El Mensajero •• tluzhqlyvGklGzhuGnhiyplsVGz{UGnhiypls˅zGtlzzlunly 8118 W. Vernor Hwy. • Detroit, MI 48209 Phone: (313)841-0753 Fax: (313) 841-0916 www.archangel-gabriel.org February 14 - 15, 2015 14 - 15 de Febrero del 2015 Actividades Semanales Weekly Activities Domingo/Sunday, 2.15.15 à RCIA, Café, 10am-12pm à Formation Religiosa, Rectoria, 1pm-3pm à Via Crucis Ensayo, Café, 1:30pm-3:30pm Lunes/Monday, 2.16.15 à Catechism/ Catecismo, CCA, 4:30pm-6pm Martes/Tuesday, 2.17.15 à Ballet Folk, Café, 5-8pm Miercoles/Wednesday,2.18.15 à Amigas de Jesus Nutrición, Café, 10am-12pm Jueves/Thursday, 2.19.15 à Ballet Folk, Café, 5-8pm à Coro, Church, 5:45pm9:30pm Viernes/Friday, 2.20.15 à Rosario con Armada Blanca, Church, 6pm à Encuentro Matrimonial, Fr. Bologna, 7pm-10:30pm à Estudio Biblico para adultos/Bible Study for adults, Fr. Bologna, 7:309:30pm à Jovenes Alpha, Café, 67:30pm à Jovenes Adultos, Café, 810pm Sabado/Saturday, 2.21.15 à Catechism/ Catecismo, CCA, 10am-12pm Mass Schedule-Page 3 Horario de Misas-Pagina 3 Cuaresma Tiempo de Reflección La cuaresma comienza con el miércoles de ceniza. La cuaresma es un tiempo de oración, ayuno, arrepentimiento y penitencia. Es tiempo para reflexionar sobre nuestras vidas y tratar de entender a donde vamos. Hay tantas personas dormidas en este mundo que no saben si van o vienen. Tenemos que despertar y prepararnos para ese momento tan inevitable como es la muerte del cuerpo humano. Las palabras que oímos durante la imposición de la ceniza “acuérdate de que eres polvo y al polvo volverás” nos recuerdan que no somos eternos y que en cualquier momento la vida puede terminal. Pero el miércoles de ceniza, hermanos y hermanas, seremos marcados con la señal de la cruz y si nosotros creemos en la cruz de salvación y en el arrepentimiento, esa cruz de ceniza que vamos a recibir se convierte en un emblema de esperanza y superación espiritual que nos llevara a la vida eterna. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Lent is a time for prayer, fasting, conversion, and penitence. It’s also a time to reflect about our own personal lives and to try to understand where we going. There are so many people a sleep in this world, not knowing if they are coming or going. We need to wake up and prepare ourselves for that inevitable moment, the dead of our human body. The words that we hear during the distribution of the ashes “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return” remind us that we are not eternal and life can be gone in a ma%er of seconds. But on Ash Wednesday, brothers and sisters, we will be branded with the sign of the cross. And if we believe in the cross of salvation and repentance, this cross made of ashes becomes an emblem of hope and spiritual conversion that will lead us to eternal life. ~Julia Guzman Via Crucis Schedule Page 4 Horario de Via Crucis Pagina 4 Via Crucis Rehearsals @ 1:30pm in the Cafeteria Those whom are interested in participating are welcome Los ensayos para el via Crucis son a las 1:30pm en la Cafetería. Todos los que quieran participar están bienvenidos Page 2 St. Gabriel Messenger, Detroit St. Gabriel Church 8118 W. Vernor Hwy Detroit, MI 48209 Phone # 313-841-0753 Fax: 313-841-0916 www.archangel-gabriel.org Office Hours/ Horario de Oficina · · · · Monday/ Lunes a Jueves/Thursday Friday/Viernes Saturday/Sabado Sunday/Domingo 9:00am-7:00pm 9:00am-5:00pm 9:00am-12:00pm Closed/Cerrado The office is closed from 12:00pm-1:00pm for lunch. La oficina esta cerrada de 12:00pm a 1:00pm. Parish Directory Rev. Marc Gawronski,..……………......……………...Pastor [email protected] Julia Guzmán,…..….…………..….....…...Pastoral Associate [email protected] Alicia Romero, ………………......….....