
Ph.D. in Applied Economics
Associate professor
IÉSEG School of Management , Management
[email protected]
Diplômes et Formation - Degrees
Ph.D. in Applied Economics KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2006
Master KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 1998
Bachelor KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 1995
Matières enseignées - Courses Taught
Courses taught, but not in the Schedule:
Course 'Mens en Organisatie' (Dutch spoken) (D0W29A) at KU Leuven - KULAK, Belgium (45h; 6 credits).
Compulsory course for the second bachelor year in business economics and management engineering.
Publications - Intellectual Contributions
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture - Published papers in refereed
Maes J, Leroy H, Sels L. Gender differences in entrepreneurial intentions: a TPB multi-group analysis
at factor and indicator level. European Management Journal. (in press) 2014; .
Della Torre E, Giangreco A, Maes J. Show me the money! Pay structure and individual performance
in golden teams. European Management Review. 2014; 11(1):85-100.
Maes J, Sels L. SMEs' radical product innovation: the role of internally and externally oriented
knowledge capabilities. Journal of Small Business Management. 2014; 52(1):141-163.
Giangreco A, Goethals F, Maes J. An exploration of the research/teaching trade-off in the perception
of business students. European Management Review. 2013; 10(2):69-81.
Debrulle J, Maes J, Sels L. Identifying the entrepreneur in entrepreneurship: an overview of the
research field with special emphasis on human and social capital. Review of Business and
Economics. 2012; 57(4):258-282.
Debrulle J, Maes J, Sels L. Start-ups' absorptive capacity: does the owner's human and social capital
matter? International Small Business Journal. (in press) 2012; .
Sels L, De Winne S, Maes J, et al. An examination of the impact of human resource management
practices on the productivity and financial performance of small businesses. Small Business
Economics. 2006; 26(1):83-101.
Sels L, De Winne S, Maes J, et al. Unravelling the HRM-performance link: value creating and cost
increasing effects of small business HRM. Journal of Management Studies. 2006; 43(2):319-342.
Maes J, Sels L, Roodhooft F. Modelling the link between management practices and financial
performance. Evidence from small construction companies. Small Business Economics.
2005; 25(1):17-34.
Faems D, De Winne S, Maes J, Sels L. The effect of individual HR domains on financial performance.
Evidence from Belgian small businesses. The International Journal of Human Resources
Management. 2005; 16(5):676-700.
Maes J, Sels L. Personeelsverloop in de bouwsector. Over Werk. 2003; 13(3):107-110.
Sels L, De Winne S, Maes J, et al. De meerwaarde van HRM in kleine en middelgrote
ondernemingen. Tijdschrift voor HRM. 2002; 5(2):61-86.
Sels L, Maes J. Het Investors in People Keurmerk als LLL-label in Vlaanderen? Over Werk.
2001; 11(4):136-139.
Sels L, Bollens J, Forrier A, Maes J. Meer is niet altijd beter. De relatie tussen kwantiteit en kwaliteit
van de opleidingsinspanning. Tijdschrift voor HRM. 2001; 4(1):11-33.
Articles publiés dans des revues sans comité de lecture - Published papers in nonrefereed journals
Sels L, Maes J. Gewikt en gewogen: Investors in People (IiP keurmerk). HRMagazine.
2002; 2002(5):48-53.
Communications scientifiques dans des colloques à comité de lecture - Communications
in Refereed Conferences
(2014). Line manager attributions and devolution of training practices: does the "why" matter? HR
Division International Conference (Academy of Management), Beijing, China-PRC.
(2013). The Impact of Absorptive Capacity and Business Owner Human and Social Capital on Startup International Growth. 2013 EFMD Entrepreneurship Conference, Madrid, Spain.
(2013). Pay structure and performance in 'golden' team settings: Evidence from the Italian football
league. EURAM European Academy of Management, Istanbul, Turkey.
(2013). Multi-stakeholder Perspectives on the Dynamics of Training Devolution to Line
Managers. Dutch HRM Network Conference, Leuven, Belgium.
(2012). Smells like team spirit: how founder team composition and entrepreneurship motivation affect
start-up value added. Acere Diana Conference, Perth, Australia.
(2012). Smells like team spirit: how founder team composition and entrepreneurship motivation affect
start-up value added. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Fort
Worth, Texas.
