SHORT CV of Viktor de Boer (in English)

Curriculum vitae of Victor de Boer
Last updated on 4-12-2014
Victor de Boer
Date of Birth: 26-05-1979
Place of Birth: Haarlem, the Netherlands
Work address: Victor de Boer
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Sciences
Room U 350, de Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 20 59 87740
[email protected]
Ph.D., Artificial Intelligence (September 2010), Universiteit van
Amsterdam (UvA). Thesis title: “Ontology Enrichment from
Heterogeneous Sources on the Web”.
M. Sc. Degree in Artificial Intelligence (August 2003), UvA.
Graduated (Cum Laude) with thesis: “Optimal Learning and the
Spacing Effect:”
VWO (Gymnasium) at Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem
Assistant Professor at the Web & Media group, Dept. of Computer
Sciences, VU University Amsterdam (VUA).
Researcher at Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision.
Researcher (Post-doc) at the Web & Media group (VUA).
2008- 2010
Researcher (Post-doc) at the Human-Computer Studies Laboratory
Informatics Institute, UvA
2004- 2008
Ph.D-student (AiO) at the Human-Computer Studies Laboatory
Informatics Institute, UvA
Student-Assistant for Prof. Dr. J.M.J. Murre (UvA) on the
‘’-project funded by NWO.
Student-Assistant for dr. K. Kwast (UvA) on the Master’s course:
“Languages and Automata”.
Associated projects
DIVE: Dynamisch Verbinden van Collecties op basis van events.
Programma infrastructuur digitaal erfgoed.
CLARIN-DSS Dutch Ships and Sailors
CLARIN-SHEBANQ: System for HEBrew Text: ANnotations for
Queries and Markup
IPI News Innovation Project “Furoba Blon”
LinkedIDS project
VOICES project. Funded by the European Union 7th Framework
Programme (FP7) under grant agreement Num. 269954
CLARIN-VK Verrijkt Koninkrijk
EuropeanaConnect Project. Funded by European Commission within
the area of Digital Libraries of the eContentplus Programme.
Senter Novem IOP MMI Project “Adaptive generation of workflow
models for human-computer interaction” (SiteGuide)
2003- 2008
The E-Culture Project. Dutch BSIK project MultimediaN. MN-N9C:
Application Pilot e-Culture.
Contracts and Grants acquired
Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC) eScience Call: “Enabling
Technologies for eHumanities”
Data Science Research Center grant “Quantifying Historical
Perspectives on WWII”
Network Institute research assistant grant “Knowledge Sharing for the
Rural Poor”
NWO-KIEM grant for “Inclusive Insight”
Data Archiving and Networked Services “Small Data Project” grant
for “DMD – Diepere Maritieme Data”
NUFFIC Tailor Made Training grant “Voice based services for rural
CLARIN-DSS project: Dutch Ships and Sailors
CLARIN-SHEBANQ: System for HEBrew Text: ANnotations for
Queries and Markup
CLARIN-VK project: Verrijkt Koninkrijk
IDS-grant: LinkedIDS
Awards and Honors
Semantic Web Challenge 2014 3rd prize winner with submission:
“DIVE into the Event-Based Browsing of Linked Historical Media”
Best Poster Award Extended Semantic Web Conference ESWC 2012
for the submission ‘Bringing the Web of Data to Developing
Countries: Linked Market Data in the Sahel’
Co-author of both 1st and 3rd prize-winning papers in Most
Outrageous Ideas track at the 10th International Semantic Web
Conference (ISWC 2011)
Serious game 'EuropeanaBanana' won in the category Creativity/Fun
during the the first Europeana hackathon.
