o NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Procurement & Contract Administration Section i, 28 Mauve Area, G-9/I, Islamabad I 051-9032722, E 0S1-9260419 No. 2(447)/ cM(P&cA)/ NHA/ 20 14/ I g )- March l? ,2or4 To, All Prospective Bidders Subject: MINUTES OF' 2"d PRE-BID MEETING AND ADDENDUM NO. O4: & Protection Works River I Chachran Sharif with Kot Mithan. Reference: 2ndPre-Bid Meeting held on 24-02-2014 for the subject works. Minutes of 2'd Pre-Bid Meeting and Addendum No. 04 for the subject works are enclosed herewith, please. (PARr{ASHI Director (P&CA) Enclosure: (if (iil Minutes of 2nd Pre-Bid Meeting (O2 pagesf. Addendum No. 04 {.1,2Pagesf. Cc: Member (Planning), NHA, Islamabad. General Manager (P&CA), NHA, Islamabad. trr' "f , , -t MTNUTESop z'd pnn-ntr mnEtlNG Hnlu oN zarHrnBRUARy. 2o1a of River Traini Works (Consis Banks. Gunda Bunds and Cunette) of ShaheedBenazir Bhutto Bridse over River Indus Connectins Chachran Sharif with Kot Mithag 01. 2n0Pre-Bid Meeting was held in NHA Auditorium, HQ, Islamabadat 1400 hours on 24thFebruary 2014 to discussthe revised drawings and BOQ and to clarify the points, if any, raisedby the Bidder. The following attendedthe meeting: . National Highway Authority i. Mr. ParvezIqbal Sulehri ii. Mr. Asim Amin iii, Mr. Parkash v. Mr. Nand Kumar Soofi vi. Mr. Asad Rahat General Manager (P&CA) General Manager (Design) Director (P&CA) Director (QS) Deputy Director (P&CA) Design Consultant (M/s EA Consulting) l. ll. Mr. HarisAqil Mr. SiddiqSulemani Bidders i. Mr. NaeemA. Khan ii. Mr. NaseerA Shafai ii. Mr. Parvaiz Gori iv. Engr. Nadeem Khan v. Mr. QaiserMehmood vi. Mr. Ghulam Hasan vii. Mr. NK viii. Lt. Col. Atif General Manager (Technical) Head of Highways M/s FWO - M/s Sachal(JV) M/s FWO - M/s Sachal(JV) M/s ZKB M/s Chaudhry EngineersAssociates M/s Matracon Pakistan M/s Habib ConstructionServices M/s SalmanEnterprises M/s FWO 02. The said meeting was started with the welcomed to all participants by General (P&CA) Manager and General Manager (Design). All the participants were asked to give introduction about himself. All the participantsthen introduced themselvesalongwith the name of their firms. 03. General Manager (Design) explained the revised drawings and BOQ of the subject works that the changesare in stone quantities and apron width. The bidders were askedto collect revised drawings and BOQ which will be later issuedformally through Addendum No. 04. 04. Afterwards, the bidders were askedto come forward with their questions/ and the bidders raised certain questions / queries regarding subject works. Questions / ies / answersof the sameare as followins details: Sr. Questions/ Queries No. Ouestionsof M/s ZKB: Replies/ Answer Mobilization Advance may increased15% insteadof IjYo. 11 be Agreed to be put up for consideration of higher authorities. In case of approval, the same will be informed later throush Addendum In C-Factor, weightages of HSD and Weigh,tages are as per PEC Standard Price Labour may be increased. Adiustmentprocedure. Ouestionof M/s RMC 1ll Provision of SecureAdvance may be includedin Biddine Documents. ri i -.- l JI 5 \ w-- Page I of2 ti*'3f \!'ri. , t \.r-.'t=' .,.1. t+' ) Queritions of M/s FWO: Partially taking over certificate may be considered for Cunette / Gunda Bund, River Training Works. Provision of Coffer dam may be inc,luded in BOQ as a separateitem (as PD-FWO informed that the river is changing its direction and may flow through under construction bridge in the comins monsoonseason). lV. 05. Not agreed. Not agreed,However, General Manager (Design) informed that if it happenedthen the samecan be made later on in contractas separateitem. The meeting concludedwith a vote of thanks to all the participants. ---ooOoo--- Page 2 of 2 ADDENDUM NO. 04 Package'4: Construction of River Training & Protection Works (Consisting of Guide Banks, Gunda Bunds and Cunette) of ShaheedBenazir Bhutto Bridge over River Indus Connectine Chachran Sharif with Kot Mithan The following amendmentshave been made in the Bid Document under this Addendum, which shall be read and construedas an integral part of Bid Document and shall take precedencein case of any conflict / ambiguities in the Bidding Document and other provisions of the Bidding Document. 