ST. NICHOLAS C ATHO LI C C HUR C H W 20 37 C OUNTY R OAD S · F REEDOM, W ISCONSIN 5 4 130 -75 65 St. Nicholas Parish Mission Statement We, the people of St. Nicholas Parish, through our loving relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit exist to spread the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to ourselves, our children, and the world. We share the Good News of Jesus Christ through the Word of God, the Sacraments, and service by the power of the Holy Spirit and as part of the Roman Catholic Church. Pastor: Fr. Dan Felton Email: [email protected] Cell: 920-379-5040 Associate Pastor: Fr. Ricardo Basquinez Email: [email protected] Phone: 788-1492 Deacon Don Newhouse: 920-707-6905 Deacon Greg Humpal: 920-731-0143 Deacon Gary Vanness: 920-810-3611 Business Manager: Kathy Bourget Email: [email protected] Phone: 920-788-1492 Pastoral Associate: Sr. Sandy Peterson Email: [email protected] Phone: 920-788-1375 Parish Office: 920-788-1492 Email: [email protected] Web Page: Office Hours Monday-Thursday: 8 am–4 pm Friday: 8 am–12 noon Faith Formation Program: 920-788-1451 Deacon Greg Humpal Email: [email protected] St. Nicholas School: 920-788-9371 Ms. Rose Mary Perrino, Principal Email: [email protected] Web Page: school/ Mass Schedule: Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Tuesday 5:45 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:15 a.m. Reconciliation-Confessions Saturdays 3:00-3:30 pm or By appointment, 920-788-1492 APRIL 27, 2014 · SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY · ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH • FREEDOM, WISCONSIN • PAGE 2 HAPPENINGS IN OUR PARISH AND BEYOND Pastoral Message Dear Parishioners & Friends of the Parish, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Jesus Christ is risen! Let us stand one with the Risen Lord for the fifty days of the Easter season! A heartfelt thank you to all who have made our Triduum and Easter celebrations so sacred and special. We are grateful for your willingness to share your gifts and talents in service to our parish community. All is greatly appreciated! This weekend we celebrate one of the newer feasts on the Roman Catholic Church’s liturgical calendar. Divine Mercy Sunday was established on April 30, 2000, when Pope John Paul II canonized St. Maria Faustina Kowalska of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated on the Octave of Easter, the Sunday after Easter Sunday. We are invited to the Divine Mercy celebrations at St. Pius (please see this bulletin for details). This weekend we are also celebrating the canonization of Blessed Pope John Paul II and Blessed Pope John XXIII. What an incredible experience it is to have two saints raised up by the Church who many of us have known in our lifetime! Saint John XXIII and St. John Paul II, pray for us! Remember, it will take us fifty days to fathom the unfolding mystery of the Easter promise. Along the way we will celebrate weddings, First Communions, Confirmations and Baptisms. We will fly kites, plant seeds, hang the laundry outside and fertilize our lawns. These are all signs of the Spirit of Resurrection and new life that is ours as an Easter people. Embrace these days as a call to be holy, engaged and alive in the Risen Lord! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! St. Mary, St. Nicholas & St. Edward pray for us! A Warm Welcome to the Hahn Family We met in Pearl’s native East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) in 1971, during Zach’s first assignment for AID (a State Department agency). We married in 1972 and lived for the first 20 years of our married life in nine different developing countries. We then lived in three different states before being lured to Wisconsin in 2013 by the arrival of our grandson, Cannon, son of our daughter, Yasmin, and her husband Jon. They all live in the Coleman area, northwest of Green Bay. Yes, a wonderful reason to be here in the beautiful state of Wisconsin. Zach has a sister in Colorado and Pearl has two sisters, one in Virginia and the other in Toronto, Canada. We are settling in well in our home off Ballard Road and getting to know Appleton and surrounding area. We are happy to be part of the St. Nicholas family and look forward to meeting its many parishioners and making new friends in this lovely community. Pearl & Zach Hahn St. Nicholas 