Hydraulic Modelling of Open Channel Flows

Environment and Computer Laboratory HS 2014
Water Resources Management I
Hydraulic Modelling of Open Channel Flows
Time & Place:
Ellen Cerwinka ([email protected])
Nina and Simona
07. November – 12. December 2014
Friday from 12:45 – 16:30
HIL E 15.2
Institute of
Environmental Engineering
Prof. Dr. Paolo Burlando
Chair of Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Organisational Issues
Friday, 07. Nov
Open Channel Flow – hydrologic flood routing
Introduction into Exercise 1
Start work on hydraulic flood routing in HEC-RAS
Friday, 14. Nov
Individual work on Exercise 1
Hydraulic flood routing – HEC-RAS
Friday, 21. Nov
Friday, 28. Nov
Individual work on Exercise 1
Hydraulic flood routing – HEC-RAS
Probabilistic inundation mapping
Friday, 05. Dec
Friday, 12. Dec
Organisational Issues
1 Exercise + Paper Assignment
Building up the model
Hydraulic Modelling of Open Channel Flows using HEC-RAS
Transferring the results of HEC-RAS into ArcGIS
Exercise carried out in groups of 2 students
Hand in one report for the exercise and the paper assignment
Grading of WRM I
Report around 18 pages
HEC-RAS 90%, Paper Assignment 10%
Deadline for submission: 17. December 2014
Organisational Issues
Literature on hydraulic flood routing and HEC-RAS
Lecture notes „Hydraulik 1“ Prof. Kinzelbach (German)
Bollrich: Technische Hydromechanik Band 1 (German)
User Manual HEC-RAS, Hydraulic Reference Manual HEC-RAS (English)
Literature on Uncertainty in Inundation Mapping
Horritt (2006): A methodology for the validation of uncertain flood
inundation models
Hunter et al. (2005): Utility of different data types for calibrating flood
inundation models within a GLUE framework
www.sciencedirect.com for paper
Lecture Outline
What is Flood Routing?
Techniques & Analysis
Hydraulic Flood Routing
 Approximations to the St. Venant equations
Concept of probabilistic inundation mapping
Uncertainty in inundation mapping
GLUE methodology
Introduction into the exercise
Flood Routing – Definition
What is Flood Routing?
Flood /Flow routing is…
a mathematical procedure for predicting the changing in magnitude, speed and
shape of a flood wave as a function of time at one or more positions along a
(Fread (1993): Handbook of Hydrology)
Flood Routing – Definition
How does the runoff change from point A to B?
Flood Routing – Motivation
Predict flood propagation
Water conveyance systems
Protective measures
Hydrosystem operation
Water dynamics
Ungauged rivers
Peak flow estimation
River-aquifer interaction
Flood Routing – Techniques
Hydrologic Routing
Continuity equation and
analytical /empirical
relationship between
storage and discharge
(e.g. Muskingum method)
For watershed simulation
studies  from upstream
to downstream
No significant backwater
effects or discontinuities!
Hydraulic Routing
Solution of partial differential
equation of unsteady open
channel flow ( St. Venant
Accounts for backwater
effects and internal
boundaries (culverts, bridges,
Flood Routing Analysis
Channel Inputs
Reach properties
length LAB
slope SAB
roughness nAB
width wAB
Water Inputs
Basin response
the rainfall-runofftransformation gives
us QS(t), ql(t)
Flood Routing Analysis
Steady Uniform Flow
Gradually Varied Flow
dv/dt=0 dv/dx=0
Unsteady Flow (Hydraulic Routing)
St. Venant Equation
St. Venant Equation
St. Venant Equation
St. Venant Equation
Limitations in the real world
Probabilistic Inundation mapping Motivation
Past and Now: deterministically created inundation maps
Futur: Mapping of flood hazard and risk for low, medium and
high probabilities
high uncertainty in results of 1 D- or 2D hydraulic simulations
Sources of uncertainty
Model structure
Implementation of numerical scheme
Small errors can have significant impact on results
Model input/output
Choice of type of numerical solution (implicit or explicit)
Optimal time step
Model approximates nature  simplifications
Flood hydrograph
Surface roughness
GLUE methodology
= Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation
Each member of Monte Carlo ensemble is assigned a weight
according to how well it fits observed calibration data
Cj - weighted average flood state for jth cell
- weight for each simulation i
Wij - simulation result for jth element
(wij =1 for wet, wij =0 for dry)
Reject poor simulations
Calibration/validation with remote sensing data and/or high
water marks
GLUE methodology
Compare observed and predicted inundated ares
A B
A B C
F…measure of fit
A…wet area correctly predicted by the model
B …area predicted as wet but observed dry (over-prediction)
C …area predicted as dry but obeserved wet (under-prediction)
Weigths for uncertain flood inundation map
Fi  min i ( Fi )
Li 
max i ( Fi )  min i ( Fi )
Mini(Fi)…minimum measure of fit throughout the ensamble
Maxi(Fi)… maximum measure of fit throughout the ensamble
GLUE can be used to evaluate different sources of uncertainty
(initial conditions, boundary conditions, topography…)
GLUE methodology
Result: uncertain inundation map
Exercise: Hydraulic Modelling of Open
Channel Flow - Objectives
Get to know…
a numerical hydraulic model for flood routing (HEC-RAS)
the general methodology, possibilities and limitations of numerical flood
the role of different parameters and their influence on the simulation
the concept of probability in spatial inundation extends by creating
probabilistic inundation maps
And not…
to reproduce a flood event as accurate as possible
Exercise: Hydraulic Modelling of Open
Channel Flow - Task Description
Steady State Simulations (d/dt = 0)
1.1 Rating curve (Q-H function)
2 Unsteady Flow Simulations
2.1 Influence of initial conditions (=> “warm up” time)
2.2 Investigation of the temporal discretization
2.3 Rating curve for unsteady flow
2.4 Numerical damping (influence of weighting factor )
2.5 Influence of downstream boundary condition
Uncertainty analysis of roughness parameters using
probabilistic innundation mapping
Paper assignment
Exercise: Hydraulic Modelling of Open
Channel Flow- River Reach & Flood Events
River Reach
Thur length of about 3 km
Geometric data available on the course webpage
Flood events
Each group chooses and signs in for a flood event
Flood hydrograph: hourly mean flow for the Thur
in m3/s with a duration of 30 to 50 hours
Too flashy to be realistic - but suitable for this
To be used for unsteady flow simulations
Flood hydrographs available on the course
Exercise: Hydraulic Modelling of Open
Channel Flow - Flood Routing Model HEC-RAS
HEC-RAS -> Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis
developed by the US Department of Defense, Army Corps of
Engineers in order to manage the rivers, harbors, and other
public works
1D - hydraulic flow model
Steady & Unsteady Flow
Sediment Transport
Water Temperature &
Water Quality
Exercise: Hydraulic Modelling of Open
Channel Flow - Flood Routing Model HEC-RAS
Steady Flow
based on the solution of the one-dimensional energy equation
Energy losses evaluated by friction and contraction / expansion
momentum equation may be used in situations where water
surface profile is rapidly varied (hydraulics of bridges )
Unsteady Flow
full, dynamic Saint-Venant equations
using an implicit, finite difference method
Exercise: Hydraulic Modelling of Open
Channel Flow
And Now...
Form groups and choose a flood event
Get to know HEC-RAS and start working on the exercise
(Very useful: hecrasmodel.blogspot.ch)
Start paper assignments at home
Next week: Working on the exercise
Deadline 17th December 2014