1 - Miami Dade College

Miami Dade College Thursday, August 28, 2014 The Daily News Clippings Miami Dade College Office of Media Relations 300 N.E. Second Ave., Suite 1350 Miami, Fl. 33132 Tel. 305-237-3366
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Miami Dade College: Top degree producer I The Miami Times I Serving South Florida's...
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;ffltliami m:imesl
Miami Dade College: Top degree producer
Miami Times staff report I 8/28/2014,9 a.m.
Miami Dade College (MDC) confers the most associate degrees according to Community College
Week's Top 100.
This past spring, MDC graduated nearly 15,000 students, most of whom were awarded associate
degrees, many of which feed into the College's baccalaureate degree pathways, which include nursing,
elementary education and biological sciences, among others for in demand fields.
Dr. Eduardo J. Padron
MDC uses the success measure, which is the percentage of students who have graduated, remain
enrolled in good standing, or have transferred in good standing to other academic institutions. The latest
figure is 87 percent for all degree types.
Community College Week's Top 100 lists the colleges conferring the most associate degrees. It analyzes
the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) among the nation's top 100 associate
degree producers.
"We've always maintained that education changes lives, and this report validates this premise," said
MDC President Dr. Eduardo J. Padron. "We strive every day to serve those in need, and are very proud
of the crucial role MDC plays in making higher education accessible and affordable, providing top-of­
the-line programs and an abundance of opportunities to those who may not otherwise have access to a
college education."
http://miamitimesonline.com/news/20 14/aug/28/miami -dade-col lege-top-degree-producerl
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Miami 10
Handful oflocal book publishers still tell South Florida stories By
South Florida produces more
than enough happenings to keep
a book publisher busy for years.
At the moment, there just aren't
that many local publishers to take
on the. stories,.
years independent publishers have
taken advantage of the area's
rich offerings and available infra­
But in an industry undergoing
dramatic change from the Big 5
publishers - Penguin Random
House, Hachette, HarperCollins,
Macmillan and Simon & Schuster
- to the little guy, the questions
remains: why start publishing?
For Arva Parks, her nearly 25­
year publishing venture Centen­
nial Press is a natural extension of
her love for Miami.
Authors and companies get
very personal attention at Cen­
tennial Press. Typically, an orga­
nization approaches Ms. Parks
with a concept or project, some­
times with an author attached.
Ms. Parks will then facilitate the
design, writing and publication,
drawing on her extensive knowl­
edge of Miimi-area history and
her personal archives.
"They just don't send me a
manllscri pt and get a book back,"
Ms. Parks said. "I work with the
companies. That's what makes it
unique as far as the local element.
A lot of the people I end up
working with, I know. "
At'Centennial Press, though
they are sometimes published in­
ternationally, the books are de­
signed and created on a local
some will be paid for by the
author or the company heading
the project, and still others will
follow a more traditional model
of paying for the project in its
entirety and hoping to make back
the money spent in sales.
"There really aren't that many
local publishers," said Mitchell
Kaplan, owner ofBooks & Books
and chair of the Miami Book Fair
International's board of direc­
tors. "Not every town has a lot of
book publishers. Book publish­
ing just isn't something that is
widely prevalent."
Much like starting a local book­
store, done out of a passion for
books, book publishing is most
likely done because "it's some­
thing you feel like you just can't
say no to. Like any of the arts, it's
done out of a sense of pass i n.
It's very idiosyncratic, it takes
one person to really to push it
through," Mr. Kaplan said.
There is space for a viable
"Book publishing just isn't something that is widely prevalent," says Mitchell Kaplan of Books & Books.
traditional publisherin~1iami. But
With Centennial Press getting independent b ookstore never it would take capital and the abil­
scale. Mixed Media Graphics has
ity to withstand losses associated
designed several Centennial Press close to 25 years and close to a hurts.
"We're very lucky that we have with the difficult industry.
books, as has Tom Grabowski & dozen titles, Ms. Parks has had
"The question isn't what would
Associates with designer Peter plenty of opportunities to learn [Mitchell] Kaplan. Frequently he' J1
Zorn. EI<idio Robertson ofGlobal many new things about the city take these books and put them in work best. But the question be­
Print Services Inc. has printed she lives in and works to pro~ his stores. A lot of chains won't comes, is there a need for one in
most of the Centermial's recent mote.
do that. We'd have to go through Miami and what would make there
books; Uke"The BiltmoreHotel,"
. On the distribution side, for a corporate distributor to get the be that need? What would distin­
"Eat at Joe's" and a Ransom Centennial Press publications books in some ofthe bigger book­ guish it from other publishing
Everglades book.
there is often a natural audience stores," Ms . Parks said.
houses?" l\IIr. Kaplan said. "What
Defining an independent pub­ would a publisher in Miami be
"The only time I have a bad day built into each project. For Joe's
is when I don't learn something Stone Crab or Ransom Ever­ lisherisn'teasy.ManysillJllpub­ Joi g that would i11ake it be esnew . The best thing someone
glades, the community around Iishers take the form of a univer-. sential or different?" can say to me is, ' Jeez. I didn't the institution is the intended au­ sity press, and tmaffiliated pub­
dience. But to widen the reach of lishing houses use different pay know that,'" Ms. Parks said.
smaller publishers, help from an models. Some are grant funded, The writing community here has grown tenfold from 25 to 30 year ago, Mr. Kaplan said. And if there ' s someone familiarwiththe disparity between number of po­ tential projects and lack of pub­ lishers, it's a writer. Or in the case of lai-Alai Books, a poet. "There is defmitely no lack of
writerS"and potential M i'ilr,,,r;:;:'p":tc-- . here," said Scott Cunningham, founder of the 0, Miami poetry foundation, and Jai-Alai Books. "There is an insane wealth ofbook projects . .. but actually opening a publishing house and operating it is a whole other story," Mr. Cunningham said. "I don't envision that in
anyone's wildest dreams they
believe ifyou go into business as
a small publisher you'll make
money, because it's so competi­
tive. We don't have the reach of
the big houses, but we do have
Florida. And we do have greater
writers in this state," said Michael
Zealy, founder of the 3-year-old
Midtown Publishing, which op­
erates out ofNew York and South
" Books are expensive to make,
and they're hard to market and
distribute. We' re just trying to
figure out this stuff as we go,"
Mr. Cunningham said. Jai-Alai' s
recently published flrst book "For­
Photo by Maxine Usdan
ager" offers a lyrical look at the Authors gat personal attent ion from Arva Parks of Centennial Press.
" Part of it is a passion for
edible tlora around Greater Ivli­
ami. "Forager" creates a di ffe r­ stories, to just being really ex­
ent kind of map for locals who cited about literature and stories
may have not looked at theirneigh­ and good novels and getting that
borhood as one rip e for picking. work ou t to the public . Because
. 1,500 copies of Forager were stories make a di fference in our
printed. Over 152 pages, "For­ lives," Mr. Dufrense said. "That's
ager: A Subjective Guide to why I teach it, because I love
Miami's Edible Plants " details stories. And you've got to have a
42 edibles plants readers can find passion for it beca use you're
in a Miami backyard. " I had al­ pro bably not go ing to make a lot
ways imagined that this flrst book of money as a publisher, unless
would be a book of poetry but it you're lucky."
Jai-Alai's next two books are
kind of made sense to do this
uber-Miami project," Mr . collections of poetry that are to
be released at the Miami Book
Cunningham said.
While Jai -Alai is a local press, Fair, and while both of the poets
the intention isn ' t to stick to only have ties to Miami , neither lives in
local writers. Instead of placing Miami.
limitations on the press, Mr. 1 "I've wanted to publish books
Cunningham and his team are forthe last IS years, just because
trying to establish a voice that I love books and I love the form,
feels authentic to and inspired by the architechrre bf the book. It's
just an amazing piece oftechnol ­
"Just because a publishing ogy," Mr. Cun.ili ngham said.
Jai-Alai is gearing LIp to take
house is located in Miami doesn't
submissions via its website. Cur­
necessarily mean it's a local pub­
rently it's publishing with money
lisher," said John Dufresne, cre­
ative writing professor at FlU collected throu gh donations and
and author of " Lo ve Warps the sales, and the press has applied
i'vlind a Lillie ,. as well as many for a Knight Arts Challenge grant.
"Miami is a very, very vibrant
others. "As the big publishing
houses consolidate and there are city; maybe the rest of the coun­
try doesn't see that. But we have
fewer opportunities and few pub­
one of the biggest book fairs, a
lishing hOllses for special begin­
ning writers, that slack is being great independent bookstore,"
Mr. Du fresne said. ''It is a good
taken up by smail publishers."
tim e for someone locally to start
Like a lot of aspects of litera­
ture, taking a bet on publish ing a press."
isn ' t a defi nite · way to make
MIFFecitofest to honour Miami's revamped TO'her Theatre
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MIFFecito fest to honour Miami's revamped Tower Theatre
10 July, 2014
I By Jeremy Kay
Top brass at the Miami International Film Festival (Mia miFF) have organised a mid-season festival to celebrate the re­
opening of the Tower Theater.
The four-day MIFFecito will run from October 16-19 exclusively at the Tower Theater.
The event will feature eight to 10 red carpet premieres accompanied by celebrity and film-maker appearances, parties
and "additional social events." Organisers will announce the programme in early September.
The venue was close for several months for renovation works and now boasts 4K digital capabilities.
"Following the overwhelming success of our 31st annual edition this past March, common refrains from Miami movie­
lovers were laments about the long wait until next year's Miami International Film Festival," said MiamiFF executive
director Jaie Laplante.
