Exercises to “Standard Model of Particle Physics II”

Exercises to “Standard Model of Particle Physics II”
Winter 2014/15
Dr. Werner Rodejohann
Sheet 1
Exercise 1: Global symmetry transformations [5 Points]
a) Derive the Noether theorem for a global symmetry transformation of the following Lagrange density:
L = L (ui , ∂µ ui )
In other words, find an expression for the conserved current under the field transformation
ui (x) → u0i (x) = uj (x)eiTij k ∼
= ui (x) + δui (x) with δui (x) = iTijk k uj (x). Here the Tijk
denote the generators of the algebra of the corresponding symmetry group and k the
infinitesimal, space-time independent coefficients.
b) Apply your formula to the Lagrange density of a massive complex scalar field:
L = (∂µ φ)(∂ µ φ∗ ) − m2 φ∗ φ
What is the conserved current in this case?
Hint: Use φ(x) → φ0 (x) = ei φ(x) as transformation of the scalar field.
Exercise 2: Local symmetry transformations in QED [5 Points]
Show that the Lagrange density of QED
/ − m)ψ − Fµν F µν ,
LQED = ψ(iD
with Dµ = ∂µ − ieAµ and Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ , is invariant under the local symmetry transformations
ψ → ψ 0 = e−i(x) ψ
ψ → ψ 0 = ψei(x)
Aµ → A0µ = Aµ − ∂µ (x)
Exercise 3: General local symmetry transformations [10 Points]
Now, we want the Lagrange density L = L (ui , ∂µ ui ) to be invariant under a local symmetry
transformation. Local symmetry means that, now, the infinitesimal parameters k (x) depend
on the space-time coordinates, and the fields ui transform as
ui (x) → u0i (x) = uj (x)eiTij k (x) ∼
= ui (x) + δui (x)
δui (x) = iTijk k (x)uj (x).
a) With the transformation properties of the ui ’s given above, show that we need to introduce
a new field to keep L invariant under the local symmetry transformation.
b) Extend the system by a set of additional vector fields Aµk (one for each generator Tijk ), so
that the Lagrange density does not depend on their derivatives: L = L (ui , ∂µ ui , Aµk ).
Assume that the transformation properties of the new fields are of the following form
(where P and R denote, at first, unspecified matrices):
Aµl (x) → A0µl (x) = Aµl (x) + Plm
Aµm (x)k (x) + Rlk ∂µ k (x).
Derive general conditions for the matrices P and R from the variational principle.
c) Consider the following Lagrange density
L = (Dµ ui )(Dµ ui ),
where the covariant derivative of the fields ui is given by Dµ ui = ∂µ ui + gijk Aµj uk and
ijk denotes the totally anti-symmetric tensor. From the results from b) find a relation
between the matrix Rlk and the generators Tijk .
Bonus: Can you find a solution for the matrix P ?
Discussion: Compare global and local symmetries. How would you interpret the physical
meaning of locally conserved quantities?
Pascal Humbert, email: [email protected]
Tutorials homepage: http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/manitop/StandardModel2/exercise.html
Hand-in and discussion of sheet:
during tutorial on Thursday, 30.10.14, 9.15 am, kHs, Philosophenweg 12