(2012). Experienced teacher and/or established researcher: an analysis of what type of instructors
business students prefer. EURAM European Academy of Management, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
(2012). Antecedents of willingness to share information on Enterprise Social Networks. itAIS, Rome,
(2011). Turnover and firm performance. The moderating role of knowledge sustaining HR
practices. Bi-Annual Dutch HRM Network International Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.
(2011). The probability of self-employment exit: an event history analysis. AGSE International
Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Melbourne, Australia.
(2011). A knowledge-based view on start-ups' export activities: the effect of business owner human
and social capital. AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Melbourne, Australia.
(2011). The impact of the amount of start-up financing on entrepreneurial management and firm
performance. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Syracuse, New
(2010). Organizational absorptive capacity: an empirical exploration of the role of the entrepreneur's
human and social capital. AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Coolum,
(2010). Gender differences in entrepreneurial intentions: a TPB multi-group analysis at factor and
indicator level. Diana International Conference, Banff, Canada.
(2009). Gender effects on entrepreneurial intentions: a multi-group analysis at factor and indicator
level. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
(2009). The effect of the social environment on the intention to become an entrepreneur. Babson
College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Wellesley, Massachusetts.
(2008). SMEs' radical product innovation: the role of the internal and external absorptive capacity
spheres. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California.
(2008). Resource configurations for top-performing start-ups: an exploratory study with classification
trees. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Chapel Hill, North
(2007). In search of co-alignment between initial resources and the strategic orientation of business
start-ups: fit as subgroup polynomial regression. ICSB World Conference, Turku, Finland.
(2005). Innovation as a corporate entrepreneurial outcome in newly established firms: a human
resource-based view. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
(2004). Mapping the road to innovation: the effect of upper echelon human capital and HRM on
innovation in start-ups. RENT Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
(2003). Modelling small business profitability. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle,
(2002). Effecten van individuele HRM-domeinen op de financiële resultaten van een bedrijf: een
onderzoek in Belgische KMO's. Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Studiedagen, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
(2002). The effect of individual HRM domains on financial performance: evidence from Belgian
SMEs. RENT Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
(2002). How HRM affects corporate financial performance. Evidence from Belgian SMEs. Academy
of Management Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
(2002). Linking HRM and performance: evidence from Belgian SMEs. EIASM Human Resource
Workshop, Vienna, Austria.
(2001). Small business performance: exploring the link between management practices and the
financial performance of small and medium-sized Belgian construction companies. RENT
Conference, Turku, Finland.
Documents de travail d'universités et d'institutions assimilables - Working papers from
universities and similar institutions
Contribution to Practice
Maes J, Vandoren C, Sels L, Roodhooft F. Etude sur les causes de faillite dans les petites et
moyennes entreprises de construction. Magazine du centre scientifique et technique de la
construction. 2002; 2002(2):28-43.
Maes J, Vandoren C, Sels L, Roodhooft F. Onderzoek naar oorzaken van faillissementen van kleine
en middelgrote bouwondernemingen. WTCB Tijdschrift. 2002; 2002(2):28-43.
Refereed Proceedings
Leroy P, Defert C, Hocquet A, Goethals F, Maes J. Antecedents of willingness to share information on
Enterprise Social Networks. itAIS. (in press) 2012; .
Debrulle J, Maes J, Sels L. Smells like team spirit: how founder team composition and
entrepreneurship motivation affect start-up value added. In Zacharakis, A. (Ed.) Frontiers of
Entrepreneurship Research (FER). 2012; , Babson Park, MA: Babson College:408-422.
Debrulle J, Maes J, Sels L. A knowledge-based view on start-ups' export activities: the effect of
business owner human and social capital. AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange.
2011; .
Debrulle J, Maes J, Sels L. The probability of self-employment exit: an event history analysis. AGSE
International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. 2011; .
Debrulle J, Maes J, Sels L. Organizational absorptive capacity: an empirical exploration of the role of
the entrepreneur's human and social capital. AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research
Exchange. 2010; .
Debrulle J, Maes J, Sels L. Organizational absorptive capacity: an empirical exploration of the role of
the entrepreneur's human and social capital. AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research
Exchange. 2010; .
