26th September 2014
Individual and Family photos will be taking place on Monday. Please ensure all children have their
correct full school uniform.
Friends of Finborough are holding a NON UNIFORM DAY and COFFEE AFTERNOON on Friday 3rd
October 3.30pm – 5.30pm in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support. Please can all children wear appropriate
clothing, sensible shoes (NO jewellery, short shorts/skirts or ripped jeans) but most importantly all bring
£1.00 to donate. Any cakes/biscuits will be much appreciated for the coffee afternoon – please leave these
in the school office on Friday morning. Thank you for your continued support.
Bonjour, buenos días, guten Tag, kalimera, goede morgen, buongiorno, gudde moien, merħba, bom dia,
grüß Gott, добър ден, jó napot kívánok, Dia duit, dzień dobry
To celebrate European Languages Day the kitchen served up a distinctly European menu on Thursday. A
very British roast, an Italian pasta and Spanish paella were all on the menu! In the evening some of our
Spanish students created a tapas bar to tempt our taste buds.
Senior school sport:
We have had a fantastic start to the year with the U12 rugby team beating Langley in a very tight contest,
and victory for the U16 rugby team in a triangular against Stoke and Langley. The U16's were also
successful against Kings Ely the week before.
The girls have had a disappointing start with many matches being cancelled by the opposition but in the
matches played so far have been successful with a notable victory for the U14/15 team over Gosfield (6-2)
English Department website
For your information, the link to the English Department website is as follows:
http://nbennett108.wix.com/the-english-dep. Not only is this a good way of keeping abreast with what's
going in the classrooms at present but students' work will be showcased as the term progresses. It
contains links to revision sites and downloadable resources for Years 7-9 homework. It also gives you the
opportunity to send the Head of English a quick message if you wish.
Finborough Student News- the online news site
Students across Years 7 to 9 have developed an online newspaper! The content, design and everything
else is all a result of their work with no input at all from teachers. While this is still in embryo, it gives
students the opportunity to get involved in something that could be around for a long time, to be part of a
legacy. To view what they have done so far, please visit http://studentfsn.wix.com/fsn1. Particular praise
should go to Charlotte Nettleton, Henry Hammond, Emily Metcalfe and Charlie Taylor for getting the whole
thing off the ground. Well done and keep up the good work!
Another busy week, due in no small part to our visitors. They had a fantastic time with us and the Early
Years were able to show off all the excellent work that they have been doing. We feel very positive about
the outcome and can’t wait to get the official feedback. This should be in about four weeks and we look
forward to sending you the report when it is sent to us.
The Current Affairs Board outside Miss Bird’s office has really taken off! – a lot of articles being put up on
the noticeboard and it is great to see the number and range of children who pause briefly to have a quick
read – the Dinosaur article, particularly, had some interest.
The Harvest Festival on Tuesday 7th October, is fast approaching, 10.00am in Finborough Church.
Refreshments will be served in the Orangery after the service. Please let the school office know if
you would like to attend. Harvest Festival donations can be brought in to form tutors now and we will
organise them into a display in the foyer as the produce builds up.
The new Positions of Responsibility for the first half of the year have been voted on over the last
two weeks and badges awarded to:
Head Boy
Head Girl
Robin Basu
Danni Ager
Deputy Head Boy
Deputy Head girl
Casper Munro-Smith
Ashleigh Homer
Churchill House Captains
William Bayliss & Connie Shaw
Nelson House Captains
Jasmine Price & Toby Steggles
Marlborough House Captains
Rosie Comley & Woody Jackson
Thomas Crabb, Florence Culley, Theo Kingsbury, Sally Zhou,
James Bennett & Alexandra True-Holloway, Alysha Walker
Prep 4 - Mrs Walton’s class was the first up for our Form Assemblies and with a newscast theme, AngloSaxons and Aliens from outer space made an appearance. The children loved the performance and the
dressing up. Good fun year 4, thank you for that!
Friday’s assembly focused on the need of determination in our lives (a reoccurring theme), at school, on
the sports field, at any age and that when compared with the example of Nathan Stephens we really do not
have many excuses!
Next week’s Form Assembly is from Mrs Downey’s Prep 4 class and the topic is a closely guarded secret –
apparently it will be somewhat of a surprise. Once again, we look forward to your presence in the audience
and if you have time for tea and coffee afterwards.
Wednesday’s Year 6 cake sale raising money for the library was a great success, organised and run by the
children. The girls and boys involved managed to raise the princely sum of £47. A great effort but even
better than that a fantastic advert for independent action and a really mature approach to things.
Mr Drury’s Ironman – a short report I asked for but the adrenaline is obviously still flowing – if I had put it in
here there would not be room for anything else. For Mr Drury’s report please link to the school website:
The International Festival (Friday 17th October). Mr Beeston is the contact for offers of help:
[email protected]
Individual and family photographs on Monday so nice and tidy please! Prep 5 River Trip on Tuesday, Prep
2 trip to the Deaf Centre in Bury on Wednesday. Busy, busy, busy!
