Christine Corbett Moran - Institute for Computational Science

Christine Corbett Moran
email: [email protected]
phone: +41.79.762.4499
University of Zurich
Ph.D. Candidate, Astrophysics. Expected 2014.
University of Zurich
M.Sc. Astrophysics.
Thesis: AstroViz: A Parallel Visualization Tool for Astrophysical Applications.
2010 - present
2008 - 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2003 - 2007
S.B. Computer Science and Engineering. Minor: Mathematics.
S.B. Physics. Minor: Philosophy.
Advanced Undergraduate Project: Transliteration for Multilingual Search Applications.
Technical Skills
Tools: Python, Ruby, Perl, Scheme, Lisp, Bash, MATLAB, Mathematica, HTML, XML, LATEX,
JavaScript, Visual Basic, C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, Android, iOS, Django, Linux,
MPI, OpenMP, VTK, ParaView, Systems Administration.
Natural Languages: English, native. Danish, Spanish, German intermediate. Arabic, basic.
Institute for Computational Sciences, University of Zurich
2010 - Present
Graduate Research
Zurich, Switzerland
Computational research addressing challenges in galaxy formation and evolution in a cosmological context, gravitational physics, and big data processing.
Primary Projects: Probing the reionization era with globular clusters, cosmological simulations
in f(R) gravity, big data visualization and analysis techniques, the quantum collapse of a dust
ball, structure finding in cosmological simulations.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, UP Diliman
Adjunct Professor
Manila, Philippines
Taught computer science, mobile development and entrepreneurship in joint undergraduate and
graduate course.
ETH Institute for Astronomy
January 2010 - April 2010
Graduate Research
Zurich, Switzerland
Worked to accurately model galaxy surface brightness profiles in the new Wide Field Camera 3
imaging of the GOODS-South and HUDF-South fields. Examined the variation of these profiles
as a function of observed wavelength and developed an empirical characterization of the point
spread function of the WFC3.
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab
January 2006 - June 2007
Undergraduate Research
Cambridge, MA
Researched machine translation and transliteration technology, developing a statistical method
to transliterate Arabic named entities to English. Developed sentence pair similarity metrics for
use in information retrieval.
Johns Hopkins Center for Language and Speech Processing
Summer 2006
Research Scientist
Baltimore, MD
Researched, developed, and implemented statistical machine translation methods. Work released
as component of open source machine translation toolkit, Moses.
MIT Media Laboratory
September 2003 - May 2004
Undergraduate Research
Cambridge, MA
Wrote C code and ported existing MATLAB code necessary for communication between MSP430
microcontrollers. Manipulated digital signals via MATLAB for use in artistic exhibitions.
Papers and
Globular Cluster Formation in the Virgo Cluster, Corbett Moran, Christine; Teyssier,
Romain; Lake, George, Submitted MNRAS, 2014.
Structure Finding in Cosmological Simulations: The State of Affairs, Knebe, Alexander; Pearce, Frazer R.; Lux, Hanni; Ascasibar, Yago; Behroozi, Peter; Casado, Javier; Corbett
Moran, Christine; Diemand, Juerg; Dolag, Klaus; Dominguez-Tenreiro, Rosa; and 25 coauthors,
Accepted MNRAS, 2013.
AstroViz: A Parallel Visualization Tool for Astrophysical Applications, Christine
Corbett Moran, University of Zurich, Master’s Thesis, 2009.
Name Aware Speech-to-Speech Translation for English/Iraqi, Rohit Prasad, Christine
Moran, Fred Choi, Ralf Meermeier, Shirin Saleem, Chia-lin Kao, Dave Stallard, Prem Natarajan, IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology 2008.
Recent Improvements in BBN’s English/Iraqi Speech-to-Speech Translation System,
Fred Choi, Stavros Tsakalidis, Shirin Saleem, Chia-lin Kao, Ralf Meermeier, Kriste Krstovski,
Christine Moran, Krishna Subramanian, Rohit Prasad, Prem Natarajan, IEEE Workshop on
Spoken Language Technology 2008.