"Just as Miami's beloved cafecito culture is an enduring part of life in the Magic City, so too will MIFFecito provide the
perfect teaser taste to next year's 32nd edition running March 6-15, 2015."n
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Miami Inti Film Fest announces 'MIFFecito" Festival
IN FOCUS Magazine TV
Miami International Film Festival, Produced and Presented by Miami Dade College, Announces
"MIFFecito" Festival to Celebrate Grand Re-Opening of Historic Tower Theater
A rt Culture & Entertainrrent
Hollyw ood Spotlight
Business Innovation
Worren s Power Netw ork
Miami, FL - Miami International Film Festival (MiamiFF), a program of Miami Dade College's
MDCulture , today announced plans to celebrate the grand re-opening of MDC's Tower Theater, the
classic 1926 mo\.1e house that is one of Miami's oldest cultural landmarks , with a mid-season Festival,
Law TALK Today
After closing the Tower Theater's doors for several months to undergo much-needed repairs , with the
support of the City of Miami led by Commissioner Frank Carollo, MDCulture plans to pro\.1de an even
greater cinematic experience for Miami patrons for the beloved facility's re-opening . Tower Theater patrons
now enjoy big, beautifully immersive cinematic pictures, with a depth, color and realism that is at the
forefront of the new era in global motion picture exhibition, thanks to MDCulture's recent upgrade of
projection equipment to a state-of-the-art 4K digital experience.
To celebrate, MiamiFF has created MIFFecito, a four-day event set for October 16 • 19,2014
, to be held exclusively at MOe's Tower Theater. MIFFecito will distill the annual MIFF
experience of the best of world cinema, into a concentrated weekend of 8 to 10
international, North American, US and Florida red-carpet premieres accompanied by in­
person appearances by visiting filmmakers and stars, as well as parties and additional social
"Following the overwhelming success of our 31st annual edition this past March, common refrains from Miami mo\.1e lovers were laments about the long wait until next year's Miami Intemational Film Festival," said MiamiFF executive director Jaie Laplante. "Just as Miami's beloved 'cafecito' culture is an enduring part of life in the Magic City, so too will 'MIFFecito' pro\.1de the perfect teaser taste to next year's 32nd edition running March 6-15, 2015." The MIFFecito program will be announced in early September. Thousands of guests attended the 31 st annual Festival, which screened 97 feature films and 44 short films from 39 countries . For more information, please \.1sitmiamifilmfestival.com or call 305-237-FILM (3456). The Tower Theater was recognized by USA Today as "one of the 10 great places to see a mo\.1e in splendor" in the newspaper's round-up of the best old-fashioned mo\.1e palaces in America. ~
t"'Oft~ -'rt i,ult\l r~
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Modern Luxury Miami
I M IFFecito, Miami International Film Festival's mid-season e\€nt
MIAMI Google +
MIFFecito, Miami International Film Festival's mid-season
When: October 16, 2014 - October 19, 2014 6:00 PM
Miami Intemational Film Festival (MiamiFF) is hosting MIFFecito, a four-<Jay e'-'3nt held exclusi'-'3ly at
Miami Dade College's Tower Theater in celebration of the theater's recent renovations. MIFFecito will
condense the annual MiamiFF experience of the best of world cinema. into a concentrated weekend of 8
to 10 Intemational. North American. US and Florida red-carpet premieres while also celebrating the
reopening of the Tower Theater. The premieres will be accompanied with in-person appearances by
"siting filmmakers and stars. Tower Theater 1508 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33135.
For more information please visit: www.miamifilmfesl:ival.com
(hltp:/I'................ miamlfilrnfesival com)
or call 305-237-FILM(3456)
(fmjamj/eyents'miffecilo-miami-intemalional-film-feSiival$:mjd-se300012veoVadd to calendar.ics)
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Miffecito: A Mid-Season Taste
of the Miami International
Film Festival
The Miami International Film Festival celebrates the re­
opening of MDC's Tower Theater with a mid-season
Festival. Check out the Miami International Film Festival
website (http://miamifilmfestival.com/ aboutl miffeci ro .aspx)
for a program announcement in early September.
Thursday, October 16,2014 - Sunday,
October 19,2014
Categories: Film Festival (lscreeningsl? category=F ilm + Festi val) Tags: Miami (I screeningsl ?tag=M iami) + gCal (http://www .google.com/calendar/event?action=TEMPLATE&text=Miffeciw%3A+A+MidSeason+Taste+of+the+Miami+lmernational+Film +Festival&dates=20 141 0 IGT213000Z/20 141 020T033000Z)
+ iCal (IscreeningsI2014flO/lGlmiffeciw-a­
film -festival-Iatino- fll m -latin -m ovies?
< September 25:
CineLatino in Denver (I screeningsl20 14/9/251 cinelatino-in-denver-latino-film-latin-movies) Former Miami Dade College art teacher, artist Bob Huff dies at 69 - 08/27/2014 I Miami...
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Bianli !ieral~
Posted on Wed, Aug. 27, 2014
Former Miami Dade College art teacher, artist Bob Huff
dies at 69
By Carli Teproff
[email protected]
Growing up in a family of builders, Robert
"Bob," Huff used his knowledge of
architecture and his passion for tools to
create sculptures, three-dimensional
canvases and other pieces of art.
"There isn't a tool around Bob didn't know
how to use," said Barbara Young, his wife
of 27 years. "He had a wonderful way of
working with materials to create beautiful
pieces of art."
Huff, who was a prominent figure on
Miami's art scene for decades - for his
work and his role as a former professor and
chairman of the art department at Miami
Dade College - died Friday after a long
battle with cancer. He was 69.
Family photo
Robert 'Bob' Huff, a former professor at Miami Dade College and an artist, died Friday at age 69. His wife described her husband as a big
man with a big heart, and said his art and
his can-do spirit kept him fighting until the
"He took everything in stride," she said, adding that his favorite place was in his studio,
fishing or enjoying nature.
Born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 1945, he moved to Dunedin with his family when he was
11. He graduated from the University of South Florida in 1968 with a fine arts degree.
"He was thinking of going into engineering and then he saw a Monet painting and that was
it," said his wife.
Soon after graduating, he started teaching sculpting and 3-D design at was then Miami­
Dade Community College South Campus. Over the years he taught scores of artists-in-the
-making how to work with materials and tools.
Karen Rifas, who took classes with Huff during the 1970s, said Huff helped shape her
career as an artist.
http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/08/27 Iv-print/431290 lIformer-miami -dade-college-art....
was so aware of everyone's nO'~r!" with his bronze work and navigational instruments. re~;se!a
own style and encouraged us
In 1
was named the chairman of the
wife said
in the
of his
world. Using everything including
colorful pieces that often
" said Ruth Shack, a
In the book Miami
in 2007, Huff described
"Architectural form is
work has concentrated on the
the natural free flowing forms
integration and
many of my
as an Imposition on
especially in
for Miami.
a definite influence on
way we see
as a mecca for the sun and sand was
a major
"He had a rare
reflected a
in public places
, Miami International Airport,
been a part of
Lauderdale Museum
rse D
... 8/28/2014 art
His dealer
," she said. "He
, a former
critic at the Miami Herald
years and M
i Art History from 1 a good name,"
In addition
his work,
Miami in fall
is being planned
Rights Reserved.
.. 8/28/2014 4B
~l)i arn i He ial
TID 1as Wyroba, beloved art teacher, mentor
jle'lin'@ Ml amiHeraldcom
.. Thomas W!1roba lov d
making art, but he loved
teaching it even more.
ATId last Sunday, just seven months after he retired
from theNewWorldScho'ol
of the Arts, where he w as
one of its founding teachers,
he died in his sleep.
T he cause of death was
cardiac arrest. He was 64.
"Heretire inJanuary an
it just broke his heart," s ays
Dr. Stace y Manc so, \Vyt'Oba's wife of 43 years and the
principal of Design and AIchitecture High Sch o ol
(DASH). "He [had] that ultimate passion for each and
every student."
"He was an incred ib e
teacher." says Maggie Cuesta, New World's Dean of Visual Arts. "He gave his all
T he studen ts were a huge
part of bis life. Even though
he was tough on them. they
kne w he was their friend help. The 20-some visual
and t..~ey could trust him as a arts students who graduated
each year received between
H.ired for New World's· $8 and $10 million in scholaropening in 1986, Wyroba ship offers, says Cuesta,
taught painting, drawL.,g, ce- much of it because ofWyro-·
ramics, and performance art . ba's advocacy.
th e re for 27. years. ' He
"He went out ofhis way to
brought his verve for per- talk to the col)ege reps; he
fonnance and a sense of hu- had a gift for that," she says.
' mor into the classroom; he : "The reps trusted him"
would jump from the Hoor
One of those students
onto a drawing table to get was Michael Loveland, 41,
st ude nts ' attenti on, and an early New World gradumade his signature "lmuck1e ate and Wyroba student,
. monster " - sm all sculp- who credits his former
tmes - by slamming a fistful teacher with getting him a
of ay onto a table. On Val- full scholarship to the Mary­
entine's Day, he'd pass out land Art Institute. "Without
dozens of hand painted pap- him and New World, I
er heart .
would never have gone to
Ove r th e y ears, he in- college," says Loveland, an
hundreds of aspiring artist who also teaches art.
' artists, playing a crucial role He struggled in school and
in helping them get scholar- was the fIrst person in his
ships at top art sch ools, call- family to go to college.
ing college officials to ex"The [list 20 minutes of
plain why a particularly tal- any conversation was him
ented stu dent des e rved telling you ab o ut his stu-
dents, what they're doing,
where they got accepted,
what award they just won,"
says Loveland. "Teaching
art was something that he
loved and he transferred
that love. He taught me thfs
was something I could do
for a lifetime."
Wyroba's family moved
.from BuffaIo to Miami when
he was 12. A talented baseball player, he chose to study
a..'1: at Ohio State University,
earning a BFA in Ceramics
and one bethe country's flrst
~IFA's in Performance Art.
He and Mancuso met at
school and married in 1982.
The couple moved to Miami
and began teaching art in
Miami-Dade . Public
Schools. They had two
daughters - one of whom,
Alexandra, married one of
, Wyroba's former students
last Saturday.
After Mancuso was c osen to head DASH in 1999,
the couple began a friendly
competition for talent.
"We had a rule in our
house that during the three
months we auditioned stu­
dents we did n ot talk about
it at all," says Mancuso. "If
one of his potentials w ent to
. DASH all hell broke loose."