Science Park Amsterdam idea contest 2009: 1st prize for the PLAY’D
interactive children’s mat
Semantic Web Challenge 2006 1st Prize for the MultimediaN E-culture
KION 2004 award for best Dutch AI Master’s thesis
Conferences and Journal committees
Workshop Biographies in a Digital World
PC Member
EKAW 2014
PC Member
ACM MultiMedia Conference 2014
PC Member
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2014
PC Member - Replication, Benchmarking, Data and Software track
PC Member - Poster and Demo track
Ontology and Data Patterns Workshop 2014 (WOP2014)
Organization Committee
5th International Workshop on Future Television
PC Member
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2014
PC Member
Second International Workshop on Downscaling the Semantic Web
Organizing Committee Member
IFIP Working Conference on Value-driven Social Semantics and
Collective Intelligence
PC Member
Semantic Web Journal IOS
Guest editor (call for Linked Datasets)
Second International Workshop on Downscaling the Semantic Web
Organization and PC member
18th Conference on Multimedia Modeling MMM 2012:
PC member
World Wide Web conference WWW 2012:
PC member demo track
First International Workshop on Downscaling the Semantic Web
PC member
International Workshop on internationalization of Products and
Services IWIPS 2005:
Local committee member
Invited talks
Keynote: Linked Data for Cultural Heritage and Digital History
7th Chinese Semantic Web Conference (CSWS 2013) Shanghai, China
Invited talk: Linked Open Cultuur Data.
OpenCultuurData master class.
Invited talk: Linked Open Data
Workshop ’Dobberende informatie: van zeevarenden naar databases’
Invited talk: Amsterdam Museum as five-star Linked Data
Digital Strategies for Heritage DISH 2011
Invited talk: Amsterdam Museum as EDM Linked Open Data
Dutch Culture Link DCL 2011
Other activities
Kenniscentrum Oorlogsbronnen
Tutorial “Knowledge Sharing for Development” at EKAW 2014
Perspectives on ICT for Development – Symposium
Organization and co-chair
Werkgroup Infrastructuur & Semantiek - Erfgoed & Lokatie
DBpedia Community meeting
Organizing committee
Land Portal Technical Advisory Group
Board Member
ICT4D: Information and communication technology for Development
at VUA.
Course design and lecturer
Linked Data 4 Development tutorial at World Social Science Forum
(WSSF 2013) Montreal, Canada
Co-organizer and lecturer
Academic Explorations: Introduction IMM at VUA
Course coordinator and lecturer
Linked Data Principles and Practices: Three-day lecture program
for the CSWS 2013 Summer School. Shanghai, China
Course design and lecturer
“Web and Society” at VUA. New course for the Web Science minor
Course design and lecturer
“Project Interactive Multimedia” at VUA
“Multimedia Authoring” at VUA
Course assistance for a number of courses for the curricula Artificial
Intelligence and Information Science at UvA
Ph.D. student supervision
Xander Wilcke, VUA
Niels Ockeloen, VUA
Nana Baah Gyan, VUA
B.Sc. and M.Sc. Student supervision
Esra Atecelik, MSc. Computer Science, VUA
Rianne Nieland, MSc. Information Sciences, VUA
Robin Ponstein, MSc. Information Sciences, VUA
Stephan Mantel, Bsc. Computer Science, VUA
Andrea Bravo Balado, MSc. Artificial Intelligence, VUA
Kasper Brandt, MSc. Artificial Intelligence, VUA
Alan Chavoshe, MSc. Information Sciences, VUA
Jan Kuppens, BSc. Information Multimedia and Management, VUA
Khalid Khakham, B.Sc. Information Multimedia and Management
(IMM) on "SocialNews - Enriching News with Social Media", VUA
Nam Nguyen, B.Sc. IMM on "A different approach for an URL
recommendation system", VUA
Pieter Nicolai, B.Sc. IMM on building an exploratory browser
application that uses Linked Development Data, VUA
Deepak Chhetri, M.Sc Information Sciences on Voice-based user
interfaces for users in Developing Countries, VUA
