Home Sailjp Sfruftnel PART TWO ROME, N. Y. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1963 '_ PAGE 15 . . . here's your opportunity to'start Christmas shopping in November and pay nothing till February of next year with our s p e c i a l . . . CHRISTMAS CONVENIENCE ACCOUNT Buy Your Gifts Now Yes Sir or Madam or Miss, You can shop at leisure! You can shop while assortments are complete! SWAMPED AT FEEDING TIME — Marty Reed of Garland, Tex., just doesn't have enough hands when it comes feeding time for five lively pet squirrels. But Marty doesn't mind. He feeds them from doll bottles as they climb all over him. He wouldn't swap them for anything. He found the little squirrels in their nest in a tree. The mother squirrel had been shot. (AP Wirephoto) Honor Roll Announced A t School WESTMORELAND The Phyllis Kerber, Jean Law, Gary Beckwith, Terry Bogacz, honor roll for the first 10-week Julie McCoy, James McDonald, James Castle, Penny Catchpole, period_atWestmoTieland Central Patricia Miller, Keith Ohmart, Linda Crane, Susan Duprey, Pat School was^wfflounced today. It Edward Paragi, Cynthia Payne, Dykstra, Linda Elliott, D i a n e includes: Anson Proseus, Linda Redmond, Fedor, Frances Garrigan, Diane Senior, Hallpck, Seniors - Carl Abbe, Thomas Karla Schultz, Walter Sheila Hartman, Swanson, L y n n Diana Jones, Diana Kitchen, Barrett, Donna Bickford, Bev- Deanna erly Campbell, Robert Cesari, Sweeting, Patricia Szczygiel, Kathy Koza, Deanna L a m b , Mark Christman, Judy Cong- Sheila Tycznski, Roger Walker. Pamela Marggi, Gregory Mcdon, Beatrice Cosentino, Joyce Sophomores- Rhonda Ander- Coy. Czyscon, Stuart Dowsland, son, Patricia Brood, Barbara Richard Nelson, Clifford OhDavid Eychner, Dawn H u n t , Bushart, Helen Calogero, Billie mart, Charlotte O'Neil, Robert Carol Kick, Sandy Macior, Gary Cosentino, Barbara Eccles- Ossont, Joseph Pawlak, Karen Masner, Bonita McDonald, ton, Patricia Elliott, Phyllis Rieben, Claire Schilling, PatriSharon McGregor, Ann Meskan, LaLonde, Robert Lecher, Ellen cia Seymour, Linda Smales, Linda Mayer, John Munn, Wil- Light, Sheila McGinnis, Linda Truett Sweeting, Barbara liam Norman. Macior, Barbara Maitland, Ro- Tycznski, Barbara Wardwell, Gladys Orzolek, Jay Peterson, bert Paragi, Susan Parker, James Watson, Debbie Welch, Kenneth Pritchard, Suzanne Becky Plehn, Karen Saxe, Lor- Kenneth W e s t . / Rauscher, Thomas Redmond, raine Siegfried, Becky SweetLinda Reese, Joann Sayers, ing, Patricia Watson, Sharon Grade 7- Judy Acee, Patricia BatsoivKathy Bauer, Catherine Karl Scrider, Carol Seymour, Zakris. Beckwith, Douglas Cope, BradJoyce Smith, Lesley Sutherland, Other Grades Brenda Wilbanks, Raymond Freshmen- Mary Ann Acee, ley Corr, Walter Cosentino, Lois Loomis. Kathy Bishop, Victor Bruni, Crane, Cynthia DeLong, Alex Juniors- Janet Acee, K e i t h Lynda Comstock, Donald Crura Droban, SharorTEgnaczyk, TheFedor, Terry Fisher, Balch, Ruth Benson, T e r r y Helen Droban, Linda Hubal, resa Brewer, Joseph Calogero, Phyl- Joelle Karczewski, Diana Kitch- Christine Gadz, Avanna Goldlis Clarkin, Bruce Coyne, Wil- en, Anita Lomanto, G a i l en, Gretchen Hooks, Norma liam DeLong, Christine Du- Masner, Betty McDonald, Kathy Hunt, Linda Johnston, Donald Lecher, prey, Elaine Fedor, Mary Fed- Mowers, Carol Ohmart, Fred Krynitszke, Douglas or, Bridget Gilleece, Darlene Pal, Steve Peterson, Susan Reb- James Lenahan, Diane Lowe, Donna Gohringer, Robert Hazard, Geof- er, Sheila Rowan, Linda Schnei- Debra MacDougall, Masner. frey Hooks, Sally Hooper, Joan ble, Debbie Stamick. Kelly. Grade 8- Barbara Bachman, Justina