Optimal Control of Flood Water with Sediment Transport in Alluvial Channel Yan Ding* and Sam S. Y. Wang National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering, The University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677, U.S.A. ABSTRACT Flood water in an alluvial channel (or river) conveys suspended sediments from upstream to downstream, and entrains bed materials along with flood currents. Morphological changes on channel/river bed trend to reduce the conveyance capability of channel, and then affect water stages and discharges (hydrographs). It is therefore necessary to quantify the influence of sediment transport on variations of water stages for the purpose of best flood water management in alluvial rivers. This paper presents an integrated simulation-based optimization model to systematically investigate optimal control of flood stages under different conditions of channel geometries and sediment properties in alluvial channels. This integrated system consists of a well-established one-dimensional river/channel flow model and a non-uniform/non-equilibrium sediment transport model, as well as an adjoint sensitivity model to find the optimal solution. The flood control is demonstrated by operating a single floodgate or multiple gates to withdraw flood waters from alluvial channel. The optimal withdrawal hydrographs for scheduling the floodgate operations are obtained by the optimization model system under the constraints of objective water stages applied to a * Corresponding author, National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering, The University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677, U.S.A. Tel.: +1 662 915 8969; fax: +1 662 915-7796, E-mail: [email protected]. 1 designated target reach. It is found that the influence of morphological changes on flood control becomes important under certain hydrological and morphological conditions, as well as the selection of control actions. This study shows that this simulation-based optimization model provides an effective tool to perform best management of flood and sediment transport in alluvial channels/ rivers, and to design the flood control structures. Keywords: Sediment Transport, Optimization, Adjoint Sensitivity, Alluvial River Processes. 2 NOMENCLATURE A Abk B* Ctk f g q qlk Q Qtk Qt*k Qtk* K L Ls L1 , L2 n pbk p/ R t T Utk Wz x x0 xc Z Zobj(x) cross-sectional area (m2) Cross-section area contributed from sediment of size class k (m) channel width on water surface (m) section-averaged sediment concentration of size class k the measuring function the gravitational acceleration (m/s2) volumetric rate of lateral outflow (or inflow) per unit length of the channel between two adjacent cross sections (m2/s) volumetric rate of lateral inflow or outflow sediment discharge per unit length of the channel between two adjacent cross section (m2/s) discharge through a cross-section (m3/s) actual sediment transport rate of size class k (m3/s) sediment transport capacity of size class k (m3/s) potential bed material load transport capacity of size class k (m3/s) the conveyance K is defined as K= AR2/3/n (m3/s) length of river reach (m) adaptation length (m) represent the continuity equation and the momentum equation, respectively Manning’s roughness coefficient (s/m1/3) availability factor of sediment porosity of the bed material hydraulic radius (m) time (s) control period (s) section averaged velocity of sediment (m/s) weighting factor which is to adjust the scale of the objective function channel length coordinate (m) target location where the water stage is protective (m) location of flood diversion gate (m) water stage (m) the maximum allowable water stage (the objective water stage) (m) Greek Symbols β βt δ λA , λQ Λ momentum correction factor correction coefficient Dirac delta function the Lagrangian multipliers 2/3−4R /3B* 3 1 1 INTRODUCTION 2 3 Flood flows in alluvial channels (rivers) convey suspended sediments from upstream to 4 downstream, and also entrain bed materials along with flood currents. During storm events, 5 due to speeding flood currents, drastic bed changes (i.e. local scour, channel degradation, and 6 aggradation) occur on alluvial river beds. Continuous sediment deposition of bed materials 7 may significantly reduce flow capacity of a channel and river and lead to chronic inundation 8 of adjacent floodplain property. Morphological changes on channels or river reaches may also 9 affect navigation, water supply, reservoir store capacity, and stability and function of in- 10 stream structures (e.g. floodgates, bridge piers, groins, etc). Therefore, in order to achieve best 11 flood control operations in alluvial channels/rivers, it is necessary to take into account the 12 influence of morphological changes induced by flood flows. 