Moses: Open Source Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation, Philipp Koehn,
Hieu Hoang, Alexandra Birch, Chris Callison-Burch, Marcello Federico, Nicola Bertoldi, Brooke
Cowan, Wade Shen, Christine Moran, Richard Zens, Chris Dyer, Ondrej Bojar, Alexandra Constantin, Evan Herbst, ACL 2007, demonstration session.
Open Source Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation: Factored Translation Models and Confusion Network Decoding, Philipp Koehn, Nicola Bertoldi, Ondrej Bojar, Chris
Callison-Burch, Alexandra Constantin, Brooke Cowan, Chris Dyer, Marcello Federico, Evan
Herbst, Hieu Hoang, Christine Moran, Wade Shen, and Richard Zens, Johns Hopkins University 2007, CLSP Summer Workshop Final Report WS-2006.
University of Zurich
2010 - 2014
Teaching Assistant
Zurich, Switzerland
Led problem solving and exam review sessions for Mathematical Methods for Physicists I&II,
Astrophysical Dynamics, Quantum Mechanics I, Continuum Mechanics, Introduction to Scientific Computing, and Advanced Computational Science courses. Prepared and graded homework
assignments and assessed student performance.
MIT Global Startup Labs
Summer 2013
Lead Technical Instructor
Manila, Philippines
Taught Java programming, Android development and mentored student startups in the MIT
Global Startup Labs.
MIT MEET: Middle East Education Through Technology
Summer 2007, 2013
Jerusalem, Israel
Taught Java programming and entrepreneurship to Israeli and Palestinian high school students.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
September 2005 - December 2005
Teaching Assistant
Cambridge, MA
Led problem solving and exam review sessions for freshman level Electricity and Magnetism
course. Graded homework assignments and assessed student performance.
University of Zurich
Rafael K¨
ung, Bachelor’s Thesis
Zurich, Switzerland
Supervised student Bachelor’s thesis integrating visualization and analysis capabilities specific
to tracking halos in a cosmological simulation over time into AstroViz.
University of Zurich
2013 - present
Michael Dimmler, Master’s Thesis
Zurich, Switzerland
Supervising student Master’s thesis consistently simulating the upcoming merger between Andromeda and the Milky Way, producing a beautiful high resolution video of the process.
Invited Talks
TEDxYouthAdliswil, 2014.
University of the Philippines, Diliman Physics Department, 2013.
University of the Philippines, Diliman Android Development Lecture Series, 2013.
Fourth Cluster-Dialog Kanton Zurich: Big Data, 2013.
RAMSES user’s meeting, 2013.
Swiss Big Data User Group, 2013.
RealtimeConf Europe, 2013.
TEDxEHL, 2013.
MIT Astrophysics Graduate Student Lunch, 2012.
Harvard Astrophysics Department, 2012.
ETH/UZH Galaxy Formation Group Meeting, 2012.
Astrosim Davos, 2012.
Google@HEC, HEC Paris, 2012.
Women’s Business Conference - Hochschule Luzern, 2012.
MIT Startup Bootcamp, 2012.
TEDxSummit, 2012.
Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS) User’s Day, 2011.
Ignite Zurich, 2011.
EuroPython, 2011.
Foo Camp, 2010.
SecurityBSides Berlin, 2010.
M. Institute for Computational Astrophysics Professional Event, 2009.
23rd Chaos Communication Congress, 2006.
Johns Hopkins Summer Workshop, 2006.
Open WhisperSystems, Winter Break of Code, 2014.
Delegate, World Policy Conference, 2013.
Schools Attended Exascale Computing in Astrophysics, 2013.
Founders Fund F50, 2013.
RAMSES User’s Meeting, 2013.
Open WhisperSystems, Spring Break of Code, 2013.