But they treasured their
roles at Miami's to p art
schools, and their p art in
fostering artists in ! liami as
the ity has boomed as a cuI-
tural center. "It 'was a hwn­
bling privilege to work in
these schools," says Mancu­
so. "To work together ' to
build this portion of the arts
scene in Miami."
She is expecting hun­
dreds of Wyroba's former
students to attend a memo­
rial on Saturday in the De­
sign District. "They're flying
in from all over the country,"
she says. "He did more than
, teach them art - He taugb
them to be tenacious, to go
into the art world and con­
quer it."
Wyroba is survived by
Mancuso' and their daugh­
ters Alexandra, 31, and Eliza­
beth, 29. A memorial will be
held from 2 to 5 p.llL at the
M oore Building, 4040 NE
Second Ave.. Miami. In lieu
of flowers, the family re­
quests that d o nations be
m a d e to MD C-V{yMan
Scholarshi Fund in Wyro­
ba's mem ory.
Dance from previous festival.
Afro-Cuban Dance
. The IFE-ILE Afro-Cuban
Dance Company's 16th annual
Afro Cuban Dance Festival will
include a panel discussion, a
street performance during the
monthly "Viemes Culturales"
(Cultural Fridays) and dance and
drumming workshops, culminat­
ing with a closing gala and live
performance. Aug. 28c30. Mi­
ami Dade College's Koubek
Center, 2705 SWThird St., Little
Havana, Miami. $20 single work­
shop. $15-$20 closing night. Full
day passes and discount pack­
ages also available.
Details : (786) 704-8609 or
www~ ife-ile. org.
calen a
eve ts
Thursday 8/28
A screening of " War Story," a film by Mark Jackso n. The fi 1m tells of a battle-scarred
ph oto journalist (Catherine Keener) as she risks her life to re sc ue a you ng refu gee. In English, Italian, Fre nch with English s ubtitl es. 6:40 p.m . Tower Theater, J 508 SW Eighth St., Mia mi . Details: (305) 642- 1264.
(Poklos ie ) by \YB1tdysB i aw P a sikowsk i follows two brothers from a sma ll village ill Poland as they struggle to rebuild their relation ship, uncovering a dark sec i'et th at forces them to confront tile history of their family and their ho metown. In Polish with Engli sh s ubtitl es. 4:05 p.m. and 9: 15 p.m. Tower Theater. 1508 SW Eighth St., i\1iami. Details: (305) 642- 1264. Miami DWNTWN Art Days 9/19/14-9/21114
Page 1 of7
Find your Soul of Miami ...
Miar'ifti DWNTWNArt Days 9/19/14-9/~1I14
August'l7 , 2014 by James Echols
loul OP rTUanlJ featured Evel\.t
Miami DWNTWN Art Days
September 19-21, All Day
Downtown Miami
Art Days is designed to bring
together and promote the cultural
SEP 19-21
community, in addition to
facilitating and incentivizing art
exhibitions and other cultural
5EP 19-21
activities. tn its third year, Art Days, supported by the Miami Downtown Development Authority (DDA), continues to provide free inspiring art activities across the Downtown cultural landscape . Working in partnership with a variety of arts and culture institutions, organizations and artists, Art Days is a three-day cultural exploration that incorporates countless free events and exhibitions for the community to experience and enjoy. Art Days offers something for everyone from family activities, panet discussions, intemational exhibitions, bike tours, walking tours and so much more! Art Days is comprised of three components : The Hub located at MCAD, 100 NE 1st Ave, Miami, FL 33132 The "hub" is the epicenter for information on Art Days. In 2013 over 130 events took place around Downtown Miami, so it's worthwhile to take a moment and set an itinerary to make the most out of the weekend I The hub is the place to .. ... find someone to help you navigate through the vast amount oflhings to do . ... start most walking and bike tours . ... be creative and paint your own unique t-shirt . .. .hang out and connect with your friends on social media . ... find people to welcome you to Downtown Miami. The Fringe The "Fringe" is a set of curated activations of Downtown Miami in the form of visual and performance art projects . {An aCCidental website Thanks fo
The visual art projects are commissioned, site-specific public art installations, curated by a specialist
everyone who is stopping by. We
hope you find it helpful. Just click
contemporary art curator Amanda Sanfilippo , and located within a one-mile radius around the Hub for easy
on the date below. If you like what
walkability. This years Fringe has been initiated in partnership with Miami Dade County's Art in Public Places.
we do, please remember to tell
your fdends }
Photo by Mitchell Zachs
The Events
Throughout the three day weekend, over 60 diffenent art organizations, culture organizations, non-profits and
artists activate their spaces with exhibitions, performances, cocktails meet and greet , art talks, panels and more.
New for 2014 is an increased family friendly programming and children activities to accommodate the growing
Ei"Ilail Subscription
number of families living in Downtown.
Realizing the lack of perfonming arts in tast years mix of events, the Miami DDA, in collaboration with the
Olympia Theatre, is debuting a series of performance pieces in public areas and venues all around Downtown
As a guideline, here is a schedute forthe weekend:
Thursday: MediaNIP Preview of the Fringe and Art Days
Friday: School tours! Exhibitions openings! post -work cocktail activities
Saturday: Museum day; art tours and exhibitions
Sunday: Cultural activities!bike tours
Click More for the Full List of Events
http://www,soulofmiami.org/20 14/08/27 Imiami-dwntwn-art-days-91914-921141
8/28 /2014
Friday Daytime Events
11 :50pm - Exhibitions - Shangri La
Loren Sanliesteban - Museum Park Melromover Station - 600
2 Ave
08:00pm - Exhibitions
The Diorama Project
TILIArts 1A Tilla Venture
Historic Alfred I. DuPont
169 E Flagler SI
08:00pm - Exhibilions - Texl Messages
I. DuPont
169 E Flagler SI
09:00pm - Exhibitions -
Documents - Centro
- Centro
Espanol- 1490 Biscayne tJlvd
10'OOam - 06:00pm - Children Event
Miami Children's Museum Art Days Extravaganza
Museum - Miami Children's Museum
980 MacArthur Cswy
10:00am - 05:00pm - Exhibitions
Latinos in U.S. Popular Music
Miami Children's
HlstoryMiami - 101 W Flagler St
1O'OOam - 06:00pm - Exhibitions
Giants In The Cily - Giants In The City
1O'OOam - 06:00pm - Exhibitions
Bealriz Mllhazes: Jardim Botanico Exhibition
Museum Miami
tJayfronl Park
301 Biscayne Blvd
Perez Art Museum Miami ­
Click On The Date
- 09:00pm - Exhibitions
Diaspora -
American Art Pavilion - Miami Dream Properties - 2001
Biscaynce Blvd. Suite 113
- 11 :OOam
Stroll Through
T. Wheeler Castillo
Perez Art Museum Miami
11 :OOam - 05:00pm
Knight Arts Plaza
Be Creative
Frost Science Maker Space
Frast Museum of Science
1103 Biscayne
11 :OOam - 10:00pm
Primary presents New Works
Autumn Casey "Agalma" - Primary
151 NE 7 SI
Projects - Primary Projects
11 :OOam - 06:00pm - Exhibitions
Fall Group Exhibition - Avant Gallery
Avant Gallery - 270 Biscayne Blvd
Art AI Fresco
Mary Brickell Village ". 900 S Miami
10131114111111411121141116114 l1n/14 11/8114
11.00am - 0800pm - Exhibitions
Annette Recommends
1:OOam - 08:QOpm
Tour Barcelona - Nina
1:OOam - 12:00pm
Invader Invades
Art Gallery - Nina Torres Fine Art
Theater at Gusman Center-
Olympia Theater at Gusman
11:00am -11:45am
Architecture Tour- Perez Art
Perez Art Museum Miami
Biscayne Blvd
1100am - 12:00pm
Gallery Tours - HisloryMiaml
1130am - 12:15pm -
W Flagler SI
Bealriz Milhazes: Jardim Bolanlco Tour - Perez
Museum Miami - Perez Art
Museum Miami - 1103 Biscayne Blvd
12:00pm - 0500pm - Exhibitions
Galleries of Art + Design
12:00pm - 05:00pm - Exhibitions
12:00pm - 06:00pm
Once Upon an Island by Margarita Cano (Habia Una Vez Una Isla) - MDC
MDC Wolfson Campus, Centre Gallery, 3rd Floor
Sean Townley - Michael Jon Gallery
About Warhol
CU-l Gallery
12:00pm - 08:00pm
300 NE 2 Ave
DWNTWN Art House - 100 NE 11 St
CU-l Gallery - 117 NE 1 Ave
Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO)
12:00pm -
Theater - Olympia Theater
Olympia Theater at Gusman Center-
Invader Invades
Olympia Theater at Gusman Center - 174 E Flagler St
Be Crealive
02:00pm - 04:30pm
Print Workshop - Christopher CarterlSludlos
Christopher Carter StudiOS
1455 N Miami Ave
02:00pm - 04:00pm
Odilia Mezquia
DownlownMiaml.com - Downtown Brickell Visitor Cenler­
900 S Miami Ave
02:00pm - 03.00pm
Guided Gallery Tours
02:00pm - 03.DOpm
Balcony to Basement Tour of Ihe Histone Olympia Theater - Olympia Theater at
HistoryMiami - 101 W Flagler St
- Olympia Theater at Gusman Center - 174 E Flagler SI
02:00pm -
Tours - Downtown Miami Gallery
Hosl - Various venues
Perez Art Museum Miami - Perez Art
02:30pm Blvd
0400pm - 08:00pm
Be Creative
Performances -lively Steps
Architecture & Design
Artisan Lounge - 500 NE
Miami Center for Architeclure & Design­
100 NE 1 Ave
Guided Gallery Tours - HisloryMiami - HistoryMiami - 101 W Flagler St
Gallery Tour
Nina Torres Fine An Gallery
Nina Torres Fine Art Gallery
N Bayshore Dr
Friday Evening Events
Exhibitions - Unexpected 10 Opening Recep!ion
New World School of the Arts
25 NE 2 SI
Festivity - Gel Happy1
Feslivily - Creative Happy
Mary Brickell Village -
Miami Ave
Days - Arts & Bu siness
Center for Architecture & Design
NE 1 Ave
05,30pm - 06:30pm - Tours 8. Activities
Guided Tour: Galleries - T Wheeler Castillo
Dimensions Variable
@ DWNTWN Art House - 100 NE 11 St
- 0900pm - Festivity
I Love
Adrienne ArslH Center-
Cocktall Hour - Adrienne Arshl Cemer
Biscayne Blvd
- 09:00pm - Exhibitions
- Artisan Lounge
the exhibition,
501 NE
09:00pm - Exhibilions - The
Experience Journey
Freedom Tower at Miami Dade
1st Floor
Art + Design
600 Biscayne Blvd
09:00pm - Exhibitions - The Legacy of the Cuban Cultural Diaspora
Freedom lower at Miami Dade College, 1st Floor
I Hear?"