13 14 In order to best mitigate erosion and deposition impacts, an optimal sediment control 15 approaches at in-stream structures need to be developed. Nicklow and Mays [5] pointed out 16 that reservoir management release policies can be optimized by minimizing the in-stream 17 deposition height. For sediment control purpose, numerical sediment transport modeling has 18 been applied to the design of diversion works and intakes in rivers with heavy sediment 19 transport which are used in channels/rivers to withdraw water from the channel flow, and to 20 return the sediment charge to the channel with appropriate means [4]. Some previous studies 21 have been done to implement optimization theories in sediment control. Nicklow et al. [7] 22 used a genetic algorithm-based methodology to minimize bed elevation changes in rivers and 23 reservoirs of a large-scale watershed. The methodology coupled the U.S. Army Corps of 24 Engineer’s HEC-6 sediment transport simulation model with genetic algorithm procedure and 25 was subject to operational constraints on reservoir releases and storage levels. The procedure 4 26 of sediment transport model was based on the assumption that the outflow from the reservoir 27 is equal to the inflow during the same time step which neglects the storage accumulation or 28 depletion in reservoirs. In Nicklow and Mays model [5][6], though optimal release policies 29 could be achieved, a linear quadratic regulator optimization algorithm SALQR is still time 30 consuming, numerical derivative computations and the optimal policies located were often 31 local optima that depend heavily on initial user specified release policies. Some of used 32 constrains for stream bed elevation, and reservoir’s bed elevation and storage were linearized 33 in optimization module. Carriaga and Mays [1] used Differential Dynamic Programming 34 (DDP) procedure to solve the full nonlinear model by not linearizing the constraints, but 35 limiting their focus to minimizing the adverse effects (the sum of aggradation and degradation 36 depths along river reach) only in a single downstream river reach. 37 38 In general, numerical optimization control is carried out in an integrated simulation-based 39 optimization system, in which simulation model is used for predicting physical variable 40 responses to variations of control actions, and an optimization model for determining optimal 41 parameters of the control actions. Due to the nature of nonlinearities and non-uniformities in 42 river flows and morphodynamic processes, predictions of flood flow and morphology require 43 a highly-accurate simulation model to compute spatiotemporal variations of flood stages and 44 bed elevation changes. The difficulties due to nonlinear system responses have to be 45 overcome to establish the relation between control actions (e.g. floodgate opening) and 46 responses of the control variables (e.g. discharge and stage). 47 48 This study aims to develop an integrated simulation-optimization system, in which a well- 49 established one-dimensional (1-D) flood flow and sediment transport model, CCHE1D [10], 50 is used as the simulation model. A nonlinear optimization model based on the adjoint 5 51 sensitivity model of the 1-D flow model has been developed for determining the nonlinear 52 dynamic responses to the flow control actions. A Limited-Memory Quasi-Newton (LMQN) 53 procedure [8] is employed to find the optimal control parameters (e.g. diversion discharge 54 hydrograph to control floodgate opening operation). 55 56 By applying this optimization system, this paper presents a systematical numerical 57 investigation on the effect of bed morphological change in an alluvial channel on optimal 58 flood control. As an example, the numerical optimal flood control is demonstrated by 59 operating a single floodgate or multiple gates to withdraw flood waters from an alluvial 60 channel. The optimal withdrawal hydrographs for single or multiple floodgate operations are 61 obtained by the integrated simulation-based optimization system which consists of a 62 hydrodynamic module, a sediment transport module and a bound constrained optimization 63 module. The hydrodynamic module is to solve the 1-D nonlinear Saint-Venant equations, the 64 sediment transport module computes the non-equilibrium transport equations for non-uniform 65 sediments, and the optimization module is to find the optimal solution iteratively by solving 66 the adjoint equations of the 1-D Saint-Venant equations obtained by variational approach. In 67 order to study the effectiveness and applicability of the optimal control theory, alluvial 68 channels with single and multiple floodgates are considered for different hydrological 69 conditions, sediment properties, and channel geometries. The changes in morphology due to 70 optimal control of flows are studied with various conditions of sediment sizes and channel 71 bed slopes. It is found that the influence of morphological changes on flood control becomes 72 important under certain hydrological and morphological conditions as well as the selection of 73 control actions (e.g. floodgate locations). This study shows that this simulation-based 74 optimization model is effective to perform best management of flood and sediment transport 75 in alluvial channels, rivers, and watershed to control flood flows during storms. 6 76 77 2 INTEGRATED SIMULATION-BASED OPTIMIZATION MODEL 78 79 This integrated simulation-based optimization model consists of four different submodels: 80 hydrodynamic model, sediment transport and morphodynamic model, an adjoint model of the 81 hydrodynamic model, and bound constrained optimization model. In order to make this 82 optimization model applicable to most realistic flows in natural rivers, a well-established 1-D 83 river hydrodynamic and sediment transport model called CCHE1D [10] is considered here as 84 the riverine process simulation model. CCHE1D was designed to simulate steady and 85 unsteady flows and sedimentation processes in dendritic channel networks. The model 86 simulates fractional sediment transport, bed aggradation and degradation, bed material 87 composition (including hydraulic sorting and armoring), bank erosion, and the resulting 88 channel morphologic changes under unsteady flow conditions during storms. CCHE1D's 89 software design uses a watershed-based approach that provides straightforward integration 90 with existing watershed processes (rainfall-runoff and field erosion) models to produce more 91 accurate and reliable estimations of sediment loads and morphological changes in streams. 