1. Biddine Data: Refer page-35of Bidding DocumentITB Clauses20.1(a) and23.l, Para-Sof AddendumNo. 01, Para-l of Addendum No. 02 & 03 for the subiect works, the dates be changedas 27thMarchzllfi. 2 . Appendix-D to Bid" Bill of Ouantity (BOQ): Refer page-49of Appendix-D to Bid, Bill of Quantity of Bidding Document be replacedwith the amendedAppendix-D to Bid, Bill of Quantity attachedat Annexure-I. a J. Special Provllions (SP): Refer pages from 105 to 111 (07 Nos.) of Special Provisions of Bidding Document be replacedwith the amended07 pagesattachedat Annexure-Il. 4 . Tender Drawings. Volume-III: Following pages of Tender Drawings Volume-III be replaced with the amended pages attachedat Annexure-Ill: (D Page-5of DrawingNo. EA-684-SB-H-1001. (ii) Page-7of DrawingNo. EA-684-SB-H-2001. (iii) Page-8of Drawing No. EA-684-SB-H-2002. 5 . Other terms and conditions shall remain same. i,, i' tj Package- : Consfruction of River Training & Protection Works (Consisting of Guide Banks, Gunda Bunds and Cunette) of ShaheedBenazir Bhutto Bridge over River Indus Connecting Chachran Sharif with Kot Mithan. Bill of Quantify Pay Item No. Item Description Unit Quantities l0l Clearing and grubbing SM 73,000 t04 Compaction of Natural Ground SM 73,000 l06c ExcavateSurplusCommonMaterialin dry/wetarea CM 203,500 CM 500,000 Rate in figures in words Amount (Rs.) Formation of Embankmentfrom Roadway Excavation in l08a common Material (in drylwet area) for Apron, Guide Banks, Cunetteetc. 201 GranularSubbase CM 7,700 509b RiprapClassB CM 12,600 6 1 3 a Sprigging SM 37,000 6l3b SM 37,000 SM 37,000 sP-2.1Filter Layer(Medium) CM 17,500 sP-2.2 Riprapon Slopes,ClassDl (W50: 80 - 100kg) CM 79,s00 sP-2.3 Riprapon Apron,ClassD2 (W50 = 100- 120kg) CM 360,000 6l3c Sodding Top Soil TOTAL P *\ 'Iotal Amount rn FrgureRupees: r Name oI UontractoranclStamp z5 An"n-fi "'/ u Q co'struction of shaheed tsenazir Bhutto Bridge r$#*, Connecting Chachran Sharif"""r with Kot Mithan I t Contract 4: Riverfrainffi SI}-2 RIVER TRAINING WORK AND PROTtrCTION WORI( 2"1 Description River trainingand protectionwork shall includeconstruction of guidebanks,guide walls, gunda bund, cunette,bank protection,flooring and appioach embalkment protectionas requiredfor ensuringsafetyof the bridge structureand its approaches againstdalnageby flood/flowing water. Construction of various comporilnts shall conformto drawingsandthesespecificationsor as directed by therngin;er" 2.2 GuideBank 2'2'1 This work shallconsistof construction of ernbankment of guidebankandprovisionof pitching/revetm.ent on slopes,apronetc. as indicatedon th" drawingin accordance with thesespecifications or asapprovedby theEngineer. 2'2'2 The alignmentand layoutof guidebanks shall be as indicatedon the drawingor as approvedby the Engineer. The constructionof embanlcnent ro. tuiJe bank shali conformto provisions of items100,105,106 & 108of NliA Genera'l Specifications. Riprap/Pitching,filter undemeathpitching and ap.on etc., shall be as per these specifications' \[4tereever,clearing& grubling uni or naturatlround is requiredthe sameshouldconformto provisionsof "o*pu"iion items i00, 10trand 104 of NF{,{ GeneralSpecifications. For sub-baseprovidedas shownin drawingsshoulJconform to provisionsof items200 and20r of NHA Generar specifications. 