tat sofa JAIPUR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, JAIPUR Ram Kishor Vyas Bbawan, Marg, Near ludra Circle, (Raj.) 302015 TECHNICAL BID (POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT) Envelope 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MAJOR ROADS IN RESIDENTIAL SCHEME ABHINAV VIHAR VISTAR, IN ZONE-14, JDA, JAIPUR Period of Download Period of Upload : From 04.06.2014 to 03.07.2014 Upto 6.00 PM From 04.06.2014 to 03.07.2014 Upto 6.00 PM Date of submission of D.D./Pay order Tender Cost, process Cost & EMD (Hard copy DD) : 04.07.2014 Up to 12.00 AM (In the Chamber of the S.E. Pr-IV, Room No.132, ist, floor, Main Building, JDA, Jaipur.) Date of opening of technical Bid : 04.07.2014 At 1.00 PM (In the Chamber of the S.F. Pr-1V, Room No.-132, 1st, floor, Main Building, JDA, Jaipur.) Cost of Bid : Rs.1000.00 (DIMIC in favour of Secretary, JDA payable at Jaipur.) Bid processing Fee : Rs.1000.00 (DD/BC in favour of MD, RISL payable at Jaipur. Completion period : 06 Months NAME OF AGENCY EXECUTIVE E GINEER-14 JDA, Jaipury JAIPUR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, JAIPUR GENERAL DETAILS OF TENDER I. NIB No. E.E.-I4-05/2014-15 in Residential Construction of Major Roads 2. Name of the work Scheme Abhinav Vihar Vistar, in Zone-I4, JDA . Jaipur 3. Estimate) Cast 4. Cost of the Bid Document Rs. 302.00 Lacs Rs. 1000.00 (In the form of DD/Pay Order in Favour of Secretary JDA. Jaipur.) Rs. 1,51,000/-for Contractor enlisted in IDA 5. Bid Security Rs. 6,04,0001- for Contractor Nut enlisted in JDA (In favour of Secretary, JDA, Jaipur.) 6. Processing Fee Rs. 1,000/- In favour of M.D. R.I.S.L., Jaipur 7. Completion Period 6 (six) Months. 8. Sales of Bid From 04.06.2014 TO 03.07.2014 Up to 6.00 PM 9. Date of submission of the Bid From 04.06.2014 TO 03.07.2014 Up to 6.00 PM Date of submission of 04.07.2014 Up to 12.00 AM (In the Chamber of D.D./Pay order of Bid Cost the S.E. Pr-IV, Room No.-132, 1st, floor, Main Process Cost & liMD Building, JDA, Jaipur.) 10. 04.07.2014 At 01.00 PM (In the Chamber of the Date of opening of Technical 11. Bid 12. S.E. Pr-1V, Room No.-132, 1st. floor, Main Building, JDA, Jaipur.) Date of opening of Financial Success full technical bidder Bid later on Will be informed Q EXECUTIVE EN NEER ( ZONE-14) JAIPUR DEVEI.OPMENT AUTHORITY JAIPUR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY JAIPUR SPECIAL COND1TONS OF CONTRACT POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT OF CONTRACTORS Name of Work: Construction of major roadas in residential scheme Abhinav Vihar Vistar in Zone-14, JDA Jaipur. Special conditions of contract for POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT as detailed here under, shall be applicable in addition to all other terms and condition already prescribed under standard agreement forms/ rules and regulations relating to contracts. Joint Ventures are not allowed Procedure: I. Procedure for POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT would be as follows: (a) Bid document shall be submitted on line e-procurement website http:// www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in with their digital signature. The bid Is to be submitted in 2 envelop which shall comprise of- Envelop•1 being for Technical Bid and Envelope -2 being for Financial Bid Each envelope would be sealed separately and super scribed as "Envelope-1 Technical Bid" and "Envelope-2 Financial Bid". Both envelopes would be placed in Third envelope duly sealed, bearing the name of work and the name of the bidding contractor. In this third envelope, envelop of earnest money, VAT clearance certificate (Valid up to Six months back from the opening of Technical Bid) and copy of registration of contractor in required category should also be kept The Technical Bid will be opened only of those bidders whose proper earnest money, VAT Clearance Certificate (Valid up to Six months back from the opening of Technical Bid) and copy of registration of contractor in required category are found to be in order. The earnest money will be accepted only in form of Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque in the name of Secretary, JDA, Jaipur. (c) The Technical bid Envelope would be opened on 04.07.2014 At 01.00 PM (In the Chamber of the S.E. Pr-IV, Room No.