MDC Museum of Art + Design
600 Biscayne Blvd
swing/SPACE/miami by Asser Saint.val- MDC Museum of Art + Design
09:00pm - Exhibitions
MDC Museum of Art + Design, Alumni Gallery - 600 BisC<lyne Blvd
LEBO POPS UP - MDC Museum of Art + Design
09:00pm - Exhibitions
MDC Museum of Art +
Design, Collection Gallery - 600 Biscayne Blvd
06:00pm - 12:00am - Festivlly - 3rd
Art Days Celebration
Miami - McCormick Place
11 SW3St
09:00pm - Festivily
Miami Dade College
06:00pm - 10:00pm
By Side: MDCullure Slands As
- Freedom Tower al
Film Screening
Studio -
Christopher Carter
Siudios - 1455 N Miami Ave
06:00pm - 07:00pm - Performances - Live Performance - Nina IOITes Fine
Gallery - Nina Torres Fine Art
1800 N Bayshore Dr
07:00pm - Late -live Performance
MDC Live Arts - Freedom Tower al Miami Dade College
BisC<lyne Blvd
07:00pm - 08:30pm - Performances
Musica y Aparte - Centro Cultural
Cenlro Cullural
1490 BisC<lyne Blvd
0800pm - 0100am - Performances
M,crolheater, "De Vuella ... " - Centro Cultural Espanol- Centro Cullural
Espaiiol- 1490 Biscayne
Saturday Daytime Events
12:00am -
La -Loren Santiesteban
Museum Par\( Metromover Slation
NE 2 Ave
08:00pm - Exhibilions
The Diorama Project
Venlure - Hisloric Alfred L
Building - 169 E Flagler SI
07:00am - 08:00pm
rext Messages -
TllIArts I A Tilia Venture
Historic Allred I. DuPonl
Building - 169 E Flagler St
09:00am- 05:00pm - Be Creative - The Art Hackalhon
National YoungArts Foundation
Tile LAB Miami 8. Nalional YoungArts Foundalion
2100 BisC<lyne Blvd
10:00am - 03:00pm - Be Crealive - Comic Art Workshop: Draw and Prinl l
Hudspeth and 10m Hart
Turn-Based Press/Kathleen
DWNTWN Art House - 100 NE 11 St
Children Event
Miami Children's Museum Arts Days Exlravaganza - Miami Children'S
980 MacArthur Cswy
Music - HisloryMiami ­
Fxhihjlir,n< - GianlS In The
10:00am - 06:00pm - Exhibilions - Bealriz Milhazes: Jardim
Perez Art Museum Miami
10:00am - 09:00pm
- Perez Art Museum Miami
1103 Biscayne Blvd
Miami Dream Properties - 2001
Diaspora - Latin American Art PaVilion
BisC<lynce Blvd, Suile 113
City Magic Bazaar
TM Sislers
Gusman Center - Olympia Theater at Gusman Center
DWNTWN Art House -100 NE 11 SI
Balcony to Basement Jour of the Historic Olympia Thealer - Olympia Theater at
174 E Flagler St
Miami Center for Archilecture 8. Design
Historic Architeclure Walking
& Design -100 NE 1
Palricia &
ProJecls -
1100am - 04:00pm
Casey "Agalma"
Primary presents
Frost Museum
151 NE 7 SI
"Do You Hear \I\111al
Fall Group Exhibition
exh ibition - Artisan Lounge
501 NE 1 Ave
11 :OOam - 06:00pm
Avanl Gallery
Avan! Gallery
270 Biscayne Blvd
11 :OOam - 08:00pm
Exhlbitiol1s - Shifting Nature, The lighting Room
100 NE
11 SI
Exhibitions - Plot - Dimensions Variable
Exhibitions - Art AI Fresco
DWNTWN Art House
100 NE 11 St
DownlownMiamLcom - Mary Brickell Village
900 S Miami
Screening - Invader Invades
Olympia - Olympia Thealer al
Center - 174 E Flagler St
Miami DWNTWN Art
Page 4 of7
12:30pm - Performances - Music at Fellowship Hall- Artisan Lounge/Christ
- Fellowship
HistoryMiami - HistoryMiami
Botanico Tour - Perez
- Perez Art
Museum Miami - 1103 Biscayne
04:00pm - Be Creative
06:00pm - Be Creative
500 NE
- MDC Museum of
Art + Design - Freedom Tower at Miami
College, lsi Floor·- 600 Biscayne
12:00pm - 05:00pm - Exhibitions - Once Upon an Island by Margarita Cano (Habia Una Vez Una Isla) - MDC
Galleries of Art + Design - MDC Wolfson Campus, Centre Gallery, 3rd Floor - 300 NE 2 Ave
All About Warhol
12:00pm - 07:00pm
Exodus: Alternative Documents
CU-1 Gallery - CU-1 Gallery
117 NE 1 Ave
Centro Cultural Espanol
Centro Cultural
Espanol- 1490 Biscayne Blvd
1200pm - 08:00pm
"Fleeting Imaginaries" - Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO)-
Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation
1018 N Miami Ave
2:00pm - 08:00pm
Museum of Art + Design
- Freedom Tower
12:00pm - 08:00pm
- Freedom Tower
of Art + Design
The Legacy of the Cuban Cultural Diaspora
Miami Dade
12:00pm - 08:00pm
- 600 Biscayne Blvd
swing/SPACE/miami by Asser Saint-Val
MDC Museum of Art + Design, Alumni Gallery
12:00pm - 0800pm
of Art + Design ­
600 Biscayne Blvd
Exhibillons - WorkIWork - MDC Museum of Art + Design
Design, Main Galleries
12:00pm - 08:00pm
MDC Museum of An +
600 Biscayne Blvd
12:00pm - 08:00pm - Exhibitions
Sean Townley - Michael Jon Gallery
DWNTWN Art House - 100 NE 11 St
World Tour Barcelona - Nina Torres Fine Art Gallery - Nina Torres Fine Art
Gallery - 1800 N Bayshore
Screening - The Drive In Studio - Christopher CarterlSludios - Christopher Carter
12:00pm - 09:00pm -
Balcony to Basement Tour of the Historic Olympia Theater - Olympia Theater at
01 :DOpm
Bold Botanicals: Family
- Perez
Art Museum Miami
01 :DOpm - 05:00pm - Exhibitions
Open Studios - McCormick Place
Place Miami
SW3 St
01:00pm - 02:00pm -
Screening - Invader Invades the Olympia
Theater at Gusman Center
Olympia Theater al Gusman Center - 174 E Flagler St
02:00pm - 04:00pm - Be Crealive
Family Art Activity - HistoryMiami
02:00pm - 04:00pm - Be Creative
Drawing Class by Emerson Calderon
Miami Center ior Architecture & Design
02:00pm - 04:30pm
101 W Flagler St
Miami DDA / Emerson Calderon ­
100 NE 1 Ave
8e Crealive - Print Workshop - Christopher Carter/Studios - Christopher Carter Siudios­
1455 N Miami Ave
02:00pm - 04:00pm
Odilia Mezquia - DowntownMiami.com
Downtown Brickell Visitor Center­
900 S Miami Ave
Bealriz Milhazes
Art Museum
- Perez Art Museum
Art Collection Guided
12 St
02:00pm - 03 OOpm
Tours - Balcony to Basement Tour of
Gusman Center
Guided Gallery Tours
HisloryMiami -101 W Flagler St
Olympia Theater - Olympia Theater at
Olympia Theater at Gusman Cenler - 174 E Flagler SI
progressive Studio Tour
Artisan Lounge - Artisan Lounge - 501 NE 1 Ave
Overview Galleries Tour
Perez Art Museum Miami - Perez Art Museum Miami
1103 Biscayne Blvd
04:00pm - 06.00pm
Be Creative
MDC - MDC Museum of Art
First Draft: A Literary Social
Design, 2nd Floor -
The Center for Literature and Theatre @
Biscayne Blvd
Performances - Music at Fellowship
Artisan Lounge/Miami Jazz & Film SOCiety
Performances - History on IM1"els - Front yard Theatre Coltective - HistoryMiami
Guided Gallery Tours
Gallery Tour
Art Days BEACHEDMiar11l Bike Tour
Flagler St
N Bayshore
0400pm - 07:00pm
BeachedMiami - Cisneros Fontanals Art
1018 N Miami Ave
Saturday Evening Events
11 :OOpm - Performances - Downlown Art House & Other Electricities present Bobby Flan,
FSIK - DWNTWN An House - 100 NE 11 St
- Performances - Live Performance
Nina Torres Fine Art Gallery
Nina Torres Fine Art
- 07:30pm
Cisneros Fontanals Art
07:00pm - 11 :OOpm - Exhibitions - Tell II 10 My Face ­
DWNTWN Art House - 100 NE 11 SI
0800pm - 01 :OOam - Performances
Mlcrotllealer, "De Vuella . " - Cenlro Cultural Espariol
Centro Cullural
Espaliol- 1490 Biscayne Blvd
0800pm - 1OOOpm - Performances - Illuminations - Magnus Sodamin
08:00pm - 09:00pm - Talks - Centennial' Cundo Bermudez
PrimaryProjecls - 151 NE 7 St
DownlownMiamrcom - Museum Park - 1075
Biscayne Blvd
Sunday Daytime Events
11 :59pm
Loren Santiesteban
Exhibitions - The Diorama Project
169 E Flagler 51
Station - 600
Museum ParK
NE 2 Ave
D700am - 08:00pm
Building OB45am
Exhibitions - Text Messages
TILIArts I A Tilia Venture
TILIArts! A Tilia Venture
Histonc Alfred
Hisloric Alfred I. DuPont
Flagler SI
Miami Dade Counly. Communily Image I Bike 305­
Bike Miami-Dade's Cultural
- 11
NW 1 51
Creative - The
& Nalional YoungArls Foundalion
