s\- The Cityof Calgary October6,2014 KevinNyhoff NYHOFFARCHITECTURE 1 8 0 1l O A V S W CALGARY AB T3COK2 Dear Sir/Madam: RE: Notification of Decision DP2O14-2738 Subject: New: Single DetachedDwelling Project: Address: 2509 ERLTONST SW This is your notificationof the decisionby the DevelopmentAuthorityto approvethe above noted applicationon October3,2014. Read all of the PermanentConditionsof approvalcarefullyas they form part of the approvaldecision. The Prior to ReleaseRequirementsmust be met to the satisfactionof the DevelopmentAuthoritybeforeyour Development Permit will be releasedto you. The PermanentConditionsform part of the approvaldecision. Advisory Comments,if applicable,are also attachedand are intendedto be of assistancein obtainingadditionalpermits inlormationfor the successfulcompletionof your development. and supplementary permitshallcease Development approvedby this permitmustcommenceby October3,2016 or the development to be valid. The decisionwill be advertisedonce in the CalgaryHeraldon October9,2014, whichis the startof the mandatory 14 dayappealperiod. For this type of permit both the applicantand any other partiesmay appealthis decision. You may chooseto appeal any of the Prior to ReleaseRequirementsand the PermanentConditionsof approvalwithin 14 days of receiptof this letter. An appealalongwith reasonsmust be submitted,togetherwith paymentof a $100.00fee, to the Subdivisonand DevelopmentAppealBoard(4thf loor, 121231 Ave N.E.,CalgaryT2E 7S8)). An appealmay To obtain an appealform, for informationon appeal also be filed onlineat www.calgary.calsdab/onlineappeal. optionsor the appealprocess,pleasecall268-5312. submission Pleasenote that this letteris to adviseyou of the conditionsof approval,the mandatoryadvertisingappealperiod and the timeframein whichyou may appealthis decision. Once the appealperiodhas lapsedand no appealhas been filed you will be requiredto meet the Priorto ReleaseRequirementsafter which you will be contactedby telephoneto pick up your DevelopmentPermit. Should you require clarificationof the above or further information,please contact me at (403) 268-2968or by fax at (403) 268-3287and assist me by quotingthe it number. Develoomen DinoKaspgrw' SenjorfianningTechnician --Pfanning Implementation Attachment(s) P.O.Box 2100, PostalStationM Calgary,Alberta,Canada TzP 2M5 (403)268-5311 www.calgary.caldba DP2014-2738 The Cityof Calgary PLANNING.DEVELOPMENT& ASSESSMENT Conditionsof Approval- DevelopmentPermit ApplicationNumber: ApplicationDescription: Land Use District: UseType: Site Address: Community: Applicant: SeniorPlanningTechnician: DP2014-2738 New:SingleDetached Dwelling - Contextual Residential One/TwoDwelling Discretionary 2509ERLTONST SW ERLTON NYHOFFARCHITECTURE - (403)268-2968 DrNOKASPARTS @calgary.ca dino.kasparis Priorto ReleaseRequirements requirements shall Thefollowing shallbe metpriorto the releaseof thepermit.All requirements the Approving Authority: resolved to the satisfaction of be P l a n n in g 1. panel,furnaceandwaterheateron plans. Pleaseindicate electrical UrbanDevelopment 2. Remita performance security deposit(certified cheque,bankdraft,letterof credit)of forthe removal of theexisting driveway crossing on the21 andrehabilitation $3,600.00 AV NW,withinthe publicright-of-way. PermanentConditions permanent Thefollowing conditions shallapply: Pl a n n in g 3. in itsentirety, in accordance withtheapproved Thedevelopment shallbe completed plansandconditions. and enteryourJOB ACCESSCODE (JAC) Trackyour applicationon-linewith VISTA.Go to: www.calqary.calvista from the applicationform or call PlanningServicesCounterat (a03)268-5311. Paoe 1 DP2014-2738 4. plansshalltakeplaceunlessauthorized No changes to theapproved by the Development Authority. 5. A Development Completion Permitshallbe issuedforthedevelopment beforethe development is occupied.A Development Permitis independent Completion fromthe requirements Permitoccupancy. Inspection of Building CallDevelopment Services at 403-268-5311 for the Development to request a siteinspection Permit. Completion 6. Uponcompletion of the roofpeak,proofof the geodeticelevation roof of the constructed peakmustbe submitted priorto any to andapproved by theDevelopment Authority proceeding. furtherconstruction Faxconfirmation to 403-268-8178 to theattention of 'BylawChecker- Geodetics'. UrbanDevelopment 7. lf duringconstruction thedeveloper, the ownerof thetitledparcel,or of thedevelopment, anyof theiragentsor contractors becomes awareof anycontamination, a. the persondiscovering suchcontamination reportthe shallimmediately to