Radiative Transfer Treatments for Astrophysical Applications, 2013.
New Horizons in Computational Astrophysics, 2012.
Sandbox Global Summit, 2012.
Subhaloes Going Notts, 2011.
Halos Going MAD, 2010.
DEFCON, 2010.
PH-Neutral, 2010.
ASTROSIM Summer School on Computational Astrophysics, 2010.
Prospects in Theoretical Physics program, Institute for Advanced Study, 2009.
SXSW, 2008.
Burning Man, 2007.
Chaos Communications Congress, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011.
Service and
Ambassador, Hello Tomorrow Challenge, 2013 - Present.
Advisor, Tech LadyMafia, 2011 - Present.
Blogger, Cosmic Rays, popular astronomy and computation, 2009 - Present.
Reviewer, MIT SWE Scholarship, 2012.
Reviewer, NCWIT National Scholarship, 2011 - 2012.
Ph.D. student representative, Promotions Committee, 2012.
Ph.D. Student Representative, Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2011 - Present.
NASA Space Apps Challenge Hackathon, 2012 Organizer.
TEDxZurich, Speaker and Technology coordination, 2011 - 2012.
Gilman International Scholarship Recipient, 2007.
MIT Arts Scholar, 2005, 2006.
International Society of Optical Engineering Scholarship Recipient, 2003, 2004.
Society of Exploration Geophysicists Scholarship Recipient, 2004.
Lucent Global Science Scholar, 2003.
Columbus Educational Association Scholar, 2003, 2004.
National Merit Scholar Semifinalist, 2002.
Theory of Computation
Computation Structures
Artificial Intelligence
Circuits and Electronics
Quantum Field Theory
General Relativity
Software Engineering
Computer Programs (SICP)
Discrete Mathematics
Signals and Systems
Autonomous Robotics Lab
Astrophysical Dynamics
Computational Cosmology
Computational Mathematics
Autonomous Systems
Computer Systems Engineering
Robocraft AI Competition
Quantum Computing
Theoretical Cosmology
Open WhisperSystems
March 2013 - Present
Senior Security Software Engineer
Co-lead software and security engineer of TextSecure iOS, encrypting text messages end-toend. Writing open source code, managing development, discussing, designing and implementing
security protocols, and maintaining the iOS Github repository.
Tech 4 Good
2012 - Present
Co-founder and CTO
Lead iOS, Android, and backend developer of principal project Circle of 6, an anti-sexual violence
mobile application targeting vulnerable communities in the US and India. Managing technical
business development and technical partnerships.
2008 - Present
Co-founder and CEO
Lead iPhone application developer and business manager for Encyclopedia, bringing all of
Wikipedia to the iPhone without an internet connection in any of 83 languages. Challenges
include large customer base, big data processing, custom binary format and iOS engineering.
BBN Technologies
September 2007 - September 2008
Associate Scientist
Cambridge, MA
Developed the text component of a Speech-to-Speech English-to-Malaysian translation device
as part of the TRANSTAC project. Researched, developed, and deployed English-to-Arabic
Speech-to-Speech translation systems.
Fast Search and Transfer
Summer 2005
Software Engineer
Tromsø, Norway
Developed method of translating queries in Fast Search’s native query language to other query
languages. Enabled efficient and accurate comparisons of search results from different search
Lucent Technologies
Summer 2004
Software Engineer
Murray Hill, NJ
Developed software applications to integrate printed circuit board and metals castings design
recommendations into end-product cost estimation.
Photonic Integration Research, Inc.
July 2000 - May 2001
Columbus, OH
Operator for fiber optic measurement system, measuring of optical Arrayed Waveguide Grating
(AWG) circuits (insertion loss, crosstalk and other pass-fail criteria).
Open Source Software
Music Composition
Language Acquisition
Roller Derby
Scuba Diving (PADI AOW)
Muay Thai
Science Fiction
Alternative Process Photography
Distance Running
Political Science