Gallatin County 4-H Leaflet March 2014 IN THIS ISSUE Page 2-8 4-H Projects Page 9-10 4-H Events Page 10 Clubs & Committees Page 11-12 Volunteers & Leaders UPCOMING EVENTS Feb 28March 2 MT 4-H State Shooting Sports Tournament in Bozeman Feb 28 Dance for ages 10-12 March 1 Dance for ages 13-16 March 9 Stir Ups Competition March 11 Leaders Council Meeting, 6:30 March 23 Animal Quality Assurance April 27 Demonstration Day June 6-8 Lamb Camp & Jackpot June 17-20 July July 16-20 July 2 Aug 18 4-H Summer Camp MT 4-H Congress Gallatin County Fair Host a Japanese delegate Check out our online Calendar on the website: County Stir Ups Competition RSVP by Monday, March 3rd The second annual Gallatin County Stir Ups Competition will be held on Sunday, March 9th. The place and time will be announced, but you can start now planning your menu. What is Stir Ups? Stir Ups is a contest in which participants prepare an appealing, nutritious meal that can be prepared easily by using common ingredients available in many homes. Meals should be prepared using food safe techniques and reflect creative use of ingredients. Who can participate? Any 4-H member can participate, either as an individual or as a team of two. However, you must have been 14 years old on October 1, 2013 in order to qualify for Congress. The “senior” division winner will compete at the Stir Ups competition at Congress. Note: This is a qualifying competition for Congress. Therefore, if you plan to try to win a trip to Congress in this event, you must compete in this event. How does this competition work? A list of ingredients will be provided for you. You must choose five of the nine ingredients that are on the list to create your dish. You have 60 minutes to prepare your dish. You must have at least one mystery ingredient in your dish, or as many as three mystery ingredients. Some pantry ingredients are also available. After preparing your dish, you will present the dish and make a presentation to the judges. How am I judged? You are judged on the taste and appearance of your dish, how easy the dish is to make, safe and effective work habits, nutrition of the dish and on your oral presentation to the judges. Ginny Francis will be in charge of this event. If you are interested in participating, or would like to help, or need more information, please contact Ginny at 284-6843 or 581-6843. Dance Wear your cowboy boots to the Cowboy Dance held at the Fairgrounds, Building #4. This is during the State Shooting Sports Shoot and will be a great time to hang out with 4-H kids from other counties, as well as your local friends. Ages 10-12: Friday, February 28th 6:30-9:00pm Ages 13-16: Saturday, March 1st 7:00-9:30pm Donations of a couple dollars is appreciated to cover snacks and drinks. Organized by the Teen Leadership youth! Gallatin County 4-H Leaflet Page 2 4-H Projects: Animal Quality Assurance Training All youth planning to take an animal to the Livestock Market Sale at the County Fair, must participate in the Animal Quality Assurance workshop once as a junior member (ages 9-13) and once as a senior member (ages 14-19). Youth new to being in a livestock project, whether a junior member or a senior member, must take AQA before they can participate in the livestock sale at the County Fair. Individual trainings will not be available in the Extension office. The leaders of your livestock project will have a list of when you last took this training. Available trainings: March 8 at 9:00 a.m. Livingston Extension Office (119 S. 3rd St., Livingston, MT) RSVP to Livingston Extension office at (406) 222-4159 March 23 4 p.m. in the Cafeteria of Belgrade Middle School. RSVP to Gallatin Extension office at 388-3213 April 12 at 1:00 p.m. Livingston Extension Office (119 S. 3rd St., Livingston, MT) RSVP to Livingston Extension office at (406) 222-4159 May 4 at 1:00 p.m. Livingston Extension Office (119 S. 3rd St., Livingston, MT) RSVP to Livingston Extension office at (406) 222-4159 If you have questions about the AQA requirement please visit with your project leader or call Emily Lockard at the Extension office 388-3213. Baking The next baking project meeting is March 3rd at the BHS foods lab from 6-8. For our March 3rd meeting, we’ll be making pizza crescent rolls from scratch. Please let Kristy know if you can bring one of the following: a Costco package of shredded mozzarella, two packages of sliced pepperoni, or one jar of yeast. We will also need cookie sheets and pizza rollers/cutters (borrowed and returned afterwards). I will contribute as well. We will revisit our first activity recipe of the bread dough for this, so if you still have your copy, you should familiarize yourself with it. Please bring something in which to bring your pizza rolls home. Kristy [email protected] Beef Project March 16 - Sorensen Veterinary Hospital. Health. Counts as Market and Breeding project workshop. 