Binyam Mersea Tesfa, M.Sc Information Sciences on a Crowdsourcing
App for Regreening in Africa Voices Project, VUA
Andrea Pecchelian, M.Sc Information Sciences on innovative user
interfaces for mobile semantic tour applications, VUA
Niels Ockeloen, M.Sc Information Sciences on “A Data Querying and
Mapping Framework for Linked Data Applications”, VUA
Edwin Schootemeijer, M.Sc Information Sciences on innovative user
interfaces for mobile semantic tour applications, VUA
Henk Kroon, M.Sc Information Sciences on Information Quality in
Linked Data Mashups for Regreening Africa, VUA
Thomas van den Berg, B.Sc Information Science on Using Color and
Composition to Classify Web Pages, UvA
Jevon van Dijk, B.Sc Information Science on Retrieving similar
websites and web pages, UvA
Marc Bron, M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence on semi-supervised
information extraction using pattern induction, UvA
Casper Kuijjer, M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence on expanding semantic
lexicons using Information Extraction thesis, UvA
Research skills
Development, usage and evaluation of semantic technologies and Linked
(Open) Data
Development, usage and evaluation of Information Extraction techniques
Specialized in semantic technologies for cultural heritage and e-humanities
Specialized in semantic technologies for developing countries (ICT4D)
Machine Learning and Web Mining
Multimedia access to Linked Data
Experience in vocabulary alignment and data conversion
Performed system evaluations through user studies
Experience in developing and evaluating quantitative cognitive models
Teaching skills
Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO) 2014
Designed and lectured in multiple B.Sc. and M.Sc -level courses
Supervised student projects at the B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. level.
ICT skills
Programming Languages:
(Semantic) Web:
Other ICT skills:
Prolog, Java, Python, Wiring
RDF(S), OWL, SPARQL, XML, HTML, Javascript
Android mobile platform development, Physical
computing(Arduino), Multimedia/DVD authoring, web
and interaction design, video editing
Selected Publications
Victor de Boer, Aldo Gangemi, Krzysztof Janowicz, Agnieszka Lawrynowicz (eds.) Proc. of
the 5th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP2014) co-located with the
13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014) Riva del Garda, Italy, Oct. 19,
2014. CEUR proceedings (ISSN: 1613-0073) Vol-1302
Victor de Boer, Jur Leinenga, Matthias van Rossum and Rik Hoekstra. Dutch Ships and
Sailors Linked Data Cloud. In Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference
(ISWC 2014), 19-23 October, Riva del Garda, Italy, 2014
Christophe Gueret, Victor de Boer, Stefan Schlobach. Let's "Downscale" Linked Data. IEEE
Internet Computing. 01/2014; 18(2):70-73. DOI:10.1109/MIC.2014.29 [IEEE Link]
Victor de Boer, Nana Baah Gyan, Anna Bon, Wendelien Tuyp, Chris van Aart, Hans
Akkermans. A Dialogue with Linked Data: Voice-based Access to Market Data in the Sahel.
Accepted for publication in Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. IOS
Press. 2013
Victor de Boer, Johan van Doornik, Lars Buitinck, Maarten Marx, Tim Veken, Kees Ribbens.
Linking the Kingdom: Enriched Access To A Historiographical Text. Proceedings of KCAP
2013, Banff, Canada, 23-26 June 2013
Nana Baah Gyan, Victor de Boer, Anna Bon, Chris van Aart, Stephane Boyera, Hans
Akkermans, Mary Allen, Aman Grewal, Max Froumentin. Voice-based Web access in rural
Africa. Proceedings of ACM Web Science 2013, Paris, France, May 2-4, 2013.
Anna Bon, Victor de Boer, Nana Baah Gyan, Chris van Aart, Pieter De Leenheer, Wendelien
Tuyp, Stephane Boyera, Max Froumentin, Aman Grewal, Mary Allen, Amadou Tangara,
Hans Akkermans. Use Case and Requirements Analysis in a Remote Rural Context in Mali.