92 CCHE1D has a GIS-based graphical interface that provides support for automated spatial 93 analysis, channel network digitizing, digital mapping, and visualization of modeling results. 94 One may refer to [10] for detailed descriptions on the governing equations of CCHE1D and 95 their solution methodology for simulations of open channel flows and sediment transport in a 96 natural river and river network of a watershed. Herein, only a brief introduction about 97 mathematical formulations of one-dimensional unsteady flow model and a non-uniform/non- 98 equilibrium sediment transport model is given below. 99 100 2.1. 1-D River Hydrodynamic Model 7 101 The 1-D nonlinear de Saint-Venant equations are used here for simulating open channel 102 flow and are given by 103 L1 = ∂A ∂Q + − q= 0 ∂t ∂x (1) 104 L2 = QQ ∂ Q ∂ β Q2 ∂Z +g 2 = 0 ( )+ ( 2 )+ g ∂t A ∂x 2 A ∂x K (2) 105 where, L1 and L2 represent the continuity equation (1) and the momentum equation (2), 106 respectively; x = channel length coordinate; t = time; Q=discharge through a cross-section; A= 107 cross-sectional area; Z=water stage; β=momentum correction factor; g = the gravitational 108 acceleration; q = volumetric rate of lateral outflow discharge per unit length of the channel 109 between two adjacent cross sections, which can be a control variable for flow diversion; the 110 conveyance K is defined as K= AR2/3/n, where n = Manning’s roughness coefficient, and R = 111 hydraulic radius. Eqs. (1) and (2) can simulate the open channel flow with complex cross 112 section shapes subject to initial conditions (e.g. a base flow in channels) and boundary 113 conditions at upstream (e.g. a given hydrograph for discharge inflow) and downstream (e.g. a 114 given water stage or a stage-discharge rating curve). 115 116 117 118 119 2.2. Sediment Transport and Morphodynamic Model CCHE1D was developed under the concept of the non-equilibrium transport of nonuniform sediments [10]. The 1-D governing equation of sediment concentration is written as ∂ ( ACtk ) ∂t + ∂Qtk 1 + Qtk − Qt*k = qlk ∂x Ls ( ) (3) 120 where, Ctk=section-averaged sediment concentration of a sediment size class k; Qtk=actual 121 volumetric sediment transport rate of the size class k; Qt*k = sediment transport capacity of the 122 size class k; Ls = adaptation length and qlk = volumetric rate of lateral inflow or outflow 8 123 sediment discharge of the size class k per unit length of the channel between two adjacent 124 cross section. CCHE1D considers bed load and suspended load together as a total bed 125 material load and Eq. (3) is applied to bed material load and wash load. The bed material 126 transport capacity of each size class can be written in general form as Qt*k = pbk Qtk* 127 (4) 128 where, pbk = availability factor of the k-th size class sediment and 129 load transport capacity of the size class k. In the sediment transport simulation, sediment 130 transport capacity of each size class Qtk* can be estimated by empirical sediment transport 131 formulations which were built on the equilibrium flow conditions [10]. The bed deformation 132 due to size class k is given by (1 − p′ ) 133 ∂Abk 1 = Qtk − Qt*k ∂t Ls ( Qtk* = potential ) bed material (5) 134 where p/ = porosity of the bed material and Abk = cross-section area contributed from sediment 135 of size class k. Therefore, the term of the left-hand side represents bed deformation rate of 136 size class k. Substituting, Ctk=Qtk/(AβtUtk) in Eq. (3), where Utk = section averaged velocity of 137 sediment and it is approximated as section-averaged flow velocity, and βt = correction 138 coefficient that is approximated as 1, one obtains the following sediment transport equation: ∂ Qtk ∂t βtU tk 139 ∂Qtk 1 Qtk − Qt*k = qlk + + Ls ∂x ( ) (6) 140 After the actual sediment transport rate of size class k, Qtk, is computed from Eq. (6), the 141 cross-section area changes can be computed immediately by Eq. (5). The area changes due to 142 sediment transport will be distributed on the perimeter of cross-sections. 143 144 2.3. Optimization Model 9 145 For control flood water stages and bed elevation changes which are associated with 146 nonlinear and unsteady riverine processes, the nonlinear optimization approach is needed, 147 which is briefly described as follows: In general, the optimization problem for finding an 148 optimal control variable in a control action in open channel flow is to minimize an objective 149 function J that is defined as an integration of a general measure function, i.e. J =∫ 150 T 0 ∫ L 0 f ( Z , Q, q, x, t )dxdt (7) 151 where q is the lateral outflow which needs to be identified in control of flow diversion; f = the 152 measuring function; T = control period; L = length of river reach. For flood control problems, 153 Ding and Wang [3] proposed a measure function as a function of the discrepancy between the 154 predicted water stage Z(x,t) and the maximum allowable water stage Zobj(x) (the objective 155 water stage), namely, f = 156 WZ ( Z ( x, t ) − Z obj ( x, t )) 4 δ ( x − x0 ) LT (8) 157 where Wz=weighting factor which is to adjust the scale of the objective function; x0=target 158 locations where the water stages are protective; δ = Dirac delta function, i.e. 1 δ ( x − x0 ) = 159 0 if Z ( x0 ) > Z obj ( x0 ) if Z ( x0 ) ≤ Z obj ( x0 ) (9) 160 Therefore, the measure function