Museum Arts Days Extravaganza
- Exhibitions
02 OOpm ­ Exhibitions ­
Art House
Face - Turn-Based
Miami Children's
100 NE II SI
Hudspeth and Tom
Art House -100 NE 1 SI
Exhibition - Avant Gallery
11 :OOam
12:00pm - Film Screenlllg
Olympia Theater at Gusman Center
11 :45am - Tours
Invader Invades the Olympia
Gallery - 270 Biscayne
Olympia Theater at Gusman Cenler
174 E Flagler SI
Bealnz Milhazes: Jardim Botanico Tour
Perez Art Museum Miami
Perez Art
Museum Miami - 1103 Biscayne Blvd
Gallery Tours - HisloryMiami
WordPress Workshop
HistoryMiami - 101 W Flagler
- Perez Art
- Miami Center for ArChitecture &
- Perez Art
Biscayne BI vd
05:00pm - Exhibitions
Fresco - DowntownMiamLcom - Mary Brickell Village
05:00pm - Exhibitions
American Sabor: Latinos in U.S Popular Music - Hislol)'Mlami
HisloryMiami - 101 W Flagler St
Gallelies of Art + Design
Once Upon an Island by Margarila Cano (Habia Una Vez Una Isla)
Wolfson Campus, Centre Gallery, 3rd Floor - 300 NE 2 Ave
2:00pm - 05:00pm
DWNTWN Art House -
- 05:00pm
Primary presents New
NE 11 51
Casey "Agalma" - Primary
All About Warhol - CU-1
12:00pm - 0630pm
- Artisan Lounge ­
501 NE 1 Ave
1200pm - 08:00pm - Exhibitions - The Exile Expenence: Journey to Freedom - MDC Museum of Art + Design
Freedom Tower al Miami Dade College, 151 Floor - 600 Biscayne Blvd
200pm - 08:00pm
Exhibitions - The Legacy of the Cuban Cultural Diaspora - MDC Museum of Art + Design
Freedom Tower at
2:00pm - 08:00pm
- swing/SPACE/miami by Asser Saini-Val - MDC Museum of Art + Design
14 Miami DWNTWN Art Days 9/19/14-9/21/14
Page 6 of7
MDC Museum of An + Design, Alumni Gallery - 600 Biscayne Blvd
12:00pm - 08:00pm - Exhibitions - WorkIWork - MDC Museum of An + Design - MDC Museum of An +
Design , Main Galleries - 600 Biscayne Blvd
12:00pm - 01 :OOpm - Tours - Balcony to Basement Tour or the Historic Olympia Theater - Olympia Theater at
Gusman Center - Olympia Theater at Gusman Center - 174 E Flagler St
12:00pm - 12:45pm - Tours - Tour the "Tower": History + An - MDC Museum or An + Design - Freedom Tower
at Miami Dade College - 600 Biscayne Blvd
12:00pm - 01 :OOpm - Tours & Activities - Guided Tour: Site-Speci fi c - T. Wheeler Castillo - Slephen P. Clark
Govemmenl Center - 111 NW 1 St
01 :OOpm - 05:00pm - Exhibitions - Open Studios - McCormick Place Miami - McCormick Place Miami - 111
SW3 St
01 :OOpm - 02:00pm - Film Screening - Invader Invades the Olympia - Olympia Theater at Gusman Center­
Olympia Theater at Gusman Center - 174 E Flagler St
01 :OOpm - 01 :45pm - Tours - Tour the "Tower': History + An - MDC Museum or An + Design - Freedom Tower
at Miami Dade College - 600 Biscayne Blvd
02:00pm - 04 :00pm - Be Creative - Family An Activity - HistoryMiami - HistoryMiami - 101 W Flagler St
02:00pm - 06 :00pm - Be Creative - Community Mural - Anisan Lounge - Anisan Lounge - 501 NE 1 Ave
02:00pm - 04 :00pm - Exhibitions - Odilia Mezquia - DowntownMiami .com - Downtown Brickell Visitor Center­
900 S Miami Ave
02 :00pm - 02:45pm - Tours - Tour the "Tower": History + An - MDC Museum or An + DeSign - Freedom Tower
at Miami Dade College - 600 Biscayne Blvd
02 :00pm - 03:00pm - Tours - An Collection Guided Tours - Hampton Inn Hotel- Hampton Inn Hotel - 50 SW
12 St
02:00pm - 03 :00pm - Tours - Guided Gallery Tours - HlstoryMiami - HistoryMiami - 101 W Flagler St
02:00pm - 03:00pm - Tours - Balcony to Basement Tour or the Historic Olympia Theater - Olympia Theater at
Gusman Center - Olympia Theater at Gusman Center - 174 E Flagler St
02:00pm - 03 :00pm - Tours - Guided Tour: Miami-Dade Cultural Center - T. Wheeler Caslilio - Cacique's
Corner - 112 W Flagler SI
02 :00pm - 04:00pm - Tours - Progressive Studio Tour - Anisan Lounge - Anisan Lounge - 501 NE 1 Ave
02:30pm - 03:15pm - Tours - Beatriz Milhazes: Jardim Botanico Tour - Perez An Museum Miami - Perez Art
Museum Miami - 1103 Biscayne Blvd
03:00pm - 03 :45pm - Tours - Tour the "Tower': History + An - MDC Museum of An + Design - Freedom Tower
at Miami Dade College - 600 Biscayne Blvd
04:00pm - 08 :00pm - Exhibitions - World Tour Barcelona - Nina Torres Fine An Gallery - Nina Torres Fine An
Gallery - 1800 N Bayshore Dr
04 :00pm - 06:00pm - Performances - History on Wheel s - Front yard Theatre Collective - HistoryMiami - 101
W Flagler St
04:00pm - 04:45pm - Tours - Tour the "Tower': History + An - MDC Museum or An + Design - Freedom Tower
at Miami Dade College - 600 Biscayne Blvd
04:00pm - 05 :00pm - Tours - Guided Gallery Tours - HistoryMiami - HistoryMiami - 101 W Flagler St
04:00pm - 06 :00pm - Tours - Gallery Tour - Nina Torres Fine An Gallery- Nina Torres Fine An Gallery - 1800
N Bayshore Dr
05:00pm - 05:45pm - Tours - Tour the "Tower" : History + An - MDC Museum or An + Design - Freedom Tower
at Miami Dade College - 600 Biscayne Blvd
Sunday Evening Events
06:00pm - 07 :00pm - Performances - Live Performance - Nina Torres Fine An Gallery- Nina Torre s Fine An
Gallery- 1800 N Bayshore Dr
07:00pm - 10:00pm - Performances - Microtheater, "De Vuelta ..... - Centro Cultural Espaiiol- Centro Cultural
Espaiiol - 1490 Biscayne Blvd
07:00pm - 08 :30pm - Performances - CF After Dark - Anisan Lounge/Christ Fellowship - Fellowship Hall at
Christ Fellowship - 500 NE 1 Ave
SEP 19-21
Be sure to tell them Soul Of Miami sent you! Click here to sign up for the Soul Of Miami email list. Sharing is Caring http://www,sou10fmiami,orgI20 14/08127Imiami-dwntwn-art-days-91914-921141
Lacoreografa Neri
Torres hace un guiiio a
la danza contemporanea
y propane su lado mas
creativo sin faltar
a las raices
University, Jorge-Morejon,
profesor de la Universidad
de Las Antillas, en Trini­
[email protected] dad Tobago, y Neri Torres,
coreografa y profesora de
El grupo de danza afro­ la Universidad de Las Anti­
cubana Ife-ne, bajo la di­ lIas, en Barbados.
recci6n .artistica de la
coreografa cuban a Neri "Proveemos
Torres, present.a su fes­
tival anual en el Koubek espectaculos, .
Center, este fin de semana. conferencias,
"Comenzamos el jueves,
a las 7 p.m., con una diser­ talle~s y clases para
taci6n sobre el proceso co­ mantener vivas las
. reograficoy la aplieaci6n
de las raices afrocubanas raices culturales" ,
en la danza contempo­
ranea como metodo de
EI viernes, a las 7 p.m., el
creatividad", adelanto a grupo Ife-Ile hara una pre­
DIARIO LAS AMERICAS sentacion especial en la ta­
la directora artistica.
rima de Viernes Cultural,
La entrada a la conferen­ situada en la plaza del par­
cia es libre y el panel de que Antonio Maceo, calle
conferencistas estara in­ 8 y avenida 15, al lado del
tegrado por Yvonne Hous­ cine Tower.
ton, profesora de Barry "Estaremos acompafia­
dos por el grupo musical
Son Cubano Chevere y la
cantante RegIa Cumba.
Bailaremos algunos de los
actos dedicados a los ori­
shas, rumba cubana, de
salsa y una gran conga",
anticip6 Torres.
EI sabado sera dedicado a
las sesiones de talleres de
danza ypercusion, de 9
a.m. a 5 p.m., que abarca
desde el baile tradicional
afrocubano y la rumba
hasta la salsa, el casino
y el cubaton. TodD €sto
sera impartido por artis­
tas y profesores invitados,
incluyendo Neri Torres.
Debe llamar 786 704 8609
para obtener informacion
detallada y matricular se.
. "No nos limitamos a la
danza afrocubana, sino que
apostamos por la variedad
de la danza contempora­
nea", resalto la coreografa y
profesora de dariza.
Luego, a las 8 p.m., el Kou­
bek Center acogera la fiesta
de clausura del festival.
