Universität des Saarlandes

Technology Offer
Temperature-Resistant Electrocompetent Cells
Using the electroporation process, electrical pulses create pores that allow
genetic material to permeate the bacterial membrane of electrocompetent cells.
The limiting factor for this standard laboratory method is the efficiency by which
DNA can be introduced into E. coli. Commercially available electrocompetent
cells are being delivered frozen at about -70 to -80°C. The conventional wisdom
is that storage at a higher temperature, for example at -20°C or higher, will
result in a significant decrease in viability and transformation efficiency.
We are looking for partners for further
development and commercialisation of
the invention.
Different licensing models are negotiable.
IP Rights
An international application is pending.
Commercially available competent
cells (ECC1-5) with advertised
average transformation efficiencies and price per reaction (blue
bars, green line). Average transformation efficiency of commercially available strain ECC1 and
new established strain ECC generated electrocompetent by new
patented protocol (striped blue)
Dr. Susanne Heiligenstein
WuT – Universität des Saarlandes
Wissens- und Technologietransfer
Starterzentrum | Gebäude A1 1
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Inventors of Saarland University have established a new method and created a
new bacterial strain to generate electrocompetent bacterial cells with a
transformation efficiency of up to 5,6 x 1010, which can be handled at room
temperature. This electrocompetent cells can be stored at 4°C without losing
transformation efficiency. Also the new established protocol is able to improve
the transformation efficiencies of commercially available bacterial cells.
Tel. +49 681 938-6382
Fax +49 681 938-6903
[email protected]
Electrocompetent cells with a maximum efficiency of 5,6 x 10
No handling of electrocompetent cells on ice or storage at -70°C
No shipping of electrocompetent cells on dry ice necessary
Preparation method and electrocompetent cells optimized for linear to
linear Red/ET homologous recombination where library construction
and screening is not needed
Only small amounts of input DNA needed to reduce overall costs
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