…..Parish Secretary [email protected] Sergio Ochoa-Calieca..…………..….Evening Receptionist Jeanine Murphy,…………....…… ……...……..Bookkeeper [email protected] Rubi Martinez-Bernet,………........................Music Director Francisco J. Gonzalez Lopez,…………….......Maintenance Ezequiel Colon,…………...........………....…Youth Director [email protected] Religious Education/ Catecismo Mrs. Allen Santisteban-Colon, DRE [email protected] Parish Office: (313) 841-0753 Ext. 11 Catechism Office: (313) 483-2679 Baptisms in English The 2nd Saturday of the month at 11:00am in Spanish & 4th Sunday of the month at 12:00 noon in English Mass. *Note: There will not be Saturday baptisms for the months of January, February, and March 2015 November 23, December 28 Call office to arrange a time. They must attend one preparation class the first Saturday of the month. The godparents/sponsors must be married by the Catholic Church, have received their sacraments and bring in a copy of their marriage certificate. Bautizos en Español El 2do sábado del mes a las 11:00am y 4to domingo de cada mes a las 9:30am, 7:00pm *Nota: No habrá bautizmos los sabados en los meses de Enero, Febrero, y Marzo 2015 Noviembre 8 y 23, Diciembre 13 y 28 Los padres y padrinos deben de asistir a una clase de preparación. Los padrinos tienen que haber recibido sus sacramentos, ser casados por la Iglesia Católica y traer comprobante. Marriage/Matrimonios By appointment six months in advance. The Bride or Groom must be a registered parishioner for at least six months. Comunicarse con el Párroco con 6 meses de anticipación. Misas de Quinceañeras For girls who are members of the parish and are participating in Catechism or the Youth Group. Must have the Sacrament of Confirmation. Jovencitas que son miembros de la parroquia que están participando en el catecismo o en el grupo de jóvenes, y que ya han recibido el Sacramento de la Confirmación. Visits to the Sick/Visitas a los Enfermos Religious Ed. Classes /Clases de Catecismo Monday/Lunes ......................................... 4:30pm-6:00pm Saturday/Sábado ................................... 10:00am-12noon Mass Schedule/ Horario de Misas · · · · Monday/Lunes Tuesday/Martes Wednesday/Miercoles Sunday/Domingo 7:00pm Spanish/Español 7:00pm Spanish/Español 9:00am Spanish/Español 9:30am Spanish/Español 12:00noon Ingles/English 7:00pm Spanish/Español Reconciliation/Reconciliación · · Monday/Lunes Tuesday/Martes 6:00pm 6:00pm Please notify us if a family member is ill, at home or in the hospital so we may bring Communion or the Anointing of the Sick. Favor de informarnos si un miembro de su familia esta enfermo, para llevarle la Comunión o la Unción de los Enfermos. Misa de Sanación/Healing Mass El 1er Viernes del mes a las 7:00 de la noche The 1st Friday of the month at 7:00 in the evening Exposición del Santísimo/ Eucharistic Exposition El 2ndo Viernes del mes a las 6:00 de la noche The 2nd Friday of the month at 6:00 in the evening Change of Address/Cambio de Domicilio Please notify us of any change of address or telephone. Favor de notificarnos de algún cambio de domicilio o de teléfono. Page 3 St. Gabriel Messenger, Detroit Mass Intentions Intenciones de la Misa February 15 - 21, 2015 15 - 21 de Febrero del 2015 9:30am Sunday/Domingo 15: † Raul Doria † Luis Antonio Gonzalez 12:00pm † Jose Romeo Resendez 7:00pm † Alejandrina Ortiz Por la salud de Maria Galot Gonzalez !"#$%&'($%%$)*'%+"+,(,*+'! 