recirculated if this resulted in
any substantive changes.
Future Governance
35. The Chair outlined her intention to use the opportunity of new
membership to the Authority to revisit the structure of the meetings
of the board and its committees and to sharpen the focus between
Executive and Non- executive responsibilities.
36. There was discussion of the possible ways forward and the
objectives to be met by any changes.
37. The Chair agreed to provide a paper setting out proposals for
change to the April Board.
Review of measures we can take to further prevent deaths and
injuries in the night time economy
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38. The report was discussed and welcomed.
39. Bill Fox attended for this item and advised the Board of the risks to
customers and door supervisors in the night time economy, which
are often under-reported.
40. The Board was provided with a short demonstration of low-level
touches, used to diffuse situations, and restrictive skills.
41. Bill Fox acknowledged the good work of the SIA so far; it had been
well received and powers were seen to be appropriate.
42. The Authority confirmed its support for the Executive proposal for
development of a violence reduction strategy which should now be
progressed and funding agreed by the Chief Executive. It was
agreed that Sir Ian Johnston and Geoff Zeidler would provide NonExecutive input into the project.
Any other business
Any other business
43. The Authority agreed that Linda Sharpe should be invited to attend
the Audit Committee as an advisor until the internal audit report
process is complete.
Next Board meeting: 24 April 2014
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