2:30 March 23 - Beef AQA along with AQA workshop (4 p.m.—5:30 p.m.) May 4th - Weigh in and Showmanship workshop. Fairgrounds. Contact: Amber Bates 570-2205, Lola Brogger 285-6730, or Jake Callantine 581-4764 with questions Cloverbuds “Color Me Wild” Please join us on Monday, March 31 at 6:30 at the Belgrade Middle School as we explore the Arts & Crafts project. We might get messy so don't wear your best clothes or maybe even bring a paint shirt. Questions call Cyndi at 388-1585 after 6:00pm or email [email protected]. Bring your creative, artisic self. Hope to see you there. March 2014 Page 3 Dog Obedience Dog Obedience is up and going! If you signed up for Dog Obedience and have not contacted MMK yet do so ASAP, as the kids all practice at the same pace for the first 7 weeks. If you wait to long we won't be able to get you in. If you have any questions please call 388-4789.— Ron Murray, Dog Agility Dog Agility will be starting April 1st at the Fairgrounds! As we did last year we will be offering two separate classes. We will have a class for our beginning agility kids and dogs. This class will be for any team that is just starting or has only done a year or two of 4-H agility. This class will be Tuesdays at 4:30 –5:30pm and held at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds Barn #1. The other class will be for kids and dogs that are a bit more advanced. The teams in this class must all have had a minimum of 2 years past agility in the 4-H program, the dogs must know how to perform all pieces of equipment with confidence, and are ready to start working on naked weaves, contact performance, discriminations, and sequencing. This class will be Tuesdays at 5:45 - 6:45 pm and held at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds Barn #1. We will go for 10 weeks. After 10 weeks (which is when school is out and everyone gets busy) we will go to every other week until the fair in July. We will have more info on that as the time approaches. If you have any questions as to which class would be the best for you, please feel free to contact me! Remember that all dogs must come into the barn on leash (a slip lead of some sort is preferred but not mandatory). Try to come a few minutes early so you can take your dog for a little walk to make sure they don’t have to go potty before entering the barn. Remember your poop bags!! You need 3 in your pocket at all times.... 1 for the first poop, 1 for the oops I wasn’t finished poop, and 1 for your friend that forgot to bring theirs!! Bring lots of treats for your dog. Soft treats of some sort... cut up hotdogs, cheese, leftover meat from dinner, Yummie Chummies, etc. We have some great volunteers this year to help us! Nancy Creel will be instructing the 4:30pm beginners class and I will be instructing the 5:45 pm advanced class. The GDAC (Galloping Dog Agility Club) has many volunteers that will be helping from time to time as well. And thanks to GDAC for donating their barn and equipment for the kids. If you are interested in supporting the club by becoming a member, please visit Jeannie Biggers [email protected] (406) 580-8098 Foods/Cooking Class The next cooking class will be on March 4th from 6:30-8:30 pm at the MSU Food Lab in Herrick Hall. Please RSVP for this project meeting by contacting the 4-H office at 388-3213 or [email protected] by February 1st. The meeting schedule is April 1st, May 6th, June 3rd. Please RSVP to the Extension Office by the 25th of every month for the upcoming class so the proper amount ingredients are purchased. This project only has space for 20 kids. Gardening New project leaders! Contact Merry or Codie 580-3933 for any questions regarding this project. More information coming soon as the leaders are still planning out the project. Gallatin County 4-H Leaflet Page 4 4-H Projects: Horse Project Horse Project Clinic – March 2 is our next clinic. We will have instructors for Western and English. The clinic is at the Circle L Arena, 4350 Spain Bridge Road, Belgrade MT. We will have a Riding Clinic and a Knowledge Clinic. Watch for our emails and reply to the email to let us know if you are planning to attend the clinic. We will then let you know when you will be riding. There is a $10 fee to ride. You must attend 1 Riding Clinic and 1 Knowledge Clinic to compete at fair. Come to as many clinics you can…..Other currently planned clinics are April 6 and May 4. Please email Diann at ([email protected]) if you are not receiving emails. There are a few people who want to assess up to higher levels in the Horse Project. Please request an assessment when you let us know that you are attending a clinic. Be sure to bring your Project Book; it must be completed up to the level you are trying to assess up to. You must be using the approved tack