Micelli, Donna Miller, Gregory Namey, James Nelson, Beth Parmon, Ted Pawlak, Steve Payne, Mike Proseus, Leslie Raczynski, Donna Rauscher, Nancy Reber, Andrea Redmond, Debra Rieben, Patricia Roth, Mary Jo SchneiBle, Marie Smith, Steve Stack, Patricia Trinkaus, Sherry Tulloch, Deborah Waite, Pamela W h i t e , John Zielinski, Mary Gilleece. Asks Tax Break For Aged Persons FREE Mobil "Fuel-Oil-Saver Analysis" CAN SAVEYOU£38% ON HEAT COSTS •'•ff* Our Free "Fuel-Oil-Sa ver Analysis"can be made on your furnace in 20 minutes without taking anything apart. Watch while one of our Fuel-Oil-Saver Experts makes scientific tests for heat waste in each of these three danger zones: 1. Heat needlessly escaping up the chimney J. Unburned fuel going up in smoke >. Faulty draft that works your furnace overtime — — • m m ' un PUEL-OIL-SAVER ANALYSIS KIT This is the kit we use to make those 3 vital tests on your oil heating system which can tell you the -"' adjustments that should be made to cut costs up to 38% per year. ?%«*_ TIA* OUT THIS * p^(MgH) MobllhMt • 24 Hour Burner Service • Expert Technicians j Nolan-Hayes Fuels Inc • • • • • i Erie Blvd. East at Barge Canal PHONE FF 6 • 5300 ALBANY, N. Y. (AP) -Aging property-owners with small incomes would receive a 50 per cent cut in their school taxes under the terms of a program proposed by the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. Elisha T. Barrett, Suffolk County Republican, described his, plan in a bill filed Tuesday for action by the 1964 Legislature. Under Barrett'i bill, local governments could grant the tax relief if voten approved it in a referendum. The bill would permit a 50 per cent reduction in the assessed valuation of homes owned by persons over 65 with a combined annual income of $2,400 or less. The cut would apply only to school taxes. Luncheon Menu Listed For W S The Vernon-Verona-Sherrill school lunch menu has been announced for next week. The menu, which is subject to change, includes: Monday, baked ham, scalloped potatoes, buttered whole kernel corn, bread and butter, fruit and milk. Tuesday, goulash, chef salad, bread and butter, pudding, milk; Wednesday, hamburg on bun, potato chips, buttered beets, fruited dessert, milk; Thursday, hot chicken sandwich with gravy, buttered peas, cake, milk; Friday, pizza with cheese and sauce, buttered green beans, applftauce, ice cream and milk. No Down Payment. You can shop and charge all during the months of November and December and Take Up to make no payment (unless you wish to), until 6 Months to Pay. February 10th, 1964. Payments Start Just sign the coupon below and mail to February, 1964. Goldberg's Credit Office or stop in and say, "I would like a CHRISTMAS CONVENFinal Payment IENCE ACCOUNT. S y s t e m a t i c weekly Will Not Be Due or monthly payments will be arranged with Until the first payment starting February, 1964. July, 1964. This CHRISTMAS CONVENIENCE A C (NO SERVICE CHARGE) a CHARGE A C C O U N T — this account is > S6l6Ct lOUr QUdlltV gifts from Rome's y° u r s * o r t n e asking. If you don't have an account at GOLDBERG'S, just stop in or mail the coupon. Complete Family I Woutd Like a Store. GOLDBERG CHRISTMAS CONVENIENCE ACCOUNT Name (please print) Address Be sure to mail the Coupon today I Do • I D o Not • Have An Account atJ3oldberg*s Now Place of Employment • so your account may be set up and ready for your Christmas shopping. Untitled Document y COUNT is available t o all. If you now have Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Store References _. i
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