THE LONDON GAZETTE, 19 JULY, 1955 Leonard G. WHEELER. Thomas ORR. George A. LOOKER. Instructor Commander to Instructor Captain. Arthur E. JOHNSTON (Acting Instructor Captain). Albert H. MILES, O.B.E. Instructor Lieutenant Commander to Instructor Commander. Eric POLLARD. Francis R. KENWOOD. John D. BOOTH. Samuel S. STEVENSON. Surgeon Commander to Surgeon Captain. Jack L. S. COULTER, D.S.C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Acting Surgeon Captain). Harold E. B. CURJEL, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Acting Surgeon Captain). Hugh L. CLEAVE, O.B.E., F.R.C.S. Acting Interim Surgeon Commander to Surgeon Commander. John H. D. TAYLOR, M.B., Ch.B. Anthony C. HAMER, M.B., Ch.B. John A. N. LOCK, M.B., B.Cb,, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.O.M.S. John T. MORGAN, L.M.S.S.A. Surgeon Lieutenant Commander to Surgeon Commander. George HAYES, M.B., B.S., V.R.D. Surgeon Commander (D) to Surgeon Captain (D). Alan W. Y. PRICE, L.D.S. (Acting Surgeon Captain (D)). Surgeon Lieutenant Commander (D) to Surgeon Commander (D). Archibald SIMPSON, L.D.S. William E. A. WATSON, L.D.S. SUPPLY AND SECRETARIAT BRANCH. Commander to Captain. George H. NICHOLLS, O.B.E. David ARMSTRONG, O.B.E. Lieutenant Commander to Commander. Michael SEHMER (Acting Commander). Henry H. COOK. John R. SIMPSON (Acting Commander). Esmond A. BERREY, M.B.E. William R. MILLER. Robert M. YOUNG. ROYAL MARINES. Lieutenant Colonel to Colonel. Bernard W. DE COURCY-IRELAND, D.S.C. Donald H. W. SANDERS, O.B.E. Major to Lieutenant Colonel. Robert A. PIGOT. Richard H. W. KIRBY. Captain to Major. Leslie G. MARSH, M.C. Frank R. A. D. TAYLOR. Antony D. H. JONES. John A. C. UNIACKE. John F. PARSONS, M.C. Captain RM.F.V.R. to Major R.M.F.VJR. Robert W. GRIFFITH. ROYAL NAVAL RESERVE. Commander R.N.R. to Captain R.N.R. Herbert E. SPRIGGE, R.D. Lieutenant Cqmmander R.N.R. to Commander R.N.R. Arthur H. KENT, D.S.C., R.D. Michael HuGHES-D'AETH, R.D. John D. E. LEWIS, R.D. Thomas T. SHEEHAN, R.D. William H. KETT, D.S.C., R.D. Henry O. L'ESTRANGE, D.S.C., R.D. John S. HOUGH, D.S.C., R.D. Basil D. H. THOMSON, R.D. Roy McE. SINCLAIR, D.S.C., R.D. Neil F. KEENE, D.S.C. & 2 Bars. Commander R.N.R. to Captain R.N.R. (Supernumerary). Wilfred C. SHEPHERD, R.D. ENGINEERING BRANCH. Lieutenant Commander R.N.R. to Commander R.N.R. James M. MCNEISH. A2 4173 SUPPLY AND SECRETARIAT. Lieutenant Commander R.N.R. to. Commander R.N.R. Richard J. H. SLAGG, R.D. ROYAL NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE, Commander R.N.V.R. to Captain R.N.V.R. Charles P. C. NOBLE, D.S.C., V.R.D. Lieutenant Commander (A) R.N.V.R. to Commander (A) R.N.V.R. Norman H. BOVEY, D.S.C. ENGINEERING BRANCH. Commander R.N.V.R. to Captain R.N.V.R. Charles TAYLOR. Lieutenant Cqmmander R.N.V.R. to Commander R.N.V.R. Frederick S. TREGASKES, D.S.M. ELECTRICAL BRANCH. Lieutenant Commander R.N.V.R. to Commander R.N.V.R. Tom W. BROWN. Alan W. J. HUNT. SUPPLY AND SECRETARIAT BRANCH. Lieutenant Commander R.N.V.R. to Commander R.N.V.R. William N. K. M. CRAWFORD. Surgeon Lieutenant Commander (D) R.N.V.R. to Surgeon Commander (D) R.N.V.R. Stanley M. McCuixocH, L.D.S. Commander (SP) R.N.V.R. to Captain (SP) R.N.V.R. Alexander R. GLEN, D.S.C. & Bar. Lieutenant Commander (SP) R.N.V.R. to Commander (SP) R.N.V.R. Peter T. THORNYCROFT. Joseph T. HUDDART, V.R.D. MERCHANDISE MARKS ACT, 1926. REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE WIRE GOODS. With reference to the notice which was published in the London Gazette on April 13, 1954; in the Edinburgh Gazette on April 9, 1954; and in the Belfast Gazette on April 16, 1954, regarding a reference made by the Board of Trade to the Standing Committee under the Merchandise Marks Act, 1926, in respect of wire goods, the Board of Trade hereby give notice that a Report has been made by the Committee in respect of the aforesaid description of goods. The Report was published on July 15, 1955, as Command No. 9528, Price 4d. (Post free 5id.), and can be obtained either directly from Her Majesty's Stationery Office or through any bookseller. Civil Service Commission, 19th July, 1955. The Civil Service Commissioners hereby give notice that the following Regulations are published with the approval of the Lords Commissioners of H.M. Treasury, viz.:— RECRUITMENT TO THE BASIC GRADE OF LANDS OFFICERS. 1. Age. Candidates must be at least 25 and under 35 years of age on 1st June, 1955. But (1) a candidate who has served or is serving on a regular (including a regular short-service) engagement in H.M. Forces may deduct from his actual age the period of such service rendered before 1st June. 1955. (2) candidates who have served in any established post to which they were admitted with the Certificate of the Civil Service Commissioners, or who have served on established conditions except for sick leave and pension in a post to which such a certificate would normally apply, may deduct from their actual age any time not exceeding two years which they have spent in such service before 1st June, 1955.
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