in (8) only takes account of the reach in which the predicted 161 water stage is higher than the allowable stage so as to protect the corresponding river reaches 162 from being overflowing/overtopping due to a hazardous flood. In order to minimize the 163 objective function (7) and ensure that discharge and water stage satisfies the 1-D Saint- 164 Venant equations, an augmented objective function is introduced as follows: = J * 165 T L 0 0 ∫ ∫ f ( Z , Q, q, x, t )dxdt + ∫ T 0 10 ∫ L 0 (λA L1 + λQ L2 )dxdt (10) 166 where L1 and L2 represent the 1-D continuity equation (1) and the momentum equation (2), 167 respectively; λA and λQ are the Lagrangian multipliers. Note that all the flow variables are 168 influenced by bed elevation changes due to sediment transport in alluvial river flows, even 169 though the morphodynamic equations in the simulation model (i.e. CCHE1D) is not included 170 in the augmented objective functions in (10). In other words, it is assumed here that the 171 sensitivities of the flow variables with respect to bed elevation changes can be neglected. This 172 assumption is reasonable for most natural rivers with moderate sediment concentration. 173 174 By using Green’s formula, the first variation of the augmented objective function δJ* can 175 be obtained [3], 176 of A and Q can be set to zero, respectively, so as to establish the optimization conditions. 177 After some algebraic manipulations, Ding and Wang (2006) [3] obtained the following 178 adjoint equations of the de Saint-Venant equations, i.e. 179 180 181 and setting the extremum condition, all terms multiplied by the variations 4W obj 3 obj ∂λA Q ∂λA g ∂λQ 2 g ΛQ Q λQ * Z ( Z − Z ) δ ( x − x0 ), if Z ( x0 ) > Z ( x0 ) + + * + = B LT ∂t A ∂x B ∂x AK 2 0, if Z ( x0 ) > Z obj ( x0 ) ∂λQ ∂t + β Q ∂λQ A ∂x +A ∂λ A 2 Ag Q − λQ = 0 ∂x K2 (11) (12) where B*=channel width on water surface; g = gravitation acceleration; Λ=2/3−4R /3B*. 182 183 Therefore, the adjoint equations of the full nonlinear de Saint-Venant equations are 184 composed of the Eqs. (11) and (12). The adjoint equations are general formulations for the 185 inverse analysis of 1D unsteady channel flows with complex cross sections. From the 186 variational analysis of the augmented objective function, the sensitivity of the objective 187 function J with respect to the control variable (i.e. withdrawal discharge q(t)) is obtained as 188 suggested by Ding and Wang (2006) [3] as follows: 11 189 δ J ( xc , t ) = T ∫0 ∂f ∂q x = xc − λ A ( xc , t ) δ q( xc , t )d t (13) 190 in which, xc = location of flood diversion gate. The gradient of the objective function with 191 respect to the lateral outflow at the control location of flood diversion at a time tn can be 192 derived immediately as follows, δJ δq 193 x = xc t =tn = −λ A ( xc , tn ) (14) 194 Obviously, through the adjoint sensitivity analysis, the sensitivity of the lateral outflow q is 195 well defined by the Lagrangian multiplier λA. 196 197 The governing equations for de Saint-Venant equations (i.e. L1 and L2), sediment transport 198 equations, and adjoint equations (Eqs. (11)-(12)) are discretized using implicit four-point 199 finite difference scheme proposed by Preissmann (1960) [9]. For the details of numerical 200 discretization of the de Saint-Venant equations and the sediment transport equation in the 201 CCHE1D model, one may refer to [10]. This same implicit scheme is also adopted for solving 202 the adjoint equations (11) and (12) for λA and λQ. Details for solving adjoint equations can be 203 found in Ding and Wang [3]. 204 205 In order to minimize the objective function defined in Eq. (7) and finally identify the 206 optimal control variable, an iterative minimization procedure is required due to the 207 nonlinearity of the optimization problem. Ding et al. (2004) [2] have compared 208 comprehensively several minimization procedures, and they found that the Limited-memory 209 Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno (L-BFGS) algorithm [8] is efficient for optimization 210 in large-scale problems. The CCHE1D model serves the purpose of predicting discharge and 211 stage; the adjoint sensitivity analysis module computes the Lagrangian multipliers through the 12 212 adjoint equations (11) and (12) and uses the sensitivity formulations in Eqs. (13) – (14) to 213 calculate the gradient of the objective function. 214 215 The identification of the values with bound constraints, for example maximum diversion 216 capacity, may need to be considered. The L-BFGS-B, which is an extension of the limited 217 memory algorithm L-BFGS, is well known to successfully handle the bound constrained 218 parameter identification (Nocedal and Wright 1999 [8]). In order to preserve the physical 219 meaning of control variable in every iteration step, the limited memory algorithm for bound 220 constrained identification procedure (L-BFGS-B) is thus adopted in this study. The L-BFGS- 221 B algorithm is to minimize the objective function J in Eq. (7) subject to the following simple 222 bound constraints, i.e. qmin ≤ q ≤ qmax, where qmin and qmax mean lower and upper bounds of 223 the values of the control variable q. 224 225 3 APPLICATIONS TO OPTIMAL 226 TRANSPORT IN ALLUVIAL CHANNEL FLOOD CONTROL WITH SEDIMENT 227 228 This simulation-optimization system has developed for a general purpose of flood control 229 in rivers with naturally complex cross-section shapes. For demonstration of the model 230 capability, it is applied to obtain the optimal solutions of flood diversion controls in a 10-km 231 long alluvial channel during