International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology and Management ISSN 2347 - 7539 Comparative Analysis of Flat Rayleigh Channel and Rician Channel for ZF and MMSE Receiver for Macrodiversity MIMO Systems Saurabh Pateriya1, Vijay Chauhan2, Prof. A.C. Tiwari3 1 M.Tech. Scholar, Department of ECE, LNCT, INDORE, MP, INDIA, [email protected] 2 Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, LNCT, INDORE, MP, INDIA, [email protected] 3 Professor, Department of ECE, LNCT, INDORE, MP, INDIA, [email protected] Abstract Here a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system is considered over a flat Rayleigh channel and its results are compared with Rician Channel. The equalization techniques used in this work are Zero Forcing (ZF) and Minimum mean square error (MMSE). The symbol error rate is analyzed with respect to Signal to Noise ratio. QPSK modulation scheme is implemented for the analysis. The comparative analysis is done through software simulation. Keywords: MIMO, Rayleigh Channel, Zero Forcing, MMSE, QPSK, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Symbol Error Ratio (SER). --------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION The high speed transmission technologies have satisfied the rapidly increasing need of computer communication [1,2]. To an extent, MIMO systems have fulfilled the necessity of wide coverage, high throughput and reliability of services. Also the adaptive equalization techniques have compensated the time dispersion in the channel and thereby increasing the efficiency of data transmission. Many researchers have inclined towards the various processing techniques over the last few years [6,7]. But due to the simplicity, linear equalization techniques have attracted a lot, as they are not optimal in a maximum likelihood sense. ZF and MMSE are the two key equalization techniques due to their superior features over other equalization techniques. Even though they are not optimal, the MMSE receiver satisfies an alternative criterion, i.e., it minimizes the mean squared error (MSE) and ZF is known to eliminate the interference completely [8-10]. The performance of ZF and MMSE has been extensively analyzed for micro diversity systems so far where there is a communication between co-located diversity antenna at the base station and the distributed users [10-12]. But not much research has been done on macrodiversity system where both transmit and receive antennas are widely separated. The lack of research over macro diversity systems is due to the complexity of its channel matrix. In micro diversity, Wishart form is used in the classical models and Kronecker correlation matrix. However in macro diversity case, Wishart assumption is not followed, which makes its analytical work extremely difficult. Therefore only few results are available in macrodiversity case [13,14]. In this paper, ZF and MMSE equalization techniques are implemented over macrodiversity case and their performances are compared for flat Rayleigh Frequency selective fading channel. The rest of the paper is laid out as follows. Section-II describes the preliminary background of MIMO systems and macrodiversity systems. Section-III provides preliminary results of ZF and MMSE which will be used throughout the paper. The simulation study is presented in section-IV and section-V concludes the paper. 2. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND & ADVANCED TECHNIQUE 2.1 MIMO Systems multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems are the systems with multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver. The data rates are increased using the multiple antennas through multiplexing and performance is improved through diversity. This technique offers higher capacity to wireless systems and increases the capacity linearly with the number of antennas. The link range is also improved without additional bandwidth and power requirements. MIMO can reduce fading and improve higher spectral efficiency and link reliability or diversity. N N Considering a MIMO system with a transmit array of antennas T and a receive array of R antennas, the MIMO channel at a N NT given time instant may be represented as a R matrix _______________________________________________________________________________________ Special Issue | June-2014, Available @| Paper id - IJRETM-2014-SP-037 1 International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology and Management H1,1 H 2,1 H H N R ,1 H1,2 H 2,2 H N R ,2 ISSN 2347 - 7539 H1,NT H1,NT H N R ,NT 2.2 Macrodiversity In a communication system, a signal transmitted (Tx.) at a particular carrier frequency (CF) and at a particular instant of time may be received in a multipath null. The probability of occurrence of communication failures (outages) caused by fades by combining several copies of the same message received over different channels can be reduced by diversity reception. In general, the efficiency of the diversity techniques reduces if the signal fading is correlated at different branches. The diversity