also. Please clean up after your horses and any other messes you see. The Circle L, Saddle Peaks, and Fairgrounds let us use the arenas at a great rate…..Let’s thank them by leaving the arena and parking lot cleaner then when we get there. Make them happy we were there. Parents, be sure you are signed up as a Leader through the 4-H Office. If you are not signed up as a leader, you are not allowed in the arena. This is for insurance reasons. Helmet Clinic - You must have had a Helmet Clinic before you ride at any 4-H clinic; this includes Committee Clinics and Club Rides. Please contact Diann ([email protected]) to arrange a time. We may be able to have you watch the video before you ride on the day of the clinic. Also, you must have your paperwork signed and turned into the Horse Committee before you will be allowed to ride. Working Ranch Horse Project – March 23 is the next WRH clinic. Please contact Scott Schuster for information ([email protected]). You must attend 3 WRH clinics to be able to compete at fair in Working Ranch Horse. April 5 is our other currently scheduled WRH clinic. Thank you Scott and Kristen Schuster for all of the work you do for WRH. Packing Horse Project-March 23 is the next Packing Horse Clinic. You must attend 3 Packing Horse Project clinics to compete at fair in Packing Horse. The other currently scheduled Packing clinics are April 27 and May 24. A packing trip is being planned. Please contact Greg Benjamin ([email protected]) for more information. Greg Benjamin and Marty Hoffman, Thank You for putting on such great clinics. Our New Point System…. We will be giving an award to the Junior and Senior 4-Her that attends the most County Horse Events. Here is how it works. You will earn points for each County Event you attend; this does not include events at the Club level. You keep track of the points you earn and the turn them in to the Horse Committee for a final approval. You must attend the entire event to receive the points. Thank You Julia Zidack for keeping track of all the points. -Knowledge Clinic (must attend the Game also) – 5 points -Western, English, Trail, Showmanship, Colt to Maturity and Green Horse Clinics – 5 points (Example: If you ride in Western and English at one clinic….10 points) -Level Advancement (one level per year) – 15 points -4-Her Leadership help at Clinics – 5 points (Example: 4Her that organizes and runs a game at a clinic) -Horse Shows or Events that are not 4H related. (Rodeo, clinics, Omoksees, organized trail rides, etc..) Submit proof of participation. Horse Committee will make final decision if event qualifies.-1 point, maximum of 5 points per year. March 2014 Page 5 Horseless Horse The Gallatin Gallopers 4-H Club had an awesome time at ESMS learning all about equine first aid! We owe Dr. Handlin a HUGE thank you for the print outs, hands on experience, cookies and pop. February also brought our most successful bake sale ever! That money will hopefully go towards a week long summer riding program for the club! Our monthly business meetings are the third Monday of every month at Grace Bible Church in room 604 from 6-7:30 pm. Anyone interested is encouraged to check out a meeting. For more information on the Gallatin Gallopers 4-H Club, please contact Alison at [email protected] or 570-7941. Livestock Judging Here is March Judging Dates. March 9th- 2:30 pm practice: at the Severson farm. 7701 Camp Creek Rd (about a mile south of the Amsterdam School. Powell Contest March 21st. Gallatin County contest on March 22nd. In order to be registered, RSVP to Karoline by March 9th. Reason practice at MSU at 6 pm on 24th. Great Falls Contest March 27th 8-12. Contact Karoline Rose for time and location of the next livestock judging practices at [email protected] or call her at 577-6310. Photography The schedule is as follows: March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17, and July 15 meeting at 6:30 pm each time. Contact Pam Bussi anytime [email protected] to ask questions. If you are having challenges with your camera and want instruction, please check out Bozeman Camera on North 7th, they are terrific with answering your questions and helping with camera questions. Pocket Pets New project leader! Contact Stephanie 600-7935 for any questions regarding the project. The first meeting is still in the works, so each of the members will be contacted directly as soon as there is a set meeting date. Poultry Please join the Poultry "Flock" on Thursday, March 13 at 6:30 pm at the Fairgrounds building 3. We will be discussing Poultry breeds and breeding at this workshop. We ask that you welcome our guest speaker who is a local breeder and will be taking a couple of her birds. Kids do not need to take birds to the workshop. We had a great show for Winterfest and a big "thank you" to all the parents, kids and leaders