__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A Weekly Publication connecting the church family and friends of First ARP Church Lancaster Office 285-1578 - Fax 285-1579 - Email [email protected] Volume XLIV Issue 45 November 25, 2014 The First ARP Basketball Teams invite you to a “Soup Luncheon” on Sunday, November 30th following our morning worship. Donations will be taken for team registrations, gym rental fees, etc. We hope you will make plans to join us and to support our teams! FIRST ARP WOMEN’S MINISTRIES QUARTERLY MEETING Reminder to WM Officers, Circle Leaders and Committee Chairs: We will have our last quarterly meeting for the year on Saturday, December 6 at 10am in the Church Library. Please try to be present for this meeting. Thank You! Fill up your shoe box and leave it at the church by Monday, December 8. We will be taking them to the processing center that night. “Every shoebox offers an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a hurting child.” First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church 701 North Main Street, Lancaster, South Carolina 29720 PAGE 2 Church Family Concerns Marion Weisner Sally Lloyd Holly Rivers Nancy Bates Cindy Williamson Pat Willis Clara Nell Robinson Charles & Annie Montgomery-Susan & Lynn’s Parents Donna Hartley McKittrick-Stepdaughter of Wayne & Debbie Bill Whitesell-Brother of Virginia Fleming, Cancer Mary Ginty-Mother of Katey Powell Johnny Morgan-Brother of Tom Morgan Ralph Dickson-Brother of Wayne Dickson Ashley-Niece of Marge Dix Frank Hudson-Lorri Crawford’s Dad-Carolina Specialty Hospital Doris Hudson-Lorri Crawford’s Mom Merley & JoAnn Byrd-Parents of Patricia Gardner Emily Justice-Granddaughter of Mac & Carol McConnell Bobby Powell-Uncle of Butch Ghent Pat McEachern-Shoulder Kennie Parker-Geri Brazell’s brother-Back surgery Bob Dix-Home Martha Gilstrap-Pastor Kyle’s Aunt, Easley Hospital Critical Care Bill McFarland-Betty Allen’s Brother-in-law, surgery Debbie Petricek-Friend of Debbie Dickson Helen Jordan-CMC Pineville, Mary Ella’s sister & Laura Caskey’s Grandmother Homebound & Nursing Home Betty Sowell-White Oak R-314 Francis Bosdell-Debby Hegler’s Dad Bradford Carol Nims-Presbyterian Home, Florence Mary Brown Parks-Morningside Kyle Wilson-Donna Robinson’s Sister-York Frances Mason-George Mason’s Mother-Heath Springs Residential Missionaries/Mission Churches Mark & Natalie Witte-Spain Rebekah Carson-Germany David Stover-River Crossing Church Andy Stager-Hill City Church Ian Wise-Pageland Phil & Sarah Baer-Wycliffe Church Staff Pastor…………………….....Dr. Kyle E. Sims Intern/Youth .………….….Mr. Tom Wilson Choir Director…....Dr. Kristen Wunderlich Organist……….….……..…..Mrs. Amy Jones Secretary………..…......Mrs. Cecilia Estridge Dec 5 Luke 22:24-53 Dec 6 Luke 22:54-71 Dec 7 Luke 23:1-25 Dec 8 Luke 23:26-56 Dec 9 Luke 24:1-35 Dec 10 Luke 24:36-53 Dec 11 1 Thess 1 Dec 12 1 Thess 2 Dec 13 1 Thess 3 Dear Pastor Sims, We would like to thank you and your congregation for generously financing Dariusz’s trip to Poland for his grandfather’s funeral and for supporting our future mission work in Warsaw. The care and kindness we have received from you and the entire presbytery is a great encouragement to our family, and we thank the Lord for you! In Christ, Dariusz & Brooke Brycko PAGE 3 It’s Our Mission We are coming to the end of 2014 and I would like to thank everyone for their contributions this year to our Faith Promise Fund. I am reminded, based on the marriage decision handed down this week, exactly how much we need to be taking the Word of God out into the world around us. Let’s face it, the world we live in is a mess and it’s not getting any better. If Christians do not stand up and take the gospel to the people, then we cannot expect the people to come knocking on our doors looking for it on their own. Think of the pressures WE all face from the world every day, and we are IN Christ. The people who are not in Christ do not stand a chance of coming to Jesus without us. Jesus has told us to “Go” and we need to obey Him. I also want to remind everyone that the Faith Promise Fund helps support more than just foreign missions. It does support our overseas missionaries like Mark and Rebekah, but it also goes to many more people and activities. It helps fund new church plants here locally in the US; like Andy Stager at the Hill City Church in Rock Hill and Ian Wise at Pageland RPCNA. It is how we fund our Local Outreach here at this church. Our Fall Festival, CEF, VBS, HOPE of Lancaster, and any other local outreach opportunities are also supported thru the Faith Promise Fund. So when we give to Faith Promise, we are not just giving to people half a world away. We are also giving right HERE in our own back yards. So, with the end of the year approaching, let us end 2014 on a high note and all try to give whatever we can to the Faith Promise Fund. We have many more things we would like to be able to do in 2015 (our new Fall Festival activities and Friday Night Family Night were a start), but we need everyone’s support in whatever way they are able. We will have Faith Promise envelopes in the pews and on the entry tables beside the church bulletins. Just look for the neon colored labels. Thank you all, and God bless you. David Pokopac Missions/Outreach/Evangelism Elder FIRST ARP WOMEN’S MINISTRIES JOINT CIRCLE AND LADIES GATHERING The First ARP Women’s Ministries invites all circle members and ladies of the church who are not involved in a circle, to join us for a Soup Lunch on Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 11:30am in the Church Fellowship Hall. After lunch we will have our circle lesson presented by Carol McConnell from the study book “A Woman’s High Calling; Ten Ways To Live Out God’s Plan For Your Life.” Please read Chapters 1 & 2 before coming to the lunch. If your circle is not studying this book, do not stay home. Come and fellowship with us and get our 2015 year off to a great start! If you do not belong to a circle, we still want you to come and enjoy the fellowship with us! There will be no cost and nothing for you to bring, except yourself! Please sign up on the bulletin board by Wednesday, January 7, 2015. We look forward to seeing all of you on January 10th!!! PAGE 4 This Sunday you still have the opportunity to give to our Thanksgiving Offering that supports the American Bible Society, Outreach North America, Erskine Seminary and the Christmas Benevolent Ministry through the 2014 Thanksgiving Offering. You will find envelopes outside the sanctuary. November is our month for donations to HOPE. Particular items needed at this time are: Canned meats Canned carrots Canned potatoes Canned beans (no green beans) Jelly Spaghetti sauce & noodles Ramen noodles Rice Canned tomatoes The Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study Group will meet on December 2 at 6:30AM at Chick-Fil-A. PROPOSED 2015 BUDGET There will be copies of the proposed 2015 budget on the table in the hall behind the sanctuary on Sunday November 30 and December 7 for anyone who wants to read it prior to the Congregational Meeting on December 7. Contact Sam Huey or a Deacon if you have a question. Sunday, December 7th after the Morning Worship. Sunday, December 21 December 14 6:00pm PAGE 5 2015 Challenges (Continued) 2015 Challenge #1 - Read Through the Bible 2015 Challenge #2 - Read Through a Theological Work 2015 Challenge #3 - Attend Church Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening, and Wednesday Night We want you to know the joy of being involved in the worship and learning, but also in the fellowship that we have on these occasions. Church could be compared to the gym. If you only go once a week, you will get some benefit, but to really see growth you need to go several times a week. This is why we have multiple opportunities for worship, teaching, and fellowship. I challenge you to come on Sunday Evenings and Wednesday Evening this winter and see if you are not blessed by coming to church. 