-132, Ist, floor, Main Building, JDA, Jaipur.) (d) The Financial Bid Envelope would be opened only of those bidders who will fulfill the POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT criteria. Note :If VAT clearance certificate is not applicable in any State then appropriate proof is to be enclosed by bidder with certificate which is applicable in place of VAT. 2. Criteria: Criteria for POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT would be as follows:The bidder should have executed following quantities of work in any one financial year of the last five financial yeas. However the bidder may opt. the current year (2014-15) in • thc s Earth work I mum 1763.00 Cum 2 WIIM/WMM/GSB 5900.00 Cum 3 Bituminous work with paver finisher 4 Kerb stone RCC M 20 grade S.No. 1 Item 1117.00 MT 2987.00 Cum Note :(i) The Bidder should enclose the certificate having quantities Financial year wise other wise the certificate will not be considered. (ii) Quantities of all the items mentioned in criteria 2 (a) should be executed in one financial year. (iii) Certificate issued by Govt. of India, State Govts., Union Territory, Govt. Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies shall only be considered. The bidder should have completed at least one work of similar nature of work in a) last five Financial years (including current year, if opted by the bidder) of the value not less than 33.33% (Rs. 100.65 Lacs) of the cost of the work (bid cost) updated to present price level) Note :(i) The starting & completion date of the work is to be in between above said financial year. If no then maximum work (70%) is to be completed in (ii) above said financial year. If bidder is submitted certificate having different components I nature of work then proper completion certificate of required similar nature component is to be enclosed. b) The bidder should have achieved an annual financial turnover of at least 33.33% (Its. 100.65 lass) of the Estimated cost of work (bid cost) any one of the last live financial year years (including current year. if opted by the bidder). Note :(i) The bidder should enclose certificate of Turn Over from Chartered Accountant for last five financial year & audited balance sheet of the year which is considered by the bidder in criteria 2 (c). (ii) If current year or last year has been opted by bidder whose balance sheet is not submitted till the submission of bid then certificate from Chartered Accountant should be enclosed. c) The bidder should give Affidavit to deploy the machinery and equipment as specified in Schedule — III for the execution of this work. d) Bid Capacity: Bidders who meet the minimum qualification criteria will be qualified only if available bid capacity is equal to or more than the total Bid Value. The available bid capacity will be calculated as under: Bid Capacity = (A x N x 3 — 0) Where A= Maximum value of civil engineering work executed in any one year during the last 5 financial years (updated to present Price level) taking in to account the completed as well as works in progress. However the bidder may opt. The current year in the above said five years assessment period. N= Number of year prescribed for completion of the work for Which bids are invited. In present case the value of N is 0.5 B Value, at present price level, of existing commitments and on Going works to be executed during 'N' period (period prescribed for completion of the works for which the bids are invited) Note:(i) Certificate from Chartered Accountant should be enclosed by bidder clearly indicated maximum value of Civil Engineering Work in one Financial Year. e) Litigation History : - Bidders should provide accurate information on any litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts completed or under execution by him over the last live years. The max value (updated at the present price level) of Disputed Amount claimed in Litigation/Arbitration resulting from contracts executed in last five years shall be furnished in Schedule VI. Note :(i) The present price level for turnover, cost of completed work & disputed amount of similar nature, the previous years value shall he given wcightage of 10% per year as follows :(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (I) For current ycar For last year For one year before For two year before For three year before For Four year before (2014-15) (2013-14) (2012-13) (2011-12) (2010-11) (2009-10) 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.21 133 1.46 3. Documentation: The bidder should furnish the following documcnt along with the Technical Bid: (a) Information regarding financial resources and capability in Schedule -I. (b) Information regarding works executed in the last live years in Schedule-II (e) Certificates from the concerned Engineer-In-Charge in support and verification of the information furnished in Schedule-II (d) Affidavit regarding machinery and equipments required for deployment, as detailed scheduled - III. (e) Information regarding details of maximum value of civil engineering works executed in any one year during the last live years taken into account the completed as well as work in progress in schedule - IV. (f) Information regarding existing commitment and ongoing works to be completed in schedule - V. (s) Information regarding details of litigation or arbitration contracts to he furnished in schedule VI. (h) Calculation Bid capacity as per schedule VII (i) Affidavit as per Annexure I. 4. Important: (a) The bidder must ensure that all the information required in the Documents is furnished by him complete in all respects. He would not be allowed to withdraw any document, or to rectify any information furnished therein, after submitting the bid. (b) The bidder should give an affidavit that the information furnished in schedule Ito VII is correct. If any information is found incorrect, the offer of the bidder shall be rejected and action be taken as per rules. (c) Bidders must do the paging of all enclosure of bid document (d) Period of Maintenance and Defects Liability : For this road work the defect liability period shall be three year after actual date of Completion of the work. Special condition in the contract agreement to this effect shall be as per "Part C" which shall be part to be contract agreement/Bid document. 5. Rejection of bids The department reserves the rights to reject any bid or to disqualify any or all the bidders, without assigning any reasons at any stage. If Bid is not accompanied with the requisite documents mentioned in (i) clauses 3 ( a ) to 3 (i ) or is not in accordance with pmcedure specified in Para 1, or is not accompanied with earnest money & VAT clearance Certificate and registration of contractor in required category it would be liable for rejection (ii) Furnishing of incorrect or incomplete or concealment of any information required in the bid documents would render the bid liable for rejection. (iii) If all the copies enclosed in support and affidavit is not duly attested by notary public / gazclux1 officer then bid of the bidder is to be rejected. No Joint Venture is allowed. (iv) I.) EXECUTIVE ENG,INEER ( ZONE-14) JAIPUR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY JAIPUR SPECIAL CONDITION:- Part C I lAUI :ARDIN DEE SP Al. CO' ITION •PCON ' ACr MORE /IMP) FOR ROADS WORKS toSTING Its. MOO LACS AND NIA I. ROAD WORKS Ll 11w Defect Liability Period (DLP) for all Road works excluding patch repair work shall be 'three years. Road works executed by the Contracting agency shall be maintained by them at their own three years (DLP) from the actual date of completion of work as per the clause in the cost for Contract Agreement and Special Condition of Contract. extra