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COMPARTE TU TIEMPO, TALENTO Y TESORO. February/Febrero 7 - 8, 2015 WEEKLY BUDGET $ 4,050.00 Loose Collection Envelopes Building Maintenance Second Collection Holyday Collection Children’s Collection Total Collection $ 703.00 $ 1,620.00 $ 141.00 $ 209.00 $ 35.00 $ 4.00 $ 2,712.00 Shortage/Overage $ 1,338.00 Via Crucis en Viernes de Cuaresma/ Via Crucis on Fridays during Lent 7:00pm en el templo/ 7:00pm in the church 20 de febrero St Gabriel en Misiones, Armada Blanca, y Estudio Biblico 27 de Febrero Grupo de Joves 6 de Marzo Amigas de Jesus y Sociedad de la Virgen de Guadalupe 13 de Marzo Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial 20 de Marzo Sagrada Familia 27 de Marzo Grupo de Oracion de JOSUE St Francis D’Assisi - St. Hedwig Lenten Fish Fry Every Friday of Lent St. Francis Hall Sopa, Pan y Palabra 6:00pm en el Salon Padre Anthony Bologna Miercoles, 11 de Marzo Grupo JOSUE Miercoles, 18 de Marzo Sociedad Guadalupana Miercoles, 25 de Marzo San Gabriel en Misiones Dinners from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Carry out available Adults - $9.00 Children - $6.00 (12 & under) For more information call: Parish Rectory: (313)897-7229 Parish Hall: (313)894-0163 St. Gabriel Messenger, Detroit Page 5 Formacion Religiosa - Religious Formation Adrian Dominicans Sisters Hosting ‘Come and See’ February 20-22, 2015 In this Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Sisters of Adrian invite single Catholic women to spend a weekend listening to God’s voice to discern whether they have a call to religious life as Dominican Sisters. The next Come and See Weekend is set for February 20-22, 2015, at the Motherhouse, 1257 E. Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, Michigan. Please arrive between 3:00 and 3:45 p.m. on Friday if possible and join us for dinner at 5:00 p.m. We will conclude with Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m., followed by lunch and departure. Please RSVP by Tuesday, February 10, 2015. For further information or to register, please contact Sister Durstyne Farnan, OP, at [email protected], or call 517-2663537. Registrations will also be taken online, http:// www.adriandominicans.org/BecomeaSister/ ComeandSeeRegistration.aspx Se reúne cada Sábado a las 8:00pm: Noche de Oración En el Salón Padre Anthony Bologna Hay Re!lexión, enseñanza, Testimonios, oración y alabanzas. Estudio Bíblico Para Adultos Estudio Biblico Para Niños Todos los Viernes a las 7:30pm en el salón Padre Bologna Todos están invitados Cada primer y cuarto Viernes del mes a las 6pm - 7:30pm en el salón Padre Bologna Organizada Por Julia y Allen La Preparacion para ADULTOS que necesitan los sacramentos de Confirmación o/y Primera Comunión comenzará el domingo, 18 de Enero del 2015 a la 1:00pm en el sotano de la oficina parroquial. *Favor de llamarnos para mas informacion a 313.841.0753* Preparation for ADULTS that need to complete their sacraments of Confirmation and/or First Communion will begin on Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 1:00pm in the rectory basement. *Please call us for more information at 313.841.0753* Confirmation Retreat March 15, 2015 3:00pm - 7:00pm Fr Bologna Hall & Cafeteria Retiro de Confirmación 15 de Marzo del 2015 3:00pm - 7:00pm Salón Padre Bologna y Cafeteria Page 6 St. Gabriel Messenger, Detroit En la cafetería de San Gabriel Miércoles de 10am-12pm Te esperamos! Para mas información: 313.841.0753 !"#$%&"'()*%#+,'!-.",+/"'0%'1-#'2-34+%,'''''''''''''''' 1.5'2-34+%,'!-.6",+/'7").6'!")#/+,' '''''''''''' !"#$%&'(&)%*(+(,&'(&-"($."./%"0.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1023&453%%6&7%#/3&!"%#$&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& )%*(+(,&86$3.9&&&:0("+(,&;9<<&=&>9?