2'2"3 Guidebanksshallgeneraliybe macleo1'locally availablematerialsfrom the river bed preferablycohesionless materials.Trial piis shall Le taken in borrow holes to examinesuitabilityof soil firr constructionand also to decidethe types of eart6 tnovingmachinery.tobe aranged.The boruowpits shouldbe sufficienui u*uy rro* tlre locationof the launchingup.ou.No borow pitr rrt*ra be dug on the ri'er side of . theguidebanks. " constructionof guidebanksshallbe talienin handalongwith the constructionof the bridge'Every effort shall be madeto complete the work of the guide bank in o'e working season., where thereis any,doubt;bou; within one wotking season,suitatle measures";;piJtion ortne who,leguide bank rh;ii;* plannedand executedfor protectionof completedwork. The construction of,guide bank shall be staftedfi"orn abutmenttowardsupstream. 2"2.4 S:::::':rl,: :t.^:r::,?nd pitchingof the guidebankssharrgeneraily conformro #;j;i'Jd *:ru;il: ;lX,l::,3i iio"3":!.,".!!.!::, fry:tliati,ns. .3uffi.i,nrl.,gtr, in on e t" ty" y:^:yl_ *" rh y* ; ;; ;;;il:# # :; #'k-,ffiffifl: :lj;* i I b:"oyq1..i.J ;fi1,1"80 il";;'"ft;;illlii:!1il,;,ff"i f#,;l::.::'i:,"::*ilT'1 un i,^. u l uur ' ;;#"il?ji'l,lllfl ffi fi: 3*11t" m:":1,:: *l:s" l:sh "y :J*';;il our d*beIeft;"u b;"ilfi ;;,r#,#J H:,T ;.l],1 H"jli": :f l*^9119: tt\ " lH,iltiJl,i#llllil; il ;"'-J.ff:fff'-iJ il,;'T:L,:tn{ll:[TJ ffif#Hj n::::::"d 11##'s' appropriate earth moving rnachinery and trained staff be deployed in ec cf.^",'. ^,^ /.1^, construction. J, \,' Constructionof ShaheedBenazirBhutto Bridge over ltiver Indus ConnectingChachranSharifrvith Kot Mithan t t Contlact4: Rivert.uinffi 2"2"5 The Contractorshall furnish his planningand methodologyfor approvalof the Engineerregardingtranspotlof stonesfromthe quarriesto the siteof work takinginto accountthe quantitiesof stonerequiredto be transportedevery day, truck, etc., deployed,availableferry or boatsandlabouravailablefor loadingand unloaoingand for laying within the time frame for constructionof guide bank.io*quut, .eserveof stonesshould be maintainedfor major works as decidedby the Engineer. Reserve stonesshallbe stackedfar awayfrorn the mainchannelof the river. 2'2'6 Wherethe alignmentof guide bank or the approachembankment crossesbranch channelof the river,the branchchannelmay be"eitherdiverted.to the mainchannelof the river rvith.thehelp of spurs,etc..orclosld by a properlydesigned closingdyke or closurebu'd (gundabund)beforetaking,p ,onit u"tion ofguide bank. 2"3 APRON 2.3,1 General This work shall consistof furnishingand placinga protective coveringof erosion resistantmaterialas riprap. This work shail conJistof laying boulders/rockpieces directlyon the bedof riversfor protectionagainstscour"The work shallbe camiedout strictly in acoordance with the specificatio-ns and in confonnity with lines, grades, thicknessetc shownon drawings. 2"3.2 LayingBoulderApron To ensureregularand orderlydispositicnof the flull intended quantityof stonein the apron,the surfaceon which the apronis t6 be laid shall be leveleduno [.*p*r"o ro, the lengthandwidth as shovri1on.ih, dru*ings"In case the surfaceon *hirh apronis to be la.idis belowthe low waterlevel,the giund t.olt ,rruybe raiseJupio to* *ut*, ievel by dumpingearthand the apronlaid ihereon.The quantity of stonerequiredi* apronshallbe rervottedout by takingthetoe oipiifhing at higherlevei" rlie rock/stonefbr apronshallbe placerlby-equipment on the surfa{leandto the depth indicatedon drawings"Tlte rock/itonestrattue placec to the f'ull coursethicknessin one operationand in such manneras to avoid displacement of urrderlyingmaterial. The rock/stoneshall be placed in a nrannerthat will ensurethat the rock/stoneis reasonablyhonrogenouswith the large pieces uniformly distributedand firmly interlockedrryiththe smallerpieces.unirputt, nrlinl irre voids betweenlarge I pieees. somehandplacingrnaybe requiredto provide ilffi; uniformsurface. 