payment shall be made to the contracting agency on account of maintenance of Road 1.2 No works and removal of defect during Defect liability Period. Road Works" means all new Road Works construction, widening, strengthening, up1.3 The word gradation and renewal works 1.4 The word - Maintenance of Road Works during Defect Liability Period' means (i) Routine maintenance of Road Works. (ii) To remove the defect as & when appear in part and entire siructurc of Road Works, in specified time and keeping the Road Surface with good riding quality and Damages due to improper drainage / drains, local flooding. depressions on roads etc. (iii) 1.5 The contracting agency shall do the routine maintenance of Road works. including pavement, road side and cross drains including surface drains to the required standards and keep the entire road surface and structure in Defect free conditions during the entire period of routine maintenance. which begins at completion of the construction work and ends after three years. 1.6 The routine maintenance shall consist of the routine maintenance operation defined in manual for maintenance of roads of MoRTH and shall be carried out accordingly. 1.7 The routine maintenance activities tend their periodicity Name of Item/Activity S.No. 2 4 5 Restoration of rain cuts and dressing of berms. Once in a year. generally after rains. Making up of shoulders. As and when required. Maintenance of Bituminous surface road and/or gravel roadlWBM road including tilling pot holes and patch As and when required. repairs etc. Insurance of proper functioning of drains including civil maintenance and desilting of drains. (If constructed by the same Road agency or not) Maintenance of road signs. (If installed by the same Road agency) 6 Frequency of operations in one year Road Marking, Kerb Stone / Dand. (If done by the same Road agency) As and when required. Maintenance as and when required. Repainting once in every one and half yet -s. Thermoplastic Paint Maintenance as and when required. Repainting once in even. one & a half years. Ordinary Paint Maintenance as and when required. Repainting thrice in every mars. Road cuts made by various agencies for Damages beyond control of agency. utility, duly permitted by JDA 1 JNN will have to be repaired by agency on the same rates of the contract agreement till DLP. 2. General during Defect Liability Period ! 2.1 Insurcii rasaworks 2.1.1 The contracting agency shall undertake joint detailed inspection along with Engineepinchatg&A.En., at least once in three months in case of all Road works. The Engineer-in-charge can reduce this frequency in case of emergency. The Contracting agency shall forward to the Engineerin-charge the record of inspection and rectification immediately after the joint inspection. The Connoting agency shall pay particulars attention on those road sections. which are likely to be damaged during rainy season. 2.1.2 One register has to be maintained by every A.E.n for recording the inspection details of works in his jurisdiction under defect liability period. 2.2 Conditions regarding Security Dcnosit 2.2.1 Security for DLPThe contracting agency shall have to furnish security deposit (SD) in the form of Dank Guarantee valid from the actual date of completion. which shall be assigned by the Engineer. in-charge. 2.2.2 Refund of SD 11w Security Deposit will be release in the following stages after satisfactory perfomiance certificate issued by Engineer-In-Charge :S.No. After completion of one year 20% of SD Amount 2 After completion of two year 20% of SD Amount 1 3 2.2.3 Alter completion of three year Remaining 60% of SD Amount Forfeiture of SD In ease contracting agency fails to rectify the defects within stipulated period notified to him by the Engineer-in-charge concerned undo contract agreement. the Enginter.in•charge shall serve a final notice for 5 days time reckoned from the date of issue of notice to rectify the defects. In case the contracting agency not responding to the notice and fails in rectification of defects the Engineer-in-charge will get the defect removed at the risk and cost of the contracting agency. Action such as encashment of Dank Guarantee and action under enlistment rules etc. shall aLso be taken against the contracting agency by the competent authority. 