a control period of 50-hour storm. The storm is assumed to have 232 a hypothetical triangular hydrograph at the upstream of the channel, in which a 100 m3/s peak 233 flood discharge occurs at 16 hour. In addition to the flood flow, a 10-m3/s base flow is 234 assumed to be flowing in the channel. In the test cases, the channel is assumed as a compound 235 channel as shown in Figure 1, with a uniform channel bed material (i.e. constant median grain 236 size, e.g. d50 = 0.127 mm). As for the boundary conditions for sediment transport at upstream, 13 237 the numerical model can take into account the clear water upstream inflows or sediment-laden 238 inflows at the inlet of the computational channel reach. In this study, we only considered the 239 open boundary conditions at downstream for both flows and sediment transport. It means that 240 the flows and sediments can go through the outlet of the computational reach with no 241 resistance from outside. 242 243 In the test cases, floodgates are to control water stages over the whole reach by operating 244 the openings of the gates, over which the stages during the flood event should be lower than 245 the allowable ones. The profile of control stages (the maximum allowable stages) Zobj(x) 246 varying along the channel is given by a slope curve as shown in the Figure 1, which means 247 the maximum water depth, 4.5m, should be limited over the entire channel. There are totally 248 21 cross-sections evenly distributed in the channel by giving a 500-m equal length between 249 two cross-sections. The minimization of the objective function defined in Eq. (7) with a 250 measuring function Eq. (8) results in the optimal lateral outflow rate satisfying allowable 251 water stages along the whole channel. The weighting factor Wz in the measure function f in Eq. 252 (8) is set to 103. 253 254 3.1 Optimal Flood Control by a Single Floodgate 255 In this test case, only one floodgate located at 7 km downstream as shown in Figure 1 is to 256 control withdrawal discharge by operating the opening of the gate so that the water stages 257 over the target reach (i.e. the whole channel in the case) are lower than the objective water 258 stages, i.e. Zobj(x) = 4.75-0.025x. The objective of the optimal flood control is to find out the 259 best solution of the floodgate discharge hydrograph so that flood stages in this 10-km alluvial 260 river reach can be minimized. By minimizing the function through the L-BFGS-B, the 261 optimal discharge has been found iteratively, and the searching process is shown in Figure 2. 14 262 Note that the identified discharge q(t) is a vector with the equal length of the total 600 time 263 steps in the simulations, by giving the time step 300 seconds. The results show that the 264 LMQN method successfully identified the control variable vector with the large number of 265 components. For explaining the optimization process, Figure 3 shows the iterative histories of 266 the objective function values and the norm of its gradient (i.e. ∇J (q) 2 ). The iterations indicate 267 that the convergent control variable has been already identified after about 15 iterations 268 through the L-BFGS-B. The obtained discharge after 15 iterations can be considered as the 269 optimal lateral outflow due to the minimized objective function and its gradient with good 270 enough accuracy. It only took 25 seconds to find the best solution of the diversion hydrograph 271 (a vector) in a desktop with an Intel 2.66GHz CPU. 272 273 Figure 4 shows the iterative history of the sensitivity of the lateral outflow (i.e. δJ/δq, or 274 negative value of λA(t) because of Eq. (14)) at the designated location of the floodgate. 275 According to the corn-shape profiles of the adjoint variable before diversion operation occurs, 276 the adjoint variable λA reflects the demand of flood water withdrawal and more flood waters 277 need to be divert at the peak of the flood. As a result, the optimal hydrograph for withdrawal 278 uniquely depends on this corn-shape profile of the sensitivity (or the adjoint variable λA). 279 Because the values of the sensitivity are eventually vanished (or very close to zero after 10 280 iterations), the obtained lateral outflow discharge in Figure 2 is indeed optimal. 281 According to the identified optimal hydrograph q(t) for flood water diversion shown in 282 Figure 2, this control diversion through the floodgate apparently is to cut down the peak flood 283 discharge in order to lower the peak flood stages in the reach. As an example, Figure 5 shows 284 the iteration history for searching for the optimal water stages at 7.0 km downstream. It 285 clearly indicates that after 15 iterations the optimal solutions is found because all the stages 286 over the 50-hour control period turn out to be lower than the objective stage (i.e. 4.75m at this 15 287 cross section), and the withdrawal action has cut the one single flood peak in the case of no 288 control into two much lower peaks. As the optimal control action is applied, all the controlled 289 flood stages over the target reach (i.e. the whole channel) indeed are assured to be lower than 290 the allowable stages. 