VFW 1st District of California DISPATCH Volume 14, Issue 7 District 1 Commander Ed McCoy Hello Comrades: The State Convention is now over our resolutions to keep Fallbrook and Oceanside Posts passed, and we also picked four Posts from Imperial County. With these new additions we now have 33 Post in our District. On July 12th we will have our Joint School of Instruction at Encanto Post 1512 starting at 0900 we should be done by 12:00. On July 19th we have Stand Down we need our volunteers to be there at 0830. With our new underway we need to keep in mind our Membership Programs, as well as our Programs, first up will be Firefighter/EMT so get your nominations in. Membership is always ongoing so keep recruiting and be sure to contact your continuous members when their dues are up. Our Department now has 15 districts vice 23 so our Department has a new look, I will brief everyone at our next District Meeting on August 3rd at Post 2082 at 10:00. That's all for now. Ed McCoy 1st District Commander July 2014 District 1 President Sheri Carrington I would like to thank the Sisters of the Mighty First District for electing me to the high office of District President. I am dedicated to you and the District and will do my very best to ensure the success of the 2014-2015 year. Congratulations to Commander Ed and his core of officers and chairmen. Commander Ed and I will be striving to be “One Team, One Mission” as we are “Standing Proud For Our Veterans”. We are planning to be a joint team with one goal…. the success of the Mighty First District! We will be communicating with you about all of the upcoming events of the District as well as information you will need to promote the National programs. The following events will be happening in July: 4th of July – Parade in Coronado (plan on getting there early due to parking constraints) 8th – Inspection of Archie G. McArthur 3783 Auxiliary at 5:00 p.m. 12th – Joint School of Instruction at Encanto Post 1512 at 10:00 a.m. 17th – Inspection of General Henry D. Styer 2422 Auxiliary at 5:00 p.m. 18-22 – National Convention held in St. Louis, Missouri. 19th – Stand Down held at San Diego High School (the VFW will be serving lunch and dinner) volunteers needed! 22nd – District Membership Meeting to be held at Bert Fuller 9578 Post, 844 Tavern Road, Alpine at 6:00 p.m. 30th – Floor practice for District Officers and floor team at 1774 OK Ingram Ship, 8118 University Ave., La Mesa at 6:00 p.m. for more information please contact Conductress Kathie Okolski at (858) 740-1269. Page 2 VFW 1st District of California Dispatch July 2014 District 1 Sr Vice Cdr George Reuss District 1 LAUX Chaplain Beth Flinn By the time you read this a new year is upon us. The Commander and I are looking to make this a banner year for all. To make this happen we need help. Commanders it is imperative that every general and Membership meeting have an officer from your post in attendance at those meetings. There is a lot of information put out and discussions your post members will need to know about along with you. As we all know there is a new black out sheet and again it’s time to get geared up for Buddy Poppy, VOD and all chaired committees. Let’s get those poppies purchased early and then focus on all the other day to day things we must do as a post. I am looking forward to working with each and every one of you this year. The new year has now begun. It is going to fun and exciting! With State Convention behind us and the new officers installed, it is with such sadness and heavy heart as District Chaplain to have to report that 4 of our sisters have gone to their heavenly home. George L. Reuss Senior Vice Commander District 1 1-679-322-7339 [email protected] Patricia Dorsey Shackelford May 25, 2014 Aux. 3787 Mission Valley District 1 President Sheri Carrington Cont Starting in August Senior Vice President Lupe Duggins will have an article in the Dispatch with all the information you will need for upcoming District events. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need any help. I know together we are going to have a fantastic year! Cell phone (619) 721-4902 or email: [email protected]. I would like us to enhance the wonderful traditions of the First District. Remember…”We are the First, The Mighty, Mighty First, Everywhere we go-ooh, people want to know…Who We Are, So we tell them…We are the First, The Mighty, Mighty First!” Barbara R. Hanna April 24, 2014 Aux. 5477 Silver Strand Mary Long May 20, 2014 Aux. 7907 Lt. Fred Lewis Kent Lois Paaschi May 23, 2014 Aux. 1774 the Ship I will email the information as to where to send cards, when memorials take place and such as I receive it from our Auxiliaries. Remember when filling out the Chaplains report form, any additional information you would like shared PLEASE remember to address it on the reverse side. Once again I am looking forward to serving our District in the position as Chaplain this year to the best of my ability. Feel free to contact me with questions as needed. Sincerely with loyalty and love, Beth Flinn, District Chaplain Contact information: 1951 47th Spc 167 San Diego, CA 92102 [email protected] Loyally and with love, Sheri Carrington District 1 Chaplain David Greaney I wish to put names of deceased members in the State newsletter. In order to do that I need all Cdrs or Chaplains to send the names to me. Please use proper names, not nicknames. Send to [email protected]. Thanks. Dave Greaney, District 1 Chaplain Page 3 VFW 1st District of California Dispatch 2014 – 2015 Department Officers State Commander Howard Hagen U.S. Army - Vietnam Service Medal July 2014 Past Commander’s Club President State Sr. Vice Commander Bob Magner U.S. Army - Vietnam Service Medal This year’s Past Commander Club Picnic will be held at Admiral Baker Field on Sunday, 13 July 2014 from 10am to 3pm. If more information is required you can contact me the outgoing President Russ Eseltine Post 2111 (619) 755-9548. State Jr. Vice Commander - Dale Smith U.S. Navy -Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal All 2013-2014 Commanders are eligible to join the elite Past Commanders Club. State Quartermaster/Adjutant Nick Guest U.S. Army - Vietnam Service Medal State Jr Vice Commander Dale Smith from Post 3783, has been elected as the Clubs President for 2014-2015. The dues for the Past Commanders Club is only $15.00 a year and includes 3 dinners and a picnic. To join contact the perennial Club Secretary Ken Knoof of Post 4851 at (619)791-6375 and leave message. State Judge Advocate Fred Hoff U.S. Air Force - Vietnam Service Medal State Surgeon Deborah Johnson U.S. Army - Southwest Asia Service Medal State Chaplain Mike Maynor U.S. Navy - Vietnam Service Medal Jr. Past State Commander Ed Ford U.S. Navy - Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal The club is now offering raffle tickets with six monetary prizes from $200.00 to $50.00 to offset the Picnic costs. You could win more than once of the six drawings. Respectfully, Russ Eseltine PCC President 2014 – 2015 LAVFW Department Officers Marilyn Peck, District 2 State President Kathy Walery, District 17 Dept. Sr. Vice President Erma "Tootsie" Dougherty, District 1 Dept. Jr. Vice President Sherl Ann Daverio, District 16 Dept. Secy/Treas Traci Lewis Ventress, District 4 Dept. Chaplain Ellie Mello, District 1 Dept. Conductress Mary Ryser, District 3 Dept. Guard Disclaimer The “Dispatch” is the official monthly publication of Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, District One, Department of California and shall act as a periodical for the benefit and enrichment of all VFW Posts, Ship, Men’s Auxiliary, and Ladies Auxiliaries comprising First District. Judy Jones, District 9 National Council Member, Area G As Department Officers, any and all communications from the First District Commander and First District President are considered to be official as they have the privilege of membership on the Council of Administration, Department of California for the current calendar year. Gwendolyn Rankin, District 12 Past National President The Dispatch is www.vfwdist1ca.org. Julie Williamson, District 17 Dept. Chief of Staff available monthly at; Page 4 VFW 1st District of California Dispatch July 2014 Page 5 VFW 1st District of California Dispatch July 2014 Page 6 VFW 1st District of California Dispatch July 2014 Page 7 VFW 1st District of California Dispatch July 2014 Page 8 VFW 1st District of California Dispatch July 2014 Page 9 VFW 1st District of California Dispatch July 2014 Page 10 VFW 1st District of California Dispatch July 2014
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