can be categorized in two categories: Micro diversity and Macrodiversity. In micro diversity the signal from antennas located at separate locations are combined. Typically these antennas are located on the vehicle or at the same base station tower and their spacing are a few wavelengths. The amplitude of the received signal is correlated with the relative antenna spacing with respect to wavelength. The received multipath signal becomes practically uncorrelated if the spacing between antennas is more than, say, half a wavelength [16]. In this correlation analysis, it is assumed that the mounting height of mobile antenna is low and the antenna is close to all kinds of reflecting and scattering objects. The base station antenna however, is generally located well above such obstacles. Hence all multipath waves arrive at the base station are approximately from the same direction. If the antenna is moved over a certain small distance d, the phase shift is almost identical for all arriving waves. This is in sharp contrast to the situation at the mobile where motion over half a wavelength leads to almost uncorrelated signal phases. So the antennas must be separated much farther than the fraction of the wavelength required for diversity at the mobile to ensure effective antenna diversity at the base station, On the other hand, in macro diversity the receiving antennas are located at different receiver sites. For instance, signals from within a cell may be received at the different corners of the hexagonal area. The advantage is that not only the multipath fading attenuation is independent at each branch but that the shadowing and path losses are also uncorrelated to some extent [17]. 3. FUNDAMENTAL OF EQUALIZATION Equalization compensates for inter symbol interference created by multi path within time dispersive channels. If the modulation bandwidth (BW) exceeds the coherence bandwidth of the radio channel, inter symbol interference (ISI) occurs and modulation pulses are spread in time into adjacent symbols. Equalizer must be adaptive since the channel generally unknown and time varying [2]. In a broad sense, the term equalization can be used to describe any signal processing operation that minimizes ISI [1]. An equalizer is usually implemented at base band or at IF in a receiver. Since the baseband complex envelope expression can be used to represent baseband waveform, the channel response, demodulation signal, and adaptive equalizer algorithm are usually simulated and implemented at baseband [1]. 3.1 Adaptive algorithm The adaptive filter, is the use of the result of the filter parameters a moment ago, automatically adjust the filter parameters of the present moment, to adapt to the unknown signal and noise, or over time changing statistical properties, in order to achieve optimal filtering [1]. Adaptive filter has "self-regulation" and "tracking" capacities. Adaptive filter can be divided into linear and nonlinear adaptive filter. Non-linear adaptive filter has more signal processing capabilities. However, due to the non-linear adaptive filter more complicated calculations, the actual use is still the linear adaptive filter [2]. As shown in Figure 1. Fig-1: Adaptive Filter Scheme _______________________________________________________________________________________ Special Issue | June-2014, Available @| Paper id - IJRETM-2014-SP-037 2 International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology and Management ISSN 2347 - 7539 Figure 1 represents the general adaptive filtering display: digital filter carries on filtering on the input signal x(n) , produces output signal y (n) . Adaptive algorithm adjusts the filter coefficient included in the vector w(n) , in order to let the error signal e( n) to be the smallest. Error signal is the difference of useful signal d (n) and the filter output y (n) . Therefore, adaptive filter automatically carry on a design based on the characteristic of the input signal x(n) and the useful signal d (n) [4]. Using this method, adaptive filter can be adapted to the environment set by these signals. When the environment changes, filter through a new set of factors, adjusts for new features[3] .The most important properties of adaptive filter is that it can work effective in unknown environment, and to track the input signal of time-varying characteristics [1]. Adaptive filter has a wide application range used in control system, communications, and many other systems. Filter out an increase noise usually means that the contaminated signal through the filter aimed to curb noise and signal relatively unchanged. In most cases it is very difficult to meet the conditions. Adaptive filter operates through the observation of the existing signal to understand statistical properties and adjust parameters automatically to change their performance. Therefore its design does not require of the prior knowledge of signal and noise characteristics. Adaptive filter is used for the cancellation of the noise component which is overlapped with unrelated signal in the same frequency range (FR) [1]. 