10th Annual Golf Outing Irish Waters Golf Club Saturday, May 17th Registration @ 12:15 pm - Golf Starts @ 1:00 pm The day of fun includes 18 holes of golf, raffles, hole events, door prizes and meal. Team play will use a four-person scramble format. Cost is $70 per person or $280 per foursome. All proceeds will benefit St. Nicholas Parish. Please see today’s bulletin inserts for more information. Additional Easter Flowers/Decor Donor: Tim Peters Irene Smith Bill & Linda Conrad In Memory Of: Nancy Peters & William Conrad Sr. Ruben Smith Deceased Relatives of Bill & Linda Conrad Thank you again to everyone who contributed to the beauty of our church in the memory of loved ones! APRIL 27, 2014 • SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY • PAGE 3 HAPPENINGS IN OUR PARISH AND BEYOND Scripture Readings for Next Weekend First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 2:14, 22 - 33 Second Reading: 1 Peter 1:17 - 21 May 3rd & 4th Liturgical Ministries Lectors 4:00 pm 8:30 am 10:30 am Mary Ann Remmenga Nancy Nowak Matt Vosters Stewardship … A Way of Life Jill Cropsey Lauren LaCroix Jayne Vosters Jesus meets the need of each disciple. To the fearful in the upper room, He speaks words of peace. To doubting Thomas, He provides the tangible proof of His resurrection. What do I need to become His disciple? What do I have to share that might meet someone else’s need? Communion Distributors Gospel: Luke 24:13 - 35 May Rosary As a tradition at St. Nicholas, we will recite the Rosary beginning one half hour before each weekend liturgy during May. We invite all to join in prayer to honor Mary, the first disciple of Jesus. Jill Moore Frank Krupka Missy Peterson Jenny Meulemans Bob Schuh Gary VerVoort Larry Westenberg Pat VonHaden Judy VerVoort Ginny Westenberg Becky Bartoszek Tim Kettner Jane Coffey Linda Borneman Cathy Kettner Don Coffey Mass Servers Abby Murphy Ben Nowak Ashlyn Vosters Liz Murphy Dakota Schuh April Bredael Sacristans Thank You Vernon Konkle Many of our children have enjoyed participating in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Sundays, thanks to a team of dedicated leaders. A big Thank You to Judy VerBust for organizing the sessions, and to the following ladies who have helped with the lessons: Carol Berg Amy Lahay Vicky Wolf Theresa VanAsten Charlie Peterson Lisa Bredael Chris Peterson Linda Zuleger Jill Jochman Judy VerBust Jessica VandenHeuvel It is heartwarming to see how much the children enjoy the lessons by the happy expressions on their faces when they come back with their activity sheets. Well done, good and faithful servants of Jesus. Our monthly meeting will be on Tuesday, April 29th, at 1:30 p.m. in the Notre Dame Room. Our members make shawls and lap robes as gifts for people who are dealing with illness or grief. Recently we donated six shawls/lap robes to Aurora Hospice. We also make Baptismal blankets for all the infants who are baptized at St. Nick’s. New members who enjoy knitting or crocheting are always welcome to join our group. Gary VerVoort Larry Heacock Music Jodi Roskowski/ Glory Choir Kelly BekkersGraham Shannon Helms/ Dennis Henrickson Ron VanRossum Paul Green Wayne Fryda Bob Uitenbroek Greg Vosters Shawn Kelly Gerald Spierings Rick Pynenberg Brian Schiltz Mary Lahay Cale Grossman Ushers Little White Books - “Little White Books” for the Easter Season are available in the Narthex by the pamphlet rack. If you would like to make a donation please place it in the envelopes provided. Volunteer Stewardship Forms If you have not done so already, please return your completed stewardship forms to the parish office or place them in the collection baskets during weekend Masses. If you need a blank form you may get one from the pamphlet holder in the narthex of church, in the parish office, or on the parish website. Thank You. ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH • FREEDOM, WISCONSIN • PAGE 4 HAPPENINGS IN OUR PARISH AND BEYOND Faith Formation Country Fest 2014 features SURVIVOR Saturday, August 9th April 30th Grades 9 - 10 6:15 - 8:15 pm Retreat May 1st - 1st Eucharist Practice Children scheduled for: 4:00 pm Mass - Practice from 6:00 - 6:30 pm 8:30 am Mass - Practice from 6:30 - 7:00 pm 10:30 am Mass - Practice from 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm May 14th - Confirmation Practice Confirmation Practice 6:15pm Students and Sponsors need to attend practice OR May 17th - Confirmation Practice Confirmation Practice 1:00 pm Students and Sponsors need to attend practice First Communion Weekend Our parish will be celebrating First Eucharist at all Masses on May 3rd & 4th. Please pray and welcome the children and their families as they celebrate their second step of initiation. All are welcome to attend. Keep the weekend of August 8-10 open for Country Fest 2014. SURVIVOR puts on an enthusiastic show on Saturday, August 9, and our picnic will be on Sunday, August 10. There are planning committee positions open, if you would like to get involved early. Otherwise, we look forward to everyone pitching in to host a great show! Contact Karen Krejcie at [email protected] with any questions. Tickets for Survivor at Country Fest go on sale on Friday, April 25th at for $20 plus convenience fees. Tickets will be available in the Parish office and other local businesses in June and July. Goal $53,003 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 Saturday, May 17th at 6:30 pm, Bishop Mourneau will be here to celebrate Confirmation with our high school juniors. Please keep them in your prayers. All are welcome to attend. $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 No. of Pledges 262 Amount Pledged $40,270.00 Still Needed $12,733.00 $10,000 Please make checks payable to: Catholic Foundation/Bishop’s Appeal PO Box 23001 Green Bay, WI 54305-3001 Calendar Raffle Winners 04/13 04/14 04/15 04/16 04/17 04/18 04/19 $40 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 Vicky Randerson Dave & Patti Banks Tina VanRossum Benjamin Brockman Kathy Brockman Sherry & Ron Randerson David Remmenga Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Bishops Appeal. We are have reached 76% of our goal. Please consider making a donation and help our parish reach its 2014 goal! F INANCIAL S TEWARDSHIP Envelopes Loose Deficit EFT'S Total 11,673.00 2,041.82 Amount Received April 20, 2014 Amount Needed through April 20, 2014 13,714.82 Surplus/(deficit) July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 Weekly Year-to-Date 13,714.82 513,031.30 12,388.24 520,305.88 1,326.58 (-7,274.58) Thank you to all who have contributed to the financial support of St. Nicholas! APRIL 27, 2014 • SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY • PAGE 5 HAPPENINGS IN OUR PARISH AND BEYOND Homemade Bakery & Candy Sale Mother’s Day is fast approaching and your mom deserves the best! Whether she would love an evening at her favorite restaurant, a new outfit, or home accessories, we carry scrip for everything you need to make her day special. Wednesday Evening Sales - Wednesday, evening, April 30th, will be the last time scrip will be available for this Faith Formation year. With the Conclusion of Faith Formation classes for the 2013 - 2014 year, scrip will not be available on Wednesday evenings between 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm after Wednesday, April 30th. Thank you to Patti Haupt and Julie Koepke for volunteering their time and selling scrip for us this past Faith Formation year. Scrip is available for purchase: 1. Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm (Last Wednesday evening scrip will be available will be April 30th) 2. Thursday afternoons from 2 - 4 pm 3. Friday mornings from 8 - 10 am 4. After all weekend Masses Divine Mercy Sunday April 27, 2014 - Special Celebration St. Pius X Church - 500 W Marquette St. Appleton, WI 12:00 - 3:00pm Confessions 12:00pm (noon) Adoration 3:00pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy 3:15pm Mass Veneration of 1st Class Relic of St. Faustina & Veneration of the Divine Mercy Image after Mass Blessing of Religious Articles To venerate a sacred image, statue or relic means to perform some act or make some gesture of deep religious respect toward it because of the person it represents. All are invited to a reception in the north narthex following the Mass to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the “Chapel of Divine Mercy.” The Freedom Historical Society and its members are sponsoring a May Fundraiser - A Homemade Bakery & Candy Sale! Friday & Saturday, May 2nd & 3rd from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. There will be lots of delicious bars, breads, pies, cupcakes, cookies, peanut butter balls, peanut clusters and more. This