情報科学系セミナー(第2回) テー マ 「Digital Transformation」 講 演 者 : Th e i n O o 氏 Board of Directors University of Information Technology (Visiting Professor, JAIST) 日 時:平成 28 年 9 月 6 日(火)15:30~16:30 場 所:情報科学系 コラボ7 講演要旨: While it is widely accepted that digital transformation creates many opportunities, faster growth and better services to make the world better, but there are many challenges that are preventing the digital revolution from fulfilling its potential. Digital technologies have been spreading rapidly in much of the world. Yet Digital dividends-the broader development benefits from using these technologies-have lagged behind. Their aggregate impact has fallen short and is unevenly distributed. In countries where fundamentals are weak, digital technologies have not boosted productivity or reduced inequality, Full benefits of the digital transformation will not be realized unless countries continue to improve their business climate, invest in people’s education and health, and promote good governance by strengthening regulations. This presentation is aimed to accelerate serious discussion on digital transformation to benefit everyone everywhere and, why Digital Transformation is important for any people living in different environment such as developing (e.g. Myanmar) and developed countries (e.g. Japan), why digital dividends vary and digital divide effects eco-socio divide, and how can we both poor and rich countries can work together for fulfilling digital transformation potentials to create a better world. 参 参加 加申 申込 込・ ・予 予約 約は は不 不要 要で です す。 。直 直接 接会 会場 場に にお お越 越し しく くだ ださ さい い。 。 問 問合 合せ せ先 先: :共 共通 通事 事務 務管 管理 理課 課共 共通 通事 事務 務第 第二 二係 係( (EE--mmaaiill: :iiss--sseeccrr) )
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