Mid Year Monitoring Report 2014-15

Mid Year Monitoring
Workforce Development Team
Torfaen Social Care & Housing
The Council House
Ventnor Road
NP44 3JY
Tel: 01633 647689
Fax: 01633 647697
Summary of Progress to Date
Details of any significant events identified or occurring in first
6 months
Details on wider authority pressures relating to social services
or training and development
Details of any changes/ deviations from SCWDP application
Confirmation of planned spend in 2014-15 and if applicable
reasons for any under spends.
Contact Details
Director of Social Services
Head of Finance
SCWDP Grant Contact
Summary of Progress to Date
Torfaen has already made significant progress towards the identified objectives for
108 training events* have already taken place and there has been 1117
attendances on training (490 partnership and 627 local authority [including
146 foster carer] attendances).
Since April 1st 2014 the Workforce Development Team (WDT) implemented a
full e-booking strategy for all courses. The WDT are in the process of
reviewing the online self service system to evaluate the impact on resources,
attendance and access to training this has had across the sector. The report
and recommendations will be published in December 2014.
Non attendances have risen significantly. A total of 280 places (20%) have
been lost to non attendance since April 2014. This can be broken down
further to represent figures per sector:
27% partnership
12% local authority
22% foster care
However, as discussed above, the full e-booking strategy may have impacted
on non attendance figures and this will be identified and addressed through
the review process.
The new Safeguarding (POVA) Level 2 blended learning strategy has now
been implemented. The programme, which is inline with GWASB
standardised training, aims to double the amount of places the authority is
able to offer and therefore enable us to meet the consistently high demand for
places on the safeguarding training programme.
As part of this strategy the WDT also invited expressions of interest, from
across the sector, to become part of the Safeguarding Trainer group and
support the delivery of the training. We have had a very positive response
with 16 potential new trainers. Train the Trainer sessions are planned for mid
October 14.
Partnership arrangements with the Newport QCF Assessment Centre
continue and have enabled the WDT to support:
4 x QCF Level 3 (Adults)
4 x QCF Level 3 Award in Dementia
3 x QCF Level 3 Certificate in Dementia (including 2 x Partnership
The WDT continues to work with private training provider, EDUC8, to access
QCF Level 3 (CYP) for 8 foster carers. In addition, 5 foster carers have
successfully completed the QCF with EDUC8 since April 2014.
The authority has also supported two managers currently undertaking the
SSIA TDMP and is currently offering access to ILM Level 4 and 5
qualifications in Leadership and Management.
Since April 2014, Torfaen’s social work qualifying and post qualifying plan has
supported 2 new social work students on Level 1 of the degree traineeship.
The authority also continues to support staff to enrol on post qualifying
training, including 3 staff on the CPEL framework and 1 member of staff to
access the Approved Mental Health Practitioner (AMHP) programme.
The Training Focus Group continues to work well on behalf of the Partnership
and attendance at the Partnership Open Forums remains positive; with a
record 50 partners from across the Local Authority, Residential Care,
Domiciliary Care, Day Services and the 3rd Sector attending the September
2014 event.
The WDT is currently working with Torfaen’s Independent Living Broker and
Services for Independent Living (SIL) to address training needs for the Direct
Payment workforce across Torfaen, particularly in relation to a standardised
induction programme and Manual Handling training.
The WDT have made links with the Unison ‘Connecting Learners’ programme
to access funding for courses which can be delivered to the whole sector.
Three initial training courses have been agreed and will run from November
14, these are:
Mental Health Awareness
We are also currently exploring the possibility of future training in relation to
two key areas; Assistive Technology and Direct Payments
Other collaborative opportunities continue to be explored and maximised with
other local authorities, partnership providers, Health agencies and Education
wherever possible and practicable. This is with the aim of maximising
resources to address a range of identified training and learning needs from
basic skills to the provision of social work post qualifying training.
* This figure reflects the fact that we run training courses in term time only
Details of any significant events identified or occurring in first 6 months
Delivery of the QCF 'Dementia Mini Award' is underway. The qualification is part of
the QCF framework and is flexible, relevant and accessible to staff, from both the
authority and the partnership, as a continual professional development activity. The
award, which is inline with Welsh Government priorities, will be particularly important
for the recently established Dementia Care Team who are based in the Local
Authority's Personal Care Team.
In addition, this year, two new temporary posts have been established to respond to
i) the development of the Social Work Centre, ii) the increase in website, social
media and e-learning activity. These roles are as follows:
Social Work Administrator, who is responsible for:
Maintaining and updating data regarding Social Work qualifying and
Post Qualifying training
Supporting the administrative tasks associated with the provision of
Placement Learning Opportunities (PLO)
Booking venues and refreshments for related meetings and events
E-learning & Media Support Officer, who is responsible for:
Develop e-learning materials to support an online programme of
Contribute to maintaining and updating the website and learning
management system (LMS)
Develop effective media and communication systems.
Details on wider authority pressures relating to social services or
training and development
Maintaining a skilled and motivated workforce continues to be essential in Torfaen, in
particular to support service delivery through a time of increased budget pressures
and significant post reductions.
However, a key issue for social services over the coming year will remain to be the
impact of the implementation of the Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act
2014; ensuring the workforce is prepared for the changes ahead.
Details of any changes/ deviations from SCWDP application
To date there are no changes / deviations from the original application.
Confirmation of planned spend in 2011-12 and if applicable reasons for
any under spends
The SCWDP grant planned spend is on target.
Contact Details
Director of Social Services:
Sue Evans
Locality Director Social Care Housing & Health
Torfaen Social Care & Housing
County Hall
NP44 2WN
Tel: 01633 648615
Email: [email protected]
Lead Contact for Finance:
Kay Morris
Lead Finance Officer
Torfaen Social Care & Housing
Pontypool Police Station
Glantorvaen Road,
Tel: 01495 766152
Fax: 01495 742439
Email: [email protected]
SCWDP Grant Contact:
Kate Dibble
Workforce Development Partnership Manager
Torfaen Social Care & Housing
The Council House
Ventnor Road
NP44 3JY
Tel: 01633 647689
Email: [email protected]