2015 Challenge #4 - Get to Know Someone New in the Church One of the worst problems that we have in the church is trying to assimilate new folks with old folks. There is no sinister problem here. It is not that these groups do not like each other or are at odds with each other. It is more that they move in different circles within even a small congregation. This is why it is important to reach across age, race, economic, and social lines. We have some really neat people across our congregation. Make an effort to reach out to a family that you do not know in 2015. 2015 Challenge #5 - Prayerfully Consider What You Are Giving to the Church This is one of my greatest concerns for our future. Your attendance and your giving are the outward vital signs of your Christian life. We have many that are not giving anything of significance to the church. This is according to a report from our church treasurer. I challenge you on this not because we want your money, but because we are worried about your spiritual health. Prayerfully consider what you have been giving in 2014 and work towards tithing in 2015, even if it is just a little more towards 10%. Remember that we now have bank draft that can make it even easier to be consistent. 2015 Challenge #6 - Personally Invite People to Come to Church in 2015 I think we somehow think there is no one to reach out to in Lancaster. Rev. Dale Roach, former Director of Missions for the Moriah Baptist Association, told me that only about 22% of the population in Lancaster County was in church on Sunday mornings. This means that we have 3/4 of our family, friends and neighbors who do not attend a church. When was the last time you invited someone to church? I know some of you have few contacts, but you have to have someone in your family, a friend, a neighbor, the checkout girl at the store, the man who cuts your grass. There has to be someone you know who needs Jesus. Make it a priority to look for people who need Jesus and then ask them to church and build a relationship with them that they may see Jesus in you. Dr. Kyle E. Sims Pastor THE CHURCH CALENDAR Sunday, November 30 9:30am Officers 9:45am Coffee & Fellowship 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Morning Worship 4:45pm Choir Practice 6:00pm Evening Service 6:45pm Youth Monday, December 1 1:30pm Jones Robinson Pressly 4:00pm Jean Love 5:30pm Girl Scouts 6:30pm Boy Scouts Tuesday, December 2 6:30am Men’s Morning Study @ Chick-Fil-A 6:30pm Alison Erskine 6:30pm Cub Scouts Wednesday, December 3 5:45pm Family Night Supper 6:30pm Classes Friday, December 5 7:00am Youth Breakfast UPCOMING VOLUNTEERS Nursery Infants Dec 7 Dec 14 Dec 21 Dec 28 Kelly Sims Natalie Carmichael Dell Ghent Grace Kelso Toddlers Stacey Pegram Erin Tindal Susan Prete Katey Powell November 23, 2014 Attendance 79 General Fund Offering Offering this month $2,578 $13,662.46 Monthly Budget Req. $17,582 Faith Promise Offering $65 Faith Promise this month $302 Faith Promise Monthly Req. $2,255 Thanksgiving Offering $186 NOVEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES Elders: Paul Robinson & Buddy Lever Deacons: Mike Scruggs Ushers: Mike Scruggs, Butch Ghent, Timothy Sistar & Sam Prete FIRST ARP CHURCH 701 NORTH MAIN STREET LANCASTER, SC 29720 803-285-1578 FAX– 803-285-1579 EMAIL– [email protected] WEB PAGE— FIRSTARPLANCASTER.ORG VOLUNTEERS FOR NOVEMBER 30 Flowers: Women of the Church Nursery: Holly Rivers Toddlers: Shannon Mohr Children’s Church: JB Powell & Betty Arant Greeters: Richard & Patricia Gardner (F) Philip & Stacey Pegram (S) Friendship Class: Betty Allen FINANCIALS Children’s Church Greeters Dec 7 Dec 14 Dec 21 Dec 28 Phil & Sarah Baer Jonathan & Katherine Dix Betsy Rushing Rebecca Cook Front Side Tom Morgan Chic Whitlock & Buddy Lever Steve Willis & Ed Ogburn Mike & Susan Cauthen Tom & Betty Arant Mike & Pat Scruggs Richard & Lorri Crawford Joe & Debby Hegler NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID LANCASTER, SC PERMIT NO. 15 Dec 7 Dec 14 Dec 21 Dec 28
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