for all the work. Shawna 580-7819, Val 548-2842, Rachel 548-1915, Lisa 388-9422 Gallatin County 4-H Leaflet Page 6 4-H Projects: Rabbits: Hop On The rabbit project meeting for March will be on Thursday, the 20th at 6:30 in building #3 at the fairgrounds. If you have any questions please call Larry Bittner at 586-5791 or Rae Collins 285-4566. Robotics We meet about every other Thursday evening from 6:30-8:00 at the Belgrade Middle School cafeteria. During the month of April, you will be working on the Fair Projects. For up-to-date progress of our robotics program, please visit our robotics web site at First Year Second Year March 6 March 13 April 3 April 10 April 17 April 24 Sewing/Clothing & Textiles The next meetings will be held on March 3, 12, 19 and April 3 from 5:30-8:30 pm. Please note the new meeting location is Bozeman Fire Station #3 located at 1705 Vaquero Pkwy (right off of Davis Ln between Baxter Ln and W Oak St; right by Gallatin County Regional Park). Please attend as many or as few meetings as you'd like--in order to be sure there is enough room and help available, please be sure to confirm with Janell ahead of time on which dates you plan on attending. Remember to bring the following: Project Book, pattern, fabric, notions listed on pattern envelope (elastic, buttons, etc), sewing machine and necessary accessories (electric cord and foot pedal); sewing tools including straight pins, cloth tape measure, hem gauge, removable marking pen or pencil, sharp large fabric cutting scissors, small scissors to snip threads, a seam ripper, 100% polyester thread (color to match your fabric) and extra new sewing machine needles. Please contact Janell with any questions. 406-539-1301 or [email protected] (Underscore between "seams" and "to" and, also, "to" and "be". Swine Emails are going out to all those who are registered for the project, if you haven’t gotten emails, make sure you are registered. Please read and sign the 2014 contract, and have your COOL Source Verification form when you purchase your pigs. The contract and the COOL forms have been emailed, or you can get them at workshops, or from the Swine Committee, or the 4-H office. Also located on the website: gallatin/4hforms.html -March & April Workshops: Tuesday, March 25, 6:30 p.m. Feeds & Feeding, Rocky Mountain Supply Conference Room, Belgrade Saturday, April 12: Time to be announced, beginner workshop before the Pig Pool at the fairgrounds. Thursday, April 17, 6:30 p.m., Making Posters, Belgrade Elementary School Cafeteria APRIL 19 is the date you must have pigs tagged and in your possession, and a signed contract turned in. Merle Farrier, [email protected], Kelly Duncan, [email protected], Lauri Olsen, [email protected] Lee Nuss [email protected], Shawn McGinley, Amber Sartain, Leah Olson, Jake Callentine, Michelle McReynolds March 2014 Page 7 Sheep: Are you interested in the Market Lamb Project? Did you know that 4-H Market Lamb participants only own their animals for about 90 days and it costs about $90 to feed out a lamb? Most of our workshops are on weekday nights. This year we will have approximately 6 different workshops to help you with project. Interested…Call Lisa Surber (581-7772) for more information about the Market Lamb Project. Workshops: -Shearing Workshop: (Real ranch shearing not slick shearing) Location: MSU Red Bluff Research Ranch, Norris 1:30 PM on March 16, 2014 -Care, Feeding, and Selection of Your Market Lamb: 6:30 PM on March 31, 2014 (Gallatin County Fairgrounds, Building #1) -Lamb Selection Workshop in Conjunction with Smith’s Lamb Sale: Time TBA April 13th, 2014 -Pre-fair/Showmanship Workshop: June 16, 2014 Time and Location TBA Showmanship Workshops The Smith Family will be offering showmanship workshops at their farm again this year. There will be five Monday workshops in June and early July starting June 2nd. If you attend 2 of the 5 workshops they will count for ONE workshop credit. Reminders! Weigh-In and Tagging: May 4, 2014 from 3 - 5 PM (Wash Barn at the Gallatin Co. Fairgrounds) Sheep project participants MUST attend 4 of the 6 scheduled workshops* in order to show at the fair. *Substitutions (must be approved by the sheep committee): - Participating in the Lamb camp (TBA) - Participating in one Jackpot show will count as one workshop (Limit 1) - Attending a county-wide workshop (i.e. AQA and Marketing Workshops; Limit 1) NEW THIS YEAR! Members must attend at least 4 workshops. There are plenty of opportunities to fill this requirement – PLAN AHEAD! Lamb Camp & Jackpot Show Save the date: Annual Big Sky Lamb Camp & Jackpot Show: June 6,7 and 8th 2014 Gallatin County Fairgrounds Bozeman, Montana. Hosted by: Carlee’s Club Lambs Buck, Sally and Carlee Smith 406-3887238. For more information and entry forms go to: (Big Sky Lamb Camp). Teen Meetings MEETING DATES - Typically