Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche TEMPORARY INDEPENDENT WORK SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED N ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT REGULAT!ONS OF Articles 2222 - 2228 ofthe ltalian Civil Code Within the framework ofthe Agreement on Scientific Cooperation signed between the CNR and the Council of Scientiftc and Industriai Research of India (CSIR)- India BETWEEN The National Research CounciJ ofltaly. Fiscal Code No 80054330586. which is based in Rome, at 7, Piazzale Aldo Moro, here represcnted by the Director of the lnternational Agreements an d Relations Office, in the perso n of Dr. Virginia Coda Nunziante, born in Rome on 18/04/ 1966, hence referred to as "CNR" AND Mr MAHESWARAN SRINIVASAN, born in Tamilnadu (TNDJA) on 04/06/ 1969, who permanently resides in Chennai , H72/T2, Mullai Apartments, Tiruvalluvar Nagar, Tiruvanmiyur Extn- 600041 hence referred to as the "Contractor" PRELlMlNARY REMARKS - an Agrecment of Scientific Cooperation is currently in force between CNR and CSIR, signed on 06/02/1995, which includcs the exchange of researchers for carrying out joint bilatera! projects between the two Acadcmics and the corresponding Addendum signed o n 08/05/20 12; - the above - mcntioncd activity is not subjcct to thc procedure of internai professionalism verification sin ce the contrae! itself does not fall undcr Art. 7, paragraph 6 ofthe Legislative Decree No 165, of 30/03/200 l , but rather it is regulated by the Scientific Cooperation Agreement between CNR and CSIR; - the CNR is hereby signìng an independent work servi ce agreement for professional services exclusively of a temp.orury and cxtraordinary nature; - the Bilatera! Research Project ' Polymers deriving from renewable sources/biodegradable to be utilized as binder for textile concrete mortar' (CUP 852112000280005) (Jtalian Project Coordinator Mr CARFAGNA COSIMO, lndian Project Coordinator Ms GOPINATH SMJTHA) which has beenjointly approved by CNR and CSIR for the triennium 20 12-2014, involves Mr MAHESWARAN SR!NIVASAN in the list of candidates selected and approved by CSIR ; - the CNR with the Oftìcial Note, Ref. No. AMMCNT- CNR n. 70318 dated 30/09/2014, has ratitied the research stay ofMr MAHESWARAN SRINIVASAN ; IT lS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: The above - mentioned preliminary remarks constitute an integrai part ofthe present Agreement. ART. l - Type of Agreement The contracting parties mutually agree to stipulate a temporary independent work service agreement for professional services rendered in accordance with current regulations of Arti cles 2222 and following of the Jtalian Civil Code, in compliance with the following terms and conditions. ART. 2 - Scope ofthe Contract The "Contractor" undcrtakes to carry out a research stay of 5 days, at Istituto per i Polimeri, Compositi e Biomateriali- CNR, Pozzuoli (Na) , starting from 27/ 10/2014 and ending on 31/10/2014 in order to conduct research activities for the Research Project 'Polymers deriving from renewable sources/biodegradable to be utilized as bi n der for tcxtilc concrete mortar' , within the fi·amework of the Scientitìc Cooperation Agrcement currently in force between CNR and CSIR and relative Addendum. ART. 3- Terms and Conditions The Contractor undertakes to accornplish the task in person, without any subordination or time-keeping obligation, in full tcchnical and logistical independence . The present contract does not entail any kind of hierarchical subordination since the Contractor will not follow precise orders but, on the contrary, will act in full autonomy both in the organization an d the management of him activity as seen fi t, with the sole purpose of achieving the expected -----·--::::-::-c::=--...,---~-:--results within thc above - mentioned Research Project. .MMCNT- CNR- Amministrazione Centr t:. 1: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche ART. 4 - Duration an d Starting Date of the Contract The prese nt Contract w ili have a duration of 5 days, starting t'rom 27/ l 0/2014 an d w ili terminate o n 31 l l 0/2014. The starting date can be postponed only owing to an act of God, an d w ili h ave to be offìcially authorized by CNR. ART. 5 - Remuneration, tax regime and Payment procedures. The parti es agree that, un der the provisions by the Agreement of Scientific Cooperation between CNR and CSIR and relative Addendum currently in force, the remuneration due to the Contractor for carrying out the above- mentioncd temporary and independent undertaking will be a total sum of Euro 450,00. The Contractor wishes to avail himself ofthe appropriate Convention for the Avoidance ofDouble Taxation. The sum payable by CNR will be available for collection, during the Contractor' s research stay in ltaly, at any branch ofthe Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) on the ltalian territory. Should the Contractor reduce the duration of him approved stay, the sum of Euro 90,00 for each day which have been cancelled, will have to be returned to CNR by bank transfer made payable to the following beneficiary: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Banca Nazionale del Lavoro - Sportello CNR n. 6392 Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 • 00185 Roma- Italia !BAN Code !T57S0100503392000000218155, SWIFT Code BNLIITRR, with the indication 'Ufficio Accordi e Relazioni Internazionali- mandato n. (Mandate Number) ........ ...... .. .. .. .... -giorni non effettuati n. (Number of days of reduction) ................. . .' ART. 6 - Renunciation The Contractor must communicate at once to the lnternational Relations and Agreements Office of the CNR himself renunciation to the research stay .. Should the Contractor announce himself renunciation, no money will payable by CNR. ART. 7 - lntellectual Property and Rights See Art. 7 ofthc Agreement of Scicntitic Cooperation signed bctween CNR and CSIR. ART. 8 - Personal Data Protection For the safeguard ofthe Contractor, the provisions detailed by the Legislative Decree no. 196 of30/06/2003 will be implemented with reference to Personal Data Protection. ART. 9 - Piace ofLawful Jurisdiction Should any legai controversy arise, the Contractor declares bis acceptance ofthe Tribuna! ofRome as the piace of lawful jurisdiction . Rome, ................................ . Read and Signed for Acceptance, CNR ~ .~..~.. ~.. In accorda~ce to Art. 1341 of t be l tal i an Ci vii Code, the undersigned following articles hercwith specified : Art. 6 - Renunciation Art. 9 - Piace of Lawful Jurisdiction . . «v) "' )\l~ .... ~ J; " ' ex~ .. ~i·;;;·~~cl~~~~·~;~·~cceptance of t he ~I'Z 1 " 11 vfl ~~ll'l ·
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