2.4 PITCHING / REVETMENT ON SLOPES 2.4"1 Description This work sl,all consistof coveringof the slopes of guide banks,r;rainilgworkqand road embankments with erosionrisistantrnaierial;-iron",boulders, over a layer of granularmaterialcalledfilter as shownon the drawings" while river sideslopesare given this protectionagainstriver action, the rearrropJr, not subjectedto direct attack of theriver, may be protectedagainst-ordinary wave splashingby ().3-0.drnetrethick cover of riprap, glavey or silty earth and turfed. The rnaterialsshall be testedin accordance with theseSpecifications andshallmeetthe prescribedcriteria. constructionof shaheedBenazirBhuttoBridgeoverRiverIndus Con ChachranSharifwith Kot Mithan t Contract 4; RiverTraininganOprote"tioffiiffi I The work shall conformto theseSpecifications and shall be in conformitywith the lines,grades,thicknessshownon tlie drawingsandshallmeetall prescribed standards ofacceptance. 2"4.2 Fitching/Filtermedia 2.4"2.IPitclring/riprap The pitchingshall be providedas indicatedin the drawings.The thickness and the shapeof the stonepitchingshallbe asshownon the drawing" The stonesshall compriseroughlydressedand shaped,set on their edges with their longestdimensionat right anglesto theflow of watei. The bed upon which riprap shall be laid, shall be firm, oompacted and of specified thicknessof duly approvedgranularrnaterial. Stones/Rock piecesshallbe laid with close,brokenjoints andshaltrbe firmly bedded into the slopeand againstthe adjoiningrocVston"u.rn. stone/rockpieces shall be laid perpendicular to the slopewith endsin contact.The riprap shall be thoroughly compactedas_construction progresses and the finishedsurfate,hull pr"r.nt an even, tight surface.Interstices betweenrock/stone piecesshallbe chinkedwittr spattsfirmly rammedin. stones/rockpiecesshallbe placedin layersto its futl thicknessin a singleoperation and after placing shall be reworkedto fonn a dense,well-knit, interlockedand unifofinly gradedlayer.It shall be pkncedso that rock pieces jifferent of sizesare evenly distributed, wittrout cluster of smalleuoiL/rton* pieces. Excessiye displacement of the underlyinglayershallbe avoided. I Stones/rock piecesshallbe placeddirect,afterthe underlyingfilter layer(rnedia)has been finishedto the final srope,gradeand rines as shown on the ,lru*ing, o, u, . directedby the Engineer. Requirementfor Apron & Riprap/pitching The size/'rn''eight of stoneshouldbe as indicatedon drawing.The stonesused shallbe; field stoneor rough ulhewn quaruystone,sound,hard, durabledense,resistantto the actionof air & water,fairly regularin shapeof rectangie and suitablein all respectfor the purposeirltended' Eachplecesof stone/rocksha'il be fiee from cracks,fissures, planesof weakness,subjectto markeddeterioration by water or weat6erand/orotlier flaws which could lead to breakageshall not u" ur"i. eny pi*"" showingsignsof significantedge and colner *.u, o, of severerounding oi detoriationshall not be accepted'Materialfor apronshallbe obtainedfrom quarfr proposedby thecontractor and approvedby the Engineer. stones are preferable Quarry to round bouldersas the latter roll off easily. Angular stones fit into each other better uno rruu. gooa interlocking characieristics] Rock/Stonepieces shall be obtainedfrom a quarry proposed by the contractor and approviq of the Engineer"with regard to the consistencyof stone/rockpieces and the overallipfrurun.,, of the works the "oiour useof stone/rockpiecesfrom more thanone sourceand/oicornprisingmorethan ons rcck type shall'ot be permitted,exceptwhereupprou"au, ilunou*eer. Theuseof ',' i: :.:.; ii !