291 292 For an alluvial channel, the bed elevations are changed with the flood flow and the 293 floodgate withdrawal operation. For the case of optimal control, Figure 6 plots profiles of 294 thalweg and thalweg changes along the channel (with a 1:40000 bed slope and a grain size 295 d50=0.127mm on bed) at the end of the flood event. The bed changes show that the flood 296 water withdrawal causes the channel degradation on the upstream reach of the floodgate due 297 to the accelerated flow by the withdrawal, as well as the aggradation on its downstream due to 298 the deceleration of downstream flow. 299 300 The optimization results in this case are also compared with those with a fixed bed (no 301 sediment transport considered). Figure 7 indicates that there is a slight difference (less than 302 1% change of withdrawal discharge) in the optimal withdrawal discharge hydrographs 303 between the two cases (i.e. with a movable and a fixed bed). Furthermore, having comparing 304 with the adjoint variable results (i.e. the values of λA, as shown in Figure 8 ) in the case of a 305 fixed bed channel, it has been found that the sediment transport in the alluvial channel didn’t 306 influence the sensitivities of the objective function with respect to withdrawal discharge. It 307 proves that the exclusion of the morphodynamic equations in the augmented object function 308 J* in Eq. (10) is appropriate in the study of flood controls as long as the morphological 309 changes are small in comparison to the flood water depth. 310 311 But more differences in the optimal water stages, as shown in Figure 9, are found at the 7 16 312 km downstream, especially at the period of flood recession. It could be the reason that the 313 withdrawal by the floodgate during the flood period caused the channel degradation (erosion), 314 and the deepened bed around the floodgate cross-section made the water elevations lower 315 during the flood recession period, because of the increased channel conveyance. 316 317 Furthermore, in the following test cases our objective is to find out the effect of optimal 318 flood control on bed morphology under different bed materials (i.e. different grain sizes) and 319 different bed slopes. Different bed materials with representative diameters d50=0.127, 0.210, 320 0.350, 0.6 and 1.25 mm and four different bed slopes (i.e. 0, 1:40000, 1:20000, and 1:13333) 321 are considered to simulate different scenarios. The single floodgate is placed in the same 322 location as shown in Figure 1. The allowable water depth along the channel for each case is 323 specified as 4.5 m, so that the allowable stages Zobj(x) are dependent on the channel bed slopes. 324 First, in order to obtain enough bed erosion/deposition, bed material with 0.127 mm diameter 325 is considered for different bed slopes. From the obtained optimal diversion discharge 326 hydrographs shown in Figure 10, it can be concluded that less water needs to be diverted as 327 the bed slope increases for the same water depth constraint along the channel. The reason 328 could be attributed to the increasing velocity and subsequent decrease in water depths with the 329 increasing bed slopes. It was further found that if the bed slope is kept increasing, and the 330 same water depths along the channel are ensured, the optimization is not required since the 331 water depths are already lower than the allowable ones (the channel flow regime may turn out 332 to be of a critical flow). Meanwhile, the bed morphology is drastically changed especially at 333 the location of the floodgate (Figure 11). The bed changes most when the maximum flow in 334 the case of the 1:40000 slope is to be diverted through the floodgate. This is obvious because 335 the higher diversion flow rate increases the upstream channel velocity and bed is eroded 336 easier. At the downstream of the gate velocity in the channel reduces and sediments are 17 337 deposited in this reach. 338 339 A second category of tests is also conducted to investigate the effect of sediment size on 340 bed erosion/deposition when optimum flood water is diverted from the channel. In this case, 341 different bed materials are considered with a fixed bed slope 1:40000. The channel thalweg 342 changes are shown in Figure 12 when the optimal discharge is diverted from the channel. It 343 can be concluded from Figure 12 that the maximum erosion/deposition takes place when the 344 sediment size is smallest, which is appropriate. 345 346 3.2 Optimal Flood Control by Three Floodgates 347 This simulation-optimization system is further applied to search for the optimal 348 withdrawal hydrographs of three floodgates operations. The setup of the channel and the 349 storm conditions are kept as the same as the previous as shown in Figure 1 (i.e. 350 slope=1:40000, d50=0.127mm, allowable water depth=4.5m). Instead of single floodgate, 351 there are three gates located at 2.0 km, 4.5 km, and 7 km of the alluvial channel; therefore 352 there are three hydrographs for water withdrawal, i.e. q1(t), q2(t), and q3(t), to be determined 353 to satisfy the flood control constraints. This nonlinear optimization has successfully found the 354 three optimal withdrawal hydrographs in less than 20 L-BFGS iterations. As shown in Figure 355 13, each discharge hydrograph, q1(t), q2(t), or q3(t), in the three gates is much less than the one 356 withdrawn by the single floodgate in the previous case. Moreover, the total discharge 357 (=q1+q2+q3) withdrawn by the three gates is also less than the one in the single gate operation 358 (denoted by the dash line in Figure 13). It indicates that multiple floodgate control can be 359 much easier (or more conservative) than the single structure control, because the control load 360 can be distributed rationally along the channel. However, the distribution feature is not even 361 in the three floodgates. In addition, in comparison of the thalweg changes along the channel 18 362 shown in Figure 14, the channel bed is less disturbed by the multiple-gate control operation 363 than that by the single floodgate. 