Proceedings of the 9th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering:
Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2013), Essen, Germany April 8-11, 2013
Victor de Boer, Jan Wielemaker, Judith van Gent, Marijke Oosterbroek, Michiel Hildebrand,
Antoine Isaac, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Guus Schreiber. Amsterdam Museum Linked Open
Data. Forthcoming in Semantic Web journal: Special Call for Linked Dataset descriptions.
IOS Press.
Victor de Boer, Michiel Hildebrand, Lora Aroyo, Pieter De Leenheer, Chris Dijkshoorn,
Binyam Tesfa and Guus Schreiber. Nichesourcing: Harnessing the Power of Crowds of
Experts. In ten Teije, Annette and Völker, Johanna and Handschuh, Siegfried and
Stuckenschmidt, Heiner and d’Acquin, Mathieu and Nikolov, Andriy and Aussenac-Gilles,
Nathalie and Hernandez, Nathalie (eds.) "Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge
Management". Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering
and Knowledge Management, EKAW 2012. 8 - 12 October 2012, Galway City, Ireland.
LNCS 7603, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 16-20.doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33876-2_3
Victor de Boer, Nana Baah Gyan, Pieter De Leenheer, Anna Bon, Chris van Aart, Christophe
Guéret, Wendelien Tuyp, Stephane Boyera, Mary Allen and Hans Akkermans. Bringing the
Web of Data to Developing Countries: Linked Market Data in the Sahel. Poster ESWC 2012,
Heraklion, Greece, 27 - 31 May 2012. Winner of the ESWC 2012 Best Poster Award
Victor de Boer, Jan Wielemaker, Judith van Gent, Michiel Hildebrand, Antoine Isaac, Jacco
van Ossenbruggen, Guus Schreiber. Supporting Linked Data Production for Cultural Heritage
institutes: The Amsterdam Museum Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 9th Extended
Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2012) Heraklion, Greece. May 27 – 31.
Victor de Boer, Pieter De Leenheer, Anna Bon, Nana Baah Gyan, Chris van Aart, Christophe
Guèret, Wendelien Tuyp, Stephane Boyera, Mary Allen, Hans Akkermans, RadioMarché:
Distributed Voice- and Web-interfaced Market Information Systems under Rural Conditions.
In: Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems
Engineering, CAiSE'2012, Gdansk, Poland, 25 – 29 June 2012.
Christophe Guéret, Stefan Schlobach, Victor de Boer, Anna Bon and Hans Akkermans
(2011). Is data sharing the privilege of a few? Bringing Linked Data to those without the
Web. Voted as Most Outrageous Idea at the 10th International Semantic Web Conference
(ISWC 2011)
Steffen Hennicke, Viktor De Boer, Antoine Isaac, Marlies Olensky and Jan Wielemaker.
Conversion of EAD into EDM Linked Data. Proceedings of the First International Workshop
on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2011), TPDL conference 29-9-2011 Berlin, Germany.
Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Michiel Hildebrand, Viktor de Boer. Interactive vocabulary
alignment. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Theory and practice of digital
libraries: research and advanced technology for digital libraries. TPDL 2011, Berlin,
Viktor de Boer, Maarten W. van Someren, and Tiberiu Lupascu. Web Page Classification
Using Image Analysis Features. J. Filipe and J. Cordeiro (Eds.): WEBIST 2010, LNBIP 75,
pp. 272--285. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
Viktor de Boer, M. W. van Someren, B. J. Wielinga and A. A. Anjewierden. Exploiting
Redundancy for Pattern-based Relation Instantiation using tOKo. Knowledge Engineering
and Knowledge Management by the Masses (EKAW 2010). 11th October-15th October 2010
- Lisbon, Portugal.