/ l) t I Construciion of Shaheed BenazirBhuttoBridgeoverRiver Indus ConnectingChachrarrSharifwith,Kot Mithan Contract4: River TrainingandprotectionWorks agglomerates or Alluvial cobbleswill not be permitted.Roundbouldersshall not be allowed. Sarnplesof the stone/rockpiecesto be used shall be submittedto and approvedby theEngineerbeforeanypieceis usedin thepennanent work. The sizeof stone_shall be as largeas possible.In no caseany fragmentshall weigh lessthan 60 kg. The specificgravityof stonesshallbe as high as p6ssibleand it shall not be lessthan2'60.The sizesof spallsshallbe a minirnumof is ** and shall be suitableto fill the voidsin thepitching Abrasionafter 1,000revolutionsin a Los Angelesmachinein accordance with ASTM C 535 shallnot exceeda lossin weightof 40%.The soundness shallbe measuredin sodiumsulphatesolutionin accordance with ASTM C88,and the weight lossafter 5 cycles shall not exceed5%. The absorptionmeasuredin accordan*riittt AST14 C 97 shallnot exceed2o%. Rock piecesshallnot containimpuritiesor foreignmattersin suchquantity as would be damagingto the environmentor the integrity ortn. works" The averagedensityof the stones/rocli piecesshall not be lessthan 2,600kg/cu m, u'ifh not morethan l0% of the stones/roCk piecesby weightcomprisingpieceshaving a densitylesstlran 2,550kg/cu rn. Not more tltan5Taof tit" rlon"rlro"k pieces by weight shall comprisepieceswhosemaximumdirnensionis greaterthan tluee times their minirnumdimension,wherethe minimumdimensionis Jefinedas the minimum distancebetweentwo parallelstraightlinesthroughwhichthe piece "unluripurr. The "Wx" of_the stones/rock piecesis definedas the weight, which exceedsthe weight of xYoby weight of the rock grieces. The medianstoneweight (Wuo)of,the stones/rock piecesshall not be lessthan the value definedon the firawinis for the particulartype of pitcltinglriprap/apron. The ratio of Ws5to Wrs shallnot be lessthan " threenor greaterthan ten, andiro pieceof rock shall weigh more than five tirnesthe requiredvalueof W5e'The valueof w3o shallnot be lessthan haif of mininrumvalue ., of Wso. Not morethan2o/oof the stones/rock piecesshallcomprisepiecesweighinglessthan onethirtiethof requiredvalueof W5s. (media) 'fhe materialfor the filter shall consistof sand,glavel, stone or coarsesa.nd.To preventescapeof the embankment malerialthroughthe voidsof the stone/rockpieces as well as to allow free movementof water witliout creating any uplift head on the pitching/ripraP., o1e nrorelayersof gradedmaterials,commonlyknown as a filter 91 layer(rnediu'r),shalr beprovidedundeineaththepitching/riprap. The gradationof the filter rnaterialshaltsatisfythe following requirements: Provisionof a suitabtydesignedfilter is o""*rrury under the slopepitching/riprapto prevent tbe escape.of underlying etnbankment material throujh the voids of stone/rockpieceswhensubjectedto tho attackof flowing waterand wave aetion,etc. In orderto achievethis requirernent,the filter may be frovided i6l..gneor more layers satisfying thefoltowingcriteria: i,.:'iiffir,- o a Construction of Shaheed BenazirBhuttoBridgeoverRiver Indus ConnectingChachranSharifwith Kot Mithan Contract4: River Training andprotectionWoii<s D 15(Filteg <5 D 85 (Base) D 15(Filte$ 4< <20 D 15 (Base) D 50 (Filter) <25 D 50 (Base) Filter desigllmay not be requiredif ernbankment consistsof CH soilswith liquid lirnit greaterthan50 resistantto surfaceerosion.In this case,if a layerof materialis used as beddingfor pitching,it shallbe well gradedandits D 85 sizeshallbe at leasttwice the maximurnvoid sizein pitching In the foregoing,D 15lneansthe sizeof thatsievewhichailows l5 per centby weight of the filter materialto