364 365 The iterations for searching for the controlled stages at 4.5 km downstream (i.e. the 366 location of the second floodgate) are shown in Figure 15. In comparison to the control water 367 stages by the single floodgate as shown in Figure 5, the controlled stages are less undulated 368 and then more stable. Apparently, the multiple floodgate control can help stabilize the channel 369 flow and the bed morphology. 370 371 4. CONCLUSIONS 372 373 This paper presents an integrated simulation-optimization tool to systematically 374 investigate the effects of flood flows and sediment transport on the control of flood waters in 375 alluvial channels. The numerical optimal flood control is demonstrated by operating a single 376 floodgate and multiple floodgates to withdraw flood waters from channels. The optimal 377 withdrawal hydrographs for the floodgate operations are obtained by this integrated 378 simuation-optimization system which consists of a 1-D nonlinear open-channel flow module, 379 a sediment transport module, an adjoint module of the flow model, and a bound constrained 380 optimization module. In the models, (1) the flow module is to solve the well-known one- 381 dimensional nonlinear Saint-Venant equations; (2) the sediment transport module computes 382 non-equilibrium sediment transport equations for non-uniform sediment compositions; and 383 (3) the optimization module is to find the optimal solutions of withdrawal hydrographs by 384 solving the adjoint equations of the Saint-Venant equations. In order to study the effectiveness 385 and applicability of the optimal control theory, variations of sediment properties and channel 386 geometries are considered in the alluvial channels with different installation of control 19 387 structures (i.e. floodgates demonstrated in this study). The changes in morphology due to 388 optimal control of flows are studied thoroughly. It is found that the influence of 389 morphological changes on flood control varies with number of gates, hydrological and 390 morphological conditions, as well as the selection of control actions. This study shows that 391 this simulation-based optimization system is effective to perform best management of flood 392 and sediment transport in alluvial channels/rivers to control flood flows during storms, and it 393 can also facilitate engineers to achieve the best design on the locations and capacities of flood 394 control structures. 395 396 Apparently, flood control within a sediment-laden flow in a natural alluvial river (e.g. with 397 high-concentration suspended sediment) will have different characteristics from these 398 discussed in this study which is only for clear water withdrawal. Meanwhile, in some cases 399 (e.g. reservoir water release), sediment withdrawal could be operated together clear water 400 release; and then sediment withdrawal/release will become a control action. 401 sediment withdrawal in alluvial rivers with high-concentration sediment will be considered in 402 the future study. Issues on 403 404 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 405 This work was a result of research sponsored by the USDA Agriculture Research Service 406 under Specific Research Agreement No. 58-6408-7-236 (monitored by the USDA-ARS 407 National Sedimentation Laboratory) and The University of Mississippi. The authors thank Dr. 408 Soumendra N. Kuiry for producing test case results for this study. 409 REFERENCES 410 20 411 [1] C. C. Carriaga, and L. W. Mays: Optimal Control Approach for Sedimentation Control 412 in Alluvial Rivers, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 121, No. 413 6, pp. 408-417, 1995. 414 [2] Y. Ding, Y. Jia, and S. S. Y. Wang: Identification of the Manning’s roughness 415 coefficients in shallow water flows, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol., No. 416 6, , pp.501-510, 2004. 417 [3] Y. Ding and S. S. 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(Available at 438 http://www.ncche.olemiss.edu/cche1d/cche1d techmanual.pdf). 439 440 22 441 Table of Figures 442 Figure 1 A compound channel with a 1:4000 bed slope (lower: compound cross-section) .... 24 443 Figure 2 Iterations for searching the optimal withdrawal hydrograph for the flood water 444 diversion operation. .................................................................................................................. 25 445 Figure 3 Iterations of objective function and norm of objective function gradient ................. 26 446 Figure 4 Iterative history of sensitivity δJ/δq at the control point ........................................... 27 447 Figure 5. Iterations for searching for an controlled water stages at 7.0km (i.e. the location of 448 the floodgate)............................................................................................................................ 28 449 Figure 6. Profiles of thalweg and thalweg changes along the channel at the end of the flood 450 event in the optimal control case .............................................................................................. 29 451 Figure 7. Comparison of lateral discharges withdrawn from the diversion floodgate ............. 30 452 Figure 8 Comparison of the adjoint variable λA at the cross section of the floodgate at the first 453 searching iteration of L-BFGS-B ............................................................................................. 