<$@&&&& )%*(+(,&8'#6/%,9&& :0("+(,&A9<<&=&B<9<<$@&&&&&&&&&& COME AND BE REFRESHED DISCOVERING CHRIST Wednesdays at 6:30 – 8:30 PM from Feb. 25th to April 8th Please join us at St. Anne’s Parish Hall (1000 St. Anne St. Detroit, MI 48216) for Discovering Christ. Enjoy a free dinner and childcare, listen to a dynamic teaching and join in a small group discussion about the meaning of life in Jesus Christ. Discovering Christ is a seven-week series that will begin Wednesday, February 25th, and includes a life-changing retreat on Saturday, March 28th. This course, for people 18 and over, is designed to revitalize your faith and that of your family and friends. To Register; please come visit the St. Anne or St. Gabriel rectory. 8+0-#'9'$%',%$'0-4-':;-.%"'<=<>''''''''''''''''''''''' ?$@'-#0'9")'A+,,'4%/%+*%':;-..6%A'<=<>' B4+#C'9")4'B+3,%D'E4-%'.)'B+3,+-' San Gabriel En Misiones Nuestro interés es proveer asistencia a las personas enfermas en los hospitales y en sus casas. Llevar el cuerpo de Cristo a aquellos que no les es posible, por su edad o enfermedad, asistir a Misa. Si hay algún enfermo en tu casa o en el hospital y quisieras que le llevemos la comunión y la Palabra de Dios, comunícate a la oficina parroquial al 313.841.0753 Our interest is to provide assistance to the ill people who are in hospitals or in their homes. We take the body of Christ to those who cannot attend church because of their age or health. If someone in your home or in the hospital needs to receive the body of Christ and the Word of the Lord, please contact the parish office at 313.841.0753 WIETECHA DON GRAHAM FUNERAL HOME MONUMENT CO. Over 85 Years in Southwest Detroit 1005 JUNCTION 849-0120 HUGH H. GRAHAM TAMMY A. GRAHAM 22602 W. Warren 313-278-0380 25685 W. 10 Mile Rd 248-356-7625 Abierto Todo El Año Los 7 Dias de la Semana Horario: 10am-9pm 1214 Lawndale • Detroit (313) 422-5497 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Beautifully Renovated • 1,2, & 3 Bedroom Units Central Air and Appliances Included. For more information, please call or visit our model: Southwest Housing Solution - 1920 25th St. • Ste. A • Detroit (313) 297-1325 5900 Allen Rd., Allen Park (313) 928-2300 F Advertising Information For call James Sabatella today! 1.800.477.4574 ext. 6327 [email protected] 4-D-5-4 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4LPi.com DEARBORN • 23701 Ford Rd. (313) 278-5100 TAYLOR • 23750 Goddard Rd. (313) 291-1800 Preplanning and Cremation Services Available Se Habla Español ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0084/i Cuando yo digo “Buen” tu dices “Vecino” Ahora eso es trabajar en equipo Hablame para acesorarte con tu aseguranza y veras como se siente estar en el equipo #1 Family Owned and Operated Since 1908 Like a good neighbor State Farm is there. Brian A. Joseph, Owner/Chairman Hablame hoy PATRICIA OUELLETTE www.verheyden.org 7725 W. 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Burns, Manager Family Care Medical Center Dr. Wendy McKay M.D. G.P.P.C. Sahir Cittan M.D. • Bill Nordyke D.O. • Primary Care • Adult • Pediatrics • Allergy • Asthma • •Diabetes • EKG • X-Ray 24 HR. ANSWERING SERVICE ( FORMERLY VISTAS NUE VAS ) (formalmente Vistas Neuvas) Serving children 0-5 sirviendo a ninos de 0 a 5 anos de edad 48201, 48202, 48207, 48208, 48209, 48210, 48213 48214, 48215, 48216, 48224, 48226 &/y 48236 Visit www.MatrixHumanServices.org to learn more! Visite MatrixHumanServices.org para aprender mas! (313) 962-5255 (842-8300) Habla Español Tel. (313) 842-8300 • Fax (313) 842-8530 5831 W. Vernor Detroit, MI 48209 988 Vinewood St. Wyandotte, MI Mon-Sat: 6am to 9pm Sunday: 6am to 6pm 313.610.4274 Like us on Facebook www.arandastire.com DETROIT, MI 4-D-5-4 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4LPi.com ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0084/o
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