3.2 Zero Forcing Algorithm Zero Forcing Equalizer is a linear equalization algorithm used in communication syst. which inverts the frequency response of the channel. This algorithm was proposed by Robert Lucky. The Zero-Forcing Equalizer (ZFE) applies the inverse of the channel to the received signal, to restore the signal before the channel. The name Zero forcing corresponds to bringing down the Inter Symbol Interference to zero in a noise free case. This will be useful when ISI is more predominant when comparing to the noise. By assuming NT N R and H is a full rank square matrix, we can calculate the covariance matrix [35] of the effected noise as: Y HX N where, Y Re ceived Symbol Matrix H Channel matrix X Transmitted symbol Matrix N Noise matrix To solve for X , we need to find a matrix W which satisfies WH I . The zero forcing detectors for meeting this constraint is given by W H H H H H 1 where W Equalization Matrix H Channel Matrix This matrix is known as the Pseudo inverse for the general m n matrix. Zero forcing equalizer tries to null out the interfering terms when performing the equalization. While doing so, there can be amplification of noise. Hence Zero forcing equalizer is not the best possible equalizer. However, it is simple and reasonably easy to implement. 3.3 Minimum Mean Square Error A Minimum Mean Square Error estimator describes the approach which minimizes the mean square error, which is a common measure of estimator quality. The main feature of Minimum Mean Square Error estimator (MMSE) equalizer, is that it does not usually eliminate ISI completely but, minimizes the total power of the noise and ISI components in the output (o/p). For a system defined by Y HX N The Minimum mean square error approach tries to find a coefficient W which minimizes the criterion E Wy x Wy x H To solve for x, we need to find a matrix W which satisfies WH I . The Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) detector for meeting this constraint is given by, 1 W H H H NI H H This matrix is known as the Pseudo inverse for the general m n matrix. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Special Issue | June-2014, Available @| Paper id - IJRETM-2014-SP-037 3 International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology and Management ISSN 2347 - 7539 4. SIMULATION RESULTS Simulation is performed to verify the effectiveness of equalization technique over macrodiversity MIMO receivers. The effect of zero forcing equalizer is compared with the effect of MMSE for the respective system. The channels are assumed to be Rayleigh flat fading channel and Ricican channel. The modulation scheme used in the simulation is QPSK. The SER performance is evaluated for ZF and MMSE case with Rayleigh channel and Rician channel with respect to Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR). The performance is reflected from the figures 2 to 5. The SER is always seems to be on a bit higher side for MMSE case as compared to that for ZF case for both the channels 0 Symbol Error Rate (SER) 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) 30 Fig-1: BER performance of MMSE for 3 users (Rayleigh channel) 0 Symbol Error Rate (SER) 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 0 10 20 Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) 30 Fig-2: SER Performance of ZF for 3 users(Rayleigh channel) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Special Issue | June-2014, Available @| Paper id - IJRETM-2014-SP-037 4 International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology and Management ISSN 2347 - 7539 0 Symbol Error Rate (SER) 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 0 5 10 15 20 Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) 25 30 Fig-3 : BER performance of MMSE for 3 users (Rician channel) -1 Symbol Error Rate (SER) 10 -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) 30 Fig-4: BER performance of ZF for 3 users (Rician channel) 5. CONCLUSIONS With the design of the receiving adaptive filters, we can minimize the effects of Inter-symbol Interference, Multipath Interference and Additive Interference and thereby deliver the digital data to its destination with the lowest error rate possible. Hence we can improve the efficiency of a communication system. This script shows the BER performance of adaptive equalizers based on ZF and MMSE in a Rayleigh channel. The simulation results are achieved using in MATLAB environment. From simulation graph shown in results, we can see that as the Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) increases the Bit Error Rate of ZF and MMSE are decreases. We clearly analyze that the Bit Error Rate (BER) of ZF is less compared to MMSE algorithm for same Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Hence we can conclude that the performance of ZF algorithm is better than MMSE algorithm. Also the Rayleigh channel is reflecting a poor performance as compared to Rician channel. 6. REFERENCES [1] Theodore S. 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