Viktor de Boer, M. W. van Someren and B.J. Wielinga. Extracting Historical Time Periods
from the Web. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
(JASIST). 2010 DOI 10.1002/asi.21378
Viktor de Boer, M.W. van Someren and T. Lupascu. Classifying Web Pages with Visual
Features. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems
(WEBIST 2010), Valencia, Spain.
Viktor de Boer, M. van Someren and V. de Boer (2009) SiteGuide: an Example-based
Approach to Web Site Development Assistance. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International
Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, (p. 143-150) Lisboa, Portugal
(2009) INSTICC Press, ISBN 978-989-8111-81-4.
V. de Boer, V. Hollink and M.W. van Someren (2009). Automatic Web Site Authoring with
SiteGuide. Recent Advances in Intelligent Information Systems: Proceedings of the IIS 2009
conference held in Krakow, Poland, June 15-18, 2009.
Schreiber, A.T., Amin, A., Aroyo, L., Assem, M. van, Boer, V. de, Hardman, L., Hildebrand,
M., Omelayenko, B., Ossenbruggen, J. van, Tordai, A., Wielemaker, J. & Wielinga, B.J.
(2008). Semantic annotation and search of cultural-heritage collections: The Multimedian
demonstrator. Journal of Web Semantics, 6(4), 243-249.
Viktor de Boer, Someren, M.W. van & Wielinga, B.J. (2007). A Redundancy-Based Method
for the Extraction of Relation Instances from the Web. International Journal of HumanComputer Studies, 65(9), 816-831.[ScienceDirect], [PDF Thesis version]
Amin, A., Aroyo, L., Assem, M. van, Boer, V. de, Hardman, L., Hildebrand, M.,
Omelayenko, B., Ossenbruggen, J., Scheiber, G., Tordai, A., Wielemaker, J. & Wielinga, B.J.
(2007). The E-Culture MultimediaN Project. Poster presented at the MultimediaN Day
(Amsterdam): .
Schreiber, A.Th., Amin, A., Assem, M. van, Boer, V. de, Hardman, L., Hildebrand, M.,
Hollink, L., Huang, Z., Kersen, J., Niet, M., Omelayenko, B., Ossenbruggen, J., Siebes, R.,
Taekema, J., Wielemaker, J. & Wielinga, B.J. (2006). MultimediaN E-Culture Demonstrator.
In Isabel.F. Cruz, Stefan Decker, Dean Allemang, Chris Preist, Daniel Schwabe, Peter Mika,
Michael Uschold & Lora Aroyo (Eds.), International Semantic Web Conference Vol. 4273.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 951-958). Springer.
Boer, V. de, Someren, M.W. van & Wielinga, B.J. (2006). Extracting Art Style Periods from
the Web. In P Bouquet, R Brunelli, J.P. Chanod, C Niederée & H Stoermer (Eds.),
Proceedings of the ESWC 2006 Workshop on Mastering the Gap: From Information
Extraction to Semantic Representation. Budva, Montenegro: CEUR Workshop proceedings.
Boer, V. de, Someren, M.W. van & Wielinga, B.J. (2006). Extracting Instances of Relations
from Web Documents using Redundancy. In Y Sure & J Domingue (Eds.), In Proceedings of
the Third European Semantic Web Conference Vol. 4011. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (pp. 245-258). Dudva, Montenegro: Springer.
Viktor de Boer. de, Someren, M.W. van & Wielinga, B.J. (2006). Relation Instantiation for
Ontology Population using the Web. In C Freksa, M Kohlhase & K Schill (Eds.), Proceedings
of the 29th Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2006 Vol. 4314. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. Bremen, Germany: Springer.
Other relevant interests and skills
Internet Journalism:
Editorfor the Dutch web log ‘’, including science
articles, book and film reviews, interviews and event reports.
Produced a number of scientific dissemination videos for VU
University Amsterdam, including a video for the VU Intertain Lab, a
series of short research videos for the informatics departments, a
number of videos about SmartGrids project and a video demonstrating
multitouch functionality.