Dr. Peter Gerner-Smidt is a Danish MD, ScD with specialty

Dr. Peter Gerner-Smidt is a Danish MD, ScD with specialty in
clinical microbiology. He is the chief of the Enteric Diseases
Laboratory Branch in the Division for Foodborne, Waterborne
and Environmental Diseases at Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention in Atlanta, United States.
Before moving to the United States in 2004, he was the Head
of the Danish Reference Centre for Enteric Pathogens and
Listeria at Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen. His research
interests are the epidemiology, including subtyping and
identification of foodborne, zoonotic and enteric bacterial
pathogens. He has co-authored more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals,
the majority dealing with bacterial taxonomy, identification, epidemiology, and
He is leading the effort to implement whole genome sequencing for surveillance of
bacterial foodborne infections at CDC and involved in its implementation globally
through the Global Microbial Identifier initiative, PulseNet International and the WHOGFN.