fundraiser will be held at the Freedom Historical Society building, N4045 McHugh Rd in Freedom. Our fundraiser is on the same weekend as the Freedom town wide rummage sales. Freedom VFW/AUX Post 7692 Loyalty Day Banquet - April 28, 2014 6:30 PM COCKTAILS — 7:00 PM DINNER COLONIAL HOUSE(KING'S QUARTERS) - Freedom, WI We will be honoring the Community Service Award recipient: Ron Weyers We will be honoring the Freedom High School Citizenship Award Winners: Kalyn Garvey Kayla Hofacker Levi Jadin Ryan Lemmers Sierra Lindahl Jenny Peterson Matt Vosters Along with Badger Boy State: Andrew Connelly Zach Wildenberg Colin Willer Tickets are available at Freedom High School and Coffey Insurance. Ticket price $11.00 per person. Reporting Sexual Abuse If you know of an incident of sexual abuse of a person who is now under the age of 18 by a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY CALL THE CIVIL AUTHORITIES AND THEN THE DIOCESE. If the person was abused as a minor but is now an adult, contact: Jayne Stefanic - Diocesan Assistance Coordinator Diocese of Green Bay 920-272-8174 or 1-877-270-8174 (toll free) We always encourage you to report the incident to civil authorities. YOU MATTER TO US – THERE IS HOPE! Diocese of Green Bay ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH • FREEDOM, WISCONSIN • PAGE 6 PARISH INFORMATION M ASS I NTENTIONS WEDDING BANNS SATURDAY, APRIL 26 1:00 PM Wedding of Mitchell Metoxen & Ashley Young 4:00 PM 2014 Junior Class III Kris Gutknecht & Jody Paltzer Mass Intentions, Sanctuary Candles & Wine & Host Scheduling We are scheduling Masses, Sanctuary Candles & Host & Wine through December 2014 at this time. You may call or stop by or call the parish office to book a date. 920-788-1492 Parish Information Center Baptisms: Please make preparations 60 days in advance. Marriages: We ask couples to begin arrangements 6 months in advance. New Members Welcome: Please call the Parish Office for an appointment to register. 788-1492 Prayer Chain: For prayers or special intentions call the St. Nicholas Prayer Chain; Donna Hildebrand (733-4602) or Cindy Pynenberg (832-0322) Requested Stipends Baptism - $10 Funeral - $50 Marriage - $75 C HURCH C ALENDAR Parish Events and Meetings Sun. April 27 6:00 pm Mission Trip Meeting Mon. April 28 5:30 pm 6:30 pm Building & Grounds Mtg. Baptism Class Tues. April 29 1:30 pm Prayer Shawl Meeting Wed. April 30 - Faith Formation 6:15-8:15pm Grades 9 - 10 - Retreat Thurs. May 1 - 1st Eucharist Practice Children scheduled for: 4:00 pm Mass - Practice from 6:00 - 6:30 pm 8:30 am Mass - Practice from 6:30 - 7:00 pm 10:30 am Mass - Practice from 7:00 - 7:30 pm Thurs. May 1 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Stewardship Meeting Glory Choir Practice Fri. May 2 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9-10am Sat. May 3 & 1st Communion Weekend Sun. May 4 Celebrated at all Masses SUNDAY, APRIL 27 8:30 AM † Bill VanHandel & Deceased Family Members 10:30 AM St. Nicholas Parishioners MONDAY, APRIL 28 NO MASS TUESDAY, APRIL 29 5:45 PM † Bill & Dorothy Gonnering - St. Nicholas 6:00 PM Mass at St. Mary - Greenville WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30 8:15 AM † Deceased Family Members of Dolores Diedrick - St. Nicholas 8:15 AM Mass at St. Mary - Greenville THURSDAY, MAY 1 8:15 AM † Mark DeCoster - St. Nicholas 8:15 AM Mass at St. Edward - Mackville FRIDAY, MAY 2 8:15 AM † Joan Bowers - St. Nicholas 8:15 AM Mass at St. Edward - Mackville SATURDAY, MAY 3 1:00 PM Wedding of Kris Gutknecht & Jody Paltzer 4:00 PM St. Nicholas Parishioners SUNDAY, MAY 4 8:30 AM † Randy & Mary Gonnering 10:30 AM † Bill & Grace Daul † Denotes deceased person(s) *Changes may occur with the presider schedule. Please check the website for the most up to date schedule.* In Memory of… April 20th - May 3rd the Sanctuary Candle burns in memory of…Andy, Agnes & Jim Weyers ~~~ April 20th - May 3rd the Hosts & Wine are in memory of…Mike Lowney S T . M ARY —G REENVILLE & ST. EDWARD—MACKVILLE WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE & CONFESSIONS St. Edward (Mackville) Mass Times: Saturday 5:30 pm & Sunday 9:00 am No Confessions held at St. Edward (Mackville) St. Mary (Greenville) Mass Times: Sat. 4:00 pm & Sun. 7:30 am & 10:45 am Confessions: Tuesday 4:30 - 5:45 pm Saturday 2:30 - 3:45 pm
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