CDA Public Education Awards - Call for Entries

October 2014
CDA Public Education Awards - Call for Entries
CDA National Office
Nominations are now being accepted for the CDA 2015 Public Education Awards.
The Canadian Dermatology Association’s Public Education Awards program publicly
recognizes and honours those in the media, not-for-profit organizations and industry for
their efforts in helping further the understanding of dermatologic issues and encouraging
healthy behaviour in the medical, surgical and cosmetic care of skin, hair and nails.
CDA members are encouraged to nominate outstanding programs, articles or activities that
raise awareness in the field of dermatology by their peers, not-for-profit organizations and
industry, as well as outstanding print or broadcast media.
Entries are due by February 5, 2015.
Forms may be downloaded from the CDA website at
You might recall some of last year’s winners…
Writer Lisa Bendall was the recipient in the Media Print category for her article in Best
Health Magazine “Not Your Mother’s Sunscreen”.
In the Not for Profit category, Christine Janus of the Canadian Association of Psoriasis
Patients received the award for their “Live a Day in our Skin” World Psoriasis Day
Safoura Moazami of the Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition Shade Policy
Committee/ UVR Working Group also received an award in the Not for Profit category
for their “Partners in Action: A Shade Policy for the City of Toronto”.
Also in the Not for Profit category, Marie-Michèle Voyer, Société canadienne du
Cancer, Division du Québec received the award for their “Miss UV 2013” campaign.
Editorial Board /
Conseil de rédaction
National editor/
Rédacteur en chef
Charles W. Lynde, MD
Markham, ON
Chief Executive Officer /
Chef de la direction
Chantal Courchesne
Ottawa, ON
Regional editors /
Rédacteurs régionaux
Robert Jackson, MD
Ottawa, ON
Paul Kuzel, MD
Edmonton, AB
Benjamin Barankin, MD
Toronto, ON
Ian Landells, MD
St. John’s, NL
G. Daniel Schachter, MD
Toronto, MD
Marc Bourcier, MD
Moncton, NB
Catherine McCuaig, MD
Montréal, QC
Victoria Taraska, MD
Winnipeg, MB
Nicole Hawkins Scoon, MD
Saskatoon, SK
Kathleen Moses, MD
Ottawa, ON
Catherine Zip, MD
Calgary, AB
Statements and opinions expressed in the CDA eBulletin
reflect the opinions of the authors and not necessarily the
CDA. The CDA does not assume responsibility or liability for
damages arising from errors or omissions or from the use of
information or advice contained in the CDA eBulletin articles
or letters.
The Canadian Dermatology Association eBulletin is issued monthly as a
forum for Association news, information of interest to members and for
members’ opinions. Please notify the Chief Executive Officer of any
change in address.
L’Association canadienne de dermatologie publie chaque mois le
bulletin électronique en tant que forum de nouvelles de l’Association,
Les textes et les opinions publiés dans le bulletin
électronique de l’ACD reflètent les points de vue de leurs
auteurs et non pas nécessairement ceux de l’ACD. L’ACD ne
peut être tenue responsable des dommages qui pourraient
résulter d’erreurs ou d’omissions reliées à l’utilisation de
renseignements ou de conseils inclus dans les articles ou
lettres apparaissant dans le bulletin électronique.
d’informations qui pourraient intéresser nos membres, ainsi que pour
recueillir leurs opinions. Prière d’aviser Chantal Courchesne, chef de la
direction, de tout changement d’adresse.
425-1385 rue, Bank Street, Ottawa, ON K1H 8N4
Tel: (613) 738-1748 / 1-800-267-3376 | Fax: (613) 738-4695
[email protected]