comparative study on olsr, zrp and aodv protocol

Computer Engineering, Goa College of Engineering, Farmagudi, Goa
Goa College of Engineering, Farmagudi, Goa
Abstract- A mobile ad hoc Network is self configuring wireless of mobile device network. Each device is free to move
independently in any direction , and at any time. However challenging task is that it has to maintain the information required
to properly route traffic. It also maintains flexibility as long as node is connected. There are many routing protocols proposed
such as OLSR, AODV, DSDV,DSR, ZRP, and TORA, LAR to improve the routing performance and reliability. In this
work we describes the characteristics of ad hoc routing protocols OLSR, AODV and ZRP with help of performance metrics
such as end–to–end delay, packet delivery ratio, throughput and jitter by increasing the number of nodes in the network. This
comparative shows that OLSR, ZRP performs well in dense networks when there is low mobility and low traffic but in high
mobility and high traffic environment ZRP performs well than OLSR and AODV.
Keywords- AODV,OLSR, ZRP, MANETs, Survey, Routing Protocols.
wireless networks deals with the process of managing
energy resources by means of controlling the battery
discharge, adjusting the transmission power, and
scheduling of power sources. The modification is
done in effect of power management issue in
modified OLSR and existing OLSR routing protocol
with the metrics like power consumes in all three
modes transmit, received and ideal modes, TC
message received, Hello message received, signal
received and forward to MAC, signal received but
with errors and power consumption have been used.
The rapid increases in the applications of Personal
Digital Assistants (PDAs) devices such as tabs,
compact laptops etc has made popularity of wireless
networks. One of the major types of wireless networks
is Mobile Ad-Hoc networks (MANET). Every node in
this network acts as a router or relay station to forward
data to the designated node. In this network nodes are
mobile and constantly change its location from one
MANET to another. The application of this network is
such as emergency situation, disaster recovery, crowd
control, battle fields etc. Many routing protocols have
been proposed for the mobile ad hoc network and
classified as Proactive or Table Driven routing
Protocol, Reactive or On Demand Routing Protocol,
Hybrid Routing protocol.
A. Reactive protocols
This routing is known as on- demand routing or
source-initiated routing protocol. It imposes less
overhead due to route messages on the network but at
the same time, in route finding process it has high
latency time and rarely excessive flooding of the
communication packets may lead to network
blockage. All nodes need not maintain up-to- date
routing information here. Dynamic Source Routing
(DSR) [1] , Adhoc On- Demand Distance Vector
Routing (AODV) [4] and Temporally Ordered
Routing Algorithm (TORA) [2], are some of the
examples of reactive routing protocol.
pioneering topics
communications is wireless networking. One area in
wireless networking is mobile ad hoc networking.
The concept of mobile ad hoc networking is based on
the fact that users can communicate with each other
in network, without any form of centralized
administration. In a mobile ad hoc network, nodes are
often powered by batteries. Every message can send
and every computation performed drains the battery
life. One solution for power conservation in mobile
ad hoc network is power management. This means
that routing decisions made by the routing protocol
should be based on the power-status of the nodes.
Nodes with low batteries will be less preferably for
forwarding packets than nodes with full batteries,
thus increasing the life of the nodes. A routing
protocol should try to minimize control traffic, such
as periodic update messages to improve the lifetime
of the nodes and network. Power management in
Ad-Hoc on Demand Distance Vector Protocol: In
this network node broadcast a request if it
requires connection. Other nodes forward this
message to needy node and records the node.
When a node receives such a message and already
has a route to the desired node, it sends a message
backwards through a temporary route to the
requesting node. The needy node uses the route
that has the least number of hops through other
nodes. Unused entries in the routing tables are
recycled after a time. When a link fails, a routing
error send to a transmitting node, and the process
Proceedings of 3rd IRF International Conference, 10th May-2014, Goa, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-15-5
Comparative Study on OLSR, ZRP and AODV Protocol
repeats. Complexity of protocol is to lower the
messages to conserve the capacity of network.
This can be done by using sequence number and
time to live.
Since link-state routing requires the topology
database to be synchronized across the network,
OSPF and IS-IS perform topology flooding using a
reliable algorithm. Such an algorithm is very difficult
to design for ad hoc wireless networks, so OLSR
doesn't bother with reliability; it simply floods
topology data often enough to make sure that the
database does not remain unsynchronized for
extended periods of time.
Advantages and Limitation The advantage of AODV
is that it do not create extra traffic for communication
along existing links []. Also, distance vector routing
doesn't require much memory or calculation as it is
simple. The connection setup delay is lower. However
AODV requires more time to establish a connection,
and to establish a initial route is heavier than some
other approaches and if the source sequence number is
very old, the intermediate nodes can lead to
inconsistent routes. Also, multiple RouteReply
packets in response to a single RouteRequest packet
can lead to heavy control overhead. it consumes
unnecessary bandwidth due to periodic beaconing.
Advantages and Limitation OLSR is a flat routing
protocol and it does not need central administrative
system to handle its routing process. The link is
reliable for the control messages, since the messages
are sent periodically and the delivery does not have to
be sequential. This protocol is best suitable for high
density network and does not allows long delays in
the transmission of the packets.