on Mondays from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Belgrade Middle School cafeteria. All teens are welcome. Our next meeting is March10th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Learning CPR. 2014 Meeting Schedule: March 24th, April 14th, April 28th, May 12th , and June 2nd. April 26: we are planning another evening of fun coming on April 26. Please contact Gregg for more information ([email protected]) or call or text 406-581-0624. Gallatin County 4-H Leaflet Page 8 4-H Projects: Shooting Sports Leaders’ Contact Info Can’t find the answer below to your questions? Contact the following leaders: Archery: Tanya Engle 660-1559, Dave Kirschten 581-2110, Amber Sartain 580-8957 Air Rifle/Pistol: Lee Nelson 579-0612, Bill Ott 209-2599, Scarlett Wirtz 587-0575 BB Gun: Lee Nelson 579-0612 Smallbore: Tom Everett 388-9076, Scott Francis 284-6843 Shotgun & Hunting: Scott Francis 284-6843 Muzzle-loading: Bill Ott 209-2599, Scott Francis 284-6843 Western Heritage: Todd Kesner 994-6816 2013-2014 Gallatin County 4-H Shooting Sports Schedule Shotgun ‐ Manha an Wildlife Associa on ‐ Logan ‐ Sundays Program Date 3/9/2014 Trap Shoo ng 3/16/2014 Trap Shoo ng 3/23/2014 Trap Shoo ng 3/30/2014 Trap Shoo ng 04/06/2014 Time 1:00‐3:00 1:00‐3:00 1:00‐3:00 1:00‐3:00 Hun ng Project ‐ Manha an High School ‐ Wednesdays Date Program 3/12/2014 TBD 3/26/2014 TBD 4/9/2014 TBD Time 6:30‐8:00 6:30‐8:00 6:30‐8:00 Trap Shoo ng 1:00‐3:00 Skeet & Spor ng Clays TBD Western Heritage Project March meeting will moved back to a Monday night. The second Monday of March in spring break, so we might meet on March 3 and then go back to the second Monday of the month in April. Remember, shooting weather is just around the corner and we will move to the range in a couple of months. Todd Kesner 994-6816 State Shooting Sport Tournament At the Big Sky Archery location there will be a food truck with a full array of coffees and Italian sodas. They will also serve breakfast sandwiches and donuts. Lunch will be pulled pork, nachos, walking tacos, chips and drinks. They will also have a bake sale on the premises. March 2014 Page 9 4-H Events: Looking ahead to Montana 4-H Congress Montana 4-H Congress is held every July in Bozeman for 4-Hers all over the state. It is a fun filled, action packed time to meet other 4-H members from around the state, compete in a variety of competitions and attend workshops. This is a huge opportunity for 4-H members who are at least 14 years old. To attend Congress, you must be 14 by October 1st of the current 4-H year. Congress age is your age October 1, 2013. You can qualify for Congress by winning specific contests during the 4-H year, or otherwise qualifying for judging teams, etc. For all of our 4-H members who were 14 or older last October, here is a list of competitions held at Congress. If you are interested in more information about any of these events, check out all the rules and particulars on the Montana 4-H website. Some state winners advance to national competitions or conferences. How cool is that----(If you are under 14, these are some things that you have to look forward to) Contests at Congress: Demonstration and/or Illustrated Talk, Fashion Revue, Gavel Games, Horse Judging, Horse Skill-A-Thon, Livestock Evaluation, Public Speaking, Quilt Contest, Stir Up Competition, and Wildlife & Habitat Education Program (WHEP) Contest Many of these contests have qualifying contests or criteria. If you are interested in any of these, please contact the Extension Office AS SOON AS POSSIBLE as some of these require many months of preparation. Demo Days: 4-H Speech & Demonstration Day - April 27, 2014 to be held in the Belgrade High School What is a demonstration and why would I want to do one? A demonstration is when you show how while you tell why. Demonstrations aren’t difficult; you just tell how to do something by using action words such as cut, fold, stir, mix or saw. For example, say, "Fold the paper into halves," as you actually fold the paper. Explain why you are doing the step. Demonstrations allow you to teach others something you know about. It helps you gain speaking and communication skills in front of others. Demonstrations help you gain self-confidence. Senior 4-H members will be competing for an all expense paid trip to the State 4-H Congress to compete at that level. What is a speech and why would I want to do one? 4-H members 11 and older can choose to give a speech instead of a demonstration. A speech is basically the same as a demonstration except it is just telling. There are no props. It requires planning and effective delivery with gestures, voice variety and proper grammar. Speaking face-to-face is one of the oldest forms of communication and is still the most effective. For the rest of your life, you will be communicating, trying to