theappropriate regulatory contamination agencyincluding, butnotlimitedto, AlbertaEnvironment, AlbertaHealthServices andTheCityof Calgary(311). b. on Cityof Calgarylandsor utilitycorridors, TheCityof Calgary, Environmental (311). notified andSafetyManagement division shallbe immediately AdvisoryComments Thefollowingadvisorycommentsare providedas a courtesyto the Applicant and registered property represent owner.Thecomments some,butnotallof the requirements in the contained LandUseBylawthatmustbe complied withas partof thisapproval. Pl a n n i ng 8. permitapproval Anyof theconditions maybe appealed.lf you of the development decideto filean appeal,it mustbe submitted to the Subdivision andDevelopment AppealBoard(4thFloor,121231 AvenueNE,Calgary, AB T2E7SB)[DJ3Building] within 14 days of receiptof the decisionletter. An appealalongwithreasonsmust together withpayment fee,to the Subdivision be submitted, of a $100.00 and Development AppealBoard.An appealmayalsobe filedonlineat www.caloarv.calsdab/onlineappeal or mailedto Subdivision andDevelopment Appeals P.O.Box2100,StationM, Calgary Board(#8110), AB T2P2M5. To obtainan appeal pleasevisit form,for information on appealsubmission optionsor theappealprocess, thewebsiteor call403-268-5312. 9. Theapproval Permitdoesnotlimitin anywaytheapplication of thisDevelopment of the regulations in theAlbertaBuilding Code,nordoesit constitute anypermitor permission undertheAlbertaBuilding Code. 10. youshouldbe awarethatBuilding In addition to yourDevelopment Permit, Permit(s) are youmay required.OnceyourDevelopment Permitapplication hasbeenapproved, Permit(s). PleasecontactBuilding Regulations applyfor Building at 403-268-5311 for furtherinformation. Trackyour applicationon-linewith VISTA.Go to: www.calqary.calvista and enteryourJOB ACCESSCODE (JAC) 'l fromthe application form or call Plannrng ServicesCounterat (403)268-531 . DP2014-2738 11. by the2013f loodevent.TheCityof Thisparcelmayhavebeenimpacted Warning: gathered in the2013floodevent,and that,basedon information Calgaryrecommends (2012,Cityof ModelUpdate" in the"Bowand ElbowHydraulic contained analysis to meetingallflood & Water),thatin addition CalgaryandAlbertaEnvironment anybuildings on thisparcelbe designed requirements of the LandUseBylaw1P2007, yearfloodlevel,as 1-in-100 from future any to withstand damage andconstructed follows: damageby floodwaters; a. to preventstructural and at or above1050.7, thefirstf loorof all buildings b. to construct withina building at or above equipment andmechanical all electrical c. to construct 1 0 5 0 .7 . UrbanDevelopment 12. for thecostof publicworkandanydamageduring Thedeveloper shallbe responsible by the Manager, UrbanDevelopment. as required in Cityroadright-of-ways, construction property with public in Citystandards. performed be done accordance shall on Allwork 13. shallensurea timelyand andtheirsitedesignates, Thedeveloper / projectmanager, in specified of allpractices inspection andmaintenance implementation, complete to Water whichwassubmitted erosionandsedimentcontrolreportand/ordrawing(s) must to the ESCdocuments Anyamendments for reviewandacceptance. Resources ESC the in by contacting Water Resources advance by reviewed and approved be Erosion theWaterResources or by contacting thatreviewed thedocuments inspector r at 403-268-2655. ControlCoordinato Forotherprojectswherean erosionandsedimentcontrolreportand/ordrawingshave shall, or theirdesignates, stage,thedeveloper, notbeenrequired at the Priorto Release good andimplement controldrawing develop an erosionandsediment as a minimum, practices to protectonsiteandoffsitestormdrains,andto preventor housekeeping by theforcesof water,windandconstruction of sediment mitigate theoffsitetransport withthecurrenteditionof TheCityof Calgary in accordance traffic(mud-tracking) Control(www.calqarv.calwaterservices/esc). for Erosion andSediment Guidelines and stabilized includestabilization of stockpiles, of goodhousekeeping Someexamples controls, suitable andexits,lotlogsandperimeter entrances construction designated anddustcontrol. storminletprotection a shalldesignate or theirrepresentative, Forall soil disturbingprojects,thedeveloper, of everyseven personto inspectallerosionandsediment a minimum controlpractices precipitation (> 12 mm (7)daysandduring,or within24 hoursof,theonsetof significant events.Notethatsome of rainin 24 hours,or rainon wetor thawingsoils)or snowmelt Erosion control practices inspection. andsediment mayrequiredailyor morefrequent practices winter meet site and conditions. to changing shallbe adjusted 14. Permitapproved on the