Vanhoutte C, Maes J, Sels L. In search of co-alignment between initial resources and the strategic
orientation of business start-ups: fit as subgroup polynomial regression. ICSB World Conference.
2007; .
Maes J, Sels L. Mapping the road to innovation: the effect of upper echelon human capital and HRM
on innovation in start-ups. RENT Conference. 2004; .
Maes J, Sels L, Roodhooft F. Small business performance: exploring the link between management
practices and the financial performance of small and medium-sized Belgian construction
companies. RENT Conference. 2001; .
Livres - Books
Debrulle J, Maes J. The Act of Creating New Value: Positioning the Independent and Corporate
Entrepreneurship Domain.. London: McGraw-Hill Education; 2014.
Sels L, Debrulle J, Maes J. Ondernemend Vlaanderen. Startende ondernemingen onder de loep.
Roularta Books; 2008.
Delarue A, De Winne S, Gryp S, et al. De arbeidsmarkt in Vlaanderen: organisatie in bedrijf - de
resultaten van PASO in vogelvlucht. Garant; 2003.
Delarue A, De Winne S, Gryp S, et al. Dossier organisatie in bedrijf: de resultaten van PASO in
vogelvlucht. HIVA; 2003.
Maes J, ed. Building Organizations. An introduction to organizational theory, design and behavior.
Cengage Learning; 2011.
Janssens M, Maes J. Mens en Organisatie. Acco; 2009.
Chapitre de livres - Chapters in books
Leroy P, Defert C, Hocquet A, Goethals F, Maes J. Antecedents of willingness to share information on
Enterprise Social Networks, Organization change and information systems - working and living
together in new ways. Berlin: Springer; 2013:109-117.
Debrulle J, Maes J, Sels L. Smells like team spirit: how founder team composition and
entrepreneurship motivation affect start-up value added, In: Acs, Z.J. (Babson College), eds.
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Babson Park, MA: Babson College; 2012:408-422.
Debrulle J, Maes J, Verbruggen M, Sels L. Eenmaal zelfstandige, altijd zelfstandige? Een onderzoek
naar de demografische en loopbaangerelateerde uitstroomfactoren van vrijwillige en noodgedwongen
zelfstandigen, Ondernemen tussen wetenschap en beleid in Vlaanderen. STOIO; 2011:162-188.
Debrulle J, Maes J, Sels L. Het effect van het menselijk en sociaal kapitaal van de besdrijfseigenaar
op de exportactiviteiten van de startende onderneming, Grenzeloos ondernemen in Vlaanderen.
STOIO; 2011:63-90.
Maes J, Sels L. Conclusies en beleidspistes, Ondernemend Vlaanderen. Startende ondernemingen
onder de loep. Roularta Books; 2008:333-357.
Sels L, Maes J. Starters in beeld. Het profiel van startende venootschappen in
Vlaanderen, Ondernemend Vlaanderen. Startende ondernemingen onder de loep. Roularta Books;
Maes J, Vanhoutte C, Sels L. Overnemen: ondernemen met voorsprong? Startende ondernemers en
overnemers vergeleken, Bedrijf te koop. Overlaten en stopzetten in Vlaanderen. Roularta Books;
Sels L, Gilbert C, Maes J. Loont groei? Een pleidooi voor 'rendabele' groei, Durven groeien in
Vlaanderen: een boek voor gevorderden. Roularta Books; 2006:33-54.
Maes J, Van De Velde E, Clarysse B, Sels L. Het niet gerealiseerde groeipotentieel van Vlaamse
ondernemingen onder de vorm van corporate spin-offs, Durven groeien in Vlaanderen: een boek voor
gevorderden. Roularta Books; 2006:145-166.
Maes J, Sels L. Van kapitaal belang. Startkapitaal en financiering van startende
vennootschappen, Je bent ondernemend en je start wat. Over starten in Vlaanderen. Roularta Books;
Maes J. In goede handen? Eigendom en bestuur van starters, Je bent ondernemend en je start wat.
Over starten in Vlaanderen. Roularta Books; 2005:93-106.
Sels L, Maes J. De 'Code Buysse'. Corporate governance voor niet-beursgenoteerde bedrijven, Je
bent ondernemend en je start wat. Over starten in Vlaanderen. Roularta Books; 2005:107-113.
