WRUN AM—1150 • WRUN FM—104.3 Construction of New Camden DAILY SENTINEL, ROME, N.Y., THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 20, 1967 PAGE THIRTEEN School Reasons for Delay Given By MBS. EMILY TUCK 4,200 reams of aub 16 white getting recommendations on| CAMDEN - Late snowfalls duplicator paper, 8V4 by 11 inch- what to do with the roof of the! and delayed delivery of essen- es. A resolution authorized sub- 1930 building. tial parts Is blamed for themission of a group bid through Resignations were accepted slowdown in progress of the new Whitesboro School for bread, al- from Scott Yerdon, science and high school under construction lowing a 50 per cent saving electronics teacher, who has acon Oswego St. However, it is through use of government sur- cepted a position in the northern part of the state, and from still anticipated that the sched- plus. uled fall opening can be effect- The board authorized Beam, Frank and Rose Swiskey, guided. after a request by the cafeteria ance. The Swiskeys will be asThis was brought out at the staff that a potato peeler be ex- sociated with schools in the meeting Tuesday of the Camden changed for a twenty-quart mix- Rochester area, and Swiskey Central School board of educa ing bowl, to write the change will start work on his doctoral tion. order. A second change order degree. Some 40 necessary convectors for the new high school was ap- Beam and Robert W. Woodare not yet installed, and two proved, for plumbing adjust- ard, board vice president, were extra steam-fitters have been ments necessitated by the new named to plan appropriate observance of Teachers Recogniadded to expedite matters. Some auditorium addition. tion Day May 16. controls were not shipped with Gives Report boilers of the furnaces. One John Gallaher, business man Following discussion of the boiler has been fired manually ager, reported that he is still salary schedule for the assistant bus dispatcher, it was voted to for testing pipe lines, no leaks increase it by $100, making a were present, but it was shut minimum of $4,200 at Step 1, to off because of incomplete cona maximum of $5,100 at Step 7. trols. So-called "torpedo" heaters In a budget discussion, need for additional buses was mulled, are being operated to hasten with no decisions reached. It is the drying out process of materials so that painting and in- A X A smrs. * s X 0 7 expected that the tentative budg6tallation of ceiling board is now'rVl M Q G O T # / et will be adopted at the May 2 meeting. under way. •" Reviews Act A kitchen hood has not yet Mrs. Kathryn E. Donahue, S7, arrived and must be in place formerly of 109 McArthur Drive, Beam reviewed the new "Pubbefore the ceiling there can be died Wednesday after a long ill- lic Employes Fair Employment Act," which is expected to be installed, and kitchen equipment ness is expected to arrive May 16. She was born in Mohonoy City, signed by Gov. Rockefeller. It The situation was discussed at Pa., Feb. 4, 1870, daughter of gives State employes the right a meeting at the office of the James and Ann Beatty Donahue. to be represented by an organiarchitects, Clark, Clark, Millis She was educated in schools in zation of their choosing, which and Gilson, attended by Stanley that city and on April 26, 1897, would be empowered to bargain collectively with boards of eduWilliams, clerk of the works; in Waterbury, Conn., she was a Futia Co. Heating and Ventila- married to Daniel E. Donahue cation, making it mandatory tion representative, and Joseph They resided there until 1911that boards must recognize these Smith, head of construction, it when the family moved to Rome groups as a bargaining agent. He died Feb. 8, 1933. was reported. Each school will be requested Bids Accepted Mrs. Donahue was a member to have its own Arbor Day program this year, Beam reported. In other business, bids were of St. Peter's Church. accepted from Greene's of Syr- Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. It has been customary for the acuse for custodial equipment in Vincent A. (Marguerite) Garry, Camden Elementary School to the amount of $3,152.36, a higher Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and two plant a tree. bid than that of W. E. Moore, grandchildren, James W. Dona- Building requests were which was said not to meet hue. Los Angeles, Calif., and okayed: for the 4-H Club to Daniel E. Donahue, Ashland, have an educational meeting specifications. The purchase includes $1,256 Mass. Wednesday; rehearsals and perfor an automatic battery-power- Funeral services will be held formance of the Babe Ruth mined floor scrubber; $892.50. wet- at the Thomas A. Cox Funeral strel variety show May 5 and 6; dry vacuum cleaner; $798.16 for Home, Saturday at 8:15 and at Little League contract signing a 20 inch electric floor scrub- St. Peter's Church at 9, when a Saturday in the gym station; bing and polishing machine; and solemn requiem high Mass will Legion use of the Annsville $205.70, commercial vacuum be celebrated. Interment will be school grounds for a staging made in St. Peter's Cemetery. area for the parade the first cleaner for rug and carpet. Samples of paper supplies Friends may call Friday from 2 week in June. were submitted from Hammett, to 4 and 7 to 9. A brief closed session on a Arlott and Bardeen, and inspectpersonnel matter followed the ed by the board. It was voted The horse of today is a des- regular meeting. Present with to accept the bid of Hammett cendant of the prehistoric horse the board were Gallaher, Beam at $3,789, though higher of theEohippus, or "dawn horse", and R. C. Vrooman, district su three. Main item is $3,402 forwhich was only 16 inches high. perintendent of schools. 3 DA'.S ONLY! IB mi Aufd. Color* Siwt 3 to 8 WITH COUPON LIMIT O N I • Any of Our Reg. 1.87 Boys' 'Porma Prass' .^ » _ SHORT SLEEVE *M JU SPORT SHIRTS • • Newest tammer color, Siwi 6 to 16 GIRLS' ROLLUP SPORT SHIRTS • • • " • • ^ 7 " C°HT?M LIMIT 0 W I D U ( Any of Our Reg. 5.67 M CA Men's FAMOUS MAKER CORDUROY SLACKS • Variety of colors Sixes 29 to 38 * u w ^>W 'Never Iron' SLACKS WITH COUPON LIMIT TWO GIRLS' NEW Ma. 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WITH COUPON LIMIT t i m n ONE vi'.i. wmmmmmm SPRING SUITS e 100% Cotton and donim* e Comploto sixo range* WITH COUPON LIMIT TWO SPRING ^ COATS Plenty of FREE PARKING in Rear of Store Aittd. pastel and hot colors Sixes 32 to TO 42 "»< LADIES' COTTON Girls' Spring SLACKS ^^ - ^ ^% f l f l INFANTS' NEW • Dux O Rein Reed e Karget Craig Creation* • Fine Arts • Henredon 0 Kindel 0 Kittingar e Waiman O Woodard ^ 00 M A A Any o f Our Reg. 2.67 Any o f Our Reg. 9.87 e Hickory QUALITY GIRLS' 2 PC. 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They can help you develop your ideas, choose the best place to d i s p l a y your books, plants, paintings, etc. How to solve problem spaces and avoid costly mistakes. They can help you make your room look bigger and brighter — show you how color can be mixed and matched, how a chair or cabinet can be placed just right . . . the importance of lighting . . . and always how to make it look personal. LADIES' SUMMER Girls' Spring ^ 5 0 DRESSES JL wmmmmmmm CORDUROY SLACKS EMPTY FEELING? Any of Our Reg. 87c Any o f Our Reg. 3.67 Boys' Boxer S { V SLACKS « $ 7 • OPIN 9:30 A. M TIL 10 NITILY •W3l1lM(Uflg Any o f Our Reg. 67c Death Claims Mrs. Donahue Do You Have a Room That Gives You an Thursday Friday Saturday # • "£ WITH COUPON LIMIT ONE mmmmM^M l °j uuuuuuvuuw XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXiXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX< Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com : t< I
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