persuade and informing. Senior 4-H members will be competing for an all expense paid trip to the State 4-H Congress to compete at that level. Please be thinking about joining all your 4-H friends and participating in the 4-H Speech & Demonstration Day on Sunday, April 27, 2014 at the Belgrade High School. (Note the date change) Our first speech or demonstration will start at 1:00 and our last one will be scheduled at 3:45. We are planning a fashion revue with two showing times - 2:00 and 4:00 with awards for speeches and demonstrations to be given out after the 4:00 fashion revue. We will not be doing a potluck dinner this year. Return your form (see attachment) as soon as possible to get your preferred time. Deadline is April 16. Need help or suggestions, please contact the 4-H office. They will have a list of people you can contact for advice, suggestions, or even if you want to practice on someone. March 2014 Page 10 4-H Events: Summer Inbound– Host a Japanese delegate Looking for families to host Japanese delegates and two adult chaperones that will be here from July 20August 18. The Extension Office has a list of students and info on each delegate. If you decide you are interested, contact the Extension office and go to the following link and complete a host family application Summer 4-H Camp Your mission, should you accept: This year’s 4-H Summer Camp theme is SPY CAMP! SPY CAMP! You will have a lot of UNF. Meet new RIFNESD. And you will ELRNA something. Ages 9-13 can attend. Registration for the June 17th – 20th camp will begin April 1st. Early registration deadline is May 1st. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3….. 4-H Clubs & Committees: Gallatin Valley Livestock Club Gallatin Valley Livestock club will meet Monday, March 10 at Amsterdam school. Supper will be provided. The supper families are The Taylors, Doumas, Kreitzers, and DeBoers. Please bring record books so we can work on them. Gus, Alex, and Morgan are the demonstrators. Jeremy and Clint are doing an ice-breaker, and the Halversons are signed up for clean-up Shining Mountaineers 4-H Club The Shining Mountaineers Club will meet Friday, March 7 from 6pm-8pm in the Belgrade Valley Bank meeting room (downstairs) at 98 N. Broadway. Any questions, please call or email Nate and Jennifer Andres at 388-8034or at [email protected]. Hope to see you there! Leader Council Meeting The Gallatin 4-H Unlimited Leaders Council meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Mackenzie River Pizza in Belgrade. Bring a couple dollars for your drink/meal. Next meeting is Tuesday, March 11th. Market Sale Committee There is no meeting for the month of March. Gallatin County 4-H Leaflet Page 11 Volunteers & Leaders Newsletter Deadline Want to let your project members know when that next workshop is? Want to inform your club members of a planned tour? Want to get your information in the newsletter???? Please have all items submitted to the Extension office by the 23rd of the month so the newsletter can be sent out on time. Thank you to those who submit on time! Gallatin 4-H Unlimited Leaders Council Meeting Mackenzie River Pizza, Belgrade February 11, 2014 The meeting was called to order at 6:42 pm. Pledges to the flags followed. Attendance was taken. Adult members present: Becky Hanke, Cyndi Suhr, Laura Lee Harvey, Lola Brogger, Ginny Francis, Carolyn Wells, Sandra Fiege, and Kathy Cheney, Scarlett Wirtz and Emily Lockard (ex officios). Teen members present: Leo McAtee and Clare Cory. Guests present: Sonja Berg, Gregg Switzer, Nicki Dayton, and Garrett Kirschten. Guest presentations: None Public comment: None Secretary’s report: The Secretary’s report from December was approved with corrections. Gregg Switzer and Sue Geske’s names were spelled incorrectly. January’s minutes were approved with corrections. Clare Cory and Becky Hanke’s names were spelled incorrectly and Emily is also on the Summer Camp budget committee and the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 pm. Correspondence: None Treasurer and Bookkeeper reports: The treasurer’s report was approved. Dan Holland submitted a bill for $150 to reimburse him for the cost of filing Gallatin 4-H taxes for 2013. Lola moved and Becky seconded that we reimburse Dan from the 1% tax assessment side account. Motion passed. The $500 given to Dan in March was given as a thank you gift for all of his hard work and dedication through the years. Committee reports Shooting Sports- The State shoot will be the first weekend in March. Bar J Wranglers- The final tally is not yet available as not all expenses have been received, but our goal of $6000 has been made. Our new venue, The Commons, has been secured for Friday, January 9, 2015 and will hold 1200. Congress- Chaperones are needed. Demonstration Day update- The date for Demonstration Day has been changed to April 27, with the venue to be announced. The planning committee made up of Janell Barber, Cyndi, Becky and Kathy Wilcox will meet February 16. Kathy and the teens will collect coupons and movie tickets for prize giveaways. Awards- a committee will be formed to revamp the Achievement journal and look at new ways to increase participation in the awards process. Fair- Emily would like specific committees formed for indoor and outdoor projects for fair planning. Livestock- Lola reported that the judge from last year will return. A Round Robin committee is being formed. Horse- Sonja reported on their most recent meeting. 