Etudes de Cas - Case Studies
Tibau J, Maes J. Structural design practised at Pharchem: a matter of structure following strategy.
Part 3: Diversifying into biotechnology (2004 and beyond), ECCH repository. ECCH; 2013.
Maes J, Tibau J. Structural design practised at Pharchem: a matter of structure following strategy.
Part 1: A European firm with three entities (1955-1994), ECCH repository. ECCH; 2013.
Tibau J, Maes J. Structural design practised at Pharchem: a matter of structure following strategy.
Part 2: A globally established pharmaceutical firm (2004), ECCH repository. ECCH; 2013.
Rapports de Recherche - Research reports
2012: Leroy, H., Sels, L., & Maes, J., Ik wil wel, maar kan ik het ook? Hoe ondernemerschapsintenties
zich vertalen in gedrag., submitted to Report for the Flemish Government.
2002: Maes, J. & Sels, L., Onderzoek naar de omvang en de determinanten van personeelsverloop in
de bouwsector. Onderzoek in opdracht van het Fonds voor Vakopleiding in de Bouwnijverheid.,
submitted to Centrum voor Toegepast Economisch Onderzoek (CTEO).
2002: Sels, L. & Maes, J., Etude de la rotation de personnel dans le secteur de la construction:
ampleur et facteurs déterminants. Deuxième volet: recommandations aux entreprises et au secteur.,
submitted to Fonds de formation professionnelle de la construction.
2002: Sels, L. & Maes, J., Etude de la rotation de personnel dans le secteur de la construction:
ampleur et facteurs déterminants. Premier volet: analyse quantitative et qualitative de la rotation.,
submitted to Fonds de formation professionnelle de la construction.
2002: Sels, L. & Maes, J., Onderzoek naar de omvang en de determinanten van personeelsverloop in
de bouwsector. Tweede luik: aanbevelingen aan de ondernemingen en de sector., submitted to Fonds
voor Vakopleiding in de Bouwnijverheid.
2002: Sels, L. & Maes, J., Onderzoek naar de omvang en de determinanten van personeelsverloop in
de bouwsector. Eerste luik: kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve analyse van het verloop., submitted to Fonds
voor Vakopleiding in de Bouwnijverheid.
2001: Maes, J. & Sels, L., Naar een LLL-label in Vlaanderen? Evaluatie van de Investors in People
Standaard., submitted to Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap: Administratie Werkgelegenheid.
2000: Maes, J., Vandoren, C., Sels, L., & Roodhooft, F., Onderzoek naar de oorzaken van
failissementen van kleine en middelgrote bouwondernemingen., submitted to Wetenschappelijk en
Technisch Centrum voor de Bouwnijverheid (WTCB).
1999: Maes, J. & Sels, L., Onderzoek naar evaluatie en rendementsmeting van bedrijfsopleidingen.
Ontwikkeling van evaluatie-instrumenten., submitted to Fonds voor Vakopleiding in de
2005 [Year 4 of 4]: Maes, J. PhD grant, Policy Research Centre Entrepreneurship, Enterprises and
Innovation (Flemish Government).
2004 [Year 3 of 4]: Maes, J. PhD grant, Policy Research Centre Entrepreneurship, Enterprises and
Innovation (Flemish Government).
2003 [Year 2 of 4]: Maes, J. PhD grant, Policy Research Centre Entrepreneurship, Enterprises and
Innovation (Flemish Government).
2002 [Year 1 of 4]: Maes, J. PhD grant, Policy Research Centre Entrepreneurship, Enterprises and
Innovation (Flemish Government).
Papers Under Review
Prix scientifiques - Scientific prizes and awards
2012: itAIS. Best Paper Award for the paper "Antecedents of willingness to share information on Enterprise
Social Networks" (Leroy, Defert, Hocquet, Goethals & Maes)
2010: AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Best Paper Award for the paper
"Organizational absorptive capacity: an empirical exploration of the role of the entrepreneur's human and
social capital" (Debrulle, Maes & Sels)
2001: RENT Conference. Best Paper Award for the paper "Small business performance: exploring the link
between management practices and the financial performance of small and medium-sized Belgian
construction companies" (Maes, Sels & Roodhooft)