2.2.3 Force hlaieure The defect arises due to earthquake, cyclone, and natural calamities shall not be the responsibly of contracting agency. Part D As per Office Order No.JDAJFA to D(E)/2010 2011/131138 dated 27.102010 issued by Director (Engg.) are as follows :I. Along with maintenance of road. the maintenance items for the existing storm water drain along with the road which includes required repairs, frequent desilting, removal of obstruction in the flow of water if any, disposal of the storm water to the further disposal drain etc. will be included in the "G" Schedule of the work. 2. If no drainage is existing them construction of storm water drain with proper disposal will also be included in the project/ work which will also be covered under Defect Liability Period. 3. If construction of drainage is not feasible along the mad, still the road will be covered under Defect Liability Period clause. Signature of Contractor With full Address EXECUTIVE EN INEER ( ZONE-14) JAIPUR UEVELOPVIENI au-moarry JAIPUR SCHEDULE — I FINANCIAL RESOURCES AND CAPABILITY (Reference Clause 3 (a)) I .Name of Bidder MIS . 2.Total financial turnover achieved by the bidder in the last five financial years: Turnover Year (1) 2013-2014 (2) 2012-2013 (3) (4) 2011-2012 (5) 2009-2010 2010-2011 Note: Balance Sheets and Profit & Loss Accounts is to be enclosed by the bidder which is considered by him as per criteria 2 (a). 3. 4. Total financial Turnover projected in the current financial year. Has bidder ever been debarred from tendering for Central Government / any State Government / any Government undertaking? Yes / No if yes give details. 5. Has bidder ever been declared insolvent? Yes/No if yes give details 6. Name(s) and Branch/(s) for bidder's Bankers: l/Wc hereby certify that the above information is correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. Date: Signature of Bidder With Seal wherever applicable To be given on Non-Judicial stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- only, duly attested by Oath-Commissioner / Notary Public Schedule - Ill [Reference Clause 3(d)] AFFIDAVIT Proprietor/ Partner/ Authorized I/We under take the oath that following signatory of M/s machinery is available on ownership basis which is required in the execution of this work. Minimum Requirement S.No. Name of Machinery i Fully Automatic batch Mix Plant (Owned /Lease) I No 2 Vibratory Roller (Owned /Leased) I No 3 Two lane Sensor Paver Finisher I No 4 Static Roller ( Owned) 2 No. 5 Pneumatic Tyre Roller (Owned /Leased) I No 6 Bitumen boiler with sprayer ( Owned) INo 7 J. C.11 2 No 8 Compressor (Owned or lease ) I •.0 9 Tractor/ Truck / Dumper/ Tipper 12 No (Owned or lease ) Availability /transit mixer (Owned or lease ) liWe hereby certify that the above information is correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. Date: Signature of Biddcr (With seal ) Place (dis tric U sta le) 'Manc ini Year Sig nature of Bidder DETAILSOFQ UANTITIESOFWORKSEXECUTEDDURING LAS TF IVEFINANCIALYEARS 0 O O r.) V C O Nm V C 8 z C .2) 5 co co C C 11.1 C C 8 2 tu 2 c 4) '8 ea Z N Z0 Stipu late d da te of c omp letio n as Z -3 Ow 111 711 1•.