31 454 Figure 9. Comparison of water stages between the cases with and without sediment transport 455 at 7 km downstream ................................................................................................................. 32 456 Figure 10 Obtained optimal withdrawal hydrographs at the floodgate under different bed 457 slopes in which d50=0.127mm .................................................................................................. 33 458 Figure 11 The thalweg changes after the controlled flood has passed for different bed slopes 459 and constant bed material of diameter 0.127 mm .................................................................... 34 460 Figure 12 The thalweg changes after the controlled flood has passed for different bed 461 materials and constant bed slope 1:40000 ................................................................................ 35 462 Figure 13. Optimal hydrographs for the flood diversion operated by three floodgates ........... 36 463 Figure 14. Comparison of thalweg profiles after storm event by single and three floodgates. 37 464 Figure 15 Iterations for searching for the optimized water stages at 4.5 km ........................... 38 465 23 466 467 Zobj(x) = 4.75-0.025x 6 Elevation (m) 5 4 3 2 Bed slope = 1:40000; d50=0.127mm 1 0 0 2 4 x (km) 6 q(t) 8 10 1:2 468 70m +0.0m 1:1. 5 +2.0m 20m 469 470 Figure 1 A compound channel with a 1:4000 bed slope (lower: compound cross-section) 471 24 472 473 100 Inflow Hydrograph at inlet 3 Discharge (m /s) 50 0 Iteration= 1 Iteration= 4 Iteration= 5 Iteration= 6 Iteration= 10 Iteration= 30 Iteration= 70 -50 Optimal q(t) -100 0 12 24 36 48 Hours 474 475 Figure 2 Iterations for searching the optimal withdrawal hydrograph for the flood water 476 diversion operation. 477 25 478 479 480 10-2 4 Objective Function Norm of Gradient Objective Function 10 3 2 10 1 10 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 0 10 10 -1 10 -2 10-7 0 10 20 30 40 50 Iterations of L-BFGS-B 60 10-8 70 482 483 -3 10 10-3 481 10 Norm of Gradient 105 Figure 3 Iterations of objective function and norm of objective function gradient 484 26 485 486 Iteration = 10 0.0E+00 Iteration = 6 Iteration = 5 -1.0E-03 δJ/δq Iteration = 4 -2.0E-03 Iteration = 3 Iteration = 1 -3.0E-03 0 12 24 36 Hours 487 488 Figure 4 Iterative history of sensitivity δJ/δq at the control point 489 490 27 48 491 492 6 No Control obj Z Water Stage (m) 5 = 4.57m 4 3 Optimal Control Iteration = 1 Iteration = 5 Iteration = 15 Iteration = 30 Iteration = 70 2 1 0 24 12 36 48 Hours 493 494 Figure 5. Iterations for searching for an controlled water stages at 7.0km (i.e. the location of 495 the floodgate) 496 28 497 0.3 0.2 0.25 0.15 0.2 0.1 0.15 0.05 0 0.1 Thalweg Change (m) Thalweg (m) 498 499 -0.05 0.05 0 -0.1 Initial thalweg Thalweg after event Thalweg change -0.05 -0.15 q -0.1 0 2 4 6 8 -0.2 10 x (km) 500 501 Figure 6. Profiles of thalweg and thalweg changes along the channel at the end of the flood 502 event in the optimal control case 503 29 504 505 0 2 1.5 -20 -40 0.5 -60 0 ∆q (m3/s) 3 Discharge (m /s) 1 -0.5 -80 -1 -100 Without sediment transport With sediment transport Difference -120 0 506 507 12 24 Hours 36 -1.5 -2 48 Figure 7. Comparison of lateral discharges withdrawn from the diversion floodgate 508 509 30 510 511 8E-05 No sediment transport With sediment transport 6E-05 λA 4E-05 2E-05 0 0 12 24 36 48 512 Hours 513 Figure 8 Comparison of the adjoint variable λA at the cross section of the floodgate at the first 514 searching iteration of L-BFGS-B 515 516 517 31 518 519 5.5 Zobj=4.57m Water Stage (m) 4.5 3.5 2.5 Without sediment transport With sediment transport 1.5 0 12 24 36 48 520 Hours 521 Figure 9. Comparison of water stages between the cases with and without sediment transport 522 at 7 km downstream 523 524 32 525 526 100 Hydrograph at inlet 3 Discharge (m /s) 50 0 -50 Slope = 0.0 Slope = 1:40000 Slope = 1:20000 Slope = 1:13333 -100 0 12 24 36 48 Hours 527 528 Figure 10 Obtained optimal withdrawal hydrographs at the floodgate under different bed 529 slopes in which d50=0.127mm 530 531 33 532 533 0.2 Thalweg Change (m) 0.15 Slope = 1:13333 Slope = 1:20000 Slope = 1:40000 No slope 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 0 534 2 6 4 8 10 Distance [km] 535 Figure 11 The thalweg changes after the controlled flood has passed for different bed slopes 536 and constant bed material of diameter 0.127 mm 537 538 34 539 540 541 Thalweg Change [m] 0.2 d50 = 0.127 mm 0.15 d50 = 0.210 mm 0.1 d50 = 0.350 mm d50 = 0.600 mm d50 = 1.250 mm 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 0 2 4 6 8 10 Distance [km] 542 543 Figure 12 The thalweg changes after the controlled flood has passed for different bed 544 materials and constant bed slope 1:40000 545 546 547 35 548 549 550 125 Hydrograph at inlet 100 3 Discharge (m /s) 75 50 q3 q2 q1 25 0 -25 -50 Total discharge = q1 + q2 + q3 -75 -100 Discharge withdrawn by single floodgate 0 12 24 36 48 Hours 551 552 Figure 13. Optimal hydrographs for the flood diversion operated by three floodgates 553 554 36 555 556 557 0.15 Three floodgates One floodgate Thalweg change (m) 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 q2 q1 -0.15 0 2 q3(or q) 6 4 8 10 x (km) 558 559 Figure 14. Comparison of thalweg profiles after storm event by single and three floodgates 560 561 562 37 563 564 565 No Control 6 Zobj = 4.64m Water Stage (m) 5 4 3 Optimal Control Iteration = 1 Iteration = 5 Iteration = 15 Iteration = 30 Iteration = 70 2 1 0 12 24 36 48 Hours 566 567 Figure 15 Iterations for searching for the optimized water stages at 4.5 km 38
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