B. Table Driven (Proactive ) protocols
Proactive routing is also often termed as table- driven
routing. In this routing protocols, lists of destinations
and their routes are maintained by periodic
distribution of routing tables throughout the network
and this category of protocol always strives to
maintain consistent and updated routing information
at each node [3].
However, as a limitation this protocol needs that each
node periodically sends the updated topology
information throughout the entire network, this
increase the protocols bandwidth usage. But the
flooding is minimized by the MPR’s, which are only
allowed to forward the topological messages.
C. Hybrid Routing Protocol:
Hybrid routing protocol combines the advantages of
both proactive and reactive routing protocols. The
routing is initially established with some proactively
prospected routes and then it serves the demand from
additionally activated nodes through reactive
flooding. The existing hybrid protocols are ZRP.
This protocols use link-state routing algorithms
which frequently flood the link information about its
neighbors and the main drawback of proactive
routing protocol is that all the nodes in the network
always maintain an updated table. DestinationSequenced Distance-Vector Routing Protocol
(DSDV) [4] and Optimized Link-State Routing
(OLSR) [5] are the two common proactive routing
Optimized Link State Routing Protocol: Linkstate routing protocols such as Open Shortest
Path First (OSPF) [8] and IS-IS elect a
designated router on every link to perform
flooding of topology information. In wireless ad
hoc network different approach is needed to
optimize flooding process. Using Hello messages
the OLSR protocol at each node discovers 2-hop
neighbor information and performs a distributed
election of a set of multipoint relays (MPRs).
Nodes select MPRs such that there exists a path
to each of its 2-hop neighbors via a node selected
as an MPR. These MPR nodes then source and
forward TC messages that contain the MPR
selectors. This functioning of MPRs makes
OLSR unique from other link state routing
protocols in a few different ways: The
forwarding path for TC messages is not shared
among all nodes but varies depending on the
source, only a subset of nodes source link state
information, not all links of a node are advertised
but only those that represent MPR selections.
Zone Routing Protocol: If a packet's destination
is in the same zone as the origin, the proactive
protocol using an already stored routing table is
used to deliver the packet immediately.
If the route extends outside the packet's
originating zone, a reactive protocol takes over to
check each successive zone in the route to see
whether the destination is inside that zone. This
reduces the processing overhead for those routes.
Once a zone is confirmed as containing the
destination node, the proactive protocol, or
stored route-listing table, is used to deliver the
In this way packets with destinations within the same
zone as the originating zone are delivered
immediately using a stored routing table. Packets
delivered to nodes outside the sending zone avoid the
overhead of checking routing tables along the way by
using the reactive protocol to check whether each
zone encountered contains the destination node.
Thus ZRP reduces the control overhead for longer
routes that would be necessary if using proactive
routing protocols throughout the entire route, while
eliminating the delays for routing within a zone that
Proceedings of 3rd IRF International Conference, 10th May-2014, Goa, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-15-5
Comparative Study on OLSR, ZRP and AODV Protocol
would be caused by the route-discovery processes of
reactive routing protocols.
Table 2: Routing Performance in Low Mobility
End to End
Low Average
Packet delivery
Good Average Average
Table 3: Routing Performance in High Mobility
Advantages and Limitation ZRP tries to combine the
advantages of reactive and proactive routing
protocols. With properly configured zone radius, ZRP
may outperform both proactive routing protocols and
reactive routing protocols.
The potential disadvantage is that since hierarchical
routing is used, the path to a destination may be
suboptimal. Furthermore, since each node has higher
level topological information, memory requirement is
We compared the characteristics of three different
routing protocols which are of three different types
i.e. reactive (AODV), proactive (OLSR) and hybrid
(ZRP). ZRP is better compared to OLSR and AODV,
as it is hybrid protocol. OLSR gives stable route and
is suitable for dense networks where node needs to
communicate with each other; they don’t have to find
route as route is already calculated. AODV is
efficient as it builds route when required but response
to create route is higher compared to OLSR and ZRP.
End to end delay of AODV protocol is higher than
other two protocols in both low and high mobility
scenario as it establishes route only when required.
All three protocols are stable for finding routes hence
packet delivery of all three are similar. Throughput of
OLSR is better than other two protocols in both high
and low mobility scenario as route is calculated
beforehand. Jitter is also low in OLSR as it performs
well in both low and high mobility. So we can
conclude that no protocol is perfect, but selection of
protocol should be application specific.
A. End-to-end Delay: This metric represents average
end-to-end delay andindicates how long it took
for a packet to travel from the source to the
application layer of the destination. It includes all
possible delay caused by buffering during route
discovery latency, transmission delays at the
MAC, queuing at interface queue, and
propagation and transfer time. It is measured in
B. Packet Delivery Ratio: Packet delivery ratio is
calculated by dividing thenumber of packets
received by the destination through the number of
packets originated by the application layer of the
source (i.e. CBR source). It specifies the packet
loss rate, which limits the maximum throughput
of the network.
C. Throughput: It is the measure of the number of
packets successfully transmitted to their final
destination per unit time. It is the ratio between
the number of received packets vs sent packets.
D. Packet Jitter: It is the ratio of transmission delay
of the current packet and the transmission delay of
the previous packet. Jitter can be calculated only
if at least two packets have been received
Table 1: comparison of ad hoc routing protocols
End to End
Low Average
Packet delivery
Good Average Average
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Proceedings of 3rd IRF International Conference, 10th May-2014, Goa, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-15-5