-.7 > — M< uj 0 I a) w W w tU) Gou z ZD CC a 0 z w0 < 5 19., z D JIMA S 8 2 Z uj w iwoueu u LIJ gs Z >< 2 ID u) 2 re ui U_ > • ir O a Name of Works (with agreemen t No. &Date) D O L t; v_ t• t; o a o 2 o 3 .,0 3 0 0 Place (district (state) = LIJ _I CO El Signa ture ofBidder 1/1 I- 0 • ° Z CC ft 0 n CI 0 re • 0. <)- Page No. Where Certified Copies enc losed •• DE TAILS OF EXISTING COM MITMENTS & ONGOING WORKS TOBECO MPLETED [Refe rence Clause 3( F) S CHEDULE - V I ~ 11 Signa ture ofBidder . DETAI LSOF LITIGATIONOR ARBITRATIO NCONTRACTS [Reference Clause 3(g)] SCHEDULEVI O c •p_ • — V = c U Signature o f B idder C BIDCAPACITY [Reference Clause 3(h)] SCHEDULE -VII ei Completedduring the next 6 months. Commitments and on going works to be 13=Value at present price level of ex isting Workfor whichbids are inv itedi. e. 6 months. N= Number o f years prescribed for completion of the Years ( Updated to present price level) Executedin any one year during the last five A=Max imum value of c ivilEngineering works Name of B idder: - _ Lacs Page No. Certifieddetails enc losed at Page No. Certi fieddetails enclosed at ANNEXURE- I (Reference clause 3 (i)) To be given on Non-Judicial stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- only, duly attested by Notary Public AFFIDAVIT Proprietor/ Partner/ Authorized signatory I/We of M/s under take the oath that the information furnished by me/us in schedule I to VII of the assessment Bid for. Is correct to the best of my/our knowledge. If any information is found to be incorrect JDA has right to reject the Bid and to take action against me/us as per rules. Proprietor/ Partner/ Authorized signatory M/s rirMUT/NRE30{.14/2014 -15Pn- f4-4 TrIT "ft. —E.E.-14-01 to 06/2014-15 -Pr 1l riE1v tE-crif tor Et atrR FAFItftiraYrdl trz mitt amp', .4.24 ttErTr vitZw11‘iri*4 fa* -3131" *4* =1 tivilitzcf **-4* Wit TREri tter * 1/2 ufcl¢id 31111* Rer Tm1 Ufin 1 Maine,' 11 11445( **41-* W1ififf 4/1 * *WI * 311 El4 gm 2 t-t031 2 "3W Oft # tivilcur dicH rity itgr# *f***I li-f*R/* T1 17 fear 711t4. wit! (atm 1404).04 #Fr Nem E T treazru vrr-gat Tr% Et att. E-4-4r trrri F N.I.B. No. Ft Name of Work 1 E.E.14 Construction 01/ of approach for 14-15 road Abhinav Vihar Vistar Scheme in zone-14, JDA, Jaipur 2 E.E.14 Construction 02/ of approach for 14-15 road Ruhini Enclave in Scheme ey• zone-14, JDA, Jaipur 3 F,.E.14 Construction 03/ of Compound in 14-15 wall Abhinav Vihar Vistar Scheme in zone-14. JDA, Jaipur 2406.14 too nE 24.06.14 2.00• 6 1117 24.06.14 8 05 14 01.07.14 30.06.14 2.00 ** U-* 01.07.14 1. 00 6 1110 JDA03112 4.f TS/ 2014-15 /MAY/2I Dated: 16-05-14 41 14 0~ 1415 10A/DIR -1/TS/ 2014-15 /MAY/22 Dated: 16-05-14 40 14 2014-15 T.S. No. JDAJDIR -yrs/ 2014-15 MAY/1f Dated: 15-05-14 r 4 E.E.14 04/ 14-15 *19.-14 tr Commotion of Compound wall in Rohini l Enclave ~IiM II in TRATZ Scheme zone-14, JDA, lira air Jaipur 1?171,11 471.00 1000.00 28.05.14 01.07.14 30.06.14 12.00 At 6 71E 14 201415 01.07.14 N.00 4t tfrt I 5 E.E.14 05/ 14-15 Const of major *4-14 in roads residential Scheme Abhinav Vihar Vistar in zone14, JDA. Jaipur T1 N'Opra ?OR eft 302.00 1000.00 04.06.14 04.07.14 03.07.14 12.00 at 6 14 04.07 .1 4 } 1 .00 irzer wrzi 6 E.E.14 06/ 14,15 Const of major *1-14 roads in Scheme Rohini ttn:n 4 Enclave in t*-4i zone-I4, JDA, frar Jaipur 533.00 1000.00 04.06.14 04.07.14 03.07.14 1200 At . *-T f4gaut wrzi 91e. . - 6 14 IDA/DIE -1/TS/ 201415 /MAY/19 Dated: 15-05-14 40 2014-15 JDA/D1R -1/TS/ 2014-15 /MAY/I7 Dated: 15.05-14 41 JDA/DIR -LTS/ 2014-15 /MAY/I8 Dated: 15-05.14 04.07.14 } 1 .00 far/sue PA *1 aqm-rvi trir aft fteiM it *PTA *It item *1 f4-41/grft an9ft I Tr* fdS tra 3111317 TR simr *I .50411 2. r4M WRdi afdlt fATiu Wm. l Trwai *I cnvesitil 4't m 3. fed-41 spa l'a 7rdt, E-Procurcment 311118 ve SITM 4. ssuancf f awr Thfa-cr 3i1111/i.i apriai Ydt wr t.t./4-art, * 1 d. vildwr, %/I v' t WIT1 etra. * *1 wit *crt 1000.00 aif itsTr fcb-E/ 4-3Tra krRi1.31R.34.7 - 1. 44el 4ff fa St lisfa TR ift Wit 9W1 132, WIN Wa, TNA 1167 31TAtof * 3177 Zeta' 1 .4-iien t 4 meal -it *It! * aver aff amT wvAviaipurjda.org , 5.fita lr ticacr MEM WPM 74 *6 :lawn fig dtuumd TR 31171 311A6RITEirt1t http://sppp.raj.nic.in ATM http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in Miu eirl A A41 t 71 -ttf t I ■ 344S141 affAARI —14 A trail', trIF I weeolt :1. 2. 3. 4. -vent *facrr, wzrizt iAdilm 31 fA41 aitteor 3rRPT*7 Alf.-n4, *film. wertg I 1/441t1 444 arlifchlt, ear, MAT all doom{ UM vt tf ti I A AMtsfi With UfFN (mist. 3111140 111 31610-cif —14 vi RI W137 I I/
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