4-H Climate Summit- 2 kids will be attending the Summit at Rutgers University in March. Con nued on page 13 March 2014 Page 12 ...Gallatin 4-H Unlimited Leaders Council Meeting Continued Old Business Baking project finances- The project had a bake sale at Lee & Dads on February 8. They made $246.78. Members have been bringing pans for use at each meeting, it is working very well. American Income Life policy renewal- The cost of renewal is $749 to cover 630 individuals. Built in to the budget. Bozeman Stampede setup/ cleanup- All participating clubs for this year’s rodeo have been identified and Scarlett has dispersed the funds evenly. The George Eddie Rodeo side account is in the negative $296.87 due to an error when ordering belt buckles. Scarlett inquired if the account could be brought to 0.00 by using income from past Stampede Rodeos. Danica had designated that that income, $455.47, go towards camp expenses. Ginny made a motion that the $455.47 go toward camp expenses, Cyndi seconded it, motion passed. Lola will speak with the Saddle Stars club to cover the negative balance in the George Eddie Rodeo account. Fair Account- After the 1% tax assessment payment the Fair account has about $3800. Lola and Scarlett continue to work on the account. Camp update- Budget-The Budget Committee met and went over the budget before the ULC meeting. Gregg and Clare reported on the Teens fundraising activities. The teens have been very active with their fundraising and are having great results. Clare made a motion, seconded by Sandra that the ULC vote, at the March meeting, on whether to contribute $1000 to Camp 2014 and a request was made to move this particular item higher on the agenda. Motion passed. 1% tax assessment forms update- JaNaie~ has been entering all of the information. All of the clubs have been identified and contacted but one. Square table- Cyndi outlined ideas for the Square Table. Kathy moved, Carolyn seconded that Cyndi buy treats and drinks costing no more than $50, from Member development. Motion passed. Cyndi asked for volunteers. Rec Lab- Carolyn moved and Kathy seconded that up to $930 total will be designated to pay for up to 10 kids and 2 chaperones to attend Rec Lab in Butte, April 4-6. Travel expenses included in the total will be reimbursed with receipts. The motion passed. $930 will come from member development. Robotics raffle ticket results- Nicki announced the winners of the raffle. The Buckland family won the TV, Dr. Kyle McMurray the shop vac, Ginger Perry the tool set, and Rob Buczala the cooler set. The raffle made over $460, money collected at the 4-H office has not yet been totaled. Travel for the team to future Robotics events is planned. New Business Purchase of Fair ribbons- demo day- Cyndi and Emily reported on the process of purchasing ribbons. A good count is needed by the projects. Costs of ribbons will come out to the Fair side account. Purchase of Show Works- Market Sale committee owns Show Works, they pay $350 a year. It would cost 4-H an additional $200 a year to have a 2nd Show Works program that could be accessed online through an app on an IPad. Ginny moved and Sandra seconded to take $100 from Miscellaneous Program Expenses and $100 from Hardware to pay for the program. The motion passed. Fair planning- Indoor projects- Emily requested that a Fair committee be formed to plan indoor exhibits, setup and cleanup. The request will be made for committee volunteers at the Square Table meeting. Project leaders will be in charge of finding judges. Teen Representative to Foundation-Leo was appointed. Ginny made a motion, Carolyn seconded. Motion passed. Agent update- Facilities- An application has been submitted with the Capital Improvement Program. 4-H agent position- Will be advertised until February 25. Website- Janaie~ designed a new website. AQAMandatory training will be held March 23. Enrollment age- The state age is based on October 1 of the current year. We will make no changes to our county 4-H age at this time. The animal projects will talk about how they move forward. Next meeting is March 11, 2014 at 6:30pm at Mackenzie River Pizza, Belgrade. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm Submitted by Kathy Cheney, Secretary March 2014 Gallatin County MSU Extension 201 West Madison, Ste 300 Belgrade, MT 59714 Phone: 388-3213 Fax: 388-3243 [email protected] We’re on the web: Like us on Facebook! Click on icon or visit The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Jeff Bader, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. To request disability accommodation or to inform us of special needs, please contact the Extension Office at 406-388-3213 five (5) working days before the event. Creation of the 4-H Emblem The official 4-H emblem is a green four-leaf clover with a white H on each leaf standing for Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. The stem of the clover is always to the right. There is little doubt that the 4-H emblem is one of the most highly recognized logos in the world. In 1907 or 1908, the first emblem used nationally was designed by O. H. Benson, superintendent of Wright County (Iowa) schools, as a three-leaf clover with three "H's" signifying head, heart, and hands. A four-leaf clover design with H's appeared informally around 1908. As the story goes, one sunny June morning in 1906 at a one-room country school near Clarion, Iowa, 11 pupils were spending their recess outside searching for four-leaf clovers. They had plucked seven clovers when a visitor drove up, the Superintendent of schools. At the teacher's suggestion, the children surrendered their good luck charms and placed the seven clovers into the hands of the superintendent. He said, "I've been looking for an emblem for the agricultural clubs and the schools of the county, and you have just given me that emblem, the four-leaf clover; it will help explain to young and old the message of a four square education." (In those early days, 4-H was known as "four-square education," which was based upon education, physical, moral, and fellowship development.) Although a good story, it may not be totally accurate as in 1907 Benson had designed, along with Jessie Field Shambaugh, from Page County, Iowa, a 3-leaf clover with "H's" standing for Head, Heart and Hands which was used as an emblem on several different items. Nonetheless, the H's and the clover emblem - regardless of whether we're talking three leaves or four leaves - is credited to O. H. Benson and to Clarion, Iowa. In 1911, Benson referred to the need for four H's -- suggesting that they stand for "Head, Heart, Hands and Hustle... head trained to think, plan and reason; heart trained to be true, kind and sympathetic; hands trained to be useful, helpful and skillful; and the hustle to render ready service, to develop health and vitality..." In 1911, at a meeting of club leaders in Washington, DC they approved the present 4-H design. O.B. Martin is credited with suggesting that the H's signify Head, Heart, Hands and Health - universally used since then. Speech & Demonstration Day & Fashion Revue Sunday, April 27, 2014 Belgrade High School 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. CLOVERBUDS (6-8 year olds) - JUNIORS/ INTERMEDIATES (9-13 year olds) - SENIORS (14 years old & up) All ages are based how old you were on October 1, 2013 Why should I participate in Speech & Demonstration Day? • It’s a time to practice speaking skills in a learning environment. • Everyone receives a ribbon. Purple ribbon seniors are awarded a trip to Montana 4-H Congress held at MSU in July. • The club with the highest percentage of participants receives a $25 award. • It’s fun to show what you can do and watch and learn from others. Complete and mail form to: Gallatin County MSU Extension 201 West Madison Ave, Suite 300 Belgrade, MT 59714 No applications accepted after April 16, 2014 Schedule of Events: Judging . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:00 - 3:45 Fashion Revue . . . . . . . . . .2:00 & 4:00 Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00 - 4:30 Name Club Age _________ (how old you were on Oct 1, 2013) Number of previous presentations given at the county level ________ Title of Presentation Cloverbud (5-8 yr) Junior (9-10 yr old) (X) one: Talk Time Preference (X) 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 Time Preference (X) 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 Phone # ______ Year in 4-H Birthday _____/_____/_____ Intermediate (11-13 yr old) Speech Demo/Illustrated Time Preference (X) 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 ______ Senior (14 as of 10/1/13 & older) (X) one: Talk Speech Demo/Illustrated Time Preference (X) 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 Times are scheduled first come, first serve. We will try to schedule your demonstration as close to your requested time as we can. Additional forms and information can be picked up from the Extension Office at 388-3213.
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