passthroughit andsirnilaris the meaningof D 30 andD g5. If more than one filter layer is required,the samerequirementas above shall be lbllowed for each layer. Tlie finei filter shall be consideredas basematerial for selectionof coarserfilter. The filter shall be compactedto a firm condition"The thicknessof filter generally is of the orderof 200 mrn to 300 mm. Wherefilter is providedin fwo layers, thickness of eachlayershallbe 150mm" 2.4.3 Construction0perations Reforelayingrhe pitching/riprap,the side of banksshallbe trirnrnedto the required ' slopeandpro_files put up by meansof line andpegsat intervalsof 3 metresto ensure regularstraightwork and a uniform slopethrougliout.Depressions shall be filled and thoroughlycompacted. The filter granular material shall be laid over the prepared base and suitably compacted to the thicknessspecifiedon the drawings. The lowest courseof pitching/riprapshall be startld from the top of apron and built up in coursesupwards. The stonepitching/riprapshall colnlnencein a trench below the toe of the slope. stoneshallbe placedby derick or by handto the required length,thicknessanddepth cotiformingto the drawings.stoneslrockpiecesshail be setnonnal to the slope,and placedso that the largestdimensionis perpendicuru, to the face of the slope,unless suchdimensioris g..ut", trra' the specifiedthickness of pitching. The largeststonesshall be placedi, the bottomcourses and for use as headersfor subsequent courses. t$r Fr-+y' l ,i"li "',..1/ of Shaheed Construction BenazirBhuttoBridgeoverRiver Indus ConnectingChachranSharif with Kot Mithan Contract4: River Training and ProtectionWorks o f In handplacedpitchingiriprap,the stoneof flat stratifiednatureshouldbe placedwith the principalbeddingplanenormalto the slope.The patternof laying shall be such that thejoints are brokenand voids are minimumby packingwith spalls,wherever necessary, andthe top surfaceis as smoothaspossible. Whenfull depthof pitching/riprap can be fonnedwith a singlestone,the stonesshall be laid breakingjoints and all intersticesbetweenadjacentstonesshall be filled.in with spallsof thepropersizeandwedgedin with hammersto ensuretight packing. When fwo or more layersof stonesmust be laid to obtainthe designthicknessof pitching, dry rnasonryshall be used and stonesshall be well bonded"To ellsure regular and orderly dispositionof the full intendedquantity of stone as shown, templatecrosswalls in dry masonryshall be built abouta metrewide and to the full height of the specifiedthicknessat suitable intervalsand all along the length and width of thepitching.Within thesewalls the stonesshallbe handpacftedasspecified. 2"5 MEASUREMENTS and PAYMENT 2.5.1 Measurement The differentitemsof work involvedshallbe measured asprovidedbelow: a. clearing& Grubbingreferitem 101.3of NHA Generalspecifications b' Compactionof NaturalGroundreferitem 104.3of NHA GeneralSpeeifications a. RoadwayandBorrowExcavationreferitem 105.4of NHA GeneralSpecifications d' Excavationof Unsuitableor Surplusmaterialrefer item 106.3of NHA General Specifications " e. Formationof Embankment referitem 108.4of NFIA GeneralSpecifications ' f. GranularSubbase referitem 201.4of NHA Generalspecifications g' Springging, Sodding and Top Soil refer item 613.4 of NHA Specifications h. General Filter layer (Medium):The quantitiesto be measuredfor payrnentshall be the numberof cubicmetersof completedandacceptedwork ptacedto the designated thicknesson slopesasshownon Drawings. i . RipRapClassB referitem 509.4NHA GeneralSpecifications j. StonePitching/RipRap ClassDl (Wso: g0-100kg) andD2 (Wso: 100_l50kg): The quantitiesto be measuredfor pavementshall be the number of cubic rnetJis of completedand acceptedwork placedto the designated thicknessof slopesas shownon Drawings.Slopepreparitionshallnot be rieasuredfor payment but will be considered subsidiaryto the iternof .,stonepitching/riprapandToifilter layer,, The computationof tlre quantitiesof abovementionediterns will be basedon the volutnswithin thetheoreticallimiting dimcnsionsdesienated-on-the Drawinss. '..q."Drawings, ffiz l,' '' ?