Development Thegradesmustmatchthegradesindicated Authority, thedeveloper or ownerof the plans.Upona request fromthe Development Engineer or AlbertaLand titledparcelmustconfirmundersealfroma Consulting withthegrades in accordance wasconstructed thatthedevelopment Surveyor, Permit. on the Development submitted and enteryourJOB ACCESSCODE (JAC) Trackyour applicationon-linewith VISTA.Go to: www.caloary.calvista form or call PlanningServicesCounterat (403)268-5311. from the application Page3 TheCityof Calgary STREAM3 AND BYLAWREVIEW INSPECTIONS AND PERMITSERVICES Reasonsfor Approvalfor DP2014-2738 The Reasonsfor Approvaldocumentis intendedto providea short summaryof the permitprocess;responseto concernsraisedby neighbours, development otheraffected partiesand the Community Association; and rationale for any relaxations of the LandUse Bylawgrantedby the Development Authority. Onlythe approvedplansand conditions of approvalare the subjectof an appeal. Scopeand Process Development Scooe: proposes Thisapplication a discretionary Single-Detached Dwelling at 2515ErltonStreetS.W. in thecommunity of Erlton.Thisparcelabutsothersingledetached dwellings to thesouthside. Thesubjectparcelabutsthe ElbowRiveralongthewestandan opengreenspaceto the north. Theprimaryaccessforthisparcelis viaa frontdriveway thatconnects to ErltonStreetS.Won the eastside. The eastdrivewayconnectsto a privategaragethatis attachedto the dwelling building.Thesubjectparcelis designated as R-C2whichprovides for thedevelopment of singledetached dwellings. Dueto thecloseproximity gradingon thesubjectparcel, to the ElbowRiverandtheexisting the floodway areaenvelopes a majority of the parcelresulting in an unduehardship to the physical landowner. Dueto the abovementioned characteristics observed on the parcel, the applicant to submitthe proposal elected as a discretionary usein orderto request the Development Authority to grantfourpivotalrelaxations in orderto facilitate redevelopment. Threeproposed relaxations concern the building forthe proximity setbacks to the rearfloodway areaandtwo relaxations dealwiththeeastfrontbuilding setbackandtheassociated eave projection depthof thebuilding.Moreover, the Development Authority themeritsof assessed thedevelopment's designwouldmeetallfloodmitigation regulations andpolicies. Circulation andNoticePostinq: Thefollowing referees werecirculated: 1. Enmax- No conflict withtheirrespective regulations 2. WardOffice No comment - Thefollowing Association 3. ErltonCommunity comments weresubmitted: A) No opposition fromthe residents surveyed; planning B) Requests policies; a carefulconsideration to allapplicable TheCityof Calgary STREAM3 AND BYLAWREVIEW INSPECTIONS AND PERMITSERVICES C) Lookingforwardto receivethe Reasonsfor Approvalletter. - Support 4. WaterResources proposal thedevelopment for thefollowing reasons: A) The buildingsetbackto floodwayareais supportable, as it leavesverylittleareato developon the subjectparcel; B) Theproposed development willnotextendbeyondtheexisting rearbuilding setbackof theexisting whichis locatedcloseto thefloodway development area; C) No portionof the development encroaches intothe floodwayarea; D) Themainfloor,mechanical andelectrical utilitysystemsareentirely abovethe year recommended 100 floodwaterlevel; E) Theproposed layoutandtheproposal basement garagedoorsand of overhead raisedstorageareasareresponsive to floodmitigation measures. As persection27 of the LandUseBylaw1P2007, the application was NoticePostedfor a one weekperiod. Planning Review: Planning reviews for developments locatedwithinthiscommunity is governed by the LandUseBylaw1P2OO7, ErltonAreaRedevelopment Planandthe LowDensity Residential Housing for Established Guidelines Communities. The Development Authority the meritsof theapplication assessed andconsidered thefollowing: 4.3.1Building fromFrontProperty Setback Line(FrontSetback) Building fromthe FrontProperty Setback Line(orFrontSetback) refersto thedistance fromthe frontproperty lineof a parcelto the nearestpartof thebuilding.Existing dwellings in older neighbourhoods oftenhavegreaterfrontsetbacks thanthe minimum stipulated in the LandUse Bylaw.In orderto maintain the established streetpatternandlimitthe visualimpactof a new houseon existing homes,the depthof thefrontyardof newdevelopment shouldbe consistent withthatof otherbuildings on thestreet. The tront setback of new development respecfs fhe established streetpattern. The DevelopmentAuthority acknowledges that the floodway area envelopes most of the west portion of the parcel which results in a relatively small area for redevelopment. The front building setbackrelaxation was granted to ensure there is sufficient living space for residents. lt was noted that all adjacent buildings on the blackface have been constructed close to the front property line due to the Elbow River. 