Sports Fixtures:
U9A Football (home) v St Josephs – This was a real challenge. There was no denying the strength of the
opposition, they were really, really strong, some very fine footballers. But we started well and put real
pressure on the opposition and worked hard towards the end of the 1st half as St Jo’s came back at us.
Some great tackling on the edge of the area looked to clear the final danger but as the ball bounced clear,
their star player struck a completely unexpected but unstoppable volley in to the corner of our goal. A real
shame to go into the second half one down! The second half saw us under a lot of pressure but stout
hearts and brave keeping kept our goal intact, and we made a few breaks ourselves, a couple of goals
would not have been unfair. A body slam (certainly not in the FA rule book that I have), ensured that a clear
chance was available from the penalty spot. Herbie duly stuck it away – top left hand corner! A well-earned
U9 Netball (home) v St Josephs – Also 1-1 for the girls and by the sounds of it, there were a hatful of
chances at both ends. The movement of the girls was good and the occasional interception was
encouraging, the early progress of the girls promises much for the year. Although the result could have
gone either way the neutral supporter may have given us the edge. Great effort girls, keep it up!
U11 A Rugby (away) v St Josephs – Last year this was a loss to forget, this year a massive improvement,
and apart from one or two moments Mr Bridgeman thought that we would be coming away with a win. 5-0
up shortly before half-time. By the end of the match we were chasing a 15-5 scoreline. A great effort boys
and that with two key players short! What might have been?
U11 Hockey (away) v St Josephs – A neck and neck match that could have gone either way. Great effort
from the girls, great athleticism and real improvement shown in many technical areas from basic passing
and hitting to more difficult spatial awareness and positioning. The girls loved playing on astro-turf again
and this certainly allowed them to show their abilities. St Jo’s scored the only goal of the match but this was
only the result of forgetting that ‘shot outside the D rule’. Lots of promise from the girls and without doubt
the results will come!
The Prep School Achievement Board:
Tatiana Ireland was awarded her U8 Medal Test in Dance: Disco / Freestyle with honours from the ISTD.
Sunday Moffat has achieved her British Gymnastics Level 5 Award.
Laura Eaden was awarded a certificate and medal from The Reading Agency for the 2014 Summer
Reading Challenge.
Merit Certificates & House Merits this week:
The ‘Cloud’ although a marvellous thing is less of a technological marvel when it is unreachable so a little
anticipation and tension to be created for the results next week!
Show and tell for Nursery on Wednesday 1st October is something soft.
Show and tell for Reception class (Pre Prep) on Thursday 2nd October is something that has three corners.
Monday 29th September
Tuesday 30th September
Tuesday 30th September
Wednesday 1st October
Wednesday 1st October
Sunday 5th October
Monday 6th October
Tuesday 7th October
Tuesday 7th October
Wednesday 8th October
Thursday 9th October
Friday 10th October
Tuesday 14th October
Wednesday 15th October
Thursday 16th October
Friday 17th October
Friday 17th October
Monday 29th September 2014
U11 Rugby v Ipswich School (Home)
Start at 3.00pm
Finish at 4.30pm
Tuesday 30th September 2014
U16 Hockey v Thetford (Away)
Leave at 1.55pm
Start at 2.45pm
Return at 5.00pm
U14 Rugby v Langley (Away)
Leave at 2.00pm
Individual and Family Photos
Prep 5 River Walk
Comedy of Errors Cast Workshop at Dance East
Year 10 to 13 Art trip to London
Year 2 trip to Deaf Centre in Bury St Edmunds
Prep 5 and 6 Theatre trop to see Private Peaceful
Harvest Festival in the Church at 10am
Senior School Theatre trip to see Romeo and Juliet
Year 11 6th Form Open Evening
Prep 1 to Colchester Toy Museum
Suffolk Festival Choir and Choral Speech Day
Parents Meet the Form Teacher Evening for 7 8 9 11
Parents Evening for years 12 and 13 (6th form)
Jordan Trip (17th to 24th October)
Start at 3.40pm
Return at 6.30pm
U18 Rugby – Suffolk 10’s Tournament @ Bury Rugby Club
Leave at 1.00pm
Start at 2.00pm
Return at 7.00pm
Wednesday 1st October 2014
U13 Rugby v Orwell Park & South Lee (Away) @ Orwell Park
Leave at 1.00pm
Start at 2.30pm
Return at 6.0pm
U11 a,b & c Rugby v Orwell Park & South Lee (Home)
Start at 2.30pm
Finish at 4.30pm
U9 Netball v Orwell Park (Home)
Start at 2.30pm
Finish at 4.30pm
Thursday 2nd October 2014
U14 Rugby v Thetford (Home)
Start at 3.30pm
Finish at 4.30pm
U14 Hockey v Thetford (Home)
Start at 3.30pm
Finish at 4.30pm
Sunday 5th October 2014
U12 Rugby Tournament @ Finborough
Meet at 9.15am
Start at 10.00am
Finish at 2.00pm