Perth Academy: School of Rugby – Declaration of Interest Dear Parent or Carer, In conjunction with Scottish Rugby, Perth Academy is seeking to enhance the provision we make in physical education, physical activity and sport by offering a limited number of S1 pupils the opportunity to participate in a School of Rugby programme. I am writing here to ask you that, if you find the proposal below to be something you would like your son or daughter to be considered for, you should return the reply slip to the PE Department so that we know you are interested. The proposal is as follows regarding the selection process: That the School of Rugby is open to applications from pupils, male or female, who are in S1 2014-15. All pupils who show they can cope with the physical demands of the School of Rugby and who show the required aptitudes will be invited for interview, accompanied by their parent[s] or carer[s]. A maximum of 20 students will be selected to form the S1 School of Rugby at Perth Academy, with other students selected as reserves in case of drop-out. Details: The programme will run for 3 years and will ensure that young people on the programme, starting in S1 will be guaranteed a School of Rugby commitment through to the end of S2. While being part of the School of Rugby may mean a reduced exposure to some other subjects, we intend to allow all School of Rugby students exposure to all subject areas so that these students still have a full choice of subjects in options at the end of S2. In our School of Rugby group we hope, through exposure to Rugby and its code of values and fitness requirements, to target not only the development of skills associated with rugby but also the personal, social and health and wellbeing skills and knowledge which can be developed through the game. We believe that the School of Rugby will deliver well in many areas of the Experiences and Outcomes required by Curriculum for Excellence. There are 5 periods a week for the School of Rugby, 2 of which will come from the elective periods for PE in the week and the other 3 from other subject areas and/or extracurricular sessions. The Perthshire RFC Development officer will be a main deliverer of the programme, supported by an assistant development officer. If School of Rugby proposal is of interest to you for your child, please complete the Declaration of Interest form attached and return it to the PE Dept. at Perth Academy marked “School of Rugby S1” This declaration of interest means you are giving your child permission to start the School of Rugby on commencement of the 2014-15 programme. Yours sincerely, Craig Mueller-Ahsmann Craig Mueller-Ahsmann Perth Academy Physical Education Department w. 01738 458051 m. 07730 682 687 email. [email protected] Schools of Rugby Overview 1 School of Rugby PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Scottish Rugby believes that sport and rugby in particular can contribute greatly to Scotland’s schools. Through the School of Rugby programme we aim to create an environment where sport will make a significant contribution to the development of young people, support the delivery of A Curriculum for Excellence, and play a central role in the life of the school. The School of Rugby will provide a context for learning inside and outside of the classroom, allowing all pupils to experience rugby, and help to improve the fitness and physical literacy of players and in turn contribute to an enhanced educational experience. The School of Rugby will give selected S1 pupils the opportunity to train in a sporting environment on a daily basis, including a minimum of 3 rugby sessions per week during the school day. The programme will continue into S2 for these selected pupils. This programme is designed to not only improve participant’s rugby skills and physical competencies, but to also develop their social skills such as confidence, communication, discipline and respect. The programme will be delivered by a suitably qualified member of school staff / development officer who will ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to enjoy curricular and extra curricular rugby, and opportunities to play rugby at a local club. HOW DOES IT WORK? Scottish Rugby has been working with schools rugby projects that have informed the development of the School of Rugby. These pilots have resulted in better attendance, behaviour and attitude towards school from the pupils involved. School of rugby has increased participation and performance in rugby and shown an increase in pupils playing for school teams and local rugby clubs and improved physical competencies and skill levels. A UKCC qualified member of school staff / development officer will deliver the daily S1 programme for the selected pupils. Sessions will mainly take place during school time, based around a specially adapted timetable ensuring that pupils still experience the full range of subjects during the school year enabling informed choices to be made in later years. Pupils are not permitted to miss any priority subjects and have to keep up to date with their studies and coursework. Selection Process Identification of pupils takes place when they are still in Primary 7, just before making the transition to S1. Pupils are made aware of the opportunity and invited to apply. Information sessions are held with teachers, pupils and parents as well as practical sessions to give pupils an opportunity to try rugby and to ascertain physical ability. Whilst the primary objective is to help develop young people as a whole, participants need to meet: a minimum standard in terms of physical ability and skill levels in order for the