4.5.1Placement of WindowsandMainFloorOutdoor Amenityspace Whena newinfillbuilding extendsbeyondthe rearof adjacent privacymaybe structures, affected throughoverlooking. privacycangenerally Theexcessive lossof the neighbour's be avoided throughsensitive design. TheCityof Calgary STREAM3 AND BYLAWREVIEW INSPECTIONS AND PERMITSERVICES The proposed post-modernist architectural design provides the necessary wing walls that provide a barrier to eliminate any visual overlooking trom the open deck space to the adjacent south residents. Floodway,FloodFrinqeand OverlandFlowRequlations Authorityacknowledges that the floodway a) Part3, Section59(2)- The Development area envelopesmostof the west portionof the parcel. Consequently, the applicant has proposedto utilizethe same rearbuildingsetbackdistanceof the existing for the new development.Additionally, thereis no portionof the development buildingthat will encroachintothe floodwayarea. This meetsthe minimum requirements set out in the Land Use Bylaw1P2OO7 and satisfiesthe minimum requirements set out by the Water Resourcesgeneralist. Authorityacknowledges b) The Development that the subjectparcelis locatedin both the floodwayarcaand floodfringearea. The proposedmainfloorgeodetic elevationthat containsall electricaland mechanicalequipmentis to be locatedat 1052.45metreswhichis abovethe assessed100yearfloodwaterlevelof 1050.7 metres. Furthermore, the proposalof overheadgaragedoorson botheastand west facadeson the foundationlevelwiththe facilitation of raisedstoragespaces respondto floodmitigationmeasures.Furthermore, it was notedthat all the main floor contextualadjacentbuildingsconsistof elevations that are relatively finishedgrade. All the abovementioneditemsadvance higherthan the respective the publicpurposeof protecting the healthand safetyof all residents. Authorityof their c) The applicantand landownerhaveadvisedthe Development proposalto rehabilitate intentionto makea separatedevelopment the river embankmenton the west side of the parcel. Authorityhas d) Throughconsultations and advisorycomments,the Development takenadditionalmeasuresto informboththe applicantand landowners of their if a subsequent floodeventwas to occur. respectiverolesand responsibilities The followingBylawDiscrepancies tablehighlightsall the relaxations that were granted Authority.All the belowmentioneditemsstillmeetthe intentof the by the Development Land Use Bylawand furtherenhancesthe publicpurposedoctrineto ensurethe health and safetyof residentsthat livecloseto the ElbowRiver. Bylaw Discrepancies Requlation 59 FloodFringe Standard Provided (2) Unlessstatedin subsection Plansindicate the proposed is building TheCityof Calgary STREAM3 AND BYLAWREVIEW INSPECTIONS AND PERMITSERVICES and Overland FlowArea Regulations 435Building Setbackfrom Front Property Line (3),all buildings mustbe setback setback0.00m(-6.00m)fromthe edgeof 6.0metresfromtheedgeof the the floodway. floodway. (1) Fora Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, Duplex Dwelling, Semi-detached, or the min. SingleDetached, building setbackis thegreaterof: (a)thecontextual frontsetback l e s s1 . 5m Required Setback= 4.00m A majority of the parcel is enveloped by the tloodway area. There is no portion of the development that is located within the tloodwav area. Plansindicatethe Eastsetbackis 1.53m (-2.47m). ln addition to the above item, the Development Authority has granted a relaxation for the front building setback in order to ensure the development has sufficient living space and be properly utilized by the landowners. Plansindicatethe Easteavesproject intothesetbackarea. 3.13m(+2.53m) 336 Projections (1)Baywindows andeavesmay projecta max.of 0.6m intothe lntoFront The east eave projection depth frontsetbackarea. relaxation was subsequentlygranted ir SetbackArea associationwith the above mentioned front buildins setbackdistance. 438Building Height (1) For ContextualSingle DetachedDwelling,Duplex Dwelling,Semi-detached Dwellingand SingleDetached D w e l l i n gt ,h e m a x i m u mb u i l d i n g heightis the greaterof: ( a )8 . 6 m Plansindicatethe buildingprojectsinto the max heightplane. The relaxation to the building height is to accommodate the proposed main floor to be located above the recommended 100 year flood water level.
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