"Hemos preparado una
funcion especial que
cuenta con los bailes del
cicIo Abakua y sus iremes,
que 'son los diablitos que
tanto gustan, asi como
un pequeno homenaje
a Celia Cruz con la can­
cion La negra tiene tum­
bao, I? siempre esperada
danza para los oris has y
una estampa del baile de
las chancletas que tanto
gusta", aseguro.
De hecho, el g'r upo Ife~
Ile fue creado hace 18 afios
en Miami por Neri Torres
con la determinaci on de
preservar y promocicnc.r
la cultura afrocubana por
medio de las artes •
Miami reabre su teatro Tower con "MIFFecito", una versi6n corta del MiamiFF - Noticias... Page 1 of 3
J~,rras'ra t:111~ono has~a i.E) h.;.trrn de herramlenta s pa ra a nclar:o en esla pagjna
Hotwal l
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,u,pIPnder mas
Co mlenza tu
CD~lai'/!IS da
dia co n MS
h''ltCI:Jf seal:'"
Like ~ ~,t-:
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'- :F- l ':.U"P.'.-J LR, ')f) 0ru201"
Miami reabre su teatro Tower con "MIFFecito", una versi6n corta del MiamiFF Con motivo de la reapertura del popular teatro Tower, el Miami Dade College celebrara del 16 al 19 de octubre proximo el Festival MIFFecito , version
reducida del Miami International Film Festival (Mia miFF).
COIl ~ pa rtJr
Co mpa rtit
Miami , 26 ago IHEUSA). COil mOli vo de la reapertura del popular lealro Tower. al Miami (J ed e College celeb ra,,; del16 al19 de oclubre proximo el Fesr,val MIFi=eelro . vers ion
reduclda del Miami International Film Festival (MiamIFF) . Jessica Wade Pfefer, presidenta del MiamiFF, explico a Efe que MIFFeciio servira de anticlpo de 10 que se podra ver en la IrigesllTIo segunda edici6n del fe stival . que se cele brara en 2015. ESle nuevo ce rtamen . que recibe el nombre de MIFFeato en aluslon a un "cafecito" , par ser una ve rsion pequena a carta del famoso MiamiFF . se realizara en la cia sica sa la de
dlle , inaugurada en 1926 y que lie va me ses cerrada al publico par reformas
AI iguaJ que la querida "cuJlura del cafecito" de Miami, el MIFFecito sera el "estimu!ante perfec!o" para la proxima edici6n del festival , que tendra lugar del6 al 15 de marzo de
2015, explico Ja ie Laplante. director ejecutivo del MiamiF F.
Durante los cuatro dias del festi va l se proyec taran de 8 a 10 estrenos inlernaC[onales y co ntaran con la presencia de cinea slas y estrellas invitadas
Los organizadores anunciaro n que los espectadores del teatm Tower podran d,sfrutar de obras clnemalograficas "a la vanguardia de una nueva era de exhlbicion de peJiculas" ,
ya que la s instala ciones contaran can un equipo de proyeccio n digital 4K. que liene cualro veces ma s resoluclon que el estandar HD 1080p. EF EUSA
Copyrighl (e) Age ne," EFE. S A. 20 14 . rodos los derechos re servados
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Feria del Libro de Cordoba 2014 I : :Hipermedu1a.org
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Feria del Libro de Cordoba
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2014 4 people like this Sign Up 10 see wha t your friends like .
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o Juo vcs 28 de ag osto .
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Cordoba. Argentina Del 28 de agoslo al14 de septlembre de 2014.
XXIX edicion de la Feria del Libro C6rdoba
Cordo ba evoca. con voca y provoca
Pais invitado : Espana
Inauguraci6n Jueves 28 de agoslo de 201 4 /1930h5.
Patio Mayor. Cablldo Historico I PB
hrtp:llcullura.c o rdoba.gov
Ver Agenda de Actividades
XXIX edicion de la Feria del Libro Cordoba
La XXIX edici6n de la Feria del Libro C6rdoba, se desarroliara desde el 28 de agoslo hasla el14 de sepllembre de 2014,
en la emblematlca Plaza San Man in; bajo ellema "C6rdoba evoca, convoca y provoca". apostando por la diverslficacion
de tematlcas y adlvidades, nutriendo el acontecimiento cultural por excelencia de los cordobeses y del interior del pais.
Orga nizada en conlunto por la Municipalidad de Cordob a, la Universidad Nacional de C6rdoba , la Sociedad Argentina
de Escrito res (SADE). la Camara de librerias Papelerias y Afines del Centro de la Republica (CALIPACER) y el
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Gobierno de la Provincia de C6rdoba, esta edlclon de la Feria tendra a Espana como pais invitado y con tara con 2659
m2 de instalaciones para recorrer
Por tercer ano consecutivo, la Feria det Libro Cordoba contara con el rol de un curador, en esa ocasion desempenado por la
escritora lumina Mercad o , La programacio n de la Feria esta artlculada bajo los ejes que su le ma planlea; en palabras de
su curadora:
'Evocar realizando una mlfada sobre el pasado de C6rdoba, Il acia qUienes h/cieron delle nguaje un rnstrumen/o para (undar
un pensamiento disco/o, que fructifica en la d/sensi6n y se ennquece en la polemica. Convocar a quienes hacen libra de la
palabra y a quienes sa ben leer esa palabra, protagonistas de un estado de la Cultura que se prodiga en su diversidad y
exige en multiples regls/ros. Provocar un fuego dialect/co ante 10 diferente, un cuest/onamiento al orden de 10 real: una
expectativa de cambio en el trazado de la vida cotid/ana ".
Du rante la inauguracion de ta Feria del Libro se conocera el ganador del Premio Alberto Burn/chon al L/bro Mejor Ed/lado en
Cordoba y se homenajeara se a Julio Cortazar con una intervenclon en et Patio Mayor del Cabildo y la lectura del capitulo
7 de Rayuela. mediante una performance .
Durante la apertura, habra una instalacion que consta de propueslas contemplativas e in teractivas, de las cuales las
primeras estan condensadas en el montaje de varias rayuelas ploteada s en las columna s que rodean al Patio Mayor .
Ademas se proyectara una pieza de videoarte que interactLJa constantemente con un regislro en VIVO de 10 que acontece en
la inauguracion Sobre eSle lienzo se plasmar!ln Irases que el publico en general va a ir acercando a traves de las redes
soclales con el hashtag #CortazarEnLaFeria y bajo la premlsa : Cua l es ta (rase que mas te Qusta de CorttJZar?". De esta
manera el publico podra Interactuar a traves de su presencia y a traves de sus tweets en VIVO
Por olro tado el artista Marcos Jalil real izara una intervencl on centrada en "Rayuela ". en ta Plaza San Martin ,
Horarios de visita: lun es a saba do de 11 a 22 hs ,
Domi ngos de 15 a 22 hs
Toda s las actividades son con entrada Llbre y Gratulla
Espana en la Feria del Libro 2014
Centro Cultural Espana C6rdoba (CCEC)
httll ;lIccec.org.ar
Espana es el pais invitado en la XXIX edicion de la Fena del Llbro Cordoba 2014. Desde el Centro Cullural Espana Cordoba
(CCEC) se desarrollara una grilla de actividades diversa desde el 28 de agoslo hasta el 14 de septlembre en el CCEC
(Entre Rios 40). en el Cabildo Hist6rico de Cordoba (tndependencia 30) y en ta Plaza San Martin
Viernes 29 de agosto - 19 hs
Conferencia Nueva Literatura Espanola: cuatro posibles paisajes
Dlctada por EmiliO RUlz Maleo
Lugar: Centro Cultural Espana Cordoba (E ntre Rios 40)
Viernes 29 de Agosto - 15hs
Charla Videoconferencia presentaci6n Premios Creaci6n INJUVE 2013
Participan. Martha Asuncion Alo nso. Laura Caslelles. y poelas locale s
Modera: Emilio Ruiz Maleo
Lugar : Centro Cultural Espana Cordoba (Entre Rios 40)
Sabado 30 de agosto - 19 hs
Presentacion Novela Limbo
Presenla' Julieta Fanti ni y Agusl in Fernandez Mallo Ed , A lfaguara
Lugar' Centro Cultural Espana Cordoba (Entre Rios 40)
Domingo 31 de agoslo - 20 hs
Elsa Punsel: Presentaci6n y Charla de EI mundo en tus manos Ed. Planeta
Lugar ' Cabildo Historlco
Miercoles 3 de sepliembre - 19 hs
Elvira Navarro presenta La trabajadora Ed. Random House
Prese nta . Emilio RUiz Mateo y Elvrra Navarro
Lugar: Centro Cultural Espana Cordoba (Entre Rio s 40)