sessions to be manageable, effective and to run smoothly. However, participants do not need to be talented rugby players! Schools of Rugby Overview 2 Rugby can provide the learning context to contribute to the achievement of the outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence, and can provide the inspiration and incentive for some young people to achieve more in their lives. Through their involvement we aim to improve participants’ ability to communicate effectively, take responsibility for their actions, and contribute to their own and others’ learning experiences and become more confident individuals. The School of Rugby gives selected S1 pupils the opportunity to train in a rugby environment on a daily basis during the day as part of the school timetable. The objective is to demonstrate rugby as a vehicle for providing social, cultural, inclusion and behavioural benefits; demonstrate rugby’s contribution to enhanced achievement and improved attendance; and demonstrate the role rugby can play in developing skills for learning, life and work. Participation in a quality rugby programme can add value right across a participant’s wider school life: Communication Team working Leadership Discipline Following instructions Creativity Developing strategies and problem solving Control of aggression Self confidence (including body confidence) The rugby programme will be based around the Long Term Player Development (LTPD) rugby curriculum appropriate for this stage, and relevant resources and guidance which are aligned to the Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes in the Curriculum for Excellence. LTPD Stage One - FUNdamentals All the resources available in the section below are relevant to the following Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes in the Curriculum for Excellence depending on participants’ ability: Early, First and Second Stages: HWB 0-25a, HWB 1-25a, HWB 2-25a HWB 0-21a, HWB 1-21a, HWB 2-21a HWB 2-26a, HWB 0-22a, HWB 1-22a, HWB 2-22a HWB 0-27a, HWB 1-27a, HWB 2-27a HWB 0-23a, HWB 1-23a, HWB 2-23a HWB 0-28a, HWB 1-28a, HWB 2-28a HWB 0-24a, HWB 1-24a, HWB 2-24a LTPD Stage Two – Learning to play All the resources available in the section below are relevant to the following Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes in the Curriculum for Excellence depending on participants’ ability: First, Second & Third Stages: HWB 1-25a, HWB 2-25a, HWB 3-25a HWB 1-21a, HWB 2-21a, HWB 3-21a HWB 2-26a, HWB 3-26a HWB 1-22a, HWB 2-22a, HWB 3-22a HWB 1-27a, HWB 2-27a, HWB 3-27a HWB 1-23a, HWB 2-23a, HWB 3-23a HWB 1-28a, HWB 2-28a, HWB 3-28a HWB 1-24a, HWB 2-24a, HWB 3-24a Schools of Rugby Overview 3 Structure of Programme The selected pupils will be allocated to the same S1 class to make timetabling more manageable. Pupils will receive one period of rugby/sport per day. This will involve pupils missing one period per week from other subjects (not including Mathematics or English) to accommodate the rugby sessions. Pupils are expected to catch up with their work in these other subjects and failure to do so can result in their participation in the rugby programme being suspended. Typically the week will follow the following structure: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday Rest and Recovery session Rugby Session 1 Core Curricular PE or speed and agility development Rugby Session 2 Core Curricular PE or flexible session (rugby session 3, games, other sports, nutrition, lifestyle etc) School Matches Pupils’ participation in extra curricular rugby and club rugby will be carefully monitored/managed to ensure players do not over-train or play too much rugby and have sufficient time to rest. Through these player-centred sessions we aim to improve components in line with Long Term Player Development (LTPD): Key national themes/skills: Game sense skills: Physical competencies: Mental skills: Lifestyle management: Hand catch, tackling, offload, ball presentation. Decision-making, defence, attack, 2v1. Agility, core strength, speed, strength. Focus, discipline Nutrition, hydration, rest, activity management All sessions are delivered in a fun and enjoyable way by the member of staff, who will also ensure that participants are not doing too much or too little activity each week. Monitoring & Evaluation In order to monitor the effectiveness of the programme and participant progress a range of different assessments will be carried out periodically: Skills assessments Physical competency assessments Academic report cards Parents evenings Attendance figures (in the School of Rugby class and in wider school) Assessment of wellbeing (confidence, communication, discipline, respect etc). Schools of Rugby Overview 4 S1 School of Rugby 2014-15 APPLICATION FORM Name: ...................................................................................................................... Date of Birth: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Home Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Contact email (parent): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Club & Position …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… School attended: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Tel Work: ……………………………………… Tel Home: ……………………………………… Mobile: ……………………………….. Other Sports Participated in: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Signature of Parent: ……………………………………………………………… Please Return ASAP, to. Craig Mueller-Ahsmann Craig Mueller-Ahsmann Perth Academy Physical Education Department Murray place Perth PH1 4PB w. 01738 458 051. Schools of Rugby Overview 5
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