^y-rt r^- . I r l l l / | . Constructionof ShaheedBenazirBhutto Bridge over River Indus ConnectingChachranSharif with Kot Mithan Contract4: River Training and protection Works I '.l 2"5.2 Payment The acceptedquantitiesmeasuredas providedaboveshallbe paid for at the contract unit price for the Pay Item listed below and shownin the giil of euantities,wirich price and paymentshall constitutefull compensation for furnishingall materials, hauling,placing,watering,rolling, labour,equipment, toolsand incidJntalsnecessary to completethe item. Pay ltem No. Description 101 Clearing& Grubbing SM 104 Cornpactionof Natural Ground SM I 06c ExcavateSurplusCommonMaterial in dry/wetarea CM l0Ba Fonnationof Ernbankmentfi.om RoadwayExcavationin commonmaterial (in drylwet area)for Apron, GuideBanks, Cunetteetc CN4 201 GranularSubbase ch4 509b RipRapClassB CfuT 673a Sprigging SN4 613b Sodding sxd 613c Top Soil SM sP-2.1 Filter Layer(Mediurn) CIVI 5P.2,2 Rip Rapon Slopes, ClassDl (Wso:80-100kg) CM sP-2.3 Riprapin Apron,ClassD2 (Wso: 100-120 kg) C\4 Unit of 1\{easurement 103 -?*-1t--q 'I t o J r>@ r P@ a@ ll- v@ /el@ ,rl I APPROACH ROAD AHIR -v 7 @ *] @ KoMqqQ{-- PIR l"*o"o".o "*,oou NOTES: N D IJ R. S E R. t &Fd/q -</ @ =l ql trl 1) STATED. OTHERWISE AREIN METERS UNLESS ALLDIMENSIONS 2I SIDE. THAN6OKGSHALL BEUSEDON RIVER WEIGHING LESS NO STONE 3) WHICH BIGVOIDS NOTHAVTNG THROUGH BETAKENtN PLAC|NG STONES CARESHOULD ON SLOPES, BEATTHEBOTTOM AND STONES SHOULD SMALLER COMPARATIVELY SWIRLING. WATERWILLCORSE ONEATTHETOP, LARGER 4) THAN50, OF"CH"SOtLWITHLIQUIDLIMITGREATER CONSTSTS OFGUIDEBANKS tF EMEANKMENT LAYER MAYNOTBEREQUIRED. FILTER 5) T FM O N S O O N , BELOW H F LB E F O RTEH EO N S EO N O P O R T I OO N FG U I D EB A N KS H O U I -BDEL E F T 6 ) THE RIVERS 7\ ANYTEMPORARY WORKS IN DRYCORIDITIONS. THEGUIDE BANKSSHOULDBECONSTRUCTED SHALLNOTBEPArDSEPARATELY DRYCONDTTTONS (E.G.COFFERDAMETC)REQUTRED TO ACHTEVE PAYITEMS. INCIDENTAL TOOTHER ANDSHALLBECONSIDERED '--l' :r'\/t\/,\-r D q tA ?, "(, \s k%o ISSUEDFORTENDER: t\ s@ Y,/ C L I E N T- : REVISEDTENDERDRAWING 1 0 F E B - 1 / REVISEDTENDERDRAWING \PR-,1 : D . N C DATE TENDERDRAWINGS DESCRIPTION ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY ISLAMABAD HAS ATIF HAS ATIF M . S . S CONSULTANTi HAS BY tvt.D.D CKD M,S,S TAN - ^'t -O o PROJIC RIVER INDUS CONNECTING CHACHARAN SHARIF WITH KOT MITTHAN GACKAGE 4: RIVER TRAINING & PROTECTION WORKS) DRAWN BY EA Consulting ( Pvt.) Limited BY DESIGNED (Formerly Engineering Associates) ECONOMISTS & PLANNING EXPERTS ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, CONSULTING S,IMRAN HASAN M.SIDDIQ APPROVED B) TANVEER JTLE LAYOUTPLANOF GUIDEBANKS \CArE: '1;5ooo ' ..-. .t rIDWL.NO. I rn oa+ sa-tr .rboy' 'aXz-tc fly ' ::' -oven LAYER(MEDIA)' o.zov TH. FILTER D T T A I LA 3_3 SECTION (sHnrr) ISSUEDFOR TENDER: S E C T I O N4-- 4 (oowrl sTREAM NosE) CLiENT- NOTE:STATED. OTHERWISE UNLESS AREIN METERS 1- ALL DIMENSIONS ffi #F. - s,'rD - 'ROJECT: ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN NATiONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY ISLAMABAD EA Consulting ( Pvt.) Limited (FormerlyEngineering Associates.) EXPERTS &PLANNING EcoNoMlsrs ARcHlrEcrs, ENGINEERS, coNsuLTtNG dirNirnucuoN oF sHAHEEDBENAzIRBlrurro BRIDGEovER RIVER INDUS CONNECTINC CHACHARAN SHARtr WITHKOTMITTHAN (PACKAGE 4: RIVER TRAII'{ING & PROTECflON WORKS)
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