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Jueves 11 de septlembre - 20 hs Alexis Ravelo - Cicio Cordoba Mata: Charla "Como se escribe en Espana" Presen tacion Ilbros . La ultima tumba y La estrateg ia de l peklnes Lugar Cablldo Historico Sabado 13 de septiembre 19 hs Presentacion y lectura EI tiempo menos solo de Abraham Gragera Luga r: Centro Cultural Espana Cordoba (Entre Rios 40) Sabado 13 de septiembre 21. 30hs Concierto de Tato lopez Luga r: Centro Cultural Espana Cordoba (Entre Rios 40) Emilio Ruiz Mateo Sinopsis: Un acercamiento a los espacios comunes en la narrativa espanola del momento Una busqueda de cOrrlentes en las que ublcar a los autores con las propuestas mas sugerentes y seguldas por los buenos lectores. Ofreceremos una mirada sobre la escena litera ria espanola estruc!urada en cuatro grandes palsajes : nueva novela social, autoficci6n, Generaclon Nocilla (0 mas bien su cadaver) y flccion pura. Emilio Ruiz Mateo es critico Iiterario. perlodista y gestor cultural. En la actualidad dirige el portal literario Estandarte.com. referente y decano (fue creado en 1997) en Informacion literaria y editorial de Espana . Es redactor de contenidos literarios de la cadena de establecimientos comerGIales FNAC, colaborador de Enfemenino .com y Micrarevista.com, asi como coordlnador web y community manager del Centro Cultural Conde Duque (Madrid) . Ha desarrollado proyectos web como el portal de informacion cultural Notodo.com Entre sus trabajos edltoriales se encuentran las revistas Ene (especial izada en relato breve) y 0JodePez (de fotog rafia documental), el catalogo Ablerto x Obras (para Matadero Madrid) y la guia oficial MADrid About You (para Tunsmo Comunidad de Madrid). En su perfi l profesional tambien destacan sus trabajos como coord inador y comisario de festivales y eventos culturales (La Noche de los Llbros de Madrid , Festival Ene , Mia mi Book Fair International). Es consultor asociado de Container Contenidos . INJUVE La muestra, dirigida por A nlonio Altarriba , reune obras de 18 j6venes iluslradores e historietislas espanoles menores de 30 anos, y rue inaugurada en la Tabacalera , Espado Promocion del Arte en Madnd en diciembre de 2012 . Mas Inform acion c lie Ilea: Calii logo INJUVE Martha Asuncion Alonso (Mad nd. 1986) es licenciada en Filologia Francesa por la Universidad Complulense de Madrid y master en Estudios Avanzados en H' del Arte por la Universidad de Zaragoza . con una teslna sobre postgraffiti y poesia urbana Es autora de los poemarios Skinny Cap (Llbros de la Herida, 20 14). La soledad m olla (RIA LP, 2013. Premio Adonais de Poesia) Detener la primavera (Hipenon, 2011. Premio Antonio Carvajal de Poesia Joven), Crisalida (Alhulia , 2010 . Premlo de Poesia Voces Nuevas del Ayto y la Academia de Buena s Letra s de Granada) y Cronologia verde de un otono (UCM. 2009, Premlo Bias de Otero de Poesia) En 2012, su libro Detener la primavera obtuvo un nuevo reconocimiento' el Premio Naclonal de Poesia Joven Miguel Hernandez de ese ano. concedido por el Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte. EI prayecto Skinny Cap merecio una ayuda a la creaci6n del Injuve. Fue premio La Voz + Joven de la Obra Social de Caja Madrid en 2009. Ha sido inclulda en diversas antologias de poesia reclente y publicado textos en revistas literarlas como Quimera , Piedra del Molino, Elias dicen, Nayagua, Ex Libris 0 Mordisco. Una seleccion de su obra ha sido traduclda al griego . laura Casielies (Pola de Siero, Asturias, 1986) es una escritora espanola dedicada pnncipalmente a la poes ia. Casielles es licenciada en penodismo par la Un iversidad Complutense de Madrid y master en estudios arabes e islamlcos contemporaneos por la Universidad A ut6noma de Madrid . Vi ve en Madnd , tras resldir en anos anteriores en Paris y Rabat. Forma pa rte de ta coordrnaci6n general de un portal de anal iSIs e informacl6n de la vida arabe . Realiza traducciones del frances. En 2008 public6 su primer libra, Soldado que huye (Hesperya). En 2010 obtuvo el XIII Premio de Poesia Joven Antonio Ca rvajal con su segundo poemario , Los Idlomas comunes. Esta obra rue galardonada con el Premio Nacional de Poesia Joven Miguel Hernandez 20 11. concedldo por el Minlsterio de Educacion , Cultura y Deporte. En 2014 publico su tercer poemario. Las senales que hacemos en los mapas (Llbros de la Herida ) Ha publicado poemas, articulos, entrevistas y traducclones en revi stas y peri6dicos como Hesperya . Elias dicen de Ml RS. Nayagua (publicacion del Centro de Poesia Jo se Hierro) . Cuadernos En 2007 fue premio La Voz + Joven de Caja Madrid y La Casa Encendida. Fue ganadora del primer premio en el certamen Arte Joven Latina 2009 en la categoria de poesia con un conjunto tltulado Eras y Diablos . Agustin Fernandez Mallo http://hi permedula.org/20 14/08/feria-del-libro-de-cordoba-20 141
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Limbo Tras el Proyecto Nocilia, Agustin Femimdez Malio regresa con una nueva nove la que abre una vez mas caminos.
una novela que recuerda formalmenle a Roberto Bolano por la multiplicldad de recursos. voces narrallvas, hislorias y
escenanos. Avenlura. amor, muerte , supervivencia . miedo. la idea del cion y las duplicidades son algunos de los temas que
se abordan Insos pechados .
Agustin Fernand ez Malio (La Coruna , 1967) es licenciado en Cle ncias Fislcas . En el ano 2000 acuna el lermino Poesia
Poslpoelica. que ha quedado reflejado en diversos poemarios En 2006 pone en marcha el Proyeclo Nocilia y pu blica su
pnmera novela , Nocllia Dream, a la que Ie slguieron Nocilia Experience (2008) y Nocilla Lab (2009) Ta mblen es suyo ellibro
de cuenlos. El hacedor (de Borges), Remake (2011). Adema s, mantiene, junlo con Eloy Fernandez Porta, el duo de spoken
word : «AHerpop Fernandez & Fernandez» (musica, video y tex los). Tlene el blog
hltp:Jlblogs.aifaguara,c omlfern andozmaiio y, jun to con Juan Fellu, el grupo de rnusica FndaLaponia ,
Il ttp:llwww tr ida lapollia.com
Elsa Punset
El mundo en Ius manos. Se trala de un libro interactivo que une conoclmlenlo y practlca en el que Elsa Punsel nos facilila el
camino con suge rencia s y ejercicios a modo de enlrenamiento para comprender y enlrenar nuestra menle y las
competencias que nos van a permltir decidir, convivir y prosperar
Si Una mochila para el universe se centraba en el ambito personal de la inleligencla emocional , en esle nuevo libro la aulora
abre su mirada para ayudarnos a enlender mejor como conectamos con los dema s en un mundo cada vez mas
interconectado en lodos los sentidos, que nos obliga a conVIVlr mas que nunca
Cada uno de los capitulos los leclores enconlrarim los siguienles conlenidos:
Un analisis con las prinopales claves
Un lesl que Ie ayudara a conocer y siluar lu intel igencia social , y a saber que partes puedes polenciar y en lrenar
Una secclon final de entrenamienlo ("manos a la obra") que ayuda a poner en pracllca los conocim ientos adqulridos en cada
Elsa Pun set es escnlora y dlvulgadora. Su deslacada presencia en medios de comunicacion, lalieres y conferencias la han
consolidado como una de las pnncipales referenclas en el ambilo de habla hispana en la aplicaclon de la inlellgencla
emocional como herramienla para el cambio positivo.
Naclda en Londres , Elsa es Ilcenciada en Filosofia y Lelras. Master en Humanidades por la Universidad de Oxford y en
Period lsmo por la Universidad Aul6noma de Madrid Dirige el Laboratorio de AprendizaJe SOCi al y Emocional (LASE) , ha
colaborado en El Hormiguero y con la seccion La mirada de Elsa en Redes.
Mas informacion www.elsaplI ll set.c oml @elsap unset
Elvira Navarro
La Irabajadora Esla novela, que confirma a Elvira Navarro como una de las voces mas singulares de su generacion, es
qUiza una de las pocas de la lileralura espanola reclente que indaga en la patologia mental Sin desligarla del conlexto social
en el que se produce. En eslas pagina s la enfermedad acaba por ofrecerse como signo de la normalidad . Tras su lectura
surge la Inevllable cuestion de si en un escena rio como el actual , donde los proyectos comunes parecen haberse
desvanecido, es posible vi vir fuera de 10 palologico y contar algo que no sea patologia .
Elvira Navarro (Huelva, 1978) estudio Filosofia en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ha publicado dos libros
complemenlanos. La ciudad en invierno (2007) y La ciu dad feli z (2009). La lrabajado ra es su tercera novela. Es la mbien
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autora del blog Penferia (www .madrfdesperlferla.b logspoL com), un work In progress sobre los barrios de Madrid que
explora los espa cios lim itrofes e ind efinld os En 20 10 fue in cluida en la lista de los 22 meJores narradores en lengua
espanola menores de 35 anos de la re vista Granta.
Alexis Ravel o
La ultima tumba. En 1988 , Adrian Mira nda Gil. un chapero drogodependiente, fue condenado a 29 anos de pri slon par el
brutat aseslnato de Diego Jimenez Dar ias . asesor de un importa nte dirigente politico reg ional. En 2011. tras cumplir mas de
veinte anos de condena, Adrian afronta ia libertad condiciona l como un preso modelo, desintoxicado y centrado en su
rehabili tacion. Pero, en secreto. ya ha comenzado a urdIC su venganza . Poco a poco . con mlnuciosa crueldad, Miranda Ira
adentrandose en ell abe rint o de mentiras urdidas por los conspiradores. cada uno de ettos
La estrategia del pequines EI Rubio dej6 de delinquir hace decadas. pe ro la grave enfermedad de su mujer Ie hace
replantearse las cosas cuando Junior, un distribuidor local de cocaina, Ie propone atracar al testaferro de sus jefes en Gran
Canaria La estrategia del pequines es mostrarse Fiero y aprovechar cualquler despiste del adversario para atacar y hUir.
Eso sera 10 que hagan los protagonistas de esta noveta cuando descubran que Ie han pis ado la cola a un tigre y se vean
inmersos en una persecucion frenetica en la que iran dejando un rastro sa ngriento.
Ate xis Ravelo (Las Palma s de G ran Canaria, 1971) imparte talleres de escntura y coordina activid ades de animaclon a la
lectura, ademas de escribir teatro y gUlones para audlov isuaies. Escritor especialmente desta cado en el campo de la noveia
negra. el cuento y el microrrelato, ha estado ligado al mundo de ta s letras desde muy Joven. Desde 2006 , ha publlcado .
ademas de La ultima tumba , otras siete novelas' la s cua tro que confarman la Se rie Etadlo Monroy (Tres fun erales para
Elad lo Monroy, Solo los muertos , Los tipOS duros no leen poesia y Mom despacio) , La noche de piedra y Los dias de
mercurio (que forman el diptico La Iniquldad) y La estrategla del pequines. publlcada en este mismo ano y que se ha
supuesto un notable exito critico y de ventas
Mas informaCion :
al~x i s ravelo , wordp rcss . co m
Abraham Gragera
EI tiempo menos solo. Y el angel dilO entonces te ensena re qu e pintan ahora los maestros antlguos. Y me lIevo a otra sala . y me mostro un palsale una lag una de aguas verdiazules. con huettas de un naufragio . y una multitud en cada orilla . Quienes son . pregunt"' . por que ttoran. Los que nacleron en el siglo de ia mu erte de la muerte. respondlo: los que ya nunca podran cruzar al otro lado. "Laguna" Abrah am Gragera (Madrid , 1973) . ha publicado Adio s a la epoca de los grandes ca racteres (Pre- Textos. 2005) Tambien para la editorial Pre-Textos ha traducido, ind ividualmente y en colaboracion, a Louise GlOck, W S. Merwin y Pascal QUlg nard . Colabora con la co re6g rafa Luz Arcas en la compania de dan za contemporanea La Pharmaco. Tata L6pez
Cantautor madrileno, afincado en Ga licia (Santiago de Compostela) , Ileva con SU muslca y SLi palabra re volu cionando la
musica de autor con su s rilmos y su poesia, convirtlendose en uno de los musicos mas destacados del momenta en Galicia
Es un "ca ntautor" de largo rec orrr do; su musica navega desde hermosisi mas ca nClones de amor de gran calidad litera ria a
canciones Insuml sas contra graves problema s socia les como las guerras
el maitrato.
canciones constru idas sobre texlos
+ info llnp :/Iccec.org .ar
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Hipermed ul a Goog le'" 27 agoslo .;>0' 4 Pubhcado por' Hipermed u la
Tambien te puede interesar:
Feria del Libro C6rdoba 2012
Ponencias para la Feria Del Libro
Buenos Aires 2013
Tres En Raya, Feria Del Libro
Agenda Hipermedula
2all AGO
27'I AGO
2311SE P
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Pincelada sobre el proyecto "Somos un pueblo" (#Cuba #EEUU #Contrarrevoluci6n) I
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Pincelada sobre el proyecto "Somos un
pueblo" (#Cuba #EEUU #Contrarrevoluci6n)
Deja un comentario
(h Ups://cubaconamalia.files.wordpress.com/2014/0S/crc3ada­
cuervos.jpg)Un recuento necesario
Cuando el ex estudiante de segundo ano de medicina, San Miguel
Molina Cobas mostro sus dotes de agitador y se vinculo con la
Ferrer comenzo a potenciarlo como posible "lider juvenil" y en corto
tiempo paso a integrar el proyecto subversivo (disfrazado de
inocentes becas estudiantiles) "Somos un solo Pueblo".
Sinopsis del proyecto y su fracaso
El proyecto Somos un Solo Pueblo, fue creado por la Fundacion para
los Derechos Humanos en Cuba (FHRC, por sus siglas en ingles) en colaboracion con el Miami Dade
College (MDC) y el curso inicio en enero pasado con 17 estudiantes, entre ellos Molina Cobas; quienes
alegaban "que no podrian realizarse profesionalmente en la isla por sus ideales politicos", sin embargo llegaron
al MDC para recibir entrenamiento en tecnicas subversivas; aunque al iniciarse el curso, Rolando
Montoya, Rector de dicha institucion, nego la vinculacion del mismo con la politica.
EI proyecto ya habia dado de que hablar entre contrarrevolucionarios de la isla por el evidente
nepotismo que reino en la seleccion de los becarios, como por ejemplo la hija de Berta Soler y Angel
Moya, Lienys Caridad Moya Soler, una sobrina de Moya, otra sobrina del "Coco" Farinas y la hija de
Felix Navarro y tambien entre grupos contrarrevolucionarios de Miami en rivalidad con la Fundacion
Nacional Cubano Americana (FNCA), por el dinero que les otorga la USAID, por el bajo nivel de los
estudiantes seleccionados y por las sospechas de que estas becas podrian ser la justificacion para
emigrar; aunque a su llegada, los jovenes fueron obligados a prestar juramento de regresar a Cuba so
pena de reembolsar los gastos incurridos, aproximadamente de 16 mil USD.
Pero esta advertencia fue en vano y a pesar de paseos, encuentros con politicos como Bob Menendez e
Ileana Ross, tres de los chicos faltaron al juramento y decidieron quedarse en EE.UU . Sus nombres: el
rapero Raudel Collazo, Aleidys Cata Moya, sobrina de Berta Soler y Angel Moya y para sorpresa -quizas
no tan sorpresa- de los miembros de la UNPACU, el ahijado de Jose Daniel Ferrer, San Miguel Molina
Cobas; a quien no Ie importo defraudar a su padrino.
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Pincelada sobre el proyecto "Somos un pueblo" (#Cuba #EEUU #Contrarrevoluci6n)
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A raiz del escandalo que hab!an provocado anteriormente estos becarios, criticados por la OpinIOn
publica por sus comportamientos inadecuados (hasta consumo de drogas, razon por la que el graffitero
conocido por El Sexto tuvo que regresar a la isla antes de tiempo) y por los tres "factores de cambio" que
se les quedaron alla, el Departamento de Estado y la USAID critican a la FNCA y sus directivos as! como
a los patrocinadores del proyecto en Cuba: Berta Soler y Coco Farinas por la mala seleccion de los
estudiantes, ademas de que la propia Soler, segun revela el periodista Edmundo Garda
(http ://latardesemueve .com/archivesI1934), no solo permitio a esos jovenes viajar a Miami conociendo
sus intenciones de desertar sino que los apoya en su decision de no regresar a Cuba, oponiendose
abiertamente a las instrucciones de su principal patrocinador. En consecuencia, se han suspendido las
becas en el MDC as! que los contrarrevolucionarios en la isla con ganas de emigrar tendran que esperar
a que se les ocurra un nuevo proyecto, as! sea el mismo perro con diferente collar.
las expectativas de Ferrer Garda?
Segun el blog Miradas Encontradas, San Miguet pecando 0 haciendose el ingenuo, planteo en
UNIVISION 23 que la Fundacion no 10 apoya: "No entiende que no quieran (La Fundaci6n) que hagamos [0
mismo que elios hicieron", como si no supiera que no es alla donde "hace falta ", si no aqu! en Santiago de
Cuba para -con las estrategias de subversion aprehendidas en el MDC- servir mejor a la "causa".
As! que, Ferrer Garda tambien tendra que esperar a que aparezca otro joven " con habilidades", mientras
dicen que no hay quien Ie hable de San Miguel Molina Cobas, pero ya 10 dice un viejo refran: "Cria
cuervos, que ya te sacaran los ojos".
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8/28 /2014
Escrito r de cuentos infantiles
Jon Sciezka promueve la lectura
e El autor de Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor
visit6 el Legions Park en la pequeiia Haiti para leerle a
los niiios y promover el programa Read to Learn Books
' for Free del Centro de Literatura y Teatro del M DC Y The
. Children's Trust, el cual incentiva la lectura al permitir a
I~s niiios lIevarse libros gratis a su casa.
. _ - - - ----- --_.
• Por el exito alcanzado, el Teatro Tower del
MDC prolonga la presentacion del filme venezo­
lana Azul y no tan rosa. La cinta, galardonada
con el Premio Goya al Mejor Film Iberoamerica­
· no, se exhibe hasta el jueves 28.1508 SW 8 St. ,
.pequeiia Habana. lruormes, www.towertheater­
miamLcom 0 en (305) 643-8706.
• Ellnstituto de Investigaciones Cubanas de
FIU invita a la charla La cultura cubana contern­
poranea: notas·sabre el pensamiento alternativo,
de la Dra. Madeline Camara; Jueves 28, 12:30 p.m., en el salon 220 de la Biblioteca Green. In­
formes y confirinacion de asistencia, (305) . · 348-19910 [email protected].
• Elinstituto -de Investigaciones Cubanas
invita ala presentacion dellibro Cartograjia
corporal, de la Dra. Lillian Guerra. Jueves 28, 8
p.m., en Books &Books (265 Aragon Ave., Coral
Gables). Informes y confirmacion de asistencia,
(305) 348-1991 0 [email protected].
• Miami .Power Team Foundation, Inc. invita a
qqienes tengan unniiio 0 nilla con alglin tipo de
discapacidad, a su taller mensual de pintura
solo para niiios especiales (sin costo alguno), en
Sweetwater. Domingo 31, 1 p_m. Esta organiza­
cion ayuda a niiioscon cancer, impedimentos
fisicos, autismo, sindrome de Down; ciegos 0
con poco tiempo de vida. Qui.enes quieran donar
lienzos, pinceles y pinturas para estos niiios, 10 .
.pueden llevar personalmente. Informes, (7501
SW 117 Ave., 83-0921), www.miamipowerteam.org
o (786) 586-9150.
• Clases vocacionales en el Interamerican Campus de MDC. Se reanudan las clases de Creacion y Composicion Literaria; #837355, lunes, desde e18 de septiembre, de 8:10 a 10:10 p.m. Tambi€m Historia y Apreciacion de la Mu­
sica Cubana, #837359, martes, desde el 9 de sep­
tiembre, de 8:10 a 10:10 p.m. Informes, (305)
442.-0518. MatricUle por la internet 0 en el
• La Pena Teobaldo Rossell anuncia su proxi­
ma reunion, que tendra como orador invitado a
Ramon Saw Sanchez, fundador del Movimiento
Democracia; este hablara sobre la lucha civica
· por la democracia en Cuba.,Viernes 29, 12:30
p.m., en el Big Five Club (600 SW 92 Ave.)
. • Community Performing Arts invita a las
celebraciones de la herel1cia hispana saludando
la independencia de Centroamerica y Mexico,
con la partitipacion de otros paises hispanos.
Musica, entretenimiento, com ida y diversion
para toda la familia . Domingo 14, des de las 11
· a.m., en Miami Marlins Stadium (501 Marlins
Way). Entrada y parqueo gratis. (305) 256-5775.
iAI rescatel
Heather C. Osorio
MOC AlumnO Complinnce Specialist JJniversity of Miami 1~ '
}1 j;u,lli D..adc , .
,. , • . College
. ". 'I/WW,InJwlumnl.cOln